Ballot Error Effect Cited
Orange County registrar says incorrect electronic ballots may have
altered a race's outcome, but says results will be certified today.
By Jean O. Pasco
Times Staff Writer

March 30, 2004

Although some Orange County voters cast the wrong electronic ballots in
the March 2 primary, potentially altering the outcome of one race for a
Democratic Party post, Registrar Steve Rodermund said he will certify
the results of the election today.

In a report circulated late Monday to the Board of Supervisors,
Rodermund acknowledged for the first time that his office's failures
could have affected a race — and gave ammunition to critics of
electronic voting.

The report said 33 voters out of 16,655 in the 69th Assembly District
received the wrong ballots and were unable to vote for six open seats on
the Democratic Central Committee.

The candidate who finished seventh in that contest, Art Hoffman, trailed
sixth-place candidate Jim Pantone in the final count by 13 votes.
However, 99.7% of Orange County ballots were cast properly in the
primary, Rodermund will tell supervisors today before certifying the
election results to the secretary of state.

Fuck democracy, we've got money to spend!

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