60 years to rights restoration

2002-12-11 Thread Major Variola (ret)
  that the War on Terrorism should
  be won in about 60 years, at which point the American citizens would
  their civil liberties returned. Obviously, only traitors, agitators,
  other enemy combatants would make the outrageous claim that this war
  will likely last perpetually.

None have yet commented that in 60 years, there will be no one left that
what things were like.

If they do, maybe congress will quietly apologize to them and grant some
hush money to the few survivors,
following the Jap Internment Apology plan.

Better put some ice on that, NYC

Re: 60 years to rights restoration

2002-12-11 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer
This is the best explanation of the behavior of the Democratic 
Party I've ever seen.

On Tue, 10 Dec 2002 20:01:37 -0500, you wrote:

 1. Put a bunch of gorillas in a cage.

 2. Put a nice stack of boxes in the cage.

 3. Then, string a big bunch of bananas from the top of the cage
 hanging within arm's reach from the top of the stack of boxes.

 (3a. Okay, put the gorillas in last, or you'll never get to steps 1
 and 2 :-).)

 4. When the first gorilla climbs to the top of the boxes to grab the
 bananas, do something extremely unpleasant to all the gorillas, like,
 say, deluging them with icy water from sprinklers at the top of the
 cage, or something.

 Pretty soon, they stop climbing the boxes completely.

 5. Then, replace the one gorilla. Watch the others physically
 restrain him if he tries to go for the bananas.

 Repeat 5 until all the gorillas have been replaced.

 6. The gorillas will physically assault anyone who climbs the
 pyramid, and they won't know why.


Re: 60 years to rights restoration

2002-12-11 Thread AARG! Anonymous
Major Variola (ret) feared:

 None have yet commented that in 60 years, there will be no one left that
 what things were like.

Will people really just wimp out to this? Do you really think all those
militia people will just doze on? Maybe people need to start asking themselves,
What would Timmy do? 

Remember this -- it matters not how many F16s and Stealth Bombers the fedz
have, and it doesn't really matter how many feebs they have, or snitches, or
what sort of TIA they employ -- against individuals, or small 3 person cells,
they have no chance. If one person went out and started killing cops with a 
silenced .22, back of the head shots, he could easily kill 100 or more, maybe a 
1000 without getting caught. 
   If a 1000 rise up ...
 And every one that rises up will inspire a thousand more. 

Re: 60 years to rights restoration

2002-12-11 Thread R. A. Hettinga
Hash: SHA1

At 2:08 PM -0800 on 12/10/02, Major Variola (ret) wrote:

 None have yet commented that in 60 years, there will be no one left
 that remembers
 what things were like.

One of my favorite cypherpunk gedankenexperiments from the old days
had to do with what could be called tradition. I hope I remember it
right. I also hope there's an original source out there for this, it
would be nice to know. Can't find it in google, much less the
cypherpunk archives, and, generally, it's kind of hard to get the
gist of a whole story like this out of google anyway...

1. Put a bunch of gorillas in a cage.

2. Put a nice stack of boxes in the cage.

3. Then, string a big bunch of bananas from the top of the cage
hanging within arm's reach from the top of the stack of boxes.

(3a. Okay, put the gorillas in last, or you'll never get to steps 1
and 2 :-).)

4. When the first gorilla climbs to the top of the boxes to grab the
bananas, do something extremely unpleasant to all the gorillas, like,
say, deluging them with icy water from sprinklers at the top of the
cage, or something.

Pretty soon, they stop climbing the boxes completely.

5. Then, replace the one gorilla. Watch the others physically
restrain him if he tries to go for the bananas.

Repeat 5 until all the gorillas have been replaced.

6. The gorillas will physically assault anyone who climbs the
pyramid, and they won't know why.


Now, I bet this experiment won't yield to actual empirical testing,
all mammals, including us, are either not that stupid, or, I suppose,
not that smart, but you get the point


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R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation http://www.ibuc.com/
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'