
sure, I can write some script and do some filtering on filenames and
forward it to the non-revocable rm -rf $files - but this is very dangerous
and error prone.
It would be nice to have a visual feedback of the picked items and to be
able to work on them with reject/0 stars like we always do in darktable.
Darktable has powerful filtering tools based on tags, properties, file
types, etc. I was wondering maybe I just did not yet spot the property that
I can use for easily achieving my goal.

Kind regads

Am Mi., 21. Nov. 2018 um 14:28 Uhr schrieb Remco Viëtor <

> On mercredi 21 novembre 2018 10:13:28 CET Coding Dave wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a Nikon camera with 2 slots and set them to put JPG on one and RAW
> > on the other. This makes the camera only delete one or the other when
> > deleting from the camera itself, it looses track of the coupled images.
> > Now I am looking for a way to remove the other one. So I would be
> > interested in a filter that shows all files which dont have both a
> > $FILENAME.NEF and a $FILENAME.JPG but only one of them.
> >
> > Do you have an idea for helping me out here?
> For me that's the kind of thing to do through a shell script, before
> import
> into darktable:
> import all files from the cards into a directory,
> run a script that removes the unwanted (orphaned) files
>         (for   each .NEF:  if no corresponding JPG exists, remove .NEF;
>          for each .JPG: if no corresponding .NEF exists, remove .JPG;),
> import the directory into darktable.
> Of course, this requires a certain discipline when importing your files,
> in
> that the relative paths from NEF to JPG should stay the same.
> That said, I use a combination of Digikam (sorting, tagging and adding
> captions and titles) and Darktable (global editing), sometimes Gimp
> (detailed
> editing, e.g. wire removal).
> On a side note, I've heard it said that it's better not to remove
> individual
> files due to the nature of the card memory. Best seems to be to just fill
> up the
> card, and remove all files after transfer (and backup) through an
> in-camera
> format of the card.
> Remco
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