Re: Shuffling to the sound of the Morlocks' dinner bell

2004-06-28 Thread J.A. Terranson

On Sun, 27 Jun 2004, Harmon Seaver wrote:

  Bush has never won an election.
  Let's keep it that way.

 My feeling is that Kerry won't be really any different,

Accepted.  Kerry is possibly the single worst candidate the dems had to
offer - and I don't think it's any accident that he made it through.

Nevertheless, I'll take the evil untested over the evil well known and
thoroughly despised at this point.

BTW - I just got back from F9/11: good movie, regardless of your stance on

I find it interesting that (a) Although it is raking in money like crazy
(my performance was close to 100% full, no passes are being accepted,
etc.), (b) only a single theater within 50 miles of St. Louis, yes, you
saw that right, a major city, has booked this show, and, (c) the movie
plays only through tonight - a three day run.  You close a movie thats
making money?


J.A. Terranson

  ...justice is a duty towards those whom you love and those whom you do
  not.  And people's rights will not be harmed if the opponent speaks out
  about them.

  Osama Bin Laden

RE: Shuffling to the sound of the Morlocks' dinner bell

2004-06-28 Thread William A. Frezza
And the return on my investment of time for voting is ... what?

The cost is exposure to compulsory jury duty.

Sounds like a negative ROI to me.


Sitting it out on election day and proud of it.

-Original Message-
From: R. A. Hettinga [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2004 5:53 PM
Subject: Shuffling to the sound of the Morlocks' dinner bell

Sunday, June 27, 2004
Las Vegas Review-Journal

 VIN SUPRYNOWICZ: Shuffling to the sound of the Morlocks' dinner bell

Re: Shuffling to the sound of the Morlocks' dinner bell

2004-06-28 Thread J.A. Terranson

On Sun, 27 Jun 2004, R. A. Hettinga wrote:

  In contrast, 95 percent of you (if you bother going to the polls at all --
 and who can blame you for your increasing sense of mortification? You must
 start to feel like the Eloi, shuffling in to the sound of the Morlocks'
 dinner bell in H.G. Wells' The Time Machine) will vote for a lying
 politician who you know to be a lying politician -- one of two
 interchangeable Skull  Bonesmen without any discernible political
 principles, who (no matter which wins) will proceed to raise your taxes,
 take away more of your freedoms, and continue frittering away whatever
 remains of America's reputation for decency by continuing the violent
 military occupation of scores of foreign countries that have never attacked
 nor declared war upon us. All this in hopes of temporarily propping up the
 bottom lines of sundry well-heeled banks, oil companies and federally
 subsidized engineering and construction firms.

  All because you don't want to throw away your vote -- and register your
 disapproval with that state of affairs -- by voting for a guy who would
 make you feel decent and clean.

In *any* election other than the one we face this November, I would agree
with this 100%.  But this time, I just can't.   I fear the re-appointment
of Bush more than any other political event.  That the author of this is
willing to overlook that he is knowingly helping to keep Bush in office,
trampling those rights he claims to so cherish, totally negates his

Bush has never won an election.

Let's keep it that way.


J.A. Terranson

  ...justice is a duty towards those whom you love and those whom you do
  not.  And people's rights will not be harmed if the opponent speaks out
  about them.

  Osama Bin Laden

Re: Shuffling to the sound of the Morlocks' dinner bell

2004-06-28 Thread Bill Stewart
 Bush is so evil I'll have to vote for the lesser evil
I felt that way about Reagan in 1984, and the Libertarians were
too disorganized to convince me otherwise.
Too bad the Democrats couldn't find a better candidate than Mondale.
My vote didn't change that landslide any, but it seems to have
helped the Democrats come up with a strategy for 1988,
which was to find the lamest available candidate and
run against someone other than Reagan, but voting for Dukakis
seemed to be throwing away my vote compared to voting for Ron Paul.
Fortunately, California will presumably be voting solidly Democrat,
though they'll probably still be using untrustable computerized
voting machines which only Republicans know how to steal instead of
the traditional Democrat-friendly versions.
At 05:38 PM 6/27/2004, J.A. Terranson wrote:
On Sun, 27 Jun 2004, Harmon Seaver wrote:
 My feeling is that Kerry won't be really any different,
Accepted.  Kerry is possibly the single worst candidate the dems had to
offer - and I don't think it's any accident that he made it through.
Nevertheless, I'll take the evil untested over the evil well known and
thoroughly despised at this point.
I'd say Jonathan Edwards was marginally worse,
but he'll probably be the VP candidate.
Howard Dean threatened to turn the Democrats back into an
actual political party again, so the Democrats, Republicans,
and so-called liberal pro-establishment press made sure to
stomp on him (and if that didn't look well-coordinated,
you weren't paying attention.)
Joe Lieberman was the best Republican running, but he's out too.
But yeah, Kerry's best feature is that he's mostly evil on his own,
rather than Bush who had his father's old cronies pushing him,
who are frankly a lot more creatively evil than Kerry or Bush.
Also, while I don't understand the reality distortion effect that
makes Republicans and conservatives believe everything Bush says
deep down in their reptile brains even when their eyes are
telling them something different, I don't think Kerry has it,
and that's a Good Thing.

Re: Shuffling to the sound of the Morlocks' dinner bell

2004-06-28 Thread Roy M. Silvernail
On Sun, 2004-06-27 at 20:38, J.A. Terranson wrote:

 BTW - I just got back from F9/11: good movie, regardless of your stance on

I just saw it, as well, and I have to agree with you.

 I find it interesting that (a) Although it is raking in money like crazy
 (my performance was close to 100% full, no passes are being accepted,
 etc.), (b) only a single theater within 50 miles of St. Louis, yes, you
 saw that right, a major city, has booked this show, and, (c) the movie
 plays only through tonight - a three day run.  You close a movie thats
 making money?

There are three theaters around Cincinnati running it, which considering
the Republican slant of the state I found interesting. Don't know how
long it's scheduled to play, though.  I didn't see any final
performance posters (and of course. doesn't show closing
Roy M. Silvernail is [EMAIL PROTECTED], and you're not
Progress, like reality, is not optional. - R. A. Hettinga

Re: Shuffling to the sound of the Morlocks' dinner bell

2004-06-28 Thread Harmon Seaver
On Sun, Jun 27, 2004 at 06:26:05PM -0500, J.A. Terranson wrote:
 On Sun, 27 Jun 2004, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
   In contrast, 95 percent of you (if you bother going to the polls at all --
  and who can blame you for your increasing sense of mortification? You must
  start to feel like the Eloi, shuffling in to the sound of the Morlocks'
  dinner bell in H.G. Wells' The Time Machine) will vote for a lying
  politician who you know to be a lying politician -- one of two
  interchangeable Skull  Bonesmen without any discernible political
  principles, who (no matter which wins) will proceed to raise your taxes,
  take away more of your freedoms, and continue frittering away whatever
  remains of America's reputation for decency by continuing the violent
  military occupation of scores of foreign countries that have never attacked
  nor declared war upon us. All this in hopes of temporarily propping up the
  bottom lines of sundry well-heeled banks, oil companies and federally
  subsidized engineering and construction firms.
   All because you don't want to throw away your vote -- and register your
  disapproval with that state of affairs -- by voting for a guy who would
  make you feel decent and clean.
 In *any* election other than the one we face this November, I would agree
 with this 100%.  But this time, I just can't.   I fear the re-appointment
 of Bush more than any other political event.  That the author of this is
 willing to overlook that he is knowingly helping to keep Bush in office,
 trampling those rights he claims to so cherish, totally negates his
 Bush has never won an election.
 Let's keep it that way.

My feeling is that Kerry won't be really any different, except possibly in
the areas of environment and education. He'll be about like Klinton, maybe
worse. And like Klinton, he's a lot smarter, so a lot more people will be
fooled. One thing about Dubbya, et al, is they make a lot of really dumb
mistakes. Look at Cheney telling Sen. Leahy to fuck himself -- these morons even
turn off a lot of Republicans. 

Harmon Seaver   
Hoka hey!

Re: Shuffling to the sound of the Morlocks' dinner bell

2004-06-28 Thread Justin
On 2004-06-27T18:26:05-0500, J.A. Terranson wrote:
 On Sun, 27 Jun 2004, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
   All because you don't want to throw away your vote -- and register your
  disapproval with that state of affairs -- by voting for a guy who would
  make you feel decent and clean.
 In *any* election other than the one we face this November, I would agree
 with this 100%.  But this time, I just can't.   I fear the re-appointment
 of Bush more than any other political event.  That the author of this is
 willing to overlook that he is knowingly helping to keep Bush in office,
 trampling those rights he claims to so cherish, totally negates his

But your vote will never make a difference in a presidential election.  No
such election has ever turned on one vote in any state, and it's not
likely to.  Trying to convince everyone to vote for Kerry is your
prerogative, but if _you_ vote for Kerry in November while believing
Badnarik is the best choice, you are wasting your vote.

When it comes down to you and the ballot, vote your conscience.  There's
no quantum entanglement between your ballot and anyone else's.

Obviously you may already believe all that and you may be agitating for
Kerry precisely for those reasons.  However, I don't like either Kerry or
Bush so I have no problem explaining why you're stated position is wrong.

 Once you knew, you'd claim her, and I didn't want that.
 Not your decision to make.
 Yes, but it's the right decision, and I made it for my daughter.  She
deserved to be born with a clean slate. - Beatrix; Bill; Kill Bill V.2

Re: Shuffling to the sound of the Morlocks' dinner bell

2004-06-28 Thread Justin
On 2004-06-27T17:53:05-0400, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
  I will vote for a candidate who -- if he had his way -- would [...]
  pull us out of the deadly, illegal and unconstitutional war in Iraq;
  and put the U.S. military back to work tracking down the real culprits
  of Sept.  11.

Just because it's a deadly (what war isn't?) and illegal (Bush's
lawyers would take issue with that) doesn't mean the proper course of
action is to leave.  Right or wrong, we created this mess.  We now bear
some responsibility for cleaning it up.  Once everything is cleaned up,
he's right: we should leave immediately.  Have we yet fixed the pipelines
that terrorists have blown up because of our presence in Iraq?

  At which point, if we can find them, you think it would be OK to just
 kill them? I asked the candidate last week.
  Sure, Badnarik said.
  Sounds about right to me.

For some strange value of real culprits, perhaps.  19 of the real
culprits are already dead, and who knows how many with some knowledge of
the attacks are already in prison.  From what I've heard about the way the
cells operated, Atta had primary control over the details of the plan.
Osama just had to approve it.  Osama probably deserves to die for his role
in various attacks, but is he a real culprit of 9/11?

Once you knew, you'd claim her, and I didn't want that.
Not your decision to make.
Yes, but it's the right decision, and I made it for my daughter.
 - Beatrix; Bill  ...Kill Bill Vol. 2

Re: Shuffling to the sound of the Morlocks' dinner bell

2004-06-28 Thread Harmon Seaver
On Mon, Jun 28, 2004 at 12:25:02AM -0700, Bill Stewart wrote:


 Howard Dean threatened to turn the Democrats back into an
 actual political party again, so the Democrats, Republicans,
 and so-called liberal pro-establishment press made sure to
 stomp on him (and if that didn't look well-coordinated,
 you weren't paying attention.)

   John Stauber spoke at the Midwest Renewable Energy Fair this last Solstice
weekend, and talked a good bit about the myth of liberal media -- there is
none. At least not in the corporate media world, and not even at NPR. 
   He had a pretty good rant.  So did Amy Goodman of
Democracy Now.  

Harmon Seaver   
Hoka hey!