Re: Saving Opportunistic Encryption

2004-03-16 Thread Sandy Harris
Tarapia Tapioco wrote:

We've recently seen FreeS/WAN die, not least due to the apparent
practical failure of Opportunistic Encryption. The largest blocking
point for deployment of OE always seemed to be the requirement for
publishing one's key in the reverse DNS space. ...

So, the apparent solution for me seems to be the approach that the SPAM
blacklists used - publish information in a subspace of the forward DNS
space instead of using the authoritative area.
Worth discussing at least.

A possible implementation looks like this:
* Linux/KAME's IKE daemon racoon is patched to attempt retrieval of an
  RSA key from said DNS repository and generate appropriate security
Cleaner solution, but more work probably.
Why would you use racoon? FreeS/WAN's Pluto is available, under GPL,
already does OE, and works with 2.6 kernel IPsec (though I'm not
certain if patches are needed for that). Wouldn't it be a better
starting point?

Re: research paper

2004-03-03 Thread Sandy Harris
someone wrote:

I'm currently doing a research paper, with the topic of cryptography
being essiantial for society, ...
I was wondering if there where any particular books, websites, ...
One web page with a lot of links:

Re: War for drugs...

2002-12-23 Thread Sandy Harris
Anonymous wrote:

Yeah--you got it--Poppies...and now that the Warlords are back in
charge the cash crop is back.


Remember that it was the US which encouraged the Taliban to crack down

on the cultivation of Afghanistan poppies. A gift of several million US
dollars convinced the Taliban to ban the farming of poppies, depriving

the Afghani farmers of their livlihood, while not impacting the world

drug trade (the Taliban wisely retained stock-piles of processed crop,

ready for price-fixing.)

Methinks its more complex than that. I'm surprised to see reports of 
opium coming out of
Afghanistan at all.

I was there in 1974, before the 1979 Russian invasion. Hashish was 
eveywhere of course -- it is
part of the culture, always has been. We had offers to sell us hash from 
all sorts of people. Army
officers at military checkpoints, waiters, respectable 
pillar-of-the-community businessmen running
shops, sleazy lads who also wanted to introduce me to some local girls, 
customs oficers, ... We
were offerred any amount from a few grams for our pipes up to multiple 
kilos built into furniture
for export.

We were not offerred opium or any of its derivatives. Opium was readily 
available in Iran,
then under that Shah, and being smoked by both Iranians and foreigners 
at one party we went
to. We saw large fields of opium poppies in Turkey. In Af, we saw no 
poppies and no opium.

So now, when I hear reports of opium in Af, I'm inclined to assume it is 
a new phenomenon
created for the Western (mainly American) market in response to various 
crackdowns in
Turkey and Iran.

I wish I had some reason to think America's war on drugs apparatus 
might behave
sanely in Af, in particular that they wouldn't be stupid enough to 
attack marijuana and
hasish cultivation.

However, my guess is that they will try to ram all of their idiocy down 
Afghan throats.
This is likely to mean some dead Americans and perhaps retaliation for 
that. It could
be a real mess.

Re: XORing bits to eliminate skew

2002-10-20 Thread Sandy Harris
Sarad AV wrote:

--- Sandy Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


there's a well known simple scheme ...

I read that Intel chipsets use something similar,

its given in rfc 1750

5.2.2 Using Transition Mappings to De-Skew

I know the von Neumann technique for pairs of bits. George explained
it correctly, and RFC 1750 and various other sources also do so.

My question was: What is the technique with three input bits that Intel
is reported to use?


Re: Finding encrytion algorithm

2002-07-11 Thread Sandy Harris

Mike Rosing wrote:
 On Thu, 11 Jul 2002, gfgs pedo wrote:
  suppose a cryptanalysis only has encrypted data-how is
  going 2 know which is the encrytion algorithm used 2
  encrypt the data ,so that he can effeciently
  cryptanalyse if
  1:he has large amount of cipher text only
  2:has large amount of plain text and corresponding
  cipher text.
  There r so many encryption algorithms,how does he know
  which algorithm was used?
 Depends on how they got the source.  They may know it's one of 5
 possible choices because of the person who sent (or received) it.

It may not matter much. Suppose it could be one of a hundred
algorithms, a dozen of which you know how to break. If it is
important and you have the resources, you just try all twelve
breaks. If one works, then you know the algorithm. If not, you
don't care; you know it's one you cannot break, so details are
not important.

Doing this is only at worst 12 times harder than breaking a
single known cipher. If some of your 12 breaks are easy, then
total effort is much less than 12 times the hardest cipher.
When we're talking about 2^40 steps to break a laughably weak
cipher and  2^100 for a good one, making it 12, or 1000,
times harder is not a very interesting difference.

 If it's just found on a disk in a garbage dump with no connections
 to anyone, it's a bit tougher.

Then you've no reason to think it is important enough to be
worth breaking. You can still try.  

 But every algorithm has some statistical signature

No. Any good algorithm should produce output that looks /exactly/
like random noise, hence they should all look like each other.

This may not be precisely true, but all decent algorithms will
look random enough to make distinguishing quite difficult.

 and if you've got enough cipher text you can compare that
 signature with known algorithms to home in on fewer choices.
 I'm not sure having the plaintext helps much more, but you could
 use random keys to create several ciphertexts with known algorithms and
 compare the statistics just to see if they compare better.
 It's definitly challenging :-)

number of bits in bent funtion

2002-06-07 Thread Sandy Harris

Is there a general rule for the number of set
bits in a bent boolean function of n input bits?

I know from the Mister and Adams paper at SAC 96:
that any 8-bit bent function has either 120 or 136 bits
set. That's (2^8)/2 +- 8.

Does that generalise to (2^n)/2 +- n for any even n?
Or is there some other general rule?