Posted by: Zonk, on 2005-10-10 10:32:00

   An anonymous reader writes "A story at the Boston Globe [1]covers
   extensive privacy abuses involving RFID." From the article: "Why is
   this so scary? Because so many of us pay for our purchases with credit
   or debit cards, which contain our names, addresses, and other
   sensitive information. Now imagine a store with RFID chips embedded in
   every product. At checkout time, the digital code in each item is
   associated with our credit card data. From now on, that particular
   pair of shoes or carton of cigarettes is associated with you. Even if
   you throw them away, the RFID chips will survive. Indeed, Albrecht and
   McIntyre learned that the phone company BellSouth Corp. had applied
   for a patent on a system for scanning RFID tags in trash, and using
   the data to study the shopping patterns of individual consumers." I
   think they may be going a little overboard with their stance, but it's
   always interesting to talk about.



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