>>>Hey, asshole, why don't you quit using the cypherpunks list as your own private soapbox?<<<

Hey asshole why don't you just try and make me?

>>>Just about everybody twitfiltered you long ago, but you're burning up a shitload of bandwidth with your spew. <<<

More than photo's of ground zero? If you don't know what your talking about you might try and keep your big trap shut btw.

>>>AT BEST you should only be posting the URLs of whatever sites you are copy/pasting from,<<<

I should listen to you because...? FUCK YOU JACKASS!

>>>but even that is doubtful as to the usefulness, since much of what you post has little or nothing to do with things of interest to the list. <<<

Yeah I noticed no one's commented on all the quantum crypto stuff I was first with,so the site has a lot of dickhead 'libertarians',so? All the more reason to treat them with contempt.Are you their best spokesdickhead? LOL.

>>>Even the "subject" lines of your messages suck. <<<

Suck my dick faggot.

>>>They don't even induce the reader to suspect that you might have posted something of relevence. Not that that's likely.
Say hello to Choate down there in the bit-bucket.

Whatever, Sluggo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>you fucking whinger.Have a good cry baby,you'll feel better.

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