Re: Id Cards 'Will Protect Youngsters from Paedophiles'

2004-04-28 Thread sunder
Rgggh!  And posting your full name, address, phone number, date of 
birth, social security number, the account and expiration dates of all your 
credit cards + the 3 digit extra code on their backs, ATM card account # 
and the PIN, plus, several samples of your signature (optional) in JPEG 
format, and the code to your alarm system on your web page will prevent 
identity theft.

So, whaddayasay?  It's a fine bridge, lightly used, as you can see, it's 
got a lotta traffic between Manhattan and Brooklyn, I could sell it to you 
real cheap, 'cause you look like a nice guy and all, you know, you could 
make a fortune, setup a toll booth and all that.

R. A. Hettinga wrote:
Horseman #1, Terrorists: Check.
Horseman #2, Pedophiles: Check.
Tue 27 Apr 2004

2:47am (UK)
Id Cards 'Will Protect Youngsters from Paedophiles'
By James Lyons, Political Correspondent, PA News
 Identity cards will help keep youngsters safe from perverts, Education
Secretary Charles Clarke claimed today.

Re: Id Cards 'Will Protect Youngsters from Paedophiles'

2004-04-28 Thread sunder
Rgggh!  And posting your full name, address, phone number, date of 
birth, social security number, the account and expiration dates of all your 
credit cards + the 3 digit extra code on their backs, ATM card account # 
and the PIN, plus, several samples of your signature (optional) in JPEG 
format, and the code to your alarm system on your web page will prevent 
identity theft.

So, whaddayasay?  It's a fine bridge, lightly used, as you can see, it's 
got a lotta traffic between Manhattan and Brooklyn, I could sell it to you 
real cheap, 'cause you look like a nice guy and all, you know, you could 
make a fortune, setup a toll booth and all that.

R. A. Hettinga wrote:
Horseman #1, Terrorists: Check.
Horseman #2, Pedophiles: Check.
Tue 27 Apr 2004

2:47am (UK)
Id Cards 'Will Protect Youngsters from Paedophiles'
By James Lyons, Political Correspondent, PA News
 Identity cards will help keep youngsters safe from perverts, Education
Secretary Charles Clarke claimed today.

Id Cards 'Will Protect Youngsters from Paedophiles'

2004-04-27 Thread R. A. Hettinga
Horseman #1, Terrorists: Check.
Horseman #2, Pedophiles: Check.


Tue 27 Apr 2004

2:47am (UK)
Id Cards 'Will Protect Youngsters from Paedophiles'

By James Lyons, Political Correspondent, PA News

 Identity cards will help keep youngsters safe from perverts, Education
Secretary Charles Clarke claimed today.

 Cards containing personal information like fingerprints would make it more
difficult to side-step checks, said Mr Clarke.

 That was just one of the benefits of the controversial scheme, outlined
yesterday, he was telling a Commons select committee.

 The controversial move could also save money and stamp out fraud, his
evidence to the Home Affairs committee shows.

 In a written submission released ahead of this afternoon's hearing, Mr
Clarke wholeheartedly backs the scheme.

 I am very much in favour of identity cards not only because of the broad
benefits to the UK such as tackling illegal working, preventing identity
fraud and theft but because of the significant benefits that I believe that
ID cards would bring the work of my department and its agencies, he said.

 Mr Clarke's appearance before the committee comes after Cabinet colleague
David Blunkett produced draft proposals yesterday.

 People who refuse to register will not be jailed but face a fine of up to
£2,500 under the Home Secretary's plans.

 Mr Blunkett said did not want to give opponents the opportunity to become

 The draft Identity Cards Bill allows the creation of a National Identity
Register of up to 60 million UK residents.

 This will be linked to biometric cards carrying features including
facial recognition, iris images and fingerprints.

 This biometric technology will be incorporated into existing
identification documents, such as passports and driving licences.

 The first documents with facial recognition are due in 2005, and
fingerprint details are expected to be added from 2007.

 People who do not need passports or driving licences will be able to apply
for a plain ID card.

 Funding the introduction of the scheme will come from hikes in the cost of
passports and driving licences.

 A combined passport/ID card will cost an estimated £77, a combined driving
licence/ID card £73 and a plain card around £35. There will be
concessions for the elderly and poor, with all 16-year-olds issued with
their first card free of charge.

 Initially, the cards will be voluntary but they are expected to be made
compulsory around 2013, by which time 80% of adults should already be
carrying biometric ID.

 Any switch to a universal card would by made by an Order, subject to the
approval of both Houses of Parliament, but new primary legislation would
not be required.

 New criminal offences for the possession of false identity documents will
be created, with a maximum sentence of 10 years jail.

 If they are made compulsory, cards will have to be produced to access a
range of public services, including non-emergency treatment on the NHS and

Latest News:

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Id Cards 'Will Protect Youngsters from Paedophiles'

2004-04-27 Thread R. A. Hettinga
Horseman #1, Terrorists: Check.
Horseman #2, Pedophiles: Check.


Tue 27 Apr 2004

2:47am (UK)
Id Cards 'Will Protect Youngsters from Paedophiles'

By James Lyons, Political Correspondent, PA News

 Identity cards will help keep youngsters safe from perverts, Education
Secretary Charles Clarke claimed today.

 Cards containing personal information like fingerprints would make it more
difficult to side-step checks, said Mr Clarke.

 That was just one of the benefits of the controversial scheme, outlined
yesterday, he was telling a Commons select committee.

 The controversial move could also save money and stamp out fraud, his
evidence to the Home Affairs committee shows.

 In a written submission released ahead of this afternoon's hearing, Mr
Clarke wholeheartedly backs the scheme.

 I am very much in favour of identity cards not only because of the broad
benefits to the UK such as tackling illegal working, preventing identity
fraud and theft but because of the significant benefits that I believe that
ID cards would bring the work of my department and its agencies, he said.

 Mr Clarke's appearance before the committee comes after Cabinet colleague
David Blunkett produced draft proposals yesterday.

 People who refuse to register will not be jailed but face a fine of up to
£2,500 under the Home Secretary's plans.

 Mr Blunkett said did not want to give opponents the opportunity to become

 The draft Identity Cards Bill allows the creation of a National Identity
Register of up to 60 million UK residents.

 This will be linked to biometric cards carrying features including
facial recognition, iris images and fingerprints.

 This biometric technology will be incorporated into existing
identification documents, such as passports and driving licences.

 The first documents with facial recognition are due in 2005, and
fingerprint details are expected to be added from 2007.

 People who do not need passports or driving licences will be able to apply
for a plain ID card.

 Funding the introduction of the scheme will come from hikes in the cost of
passports and driving licences.

 A combined passport/ID card will cost an estimated £77, a combined driving
licence/ID card £73 and a plain card around £35. There will be
concessions for the elderly and poor, with all 16-year-olds issued with
their first card free of charge.

 Initially, the cards will be voluntary but they are expected to be made
compulsory around 2013, by which time 80% of adults should already be
carrying biometric ID.

 Any switch to a universal card would by made by an Order, subject to the
approval of both Houses of Parliament, but new primary legislation would
not be required.

 New criminal offences for the possession of false identity documents will
be created, with a maximum sentence of 10 years jail.

 If they are made compulsory, cards will have to be produced to access a
range of public services, including non-emergency treatment on the NHS and

Latest News:

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'