Business Partnership Solicitation

2005-01-23 Thread Mr.Azizz Jafar.
This letter may come to you as a surprise due to the fact that we have not yet 
met.  I have to say that I have no intentions of causing you any pains so i 
decided to contact you through this medium .As you  read this, I don't want you 
to feel sorry for
me, because, I believe everyone  will die someday.

My name is  AZIZZ JAFAR, a merchant in Dubai, in the U.A.E. I  have been 
diagnosed with prostate and  esophageal Cancer that was discovered  very late  
due to my laxity in caring for my health. It has  defiled  all form of medicine 
and right now, I have
only about a few months to live  according to medical  experts.I have not 
particularly lived my life so well, as I never really  cared for  anyone not 
even myself but
my business. Though I am very rich, I was never  generous, I was always hostile 
to people and only focus on my  business as that  was the only thing I
cared for. But now I regret all this as I now know  that  there is more to life 
than just wanting to   have or make all the money in the world. I believe when 
God gives me a second chance to come to this world I  would live my life a 
different way from
how I have lived it. Now that I know my  time is near, I have willed and given 
most of my properties and assets to my immediate and extended family members
and as well as a few close friends and Schools in the UAE. I have decided to 
give alms to charity organizations, as I want this to be one  of the last good 
deeds I do on earth. So far, I have distributed money to some  charity 
organizations in the U.A.E,
London and Ireland. Now that my health has deteriorated so badly, I cannot do 
this my self any more. I once asked members  of my family to close one of my 
and donate the money, which I have  there to charity organization in Bulgaria, 
they refused and kept the money to  themselves. Hence, I do not trust them
anymore, as they seem not to be contended with what I have left for them. The 
last of my money which is the  huge cash deposit that I have with Financial 
Firm Abroad .I will want you to help me collect this deposit and dispatched it 
to charity organizations
and let  them know that it is I AZIZZ JAFAR  that is making this generous 
I am writing this from my laptop computer in my hospital bed where I wait for 
my  time to come. I pray that God  uses you to support and assist me with good 

God be with you.

NB: I will appreciate your utmost confidentiality in this matter until the task 
is accomplished as I dont want anything that will Jeopadize my last wish. and 
Also I
will be contacting with you by email as I dont want anybody to know cos they 
are always around me. Do endavour to send your phone as well as your fax
for easy communication.



2003-11-16 Thread COL AHMED SALEM.
 Good day,
 It may surprise you to receive this e-mail from me,
 especially when we haven't had any previous dealings.
 However I contacted you through this means because I
 received encouraging information about you. Secondly,
 I am using this means so that my personality can be
 sheilded until I am sure of your willingness to assist
 me in achieving the purposes of this business which
 will be of a high benefit to you and to my family. I
 am Lieutenant Colonel Salem Ahmed Military Commander
 of POLISARIO(Political Front for the Liberation of
 Western Sahara) and a member of council of the
 National Secretariat of Western Sahara(Saharawi
 Democratic Republic). Prior to my promotion to this
 rank/command, I was the second in command to the
 former military Commander General Sahid Adbelahib. He
 was however killed in battle in early January.
 The struggle for the liberation of the Saharawi people
 from the strong grip of Morocco and it's despotic
 government, haszaenjoyed funding from private,
 religious and corporate organizations around the
 world, people and organizations recognizes our
 struggle. These organizations are the ones who
 assist/aid POLISARIO with funds and materials in
 execution of this war with Morocco. Before the death
 of my former Military commander(General Adbelahib), we
 were given some funds(US$38,000,000.00) by an
 international solid mineral multi-national company
 donor to procure ammunitions for POLISARIO. My boss
 moved and deposited these funds with a private
 security/finance company in Europe. In my bid to audit
 our quarterly accounts I realized that the records of
 the $38Million was not reflected in the books. As I
 continued my private investigation I unclosed the
 source of these funds. I found out that it was my boss
 who delete every record of this larges from the
 accounting books because his intentions is to keep
 this particular funds for himself. I called him to a
 meeting(two of us) over this issue - that was in March
 last year. He told me at the meeting that the funds as
 part of the donations POLISARIO(Political Front for
 the Liberation of Western Sahara) get year in and year
 out is to be kept for his use and the future of his
 family since the future of the survival of the
 struggle is uncertain. I saw his reasons and readily
 agreed with him because he promised me a good fraction
 of the money there and then, especially when I know
 that the money will never have a record trace ever.
 However, as fate may have it General Adbelahib died at
 the wafront and I became the military commander in
 Feburary 2nd. And in addition to that the only only
 person on earth who has previlege of knowing the
 information of this cash deposit. I have all the
 relevant documents pertaining to this deposit. I now
 want to claim this funds knowing fully well that I
 have all the relating documents needed to claim these
 funds. These documents are the Certificate of Deposit
 with which the Cash was deposited, and also the
 Deposit Agreement. I therefore want you to
 team/partner with me to collect the funds in Europe as
 I require a foreigner to perfect this operation. Let
 me know your terms. I will provide all the necessary
 documents in my disposal to lay to claim these funds -
 which as the requirement agreed-up with the
 security/finance company. The issue is this: I will
 transfer legal ownership of these funds to you so that
 you can then be the new beneficiary of the funds that
 way my link with the funds terminated for a smooth
 movement of the funds to you.
 There are no risks involved in this business because I
 remain here and hold all machineries involved in this
 business. I should also clearly state here that as
 long as you keep this business confidential there is
 no means whereby risk can be imported to it. This is
 because someone elses knowledge remain the only thing
 that can import any risk to this deal. This is a
 simple and straight forward business, but must be kept
 highly confidential so that we can record success in
 it within the next 10 working days. Upon the receipt
 of a positive response from you, I will give you
 further details; outlining the method of operation
 which has been mastered to pull this transaction
 through soonest.
 Therefore, if you are interested, please do reach me
 via e-mail, while I perfect a better communication
 means for this project. Let me reiterate it again, I
 will want everything about this transaction to be
 treated in strictest confidence even if you are not
 I await your response.
 Col. Salem Ahmed.
 Military Commander,
 Western Sahara


2003-10-29 Thread Lawrence Kunde
Mr.Lawrence Kunde
Dear Sir,
I am interested in your partnership in business dealing. This business
proposal I wish to intimate you with is of mutual benefit and it's success
is entirely based on mutual trust, cooperation and a high level of
confidentiality as regard this transaction. I am representing the board of
the contract award and monitoring committe of the Zambian Ministry of Mining 
and Resources. I am seeking your assistance to enable me transfer the sum of 
US$30,500,000.00 (Thirty Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States
Dollars) into your private/company account. The fund came about as a result
of a contract awarded and executed for and on behalf of my Ministry. The
contract was supposed to be awarded to two foreign contractors to the tune
of US$180,000,000.00 (One hundred and Eighty Million United States Dollars). 
But in the course of negotiation, the contract was awarded to a Bulgarian
contractor at the cost of US$149,500,000.00 (One hundred and Forty-nine
Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) to my benefit unknown
to the contractor. This contract has been satisfactorily executed and
inspected as the Bulgarian firm is presently securing payment from my
Ministry, where our Board is in-charge of all foreign contract payment
approval. As a civil servant still in active government service, I am
forbidden by law to operate an account outside the shores of Zambia. Hence
this message to you seeking your assistance so as to enable me present your
private/company account details as a beneficiary of contractual claims
alongside that of the Bulgarian contractor, to enable me transfer the
difference of US$30,500,000.00 (Thirty Million, Five Hundred Thousand United 
States Dollars) into your provided account. On actualisation, the fund will
be disbursed as stated below.  20% of the fund will be for you as
beneficiary 80% of the fund will be for Us. All logistics are in place
and all modalities worked out for a smooth actualisation of the transaction
within the next few working days of commencement. For further details as to
the work ability of this transaction, please reach me as soon as possible
for further clarification. Please, call me on receipt of this mail on
0031-627-105-921.or you can also reach me with this email address below:
Thank you and God bless as I await your urgent response.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr.Lawrence Kunde  


2003-09-18 Thread Edward Matongo
: Edward Matongo
  Te l: +34 676 928 150.



 Dear Sir,
  Good Day,With warm heart I offer my friendship, and my greetings, and I hope this 
letter meets you in good time. It will be surprising  to you to receive this proposal 
from me since you do not know me personally. However, I am sincerely seeking your 
confidence in this transaction, which I propose with my free mind and as a person of 

 My name is Edward Matongo, the son of Phiri Matongo, a
farmer from Zimbabwe, murdered in the land dispute in
my country. As led by my instinct, I decided to contact you through email, after 
searching  for
contacts via the Internet, as it is the only means I
can contact anybody since I am cutting off ties with Zimbabwe for now. I apologise if 
this is not acceptable to you. 

 The purpose of this letter is to seek your most needed
assistance in a business venture. Due to the land and
political problems in Zimbabwe, as a result of
President Robert Mugabe's introduction of new Land Act
Reform wholly affecting the rich white farmers and the
few rich black farmers, and his desire to hold on to
power for life, my father foresaw the danger that came
in Zimbabwe. Before he was murdered, he withdrew all
of our business foreign accounts in dollars and sold
up our shares in major companies. We then went to
Johannesburg, South Africa to deposit the sum of
US$35.5 million (Thirty Five million, Five Hundred thousand US dollars), in a private 
security company. 

 This money was deposited with this Private Security company for safety and security 
reasons, and  was to be used for the purchase of land, new machines and chemicals 
establishment of new farms in Botswana.  

 President Mugabe's support for the violent Zimbabwean
war veterans and some lunatics in the society, led to
the murder of my beloved father and other innocent
lives. I was continually threatened to abandon my
inheritance from my father after he was murdered. 

 I resisted for a while, but when the danger became
unbearable, and I survived two murder attempts, I fled

 I am currently staying in Spain where I am seeking
political asylum. In fact my decision to come here to
seek asylum, is because the security company from
South Africa, has a branch here, I have contacted to
move the safe deposit from their office in
Johannesburg here, which they have since done. 

 I need to transfer this money to  an account and invest part of the money. Since the 
law of the Kingdom
of Spain prohibits a refugee (asylum seeker) to open
any bank account or to be involved in any financial
transaction, this is why  I am seeking a genuine and
reliable partner, whose account this money can be
transferred, hence this proposal to you.

 You have to understand that this decision taken by me
is a very big one, and it entrusts my future in your
hands, as a result of the safe keeping of this money. 

 If you accept to assist me, all I want you to do for
me, is to assist with arrangements to claim the
deposit from the security company from their office
here in Spain, as it has now been transfered from
Johannesburg, South Africa to their branch here in
Spain. The company will be legally informed of you
representing me.

 For your assistance, I have two options for you.
Firstly you can choose to have 10% of the money for
your assistance, and helping me open an account for
the money to be deposited here, or you can go into
partnership with me for the proper profitable
investment of the money in your country. Whichever the
option you want, please notify me in your reply. 

 I have also set aside 1% of this money for all kinds
of expenses that come our way in the process of this
transaction, and 4% for Charity donation. If you prefer to accept the 10% for 
assisting with opening an
account, then 85% will be left in the account here for me. 

 Please, I want you to maintain the absolute secrecy
for the purpose of this transaction. Also note that
the transaction is 100% Risk free.

 I look forward to your reply and co-operation, and I
thank you in advance as I anticipate your cooperation.

 Edward Matongo.

676 928 150.

Business Partnership

2003-09-02 Thread momoh



After due deliberation with my colleagues, I decided to forward to you this
proposal. We want a reliable person who could assist us to transfer the sum
of US$40.5M (forty Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars) only into his

This fund resulted from an over-invoiced bill from a contract awarded by us
under the budget, allocated to my ministry and the bill was approved for
payment by the concerned ministries. The contract has been executed.
Commissioned, the contractor has been paid his actual cost for the
contract. We are now left with the balance of US$40.5M as the over-invoiced
amount, which we have deliberately over estimated for our own use.

But under our protocol division, civil servants are forbidden to operate or
own a foreign account. This is why I contacted you for assistance. We have
agreed that you will be entitled for 30% of the total sum, 60% for us while
10% for any expenses incurred while transacting the business and whatever
left from the 10% will be shared equally.

As you may rightly want to know I got your address from our Chambers of
Commerce and Industry. I am a top official with the Ministry of Petroleum
Resources (MPR). We the officials involved in the deal have put in many
years of services to our ministries. We have been exercising patience for
this opportunity for so long and to most of us, this is a lifetime
opportunity we cannot afford to miss. This transaction is very much free
from all sorts of risks.

 To enable us get this fund paid into your account, we have to present an
international business outfit and consequent upon your agreement, we will
fax to you the information you will transcribe into your invoice and send
back to us. As soon as the funds are remitted into your nominated account,
three officials will visit you to arrange for our share. All these will
only take us 10 working days to transfer this fund into your account right
from the day we receive the requirements.

 NOTE: Your discussion regarding to this transaction should be limited,
because we are still in Government service. Let honesty and trust be our
watchwords throughout this transaction. And pleas kindly reply through my
private email address [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Best regards.

Johnson Momoh

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2003-04-01 Thread MRS. MARYAM ABACHA



I am Hajia Maryam Abacha, widow of the Late Gen. Sani Abacha former Nigerian Military 
Head of State who died as a result of cardiac arrest.  The name of your company 
appeared in one of our directories as one of the companies my late husband wanted to 
do business with before he died.

I therefore decided to contact you in confidence so that I can be able to move out the 
sum of  US$35,760,000.00 (Thirty Five Million Seven Hundred and Sixty Thousand U.S 
Dollars) which was secretly defaced and sealed in big metal box with a  security 
company owned by a Briton in Europe. 

 I personally therefore appeal to you for your urgent assistance to move this money 
into your country where I believe it will be safe since I cannot leave the country due 
to the restriction of movement imposed on me and members of my family by the Nigerian 

You can contact me through my personal E-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  or my family 
lawyer on the following E-mail address [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Upon the receipt of your 
acceptance to assist me, my lawyer shall arrange with you for a face to face meeting 
outside Nigeria in order to liaise with you towards the effective completion of this 

However, all arrangement has been put in place and this money has been moved out of 
Nigeria in batches in a secret vault through a diplomatic security company to Europe.  
I also want you to be assured that all necessary arrangement for a hitch-free 
transaction has been concluded.

Conclusively, I have decided to offer you 25% of the total sum, 5% will be for 
whatever expenses that will 
Be incurred, while 70% is to be used in buying share in your company subsequent to our 
movement by the Nigerian government.

Please reply urgently and treat with absolute confidentiality and sincerity.

Best regards.



2003-02-27 Thread cpunks_anon
 I am , Dr Bello Abba,manager of bills/exchange at the foreign remittance department 
of STANDARD TRUST BANK BENIN REPUBLIC,I have decided to contact you through this 
medium based on a business proposal which will be of mutual benefit to both of us if 
treated with trust and confidentiality. 
However,be informed that I discovered  your person/company through your country's 
trade and enquiry unit here in BENIN REPUBLIC  .During an usual Bank auditing,we 
discovered an abandoned  sum of US$15,000,000.000(FIFTEEN MILLION UNITED STATES 
DOLLARS)in an account that belongs to one of our foreign custormers who died in a 
plane crash.Since we got information about his death,we have been expecting his next 
of kin to come over and claim the money 
because we can not release it unless some body apply for it as his next of kin or 
relation as indicted in our banking guidelines.
Unfortunately,no body has turned up to cliam this money.
 It is based on this that I and some other top officials in my department decided to 
l ish a cordial businees relationship with you hence my contacting you.We want you to 
present yourself as t
he next of kin or relation of the deceased so that we can release the money and 
transfer it into your nominatd oversea account for safety and subsequent disbursement 
since no body is willing to come for it. 
 If the money is not claimmed in the nearest future then it willdefinitely go into the 
Government account as unclaimmed bill and this is what we are trying to avoild,the 
banking law and guidelines here stipulates 
that any account abandoned or domant for a long period of time will be deemedclosed 
and all money contained therein will be forfeited into  the government treasury 
account,now it is been speculated that 
the above money will be transferred into the government account as an unclaimed sum on 
or before APRIL 2003.
I do solicit for your collabration in this business to present yourself as the nest of 
kin and this is accasioned because of the fact that the deceased 
was a foreigner.We have agreed to give you 30% of the total money for your 
assistance,10% has already been mapped out to defray all cost incurred by both parties 
in thecourse of this transaction and 60% will be for me and my colleagues. 
If this proposal matches with your inward intentions for success and greatness then 
you are urged to make a quick response indicating your readiness and interest to 
participate in the business.
 Note that this transaction is 100% risk free as we will make sure that we do every 
thing in accordance with the BENIN REPUBLIC  capital control 
unit hence all modalities for safe business has been put in place.Please treat this 
proposal as strickly confidential for our mutual long term benefit.I hopeto hear from 
you soon. Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.
Yours Faithfully, 
Dr Bello Abba 
NB;Note that this letter did not come to you by error. 

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2003-02-11 Thread cpunks_anon


I am DR.DANLADI SULEIMAN  Director General,Federal Ministry of Agriculture. My 
position is very sensitive.I am married with children and hold degrees in 
PublicAdministration  and Business Studies. I am due for retirement any moment from 
now, after many years in service.


I require urgently your unreserved assistance in allowing me to use your 
company/position  to transfer fund  to your country. The purpose of transfer is to 
take care of my retirement by investing in a viable business you might deem fit advise 
and to purchase a residential accommodation.


Since the inception of the present government, series of contracts have been awarded 
by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture based on supplies (Heavy Equipment to various 
Local Government Areas.) amounting to several Millions of U. S. Dollars.The  sum of  
Seven Million Two Hundred Thousand ($7.2 Million) was over invoiced and the 
contractors who made the supply have since been paid. Presently, I have arrange for 
the money to be kept in Coded Bank Account with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) 
until I am able to source for a reliable expatriate partners whom I can present as the 
rightful beneficiary of the fund.You will take the status of the contractor who 
supplied the Equipment  and I will arrange the supporting documents for the Transfer.


 25% will go to you for making available to us a company infomation,giving me your 
unreserved assistance and keeping strictly the rules of this transaction until 
of the fund is effected. 5% is for any contingencies and all miscellaneous expenses 
incurred during the course ofthe transaction, procurement of vital documents, tipsand 
all expenses including phone/fax bills, hotelbills, taxes and bank charges must be 
reconciled upon confirmation of the payment by Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) 70% will 
be shared between me and a few colleagues of mine whose help will be highly needed 
throughout this period in question.


 Everything about this transaction is real. The money is clean, after putting in so 
many years in service it is only normal for me to take good measures to secure my 
period in retirement. I have put in resources and time to bring this transaction to 
this level which means that it represents a lot to me, and hopefully with help from 
you, in just a matter of weeks, it shall come to mean a lot to you too as we meet in 
your country to celebrate the closing of the deal. If you are interested in this 
transaction, please contact me through my e-mail :[EMAIL PROTECTED] ,and 
also furnish me with your direct phone, fax and e-mail lines both at your residence 
and your office for me to contact you. 

Thanking you for your kind understanding and co-operation. 

Yours sincerely, 



2002-09-12 Thread cpunks_anon

My Dear

First, it is in good faith that I open up to you and
solicit your strictest confidence in this transaction.
This is by nature of the transaction as being utterly
confidential and top secret.

I am the chairman of the Tenders Board of the
Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC). My
office is solely responsible for the award of all
contracts in INEC. 

I came to know of you in my private search for a
reliable foreign partner with whom to handle a very
confidential business involving the transfer from
Nigeria into a safe foreign account of a fairly large
amount totaling US$30 million. 

This fund is not connected with arms, drug or money
laundering. It is a product of a contract which my
office awarded to a foreign contractor in February
2001. Prior to the award of the contract, the
contractor had secretly met me and agreed to give me
10%($30 million) of the total contract amount in order
to award the contract to him.

The contract has since been completed and the
contractor has been duly paid off by the management of
my ministry,thus leaving the $30million in a dormant
account of a commercial bank. It is based on this that
I am specifically contacting you and seeking your
assistance to have this fund transferred into your
account because as a government worker, I don’t have
all the necessary mechinaries to sucessfully acquire
this fund in my name.

Meanwhile,in order to ensure that this amount is
sucessfully paid into your account without any
suspicion, I have developed a fool proof, legal and
100% risk free scheme through which the fund can be
transferred to your account within a very short period
of 14 working days if you follow strictly my
instructions. The scheme is to use my office and
position in INEC to present you as one of the
contractors whose contract payment has been over due
for payment by my office. 

So my dear, if you are interested in this business you
are advised to kindly and urgently send to me the
(1) Name and address of your company (if any)
(2) Your full names and addresses
(3) Your private Tel/Fax numbers.
This information will enable me to create and open a
new contract file in your names and which I will
backdate to 2001. After i created the new file in your
name, i will then write a memo to the management of my
company to approve your file for immediate payment
since your payment has been outstanding since 2001.
To compensate you for your assistance and by providing
the account, I will give you 25% (7.5million) of the
total sum while 5% (1.5million) will be for the
expected over head cost and government taxes,while 70%
will be reserved for me. If you are interested, please
indicate so via a reply mail.

My regards,while thanking you for your urgent reply.

Mr Marck Peters

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