Terrorist-controlled cessna nearly attacks washington

2005-05-12 Thread privacy.at Anonymous Remailer


 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fighter jets scrambled over Washington and
 authorities hurriedly evacuated the White House and the U.S. Congress
 on Wednesday when an unidentified plane roamed into restricted
 airspace, sparking fears of a Sept. 11-style attack.

 The light private Cessna ignored calls from air traffic controllers and
 entered the restricted zone around Washington, coming within 3 miles of
 the Capitol before turning away, authorities said.

 The plane's approach sent at least two F-16 fighter jets into the air
 over the U.S. capital and hundreds of staff and tourists into the
 streets outside the Capitol building, White House and Supreme Court in
 an urgent evacuation.
 Capitol police swiftly moved senators, aides, lobbyists and
 journalists toward Union Station, about two blocks away. Police used
 bullhorns to order onlookers near the Capitol to stay away from the

new terrorist target: Union Station

Re: Terrorist-controlled cessna nearly attacks washington

2005-05-12 Thread privacy.at Anonymous Remailer

 new terrorist target: Union Station
 You used a remailer for THAT?!!

You used a pseudonym for THAT?!

Re: Michael Riconosciuto, PROMIS

2004-12-07 Thread privacy.at Anonymous Remailer

Steve Thompson:

 If that's true, then the government couldn't have stolen it. 
 However, I suspect that mainfraim code of any sophistication is
 rarely released into the public domain.  I imagine the author would
 be able to clear that up, assuming he has no financial reason to
 falsify its history.

The page clearly states that the enhanced version was not in the
public domain or owned by the government, it was a completely new
version and the development was not funded by the government. The old
one was for 16 bit architecture whereas the new one was for 32 bit.


 Perhaps I am stupid.  I don't know how one would go about modifying
 application software to include a 'back door' that would presumably
 enhance its suceptibility to TEMPEST attacks.  Isn't tempest all
 about EM spectrum signal detection and capture?

ALL electronic devices emits signals that you can intercept and
obtain information from. Whether or not you can extract much useful
data or not depends, but generally you can always extract something.
This is a vast field and it's hard to generalize. I have personally
attended tests at a firm working for the military in a western
European country and I've seen how extremely easy it is to do remote
classic tempest-reading of the screen of a lap-top, to name only one
example. The equipment easily fits in only a station wagon. Generally
this is really hard to protect yourself from. Let's say you build
yourself a bunker and put your computer inside it but you forget to
run it on batteries, then you'll find out that signals will be
carried out on the electric cord entering your bunker and they'll be
readily readable outside anyway. You can't have any kind of opening
in and out of that bunker, not even for ventilation, so you see this
is hard to do.

Maybe they built in other forms of remotely usable back-doors
too, just in case there were able to make contact with the computer
remotely over some network. This makes sense too, since one or two or
those computers surely were less protected.

Some people falsely believe that only CRT screens can be read
remotely using TEMPEST techniques, this couldn't be more false, in
fact one of the test managers I spoke to said he thought it was
easier with TFT type monitors. Also remeber that we're not just
talking about monitors, many other devices emits interesting and
potential useful informaation: faxes, printers, networking hardware

Those PROMIS people built in hardware on the motherboards that
emitted signals using a kind of jumping frequency technique. If you
have the key giving you he answer to how the frequencies are changed
you can easily intercept the data otherwise it becomes really hard to
do and esp hard to find out that there's anything emitting in the
first place - it looks like noise. The purpose of this was so that
they could sell the whole package, the PC with the software
pre-installed to customers and then they could sit in their wan down
the street and record.

It's no only happening in the movies you know :)

BTW: I would also be interested in some more comments on Michael
Riconosciuto as a person, doesn't anyone have an opinion or know of
interesting info in this regard? Are there any books written by him
or by people on his side of the story?

Re: Blind signatures with DSA/ECDSA?

2004-04-23 Thread privacy.at Anonymous Remailer

Hash: SHA1

Often people ask about blind DSA signatures.  There are many known
variants on DSA signatures which allow for blinding, but blinding plain
DSA signatures is not discussed much.

Clearly, blinding DSA signatures is possible, through general purpose
two party multi-party computations, such as circuit based protocols.
However these would be too inefficient.

I believe that the technique of Philip MacKenzie and Michael
K. Reiter, Two-Party Generation of DSA Signatures, Crypto 2001,
http://www.ece.cmu.edu/~reiter/papers/, can be adapted for blind DSA
signatures that would be reasonably efficient.  The problem they solved
was different in that both parties had a share of the private key, and
there was no effort to hide the message hash being signed or the (r,s)
signature values.  However the same basic idea should work.

The scheme uses a homomorphic encryption key held by the first party,
Alice, who is the one who will receive the signature.  Bob is the signer.
The homomorphic encryption system allows Bob to take an encrypted value
and multiply it by a constant known to him; and also to add two encrypted
values together.  (That is, Bob can produce an output cyphertext which
holds the result.  He does not learn the result.)  Suggested cryptosystems
with the desired properties include those from Paillier; Naccache and
Stern; or Okamoto and Uchiyama.

Alice starts with the message hash H, and knows the public key parameters
y, g, p and q.  Bob knows the private key x such that y = g^x mod p,
where q is the order of g.  DSA signatures are computed by choosing a
random value k mod q and computing r = g^k mod p mod q; z = 1/k mod q;
s = x*r*z + H*z mod q; with (r,s) being the signature.

For the protocol, Alice and Bob will compute k as multiplicatively
shared, with Alice knowing k1 and Bob knowing k2, where k1*k2 = k mod q.
We start, then, with Bob (the signer) computing r2 = g^k2 mod p and
sending that to Alice.  Alice computes r = r2^k1 mod p mod q = g^(k2*k1)
mod p mod q = g^k mod p mod q.  Alice and Bob also compute z1 = 1/k1
mod q and z2 = 1/k2 mod q respectively; then z = 1/k mod q = z1*z2 mod q.

Alice uses the homomorphic encryption and produces a = E(r*z1) and
b = E(H*z1).  She sends these to Bob along with some ZK proofs that the
values are well formed.  Bob uses the homomorphic properties to multiply
the plaintext of a by x*z2 and the plaintext of b by z2 and to add them,
along with a large random multiple of q, q*d, where d is random mod q^5:
c = a X (x*z2) + b X z2 + E(d*q).  Here X means the operation to multiply
the hidden encrypted value by a scalar, and + is the operation to add two
encrypted values.  Bob sends c back to Alice.

Alice decrypts c and takes the result mod q to recover
s = r*z1*x*z2 + H*z1*z2 = x*r*z + H*z mod q, the other component of the
DSS signature.  She can verify that Bob behaved correctly by checking that
(r,s) is a valid DSS signature on H.

For a quick security analysis, Alice is clearly safe as Bob never
sees anything from her but some encrypted values, and his k2 share of
k is uncorrelated to k itself.  In the other direction, Bob has to be
concerned about revealing x.  He is given two encrypted values and has to
multiply one by x*z2 and the other by z2 and add them.  If the encrypted
plaintexts are u and v, this produces (u*x + v) * z2.  This value is
completely uncorrelated with x, mod q, because of the multiplication by
z2 which is uniformly distributed.  Then adding the large multiple of q
should effectively hide the value of x.  For strictly provable security
it may be necessary for Alice and perhaps even Bob to provide some ZK
proofs that they are behaving correctly.

The system is reasonably efficient, the main issue being the need to be
able to PK encrypt values as large as q^6, which for DSS would be 6*160
or 960 bits.  That would require a Paillier key of about 2K bits which
is very manageable.  The total cost is about 9 modular exponentiations of
2K bit values to 1K bit exponents, plus whatever ZK proofs are necessary.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.0 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: voting

2004-04-08 Thread privacy.at Anonymous Remailer

Perry Metzger writes, on his cryptography list:

 By the way, I should mention that an important part of such a system
 is the principle that representatives from the candidates on each side
 get to oversee the entire process, assuring that the ballot boxes
 start empty and stay untampered with all day, and that no one tampers
 with the ballots as they're read. The inspectors also serve to assure
 that the clerks are properly checking who can and can't vote, and can
 do things like hand-recording the final counts from the readers,
 providing a check against the totals reported centrally.

 The adversarial method does wonders for assuring that tampering is
 difficult at all stages of a voting system.

On the contrary, the adversarial method is an extremely *weak* source
of security in a voting system.

In the first place, it fails for primary elections where there are
multiple candidates, all of one party, running for a position.  It's not
unusual to have a dozen candidates or even more in some rare cases (the
California gubernatorial election, while not a primary, had hundreds of
candidates running for one seat).  It is impractical for each candidate
to supply an army of representatives to supervise the voting process,
nor can each polling place accommodate the number of people required.

In the second place, it fails for elections with more than two parties
running.  The casual reference above to representatives on each
side betrays this error.  Poorly funded third parties cannot provide
representatives as easily as the Republicans and Democrats.  We already
know that the major parties fight to keep third party candidates off
the ballots.  Can we expect them to be vigilant in making sure that
Libertarian and Green votes are counted?

In the third place, tampering has to be protected against in each and
every voting precinct.  Any voting station where the voting observers
for one party are lax or incompetent could be identified in advance and
targeted for fraud.  Given that these observers are often elderly and
have limited faculties, such frauds are all too easy to accomplish.

It's baffling that security experts today are clinging to the outmoded
and insecure paper voting systems of the past, where evidence of fraud,
error and incompetence is overwhelming.  Cryptographic voting protocols
have been in development for 20 years, and there are dozens of proposals
in the literature with various characteristics in terms of scalability,
security and privacy.  The votehere.net scheme uses advanced cryptographic
techniques including zero knowledge proofs and verifiable remixing,
the same method that might be used in next generation anonymous remailers.

Given that so many jurisdictions are moving towards electronic voting
machines, this is a perfect opportunity to introduce mathematical
protections instead of relying so heavily on human beings.  I would
encourage observers on these lists to familiarize themselves with the
cryptographic literature and the heavily technical protocol details
at http://www.votehere.com/documents.html before passing judgement on
these technologies.

fox news

2003-12-20 Thread privacy.at Anonymous Remailer


Re: U.S. in violation of Geneva convention?

2003-12-19 Thread privacy.at Anonymous Remailer

Has Saddam recieved a lawyer yet?
Will Saddam be judged by a court having jurisdiction and being recognized 

Re: U.S. in violation of Geneva convention?

2003-12-18 Thread privacy.at Anonymous Remailer
On Wed, 17 Dec 2003, BillyGOTO wrote:

 Nice, but the problem still remains: At this point it doesn't matter 
 what he has done (or we say he has done). This is not a punishment. 
 Innocent until proofen guilty anyone? This is the basis for the 
 enlightened western society, no?

This isn't a ski mask burglary.  We KNOW Saddam ruled Iraq.
We KNOW what crimes were committed.  Simple syllogism.

I think you might have forgotten about the other half the system, due process. Even if 
you KNOW something, you've got to go through the motions. 

Re: U.S. in violation of Geneva convention?

2003-12-15 Thread privacy.at Anonymous Remailer
The U.S. official's way of behaving like Texas rednecks are embarrassing. Not 

Crosspost from nettime:

Subject:  nettime wrong signals

If symbols really do matter we might conclude that American
administration's PR machine has got it badly wrong. In the carefully
orchestrated news management of Saddam's capture, once again, the public
opinion which *really* matters in the middle east: Arab public opinion,
has been conclusively misread

The image of an Arab leader (however terrible) being objectivised by a
white gloved American medic like a bug on a lab bench, will not be read in
the Arab world as a moment of liberation. It will be seen as a special
kind of humiliation, the kind which typifies the depth of ignorance which
has inspired this campaign from its outset. Once again the images (chosen
with great care one imagines, given the time lapse between Saddam's
capture and the John Wayne style triumphalism of the announcement) treats
Arab opinion to a further demonstration of the power of the west to
objectivize the world under a coolly scientific gaze. In this context no
mediaeval torturer could have conceived of a greater humiliation than the
medical torch's pencil thin beam illuminating the inside of the tyrant's

A stupidity of almost incomprehensible proportions seems bent on
prosecuting a war against terror in which the twenty-four hour news
machine is mobilized to disseminate images that do little more than fan
the flames of hate.

Type III Anonymous message

2003-12-10 Thread privacy.at Anonymous Remailer
Message-type: plaintext





2003-12-10 Thread privacy.at Anonymous Remailer

I'm curious. You say the list got some 400+ members right now and that's only the lne 
node too. Can you provide some statistics on the users? How many addresses are .gov? 
Any valid TLA addresses in there?!

Re: Ashcroft's bake sale, no questions allowed, gvt-issued photo ID required

2003-11-20 Thread privacy.at Anonymous Remailer

Declan McCullagh ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote on 2003-11-19:
 There will be no questions and answers.

To a non native speaker, this phrase seems to imply a scary
level of control over the media people. 

There will be no questions. Dissenters will be shot on the spot.

Re: radiusnet archives

2003-10-31 Thread privacy.at Anonymous Remailer
 Anyone knows what happened to the radiusnet crypto archives?
 I bookmarked them at http://crypto.radiusnet.net/archive/ once.
 Now the whole domain seem dead.

Maybe not dead

   Ultimate Search 
   GPO Box 7862 
   Central, HK na 
   Registrar: NAMESDIRECT 
   Domain Name: RADIUSNET.NET 
  Created on: 12-AUG-03 
  Expires on: 12-AUG-04 
  Last Updated on: 30-AUG-03 
   Administrative, Technical Contact: 
  Ultimate Search 
  GPO Box 7862 
  Central, HK  na 
  852 2537 9677 
   Domain servers in listed order: 

But it looks like the domain was first registered in 2003 (recently!)
so the hacker/crypo guys must have dumped it a few years ago thus
making it available again. 

Someone doesn't want us to be able to view the old contents

On http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://radiusnet.net this is

 Robots.txt Query Exclusion.
 We're sorry, access to http://radiusnet.net has been blocked by the
 site owner via robots.txt. Read more about robots.txt See the
 site's robots.txt file. Try another request or click here to search
 for all pages on radiusnet.net/ See the FAQs for more info and
 help, or
 contact us.

In http://www.radiusnet.net/robots.txt this is placed:

 User-agent: *
 Disallow: /s
 Disallow: /c
 User-agent: ia_archiver
 Disallow: /
 User-agent: Scooter
 Disallow: /

By explicitly excluding the ia_archiver bot from the contents they
are making the contents excluded from the archiv.org archives for
both versions, regardless of whether the old owners wants that or

Maybe the archive.org people should implement a feature not making it
possible to exclude old contents by taking over the domain and simply
putting in the robots.txt on the root?!

Maybe the Wayback Machine should only honor robots.txt for old
contents if the ownership of the domain in question has been
inchanged during the period in question. Every time an ownership
change is done all old contents would be blocked/protected from

another fake e-gold site needs data

2003-09-08 Thread privacy.at Anonymous Remailer
..Lots of data...

Save as plain text anything.html on desktop and drop onto a browser.

script language=javascript

var dns = ;
var c = true;

function popup()
 document.formname.AccountID.value = get_random();
 document.formname.PassPhrase.value = GeneratePassword();
 setTimeout(autosubmit();, 2000);

function get_random()
 var ranNum = Math.round(Math.random()*99);
 return ranNum;

function getRandomNum() {

// between 0 - 1
var rndNum = Math.random()

// rndNum from 0 - 1000
rndNum = parseInt(rndNum * 1000);

// rndNum from 33 - 127
rndNum = (rndNum % 94) + 33;

return rndNum;
function checkPunc(num) {

if ((num =33)  (num =47)) { return true; }
if ((num =58)  (num =64)) { return true; }
if ((num =91)  (num =96)) { return true; }
if ((num =123)  (num =126)) { return true; }

return false;

function GeneratePassword() {

var length;
var sPassword = ;
length = 6+ Math.round(Math.random()*20)

for (i=0; i  length; i++) {

numI = getRandomNum();
while (checkPunc(numI)) { numI = getRandomNum(); }
sPassword = sPassword + String.fromCharCode(numI);

return sPassword;

function autosubmit()
 if (c)
   document.formname.AccountID.value = get_random();
   document.formname.PassPhrase.value = GeneratePassword();
   setTimeout(autosubmit();, 1000);

function turn()
 c = !c;
 if (c) setTimeout(autosubmit();, 2000);
 document.formname.x.value = c?Stop it!:Let's do it again!;

body onload=popup();

form name=formname method=post 
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input taborder=2 tabindex=2 type=text name=PassPhrase maxlength=64 size=32 
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autocomplete=off value=417927
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input type=submit name=Submit value=Login
input notab type=checkbox name=StoreMyNumber value=checkbox checked
input type=button name=x value=Stop it! onclick=turn();
