Random number generator-Idea 1

2002-04-24 Thread gfgs pedo


With reference to the following url

As in idea 1 what about choosing 2 independent  bit
file streams.
Then as in RFC 1750 6.1.1 A Trivial Mixing Function
(page 14),

 make a 3rd bit file stream such that We xor 

For i=0 to n
bit(i)file3=bit(i)file1 (xor) bit(i) file2
and follow idea 1?
Is the problem solved and idea 1 worthy?
Regards Data.

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Re:Two ideas for random number generators

2002-04-24 Thread gfgs pedo


 Using Transition Mappings to De-Skew

Randomness Recommendations for Security

RFC 1750

An extract from it.

   Another technique, originally due to von Neumann
[VON NEUMANN], is to
   examine a bit stream as a sequence of
non-overlapping pair
| pair |probability   
 |  00  | (0.5 - e)^2  =  0.25 - e + e^2  |
 |  01  | (0.5 - e)*(0.5 + e)  =  0.25 - e^2  |
 |  10  | (0.5 + e)*(0.5 - e)  =  0.25 - e^2  |
 |  11  | (0.5 + e)^2  =  0.25 + e + e^2  |
 This technique will completely eliminate any bias but
at the expense
   of taking an indeterminate number of input bits for
any particular
   desired number of output bits.  The probability of
any particular
   pair being discarded is 0.5 + 2e^2 so the expected
number of input
   bits to produce X output bits is X/(0.25 - e^2).

Eastlake, Crocker  Schiller  
[Page 12]
RFC 1750Randomness Recommendations for
SecurityDecember 1994

   This technique assumes that the bits are from a
stream where each bit
   has the same probability of being a 0 or 1 as any
other bit in the
   stream and that bits are not correlated, i.e., that
the bits are
   identical independent distributions.  If alternate
bits were from two
   correlated sources, for example, the above analysis
breaks down.

   The above technique also provides another
illustration of how a
   simple statistical analysis can mislead if one is
not always on the
   lookout for patterns that could be exploited by an
adversary.  If the
   algorithm were mis-read slightly so that
overlapping successive bits
   pairs were used instead of non-overlapping pairs,
the statistical
   analysis given is the same; however, instead of
provided an unbiased
   uncorrelated series of random 1's and 0's, it
instead produces a
   totally predictable sequence of exactly alternating
1's and 0's.

A few doubts regarding the above.

Another technique, originally due to von Neumann [VON
NEUMANN], is to
   examine a bit stream as a sequence of
non-overlapping pairs

What do they mean by bit stream as a sequence of 
non-over lapping pairs?

Also isn't idea-1 of my earlier post Two idea's for 
random number generators very similar  to this?

Wouldn't  the problem in idea 1 be solved if I choose
a bit stream as a sequence of  non-over lapping pairs?
If we choose bits  that are from a stream where each
bit has the same probability of being a 0 or 1 as any
other bit in the  stream and that bits are not
correlated, i.e., that the bits are   identical
independent distributions.
Would n't idea 1 work?

Regards Data.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Games - play chess, backgammon, pool and more

RE: Lucky's 1024-bit post [was: RE: objectivity and factoring analysis]

2002-04-24 Thread Morlock Elloi

Most hardware solutions that I'm aware of support 1024-bit modular arithmetic.
I don't know how easy or hard it is to do 2048-bit ops with 1024-bit
primitives, or is there any 2048-bit HW around.

(of original message)

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Yahoo! Games - play chess, backgammon, pool and more

Re: Two ideas for random number generation

2002-04-24 Thread David Howe

Jim Choate [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But that changes the game in the middle of play, the sequence of digits
 in pi is fixed, not random. You can't get a random number from a constant.
 Otherwise it wouldn't be a constant.
PRNG output is fixed/repeatable too - that is a properly you *want* from a
PRNG.  any subset of the digits of pi is as close to RNG output as you would
need to satisfy any entropy tests - unless you *knew* you had derived it
from pi you couldn't distinguish it from a true random string of the same

 You can't stop them from using their tables. Slow them down, not stop
 them. You can't use that huge a seed, hardware limitations. They can match
*shrug* given that adding a bit to the seed doubles the quantity of data
they would have to cache in their tables, it can quickly become unworkable;
the single-digit-of-pi formula is too slow to form a good stream cypher, but
is otherwise ok; if you aren't constrained to matching a real world sequence
(pi in this case) but are happy with *any* non-repeating but deterministic
stream, you can probably find something much faster.

Hard drive encryption [was: RE: Biometrics helping privacy]

2002-04-24 Thread Lucky Green

Peter wrote:
 I have seen hard drives which do sector level encryption, and 
 hook into the bios so that the pw request happens before any 
 system sw runs. This is a good solution (modulo bios 

Any such hard drives that I have seen keep the actual encryption key
utilized in firmware on the drive, using the password provided during
boot merely to authorize the drive to apply the internally stored
encryption key, thus making the encryption provided by the drive utterly
useless against invasive analysis by an attacker with a modicum of skill
in the art.

One very promising project underway to get us closer to the goal of
transparent universal drive encryption is GEOM, a component scheduled
for inclusion in the release of FreeBSD 5.0. (GEOM also will provide a
host of other highly desirable mass storage management features in
addition to drive encryption).

See http://phk.freebsd.dk/geom/ for more information.


RE: Lucky's 1024-bit post [was: RE: objectivity and factoring analysis]

2002-04-24 Thread John Young

Lucky is to be commended for igniting a neglected aspect
of the crypto wars: what happens to cryptosystems over
time after they have been invented, tested, criticized, vetted 
and conditionally trusted, then gradually widely distributed
as the best available under practical usage, then compromised
by direct attack or undermining from within -- the cycle of all
previous cryptosystems.

This inevitable vulnerability comes about for the reason
Lucky states: sloppiness, laziness, inattention to keeping
up with new means of attack, desire to exploit markets
based on widespread public and institutional trust,
and, not least, succumbing to the stigma of being too

Attackers of cryptosystems count on this. Inventors
of cryptosystems dread gradual decline in their
successive implementations, if they continue to care
about security and are not enjoying the economic
fruits of success and to hell with authentic security,
so what if there are a few hundred victims, collateral
damage, think big, think Wall Street.

Any well-known and trusted cryptosystem should be
highly suspect of being compromised, and total reliance
upon it is immensely foolhardy. That is why no military
grade cryptosystem is wholly trusted by the military
in times of war or when war is threatening, which now
means all the time.

If you are at war with government no government-approved
cryptosystem is to be trusted, which means no system
in most countries and certainly not in the US. And no
commercially successful cryptosystem is to be wholly
trusted for its success rests in part on its acceptance
by government -- still the prime purchaser of such
systems and maker of markets.

We will learn someday of currently trusted systems,
as we have of those in the past, more or less when they
were compromised. More or less reflects that the
greatest cryptosystem deceptions of the past 100
years are still classified and will remain so in order
to not disturb blind faith in accessible, practical 

Without blind faith in comsec, intelligence gathering
would be much more difficult for few would transmit
their most valuable secrets via trusted systems.

And even those who, like Lucky, advocate stronger
implementations, remain vulnerable to weaknesses
of their correspondents' usage -- who may quote
Lucky's transmittal in response, send it to others
without Lucky knowing, tamper with his information,
violate his trust wittingly or otherwise.

One could argue that the increased use of crypto has
enhanced intelligence gathering despite government
protests widely disseminated to induce trust in the
systems, again as with prior deceptions.

Too little sustained testing of trusted systems is
done in the private realm, and there too little skepticism
of widely used systems by enthusiasts and market

Here's to Lucky for reminding of the price of success,
for pointing to how the crypto wars have gone deeply
undercover where they usually are fought without
mercy and never with courteous discourse.

Re: Two ideas for random number generation

2002-04-24 Thread Jim Choate

On Wed, 24 Apr 2002, David Howe wrote:

 Jim Choate [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  But that changes the game in the middle of play, the sequence of digits
  in pi is fixed, not random. You can't get a random number from a constant.
  Otherwise it wouldn't be a constant.

 PRNG output is fixed/repeatable too - that is a properly you *want* from a

No it isn't. You -want- a RNG but you can't have one. Nobody -wants- a
PRNG, they -settle- for it. What one wants is a bit sequence which is
-random-. There are many definitions of random, but they boil down to
-unpredictable- outside of chance with respect to predicting individual
bit results as well as sequences of bits (they are not the same
statistically speaking, re probability distributions).

Ideally what one would want is a situation where each bit has a 50/50
chance of being in either state and there are -no- inter-bit dependencies.
That implies no modulo (though it doesn't prevent clustering which can
fool you if you don't test your sub-strings well enough - re Gamblers

Which raises an interesting aspect for me, what happens if you put a PRNG
into a 'Garden of Eden' state?

 any subset of the digits of pi is as close to RNG output as you would
 need to satisfy any entropy tests - unless you *knew* you had derived it
 from pi you couldn't distinguish it from a true random string of the same

Satisfying an -entropy test- is -not- equivalent to -being- a RNG. It only
says that within a particular error margin you're -close enogh-.
  You can't stop them from using their tables. Slow them down, not stop
  them. You can't use that huge a seed, hardware limitations. They can match

 *shrug* given that adding a bit to the seed doubles the quantity of data
 they would have to cache in their tables, it can quickly become unworkable;

Really? The offset into the sequence is a fixed width and the result is
alaways a single character. Where do you add a bit?

 the single-digit-of-pi formula is too slow to form a good stream cypher, but
 is otherwise ok;

Maybe for you, I sure as hell wouldn't use it either as a key or as a
seed into a known hashing/whiting algorithm.

Let me ask you a more pointy question. Are you selecting some offset and
then taking the sequence of digits from pi, or are you selecting the
digits out of order? In either of these cases it isn't the sequence of pi
that is providing the randomness (which is apparently the claim) but
rather the selection process; which is both undescribed at this point
-and- simply moves the argument from one area to another - this -proving-


 The law is applied philosophy and a philosphical system is
 only as valid as its first principles.
James Patrick Kelly - Wildlife
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.ssz.com
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www.open-forge.org

(P)RNG's and k-distribution

2002-04-24 Thread Jim Choate

It has been suggested by some that a PRNG can be created that is -not-
repeating. There is a property of -all- RNG's that is called

For a RNG to -be- a RNG it -must- be infinity-distributed. This means that
there are -no- string repititions -ever-. If this can't be guaranteed then
the algorithm can be a PRNG (there are other conditionals). A PRNG -by
definition- can -not- rule out repititions of some 
very_large-distribution. Hence, -all- PRNG's must assume - even in
principle- some very_large-distribution sequence.

So, the statement My PRNG has no modulus is incorrect even in principle.

The Art of Computer Programming
Volume 2
Seminumerical Algorithms, 3ed
D.E. Knuth
ISBN 0-201-89684-2
Chapter 3 Random Numbers
Section 3.5 What is a Random Sequence?

He also has some things to say about Pi and its applicability as a seed
in this same section, and the assumptions that people make that are not

The representation of of a positive  real number n  in the radix-b may be
regarded as a b-ary sequence; for example, pi corresponds to the 10-ary
sequence 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5, 8, 9, ... People have
conjectured that this sequence is infinity-distributed, but nobody has yet
been able to prove it is even 1-distributed.

It's worth pointing out that the test of 'randomness' are -all'
statistical. They all have a margin of error. There is the a priori
recognition of 'window' effect.

Which gets to the reference I mentioned in one post about 'Garden of Eden'
sequences. These would be sequences that can -never- happen from -any- of
the given input states. It is a sequence of states the generator can not
make because they are outside the scope of its algorithm (there is usually
a data set independency assumed - you can be in -all- combinations of
start state). At least as far as I know this could apply to both (P)RNG's.


 The law is applied philosophy and a philosphical system is
 only as valid as its first principles.
James Patrick Kelly - Wildlife
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.ssz.com
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www.open-forge.org

Re: Two ideas for random number generation

2002-04-24 Thread Riad S. Wahby

Sampo Syreeni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Aren't there dedicated avalanche diodes available with low breakdown
 voltages, precisely for this reason? I think they're used in applications
 where zeners could be, except for higher breakdown current.

Sure.  I was thinking of an IC design, in which case you're a lot more
likely to be able to make a bipolar than you are to have essentially
5V zeners.

 [mention of reliability issues]
 Shouldn't be a problem, if you limit the breakdown current. If you're
 after entropy, you'd likely want to use a constant current source anyway.

To first order, yes, but at least a couple of the processes I've
worked with warn against even controlled emitter-base breakdown.  Of
course, I suppose they're assuming you want to use the transistor some
other way, too...

Riad Wahby
MIT VI-2/A 2002

Re: Two ideas for random number generation

2002-04-24 Thread Sunder

On Tue, 23 Apr 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jim Choate wrote:
If you can't develop a RNG in software (ie you'd be in a
state of sin), what makes you think you can do it using
-only- digital gates in hardware? You can't.
 James A. Donald:
   Classic Choatian physics.
   Of course you can.
 Jim Choate:
  Not if you use -only- digital gates and derived functions (eg
  flip flop or a shift register)
 One can build a true random generator using a two resistors, a
 capacitor, three unbuffered inverters and a shift register.  A
 second shift register and an XOR gate will serve to quite
 adequately whiten the output. 

Yeah, the shit for brains will probably tell you that resistors and
capacitors aren't digital gates.

In which case you can just use a bunch of flip-flop that feed back to
themselves at different rates, so you get different streams of 1's and
0's, and xor'em all together.  Inefficient as compared to using analog
components, but it would work if the timing between them is different
enough and you only get data from them sporadically.  Lots of whitening to
do afterwards of course...

Re: Two ideas for random number generation

2002-04-24 Thread georgemw

On 24 Apr 2002 at 17:41, David Howe wrote:

  Maybe for you, I sure as hell wouldn't use it either as a key or as a
  seed into a known hashing/whiting algorithm.
 its probably a better (if much slower) stream cypher than most currently in
 use; I can't think of any that have larger than a 256 internal state, and
 that implies a 2^256 step cycle at best; for pi to be worse, it would have
 to have less than 2^256 digits.

This is putting sillines on top of silliness.  It's true that in principle
that the decimal expansion of pi has an infinite number of digits,
but any practical implementation of a PRNG based on pi
would still have to have a finite number of accessable states.

That is, to get the infinite cycle, you'd have to have some method of
generating a uniform random integer 0 to infinity for the
initial state, and you'd need an infinite amount of memory
to store  the current internal state.  Neither of which
is acheivable ion practice.

Conversely, a PRNG whose cycle is only 2^256 bits long
will never repeat itself during the lifetime of the device, or
the lifetime of the universe for that matter.


Re: Quantum mechanics, England, and Topos Theory

2002-04-24 Thread georgemw

On 23 Apr 2002 at 18:56, Tim May wrote:

 On Tuesday, April 23, 2002, at 11:18  AM, Ken Brown wrote:
  Back nearer to on-topic, Tim's explanation why the world could not be
  predicted even if it were locally (microscopically) predictable sounds
 It's not my idea, obviously. But the fact that I wrote it so quickly, 
 and so glibly (he admits), is because it's so internalized to everything 
 I think. I simply cannot _conceive_ of anyone thinking the Universe, let 
 alone the Multiverse, is predictable in any plausible or operational 
 sense. The sources of divergence (aka chaos, aka combinatorial 
 explosion, aka Big O with a Vengeance) come in from all sides.

I can explain why people might think it were.  You could imagine
that due to feedback mechanisms or statistical averaging,
these small uncertainties tend to cancel each other
out, provided you're confining your interest to macroscopic
observables.  For example, when a sheep dies you get more
grass for the remaining sheep, which gets you more sheep again,
so you can do a reasonable job of predicting sheep population
without knowing anything about the fates of individual sheep.
Similarly, if i cut a fart in an elevator,  there's no telling where an
indvidual stink molecule will go, but in not too long they'll
be more or less uniformly spread throughout the elevator.

I can't see how anyone would believe you would ever be able to
predict, say, radio static.  But I think 50 years ago
most people believed that in principle you could predict
the weather arbitrarily far into the future.  And there are still
people who believe you can predict stock prices based
solely on the squiggles.  These people are called technical
traders by themselves and fools by others.


 --Tim May
 He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a 
 monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also 
 into you. -- Nietzsche