At 8:37 AM +0200 on 4/9/02, Some Anonymous Flatualist emitted the following
bit of flammable gas out of an Austrian remailer somewhere:

>  And BTW permission is NOT granted to
> forward this or any part of it to the DBS list because Hettinga is an
> asshole who kicks people off his list for spite.  He can piss in his
> own sandbox if he wants but we don't have to play in it.

Yup, that's me, Anonymous. Evil Bob. Violating copy protection "protocols"
like the above at the drop of the hat. The tragedy of the commons is that
no one owns the commons? It takes a village to forward an idiot's dreck?

Nonetheless, Anonymous, I'm also guy who forwarded your comment to my lists
anyway, methagenous ejaculata and all, because, like I'm doing with this
rejoinder to same, I can. :-). Also because it seems that, at the moment,
and exclusive of your noxious spew above, you apparently have a clue about
the present impossibility of, or at least economic impracticability of,
"off-line" bearer transactions.

Proving once again, like assholes, everyone has a clue at least once in a
while, no matter who they are -- or how badly they misuse their own in

[I could also note that beggars who can't muster their own resources, or at
least an audience, can't be choosers, and thus have to post on others'
lists, anonymously, but, hey, that would be, um, Evil, right? ;-).]

Granted, Anonymous, I do tend to kick various "assholes" off of lists where
I am in charge of subscriptions. Apparently, this includes yourself, now
reduced to what looks like single-hop anonymous posting, most likely
because you've now Graduated From College, or even Grad School, or at least
a way-kewl down-the-toilet dot-com, and now you have an entry-level
cubicle-job somewhere that apparently doesn't appreciate free speech.

And, certainly, I kick people off of lists I run for any reason I feel like
it, including for spite, if not by absolute whim, because, like you seem to
have been, some people who end up on my lists, *are*, in fact, "assholes",
in my opinion, and, like I said, I either own, or at least, control the
subscription list. Call it Bourgeoisie Oblige, if you want :-). No tragedy
of the commons here, out in the land of actual property and responsibility
for same.

[As a further side note, anyone can subscribe to any list I run, and I
certainly don't subscribe anyone against their will, and, most important, I
don't actually "moderate" any lists, just play list.bouncer. So, as such,
if someone pisses me off when they get there, for any reason whatsoever,
even if I'm just having a bad day, they're out of there. Off with their
heads, out the airlock, game over, whatever. Also, lots of people's mail
addresses fail for various reasons, and, since I get to see all the bounced
mail on some lists I do, I have short patience with such things.]

As always, Anonymous, your definition of "asshole", like mine, may vary,
but only on *your* lists, please, if you can ever make that happen with
your otherwise clueful reputation, though one you keep pissing on with
comments like I've quoted above.

Unfortunately, just like that William Burroughs story in _Naked_Lunch,
about the guy who taught his asshole to talk, you keep trying to prove
that, once again, that one man's asshole is indeed another man's larynx.

"Napalm in the morning, by any other name, smells just as sweet as a
metaphor beaten like a dead horse..."
R. A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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