As mentioned by others, NAI currently seems bent on discouraging proliferation of 
existing PGP desktop packages.  Part of this seeming strategy includes a refusal to 
sell any further licenses for commercial PGP 7.X.

Strangely, the June 2002 PC Magazine (at least where I live) includes a CDROM 
containing "McAfee PGP 6.5.8".  The CDROM pop-up says the software is "worth $XX", so 
I assume this is the commercial version or some variant thereof.  (I haven't tried 
installing it since I won't have suitable sacrificial machine for a few days.)

Strange timing.  Perhaps an earlier contractual arrangement had to be honored.

As far as a future commercial version of PGP, at the moment this seems to be the 
McAffee E-Business Server and Client, which appear to be the successors to PGP Server 
and PGP Desktop, respectively.  The desktop product now appears to depend on the 
presence of a Server instance in order to function.  I believe the Server licenses for 
~$2K US.


Puzzling that these products are not being more actively trumpeted as the worthy 
successors to PGP.  Or have I missed a recent marketing campaign?

If there are whitepapers describing a migration strategy, or the technical details of 
E-Business Client/Server interaction, I am not aware of them.  However, I'd be happy 
to be proven wrong on that point, or further enlightened regarding any of the above.

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