Re: all about transferable off-line ecash (Re: Brands off-linetech)

2002-04-10 Thread Sunder

I've had several dozen of these (stamp and other vending machines provided
them as change here in NYC), and kept only one.  They're horrible.  Sure,
they look like gold when you get them but they oxidize quickly when
handled and look worse than old pennies.

Serves the mint right for trying to pass what clearly is a slap in the
face of anyone who remembers that the US currency was at one time
tethered to actual gold.

 + ^ + :Surveillance cameras|Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/  :aren't security.  A |share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
--*--:camera won't stop a |monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
  /|\  :masked killer, but  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
 + v + :will violate privacy|site, and you must change them very often.

On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Steve Furlong wrote:

 Trei, Peter wrote:
 US don't want dollar coins
  Just about a
  year ago, they tried again, with the 'Sacagawea' or 'Golden Dollar'.
  This is a very handsome coin, gold in color, but it was the same size
  as a SBA dollar (to fit the machines). You can still confuse it with a
  quarter in your pocket or in the dark. It's been months since I've seen
 I've seen exactly two Sac coins, both right after they were introduced.
 I gave one to my son to save and one to an amateur collector.

Re: all about transferable off-line ecash (Re: Brands off-linetech)

2002-04-09 Thread Ben Laurie

Anonymous wrote:
 [Copied to Adam so he doesn't have to wait for some moderator to get
 off his fat ass and approve it.  And BTW permission is NOT granted to
 forward this or any part of it to the DBS list because Hettinga is an
 asshole who kicks people off his list for spite.  He can piss in his
 own sandbox if he wants but we don't have to play in it.]
 Adam Back wrote:
  On Mon, Apr 08, 2002 at 04:15:09AM +0200, Anonymous wrote:
   First, off-line coins suck, as described above.  [...]
  Off-line coins just offer an extra optional feature for the user, any
  user who chooses can instead use them as online coins.  So I would
  argue off-line coins are better than online coins.
 It's not just an extra feature; an off-line system inherently requires
 users to identify themselves to the bank at withdrawal time.  It cannot
 allow users to anonymously exchange coins at the bank.  So it has an
 inherent lack of anonymity which is not present in an online system.

If they withdraw blinded coins, then although they were identified they are not
linked with the coins. Did I miss something?




There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit. - Robert Woodruff