More inspiration from Mr. Beam...

Revolutionary Majorities
An Essay by Louis Beam


     "Revolutionary Majorities" -- Part One

     If citizens of this country ever again enjoy the blessings of liberty
and true freedom, it will not be the result of a majority of its citizens
having risen up in righteous indignation at governmental abuse of
themselves and their culture. If a restoration of the Constitution of our
forbearers occurs - with all that this implies - it will probably not be
because a plurality of citizens fought for it, supported it, or cared one
way or another. If lawful government is reestablished it will come about
because a revolutionary majority makes it happen.

     Within the American historical experience a revolutionary majority may
be defined as any number of citizens sufficient to initiate general
hostilities against a destructive government.

     The American Revolution of 1776 defines the term, sets the precedent
and provides the example for patriots of today.

     Throughout most of the Revolutionary War, those patriots who were
seeking to overthrow the government lacked support of over two-thirds of
their fellow citizens. John Adams, one of the "radicals" in favor of the
Revolution and who was later to become the second President of the United
States, stated that depending on how the war was going, those fighting for
freedom had the opposition of from a third to two thirds of the people.
Others like Pennsylvania delegate to the Continental Congress Joseph
Galloway was sure that four-fifths of the people "were or wanted to be,
loyal to the King." (Galloway eventually sided with the Loyalists, as those
who supported the King's government were called.) Colonel London Carter, a
member of the Virginia aristocracy and a strong patriot, stated in his
diary in March of 1776 (but a bare three months before the signing of the
Declaration of Independence) that an observer of events in the Northern
colonies was sure "nine-tenths of the people are violently against it"

     The exact number of "the friends of government", as the patriots
disparagingly referred to those who opposed the Revolution, cannot be
stated with accuracy. As John Adams indicated, the number was in a constant
state of flux, depending on political events and who was winning in the
armed conflict. One thing is certain, however; the American Revolution was
anything but a broad-based popular uprising of a disaffected people.
Rather, it was a very unpopular rebellion of a politically radical minority
who, because they possessed a clear understanding of the rights of man
coupled with a deep concern for the state of relative personal freedom,
were able to perceive the shackles of tyranny prior to their being
presented for fastening. This discernment of tyranny at a distance not only
set them apart from their fellow man but constrained them to rebel.

     The radical political leaders of the Revolution such as John Adams,
Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, George
Washington, Richard Henry Lee, John Hancock, and Joseph Warren, to name but
a few of the more well known, had to conduct their struggle for freedom in
the face of disapprobation and rejection by their peers before the time of
actual armed conflict, and after its commencement to charges and cries of
"incendiaries and traitors." Indeed "the friends of government" knew little
restraint when it came to condemning the Republic's Founders. The Loyalists
called Washington, among other things; a liar, perjurer, murderer,
blasphemer, criminal, traitor, patron of villainy, and a villain's chief.
The other Founders fared little better and were variously referred to as
being dregs, illiberal (sic!) and violent men, despicable wretches,
bandits, rude, and depraved. While thus labeled by "respectable citizens,"
these men led the country toward rebellion.

     Correspondingly, the Founders had an analogous movement among the
common people which, although the objective of overthrowing the government
was the same, the methods were those resorted to by people in every age
when faced with overpowering force of all-powerful government, namely, mob
action, riots, uprisings, midnight forays, and harassment, intimidation, or
terroristic acts directed against governmental supporters. All of these and
other acts came under the single heading of patriotism so far as their
perpetrators were concerned.

     After a review of non-battlefield hostilities, it becomes apparent
that the American Revolution was won more by mob action than by armed
conflict! Thus, any idea that the Revolution was won in an ordeal of battle
is out of place in view of the facts.

     During the entire length of the armed conflict from 1775 to 1781, the
King's armies lost only 1,512 men killed in battle; this seven-year,
battle-death casualty rate was exceeded by Union forces at Cold Harbor in
1864 during the first eight minutes of a single engagement. The King's
armies had previously lost far larger numbers of men in the Seven Years War
(French and Indian Wars) yet pressed on to victory. An adequate explanation
then of the patriots' final triumph over the government must be provided by
other than a military victory.

     An answer, in great part, lies in the violence and vigilante action
carried on by the patriots against the government and its supporters!
Though most Americans today are familiar with the Boston Tea Party, few
know much about the secret organization that conducted it, the Sons of
Liberty. Led by Samuel Adams, John Hancock, Dr. Warren ("the greatest
incendiary of them all"), and Paul Revere, they met in secret, dressed in
disguises, and carried out vigilante actions under the cover of darkness.
This revolutionary Ku Klux Klan was as much dreaded by "the friends of
government" as its ideological offspring, the Klan, ever was by unruly
Blacks. The Sons of Liberty and other similar groups were responsible,
during the course of the conflict for independence, for causing tens of
thousands of Loyalist to flee the country (the Klan was usually satisfied
with merely running undesirables out of the county).

     The means were simple and effective. Terror and intimidation were
directed against the Loyalists. Methods used to create these twin scourges
of "the friends of government" included, but were not limited to,
whippings, coats of tar and feathers, banishment, church burnings (if run
by a Loyalist preacher or used for a Loyalist meeting place), confiscation
of property, and wherever deemed necessary - death of any one of several
reliable methods.

     Other patriotic groups formed throughout the thirteen colonies to
carry on a relentless persecution of "the friends of government." Each
organization operated independently of the other though often exchanged
information on Loyalists.

     Often these ad hoc associations went by the name of "Committees of
Public Safety," though the name as well as the tactics employed varied from
place to place. Thus in the colony of New York, the patriots bluntly called
themselves "the oppressors of the friends of government" and stated proudly
that they tarred and feathered governmental supporters with the "decorum
that ought to be preserved in public punishments." Boston had its
mysterious "Joyce Junior" who led a group of Knight Riders and enforcers
who saw to it that those who did not display the necessary revolutionary
mentality were properly punished. The rebel Continental Congress
established "associations," whose purpose was to locate the Loyalists and
turn their names over to the local vigilante to be dealt within the manner
they deemed proper. In every colony, if the accusation was one of giving
information to government agents, the traitor to liberty was hanged by the
neck or dealt with in some other terminally appropriate manner.

     Even religious leaders were not exempt from the patriotic purges that
cleansed away supporters of the king. Preachers who failed to support the
cause of liberty (or who had forgotten that David slew Goliath rather than
turning the other cheek) were run out of town on a rail in the glowing
light of the flames from their quickly disappearing church. This was
considered leniency, others were forced to flee to England or Canada in
fear of their lives.

     By the end of the conflict in 1781, for every government Red-Coat
killed on the battlefield, seventy Loyalists had been driven from their
homes and forced to settle in England or Canada, totaling over one hundred
thousand people.

     The government and its "friends" accused the revolutionary freedom
fighters (whom they often called "the Sons of Anarchy") of "committing the
most shocking outrages" and of "daily invasions upon private property"
while led by men who were "well known incendiaries and traitors," whose
chief purpose in life was to commit "crimes against the Constitutional
authority of the State" (historically, government's which have oppressed
and abused their citizens justify their actions based on the "law" or
"Constitutional authority").

     No doubt, had the effort to overthrow the government been
unsuccessful, the Founding Fathers and their citizen supporters would have
been hanged by "the friends of government," as the very worst sort of
traitors and terrorists.

     In summary of the American Revolution, while Washington's determined
and skillful leadership of the army, no doubt made victory possible, it did
not assure it. The Spirit of '76 - a massive campaign of terror directed by
patriotic citizens against all those who supported the government was the
deciding factor that brought freedom to America.

     American Constitutional liberty was born in mob pressure, fostered by
secret societies, nurtured during seven years of intimidating violence, and
institutionalized at the expense of well over a hundred thousand people.
With this American history in mind, one who is faithful to the ideas of the
Founding Fathers of this nation can have nothing but contempt and suspicion
of the motives (or ignorance) of those people both within and without the
government who would condemn citizens of today "for taking the law into
their own hands" in defense of their rights.

     Had those who desired liberty in 1776 waited until a numerical
majority of their fellow citizens were ready to "wake-up" (as the saying is
today) to fight for the overthrow of the government, or had they hesitated
in the use of "illegal" force and violence (force and violence are never
legal except when used by those in power) against their governmental
enemies, they would have all died in their old age as law-abiding subjects
of the King - minus their freedom.

     Patriots of 1775 considered the sympathies of less than a third of the
people sufficient to begin general hostilities against their oppressors.
Herein lies the historical context of the American revolutionary majority.
It has been wisely said that those who do not know and understand history
can repeat its successes.

     In America today, the manacles of slavery and destruction once forged
in London by the King are now forged in Washington. Acts of tyranny are
carried out in the name of the federal government rather than in the name
of the Throne. The vicious enforcers of dictatorial policies often call
themselves F.B.I. or I.R.S. agents instead of his Royal Majesty's troops or
tax collectors of the Realm. Substituting for the Redcoats of the British
are the "bluecoats" of the bureaucrats and in far greater numbers. Though
babblings for "the divine rights" of kings to rule have ceased, modern
fools prattle of "democratic majorities" composed of an illiterate
electorate enfranchised for the purpose of dispossessing the descendants of
the Founders. While different in nomenclature the end results are exactly
the same - the dark, cold, tight chains of slavery.

     A numerical majority of today's citizens cannot read these footprints
of tyranny nor understand where they lead. In this they are no different
than their counterparts of 200 years ago. Modern governments have mass
communications to subtly guide the thinking of their subjects; thus is seen
the phenomenon of today's citizen rushing forth to place the cuffs of
bondage upon his own wrist by irrationally clamoring (as he has been
indoctrinated) for more laws and government to solve problems created by an
excess of both. This mental inversion, whereby the citizen willfully aids
in efforts to subjugate himself, is of no small import for those who
treasure their liberty. The implications are many, but the consequences
could be singular: a governmentally programmed democratic majority may, as
they dance along to mental tunes played by an electronic band of
orchestrated communication, gleefully drag down (with their self-fastened
chains) everyone else in the black hole of oblivion.

     Only one thing seems capable of closing the yawning mouth of the pit
and that is the formation of a new revolutionary majority coupled with
resurrection of the Spirit of '76. Anything short of this seems certain to
pass on to today's children an increasingly difficult task of freeing
themselves from transistorized chains of governmental control. Such a
legacy is the bequeathal of cowards, not free men.

     The first American Revolutionists accused those who ruled them of
excessive taxation, interference with property rights, illegal search and
seizure, not protecting the citizens from incursions by several thousand
Indians, policies destructive of the general welfare, and "altering
fundamentally the form of our government," among other things.

     Today the federal government taxes its subjects for forty percent of
their income, instead of the three percent (less than a dollar twenty a
year) tax of the King; interferes with the ownership and use of virtually
every description of property; authorizes everything from game wardens to
I.R.S. agents to search, arrest, or seize property without a warrant. It
allows fifteen million aliens to illegally cross its borders in less than a
ten-year period; and conducts a policy of systematic extermination of its
young men through no-win wars, and subjects the Founders' children to
enforced equality. Each of the acts, individually amounts to altering
fundamentally the form and purpose for which the federal government was
created. Taken as a whole, they are a cry for - nay - a demand for, a new
campaign of terror conducted against the government and its friends in the
great American tradition of 1776.

     "Revolutionary Majorities" -- Part Two

     An examination of the depth and magnitude of policies fostered by
federal rulers detrimental to the people of present day America make the
abuses of the English King's government pale into insignificance. One thing
is clear; comparison of the criminal acts of the two governments makes
those who value their liberty and freedom long for the bitter days of
English despotism.

     While there are many similarities between the first American
Revolution and the second (coming soon at a place near you), there are also
significant differences.

     The first and paramount dissimilarity is that while our heroic
Forefathers fought to overthrow their legally constituted government and
were thus revolutionaries in the truest sense of the word, those who seek
to break the quickly tightening bands of servitude today war against an
illegal government that imposes itself upon the people under the color of
the law. By the Washington regime's disobedience to and violation of the
bonds of the Constitution, established by the Founders of this country, it
has made of itself an unlawful body with no more right to govern the
American people than has the present Queen of England. That the government
survives despite the crimes it has committed is explainable only because
the atrocities it systematically imposes are papered over with a veneer of
legality. Propaganda that numbs the mind keeps people from rising against
those who abuse them.

     There is no law in this country - other than power, which currently
rests with the Pirates of the Potomac, who pose as our lawful government
while using over powering force to quell those who resist their destructive
policies. The Constitutional Revolutionist of today is actually fighting
for a transfer of power from those who can make no legitimate claim to
power, to those who inherently hold it as a natural right - the lawful
citizens of this country.

     Another salient difference between the first American Revolution and
the second is the contrast between the quality of the people of then and
now. Our ancestors were strong men, who stated often that they were
resolved "to die as free men rather than live as slaves." They were
conditioned to doing their own thinking while at the same time ever holding
before themselves the guiding lights of honor and duty.

     Today, raised in the lap of luxury, many people gladly exchange their
freedom for the right to accumulate material possessions. Not one person in
fifty can truthfully state that his opinions are the result of independent
research rather than the mindless acquisition of pre-programmed "opinions"
obtained by indulging in endless hours of obeisant T.V. watching (that
modern day golden calf of those lost in the mental wilderness). Further,
most Americans do not know the meanings nor values of honor and duty, the
two great concepts of higher man.

     It is quite clear that the virtue of the present generation has
declined to such a miserable degree that most people will never voluntarily
help to make themselves free. Consequently they will have to be made to
make themselves free.

     A great objective of revolutionary majorities is that of thrusting
freedom upon those who are too weak to make themselves free while providing
its blessings for the stronger, more noble elements of the race. This is
done in the firm belief that under sound government, future generations
will be naturally healthy in mind and spirit. The revolutionary patriot
benignantly grants freedom to others while establishing framework that will
allow posterity to be both free and strong. Other than the "great
commission" of the Lord, no calling is as exalted or as honorable. These
two significant differences - one of law, one of character - between the
first struggle for freedom and the present one is deserving of substantial
thought and analysis by those capable of so doing. Consider what type of
self-preserving behavior can be expected from a government that already
wades to its knees in the blood of young men deliberately sacrificed to the
false god of Internationalism. Were the government really intent on
opposing Communism, it would start a war in Washington and work its way to
Vietnam. What behavior can be expected from a people who willingly pass
their sons through the fire to be consumed? Each of these concepts deserve
most careful examination.

     Opposing the federal purveyors of mass murder and the "the friends of
government" who make such perfidy possible are men who trace their
political lineage to times of Magna Carta, and who are mental as well as
physical descendants of the Founding Fathers. They believe, as did their
forbearers, that government is a social contract entered into by people of
a similar mind for their mutual benefit. This agency created by the people
can only, legitimately, be their servant - never their master. Further, it
cannot possess lawful authority to deprive those who create it (or their
heirs) of natural rights. In normal times men who arrayed themselves
against the criminal acts of government would be called Constitutionalists,
but "these are the times that try mens souls" as well as test their
courage. Thus contemporary patriots become known as Constitutional
Revolutionists determined to overthrow every vestige of unlawful government
doing so with a firm belief that honor demands and duty requires the
reestablishment of the law of their fathers.

     It can be realized then, that those who remain guilty of loyalty to
the present illegal government in the District of Columbia are chargeable
with treason to the Constitution of the United States and deserving the
same fate of their historical predecessors who, in the name of the King,
trampled upon sacred rights of Englishmen in 1776.

     It should be stated in their defense, however, that most of those who
are participants in this odious transgression against the good of our noble
forbearers do so in complete ignorance of the law. Having obtained
ninety-five percent of their misinformation from government licensed T.V.
and the remaining five percent from conversations with others who are also
completely maladroit at obtaining facts on their own, they are victims of
methodical thought control which began during their childhood and has been
continued at a subliminal level throughout their lives.

     Though no doubt the maxim "ignorance of the law is no excuse for its
violation" makes these people criminals, the mitigating circumstances of
their lawlessness should be considered by those who are seeking to
reestablish lawful rule in this country.

     A period of grace, commensurable with what the struggle will allow, is
in order, thus providing the present supporters of unlawful government an
opportunity to defect as they became cognizant of the law.

     By this fraternal act to the erring members of our race we serve not
only the interest of justice but, at whatever point in time the grace
period is of necessity terminated, all excuse for collaboration with the
enemy will have been removed. Having held long aloft the olive branch of
peace and forgiveness, no just complaint can be made by those who failed to
avail themselves of it, when with the other hand, the terrible swift sword
of vindication falls upon their necks.

     Even after the patriots of today have invoked "the Spirit of '76," and
have successfully dammed the Mississippi with rotting corpses of the lying
politicians, criminal bureaucrats, racial traitors, communists, assorted
degenerates, cultural distorters, and those who resist the implementation
of lawful Constitutional government, these patriots will have exhibited far
more restraint and benevolence than the present government of the United
States. For while Constitutionalists of today war against those guilty of
the most heinous crimes upon our people, usurpers in Washington destroy in
mind and wherever possible the bodies of those guilty of nothing more than
having white skin.

     Coalescing within America today is a second revolutionary majority
whose members in the spirit of their forbearers are resolved to die as free
men rather than to live as slaves. Like their noble ancestors, today's
revolutionary majority must fight for the children of carping critics just
as fiercely as for their own families. Emulating its predecessor, obedience
is given only to the dictates of the code of natural law. For once again
the enemies of liberty use the law of the nation as their shield - yea -
even their justification for destroying freedom of the people. A government
exceeding the power granted by their fathers - they are not bound to obey
but bound to resist.

     John Adams said, that "freedom is a counter balance for poverty,
discord, and war," and that if the revolutionary struggle failed, it would
be because moderates tried to find a "middle ground" and to conduct "half a
war," for freedom. Likewise, today's tired voices are heard calling for
politics as usual - moderation as always. Such thinking has allowed
generations to die in chains in former times and will so again if adhered to.

     The age of the conservative like that of the dinosaur, has ended. Now
begins a new age, destiny calls for her great men who by their iron will
alter the pages of history from that of a tale of shame, cowardice, and
decline, to a saga of glory, bravery, and rebirth. Soon, very soon, we will
have a revolutionary majority...


-Pink Floyd "Sheep"

Harmlessly passing your time in the grassland away;
Only dimly aware of a certain unease in the air.
You better watch out,
There may be dogs about
I've looked over Jordan, and I have seen
Things are not what they seem.

What do they get for pretending the danger's not real.
Meek and obedient you follow the leader
Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel.
What a surprise!
A look of terminal shock in your eyes.
Now things are really what they seem.
No, this is no bad dream.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
He makes me down to lie
Through pastures green He leadeth me the silent waters by.
With bright knives He releaseth my soul.
He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places.
He converteth me to lamb cutlets,
For lo, He hath great power, and great hunger.
When cometh the day we lowly ones,
Through quiet reflection, and great dedication
Master the art of karate,
Lo, we shall rise up,
And then we'll make the bugger's eyes water.

Bleating and babbling we fell on his neck with a scream.
Wave upon wave of demented avengers
March cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream.

Have you heard the news?
The dogs are dead!
You better stay home
And do as you're told.
Get out of the road if you want to grow old.

Smash the State, Once and For All! Death to the NWO!


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Secrecy is the cornerstone of all tyranny. Not force, but secrecy... censorship. When any government, or any church, for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, "This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know," the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. Mightily little force is needed to control a man who has been hoodwinked; Contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything. You cannot conquer a free man; The most you can do is kill him.

-Robert A. Heinlein, Revolt in 2100

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