Business Alliance

2005-05-19 Thread anthony . b
Perhaps you already know, we help companies "Go Public." The President of our 
company is a securities 
and corporate lawyer.

Please visit our site to receive information regarding how any company can go 
public. We have several 
research reports available on this subject.

If you are aware of a company that may be suitable for this please let us know. 
We are happy for you to be 
amply rewarded for your assistance.

The Benefits of being a public company are many. It is a valuable and powerful 
tool in achieving your goals

We look forward to developing a long-term business relationship with you.


S. Anthony

We also have newsletters for you.
P.S. If you prefer to not hear from us any more, email us with no longer in the 

8721 Santa Monica Blvd. No. 359 Los Angeles, California 90069

Business Alliance

2005-04-27 Thread Shaun Anthony
I hope this finds you well, as you may already know, we specialize in assisting 
companies in Going Public. We also assist with Private Placement preparation. 
The President of our company is a very experienced securities and corporate law 

Many people are not aware that any company can go public. Please visit our site 
to receive our Advantages of Going Public Report and our Go Public Report.

We would like to propose a joint venture with you. If you or an associate of 
yours is interested in taking a company public, please let us know. We are 
happy for you to be very generously compensated for any referrals.

I wish I could convey, all the many benefits of going public in a letter.  I’m 
not sure if you can imagine how valuable and powerful a public company can be 
in achieving your goals and objectives.

We look forward to developing a long-term business relationship with you.


S. Anthony

We also have newsletters for you.
P.S. If you prefer to not hear from us any more, email us with no longer in the 
8721 Santa Monica Blvd. #359 LA, California 90069