Re: [darktable-user] I think I need a graphics card

2020-09-30 Thread Patrick Rudin
Pindakoe  wrote:
>  200 € max -- translates to NVIDIA GTX1650 Super 

If you go with nvidia, maybe you should wait a few weeks until the new
3070 is available. First benchmarks of the 3080/3090 (rendering in
blender) look promising,..



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Re: [darktable-user] GPU recommendation

2019-12-22 Thread Patrick Rudin
schrieb Jochen Keil :
> 0.061671 [opencl_init] device 0 `GeForce GTX 1060 6GB' allows GPU
> memory allocations of up to 1515MB [opencl_init] device 0: GeForce

Maybe I get something wrong, bit it looks strange that opencl gets
only up to 1515 MB. Why is that. It is not much more than my 1050 Ti:

> 0.283419 [opencl_init] device 0 `GeForce GTX 1050 Ti' allows GPU
> memory
> allocations of up to 1009MB [opencl_init] device 0: GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 
 MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES:  [ 1024 1024 64 ]

And yes, you driver is older...



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Re: [darktable-user] OT: Any Hugin experts here?

2019-03-05 Thread Patrick Rudin
Bruce Williams  wrote:
> NEW link is here:

These are tiff-files. From my experience, Hugin has big problems to
stich things without metadata, even if you tell him manually the focal
length. Have you tried it with high quality jpg with full metadata?

And yes, me too would love to read a "hidden features, tipps and tricks
of Hugin" from somebody who has a deeper inside into this software...



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Re: [darktable-user] Skulls - yes, once more !

2018-07-28 Thread Patrick Rudin
schrieb "Michael Fritze" :

> I think that this is the bug:

Just Nikon? I have hundreds of pictures from my Samsung NX300 and NX210,
so far with no problem. But now (Debian Testing, Darktable 2.4.4) i get
the mentioned error at exact _one_ picture:

[rawspeed] (sam_10106.SRW) void
rawspeed::RawDecoder::decodeUncompressed(const rawspeed::TiffIFD*,
rawspeed::BitOrder), line 110: Slice offset/count invalid [temperature]
failed to read camera white balance information from `sam_10106.SRW'!
allocation failed???

There is no skull in the Lighttable, the error comes when I try to open
the picture in Darktoom.

If someone needs the file:



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Re: [darktable-user] Centerfolding on Credo 40 Back, Plus Missing Support in Latest Build

2017-11-26 Thread Patrick Rudin
Robert Bieber wrote:
> I got my hands on a Leaf Credo 40 digital back a
> few weeks ago, and so far it's mostly worked
> stunningly with Darktable.

Could you please upload a RAW file tu



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Re: [darktable-user] contrast brightness saturation changes image even without changing values

2017-05-18 Thread Patrick Rudin
johannes hanika wrote:
> these out-of-gamut/imaginary stimuli result in negative L values in
> the pipeline.

Could you explain a bit further how exactly this negative L-value is
created? I always thought the camera-specific profile is a kind of LUT,
but obviously it is a bit more complicated :)

I know that all extreme values in a or b-channel are out of gamut in
sRGB, but how can a clipping in the blue camera-channel lead to a
negative L-value?



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Re: [darktable-user] Segfault DT 2.2.1

2017-01-21 Thread Patrick Rudin
schrieb Jean-Luc Lacroix :
> Same problem with 3.22.6-1 that recently landed in Debian testing.

I still work with Debian Jessie but have Debian testing on another
partition and tried just after your first posting with 3.22-5, and
yesterday again with 3.22-6. I tried really hard, but I am unable to
reproduce the segfault.



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Re: [darktable-user] what graphics card to get?

2017-01-17 Thread Patrick Rudin
schrieb Germano Massullo :
> And keep in mind that OpenCL capabilities are coming into FOSS driver
> soon.

At least, the numbers look good, no big differences between ROCm and
PRO on RX460 and RX480:

Still a way to go, but hopefully it will be open source soon...



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Re: [darktable-user] what graphics card to get?

2017-01-16 Thread Patrick Rudin
schrieb Horst Brückner :

> Hardware: pretty new Desktop, Intel i7-6700, 32GB Ram, NVIDIA NVS 310,
> Nvidia properietary drivers 367.57

Sorry, did not see that you attached the full output.

[opencl_nlmeans] couldn't enqueue kernel! -4
[default_process_tiling_opencl_ptp] couldn't run process_cl() for
module 'nlmeans' in tiling mode: 0 [opencl_pixelpipe] failed to run
module 'nlmeans'. fall back to cpu path

He falls back to cpu on most modules. Maybe I am wrong, but is this a
case for a legacy-driver?



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Re: [darktable-user] what graphics card to get?

2017-01-16 Thread Patrick Rudin
schrieb Horst Brückner :
> Hardware: pretty new Desktop, Intel i7-6700, 32GB Ram, NVIDIA NVS 310,
> Nvidia properietary drivers 367.57

Really NVS 310? A new desktop with a card launched around summer 2012?

Could you please post the output prior of the pixelpipe? There are
maybe interesting informations about the supportet image sizes and the
GPU memory allocations...

> Question: is there any Graphics card which runs all benchmark actions
> directly on the GPU?

As far as I have seen, basically every nvidia gtx-card (7xx and newer).



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Re: [darktable-user] what graphics card to get?

2017-01-16 Thread Patrick Rudin
schrieb Michael Born :
> I'm running a RX480 with MESA OpenGL (because, I like open source)
> and the OpenCL libs from the AMDGPU-PRO driver (see
> )
> Darktable works fine with this.

Wow, very interesting.

Could you please put these two files in the same directory:

and post the full output of
darktable-cli bench.SRW test.jpg --core -d perf -d opencl

I would appreciate that very much :)



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Re: [darktable-user] One color + b&W ? How to ?

2017-01-16 Thread Patrick Rudin
schrieb Anton Aylward :
> Other then simply killing the green and blue in a color profile, what
> can I do about the sport car scene?

Use the Monochrom-module, got to parametric mask and choose your
(including or excluding) colors there...



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Re: [darktable-user] Segfault DT 2.2.1

2017-01-13 Thread Patrick Rudin
schrieb Jean-Luc Lacroix :

> Hi all,
> DT version: 2.2.1-2
> GTK version: 3.22.5-1
> Debian Testing

3.22-6 is coming, maybe you can pin it from unstable and test if the
problem is already solved?



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Re: [darktable-user] Nvidia GTX 1060 OpenCL

2017-01-13 Thread Patrick Rudin
schrieb komodo :
> But drivers in distro not support this card, so i need to install
> nvidia drivers.

Have you tried backports? 375.26 is backported to Debian Jessie.

Another possibility would be to upgrade to Debian Stretch. Yes, still
testing, but three weeks from deep freeze...



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Re: [darktable-user] what graphics card to get?

2017-01-13 Thread Patrick Rudin
Stefan Klinger schrieb:

> Darktable will be the most demanding task for this piece of
> hardware.

Same here.

We pushed Phoronix recently to do some tests:

> The Darktable manual mentions a minimum of 1GB of graphics memory to
> be sufficient [1].  Is this up-to-date information?

Would like to hear something about that too. Bigger files
(medium-format) seems to need more buffers, but unfortunately phoronix
does not deliver the full output with all those things visible.

> Does anyone have information on / experience with Radeon R7 or similar
> (i.e., GCN family of cards [6])?

The problem is, OpenCL only works so far with the closed
source-drivers. And the closed source AMDGPU-PRO-driver seems not to be
supported by the distros, he is not in the repos.

My personal view: If you want to have OpenCl working today, buy a 1050,
a 1050Ti or a 1060. A 1050 is not much more expensive than a R7.



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Re: [darktable-user] Issue importing pictures from D610

2016-12-22 Thread Patrick Rudin
Patrick Shanahan worte:

> certainly:
>   I have it assigned to an alias as:
> lc;exiv2 mv \-k \-r %y%m%d_%H%M%S_:basename: \.\/*.{nef,jpg}

Great, thank you. Pretty simple, i forgot that exiv2 can do that...



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Re: [darktable-user] Issue importing pictures from D610

2016-12-16 Thread Patrick Rudin
Patrick Shanahan wrote:

> and rename the files after using a
> script which assigns YEARMODA_.nef.

Oh yes. I was always too lazy to write such a script, could you please
share it?



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Re: [darktable-user] Darktable GPU/CPU Benchmarks on Phonorix

2016-12-02 Thread Patrick Rudin
Patrick Shanahan  wrote:

> darktable 2.2-rc1+git51.90aae52-1.1

Thank you. Well, that's exactly what i tought:

(I renamed it, but its your file and in the right directory, i checked
it twice)

taxi@piazzolla:~/darktable/dt22rc1git$ darktable-cli oldtest.SRW
dt22rc1.xmp test.jpg --core -d perf

wait time 0.103197s
[dev] took 0.236 secs (0.228 CPU) to load the image.
[export] creating pixelpipe took 0.155 secs (0.156 CPU)
[dev_pixelpipe] took 0.000 secs (0.000 CPU) initing base buffer
[export] [dev_pixelpipe] took 0.050 secs (0.156 CPU) processed
`Raw-Schwarz-/Weißpunkt' on CPU, blended on CPU [export]
[dev_pixelpipe] took 0.031 secs (0.076 CPU) processed `Weißabgleich' on
CPU, blended on CPU [export] [dev_pixelpipe] took 0.013 secs (0.048
CPU) processed `Spitzlicht-Rekonstruktion' on CPU, blended on CPU
[export] [dev_pixelpipe] took 0.422 secs (1.332 CPU) processed
`Entrastern' on CPU, blended on CPU [export] [dev_pixelpipe] took 0.330
secs (1.176 CPU) processed `Eingabefarbprofil' on CPU, blended on CPU
[export] [dev_pixelpipe] took 0.318 secs (1.176 CPU) processed
`Ausgabefarbprofil' on CPU, blended on CPU [export] [dev_pixelpipe]
took 0.069 secs (0.248 CPU) processed `Gamma' on CPU, blended on CPU
[export] [dev_process_export] pixel pipeline processing took 1.234 secs
(4.216 CPU) [export_job] exported to `test.jpg'

taxi@piazzolla:~/darktable/dt22rc1git$ darktable-cli --version
this is darktable-cli 2.0.7

So he ignored sharpen and bilat totally for example, no errors
visible. Never trust a benchmark... ;-}



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Re: [darktable-user] Darktable GPU/CPU Benchmarks on Phonorix

2016-12-02 Thread Patrick Rudin
Roman Lebedev  wrote:
> More important detail is: in 2.2.0, we completely changed XMP layout,
> and bumped XMP version. So *any* older dt version should not even
> be able to load the XMP from 2.2.0 ...

Could somebody offer an 2.2-XMP for me? Would like to see if my old
darktable still output some nonsense seconds...


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Re: [darktable-user] Darktable GPU/CPU Benchmarks on Phonorix

2016-12-02 Thread Patrick Rudin
Denis Testemale  wrote:

> I gave a shot at this test, out of curiosity, and can't really
> understand the results because they seem much better than the ones
> published (especially test 2 and 3),

Well, number 1 are the modules equalizer and denoise. And i did it with
darktable 2.0.7.

Michael created tests 2 and 3 himself, only god knows which modules he
used. But he used darktable 2.2.x do create the xmp, so i guess there
are some (not visible) errors if you use it with darktable 2.0

Run the "benchmark" with darktable-cli, and you will see the full

Personally i don't mind if some card is 0.3 seconds faster than another
card. I guess it is interesting for many people to see which
card/driver-combination is working.

So far, i have seen good results from nvidia 760/1060 and higher as
with radeon 370x/rx460 and higher. What about older and cheaper cards,
what about passive cooled cards, do they bring any advantage over cpu?



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Re: [darktable-user] Chosing the optimal CPU for darktable

2016-11-27 Thread Patrick Rudin
Rico Heil worte:

> If yes: how much performance improvement would be expected if I add an
> additional graphics board?

Very much.

I did run a test yesterday in the german newsgroup dcoulh [1] with a
simple testcase (including denoise and equalizer for heavy GPU-use) and
the difference was huge:

My old Phenom II 840 needs 68 seconds, a new and expensive i7 6700k
still 36 seconds. The i7 with activated GTX1060 needs only 5 seconds.

So: Forget the CPU, take a cheap one, the GPU matters.

If someone wants to compare, take these two files:
and then run:
darktable-cli bench.SRW test.jpg --core -d perf -d opencl
for testing the CPU only run:
darktable-cli bench.SRW test.jpg --core --disable-opencl -d perf 

If you want to post your results here, maybe add:
grep "model name" /proc/cpuinfo && free -h && lspci | grep "VGA" &&
uname -a 

I would be interested in the numbers of a RX460/70/80 with working




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[darktable-user] Re: Input color profile

2016-06-06 Thread Patrick Rudin
Tobias Ellinghaus wrote:
> That being said, don't we already ship two profiles with flipped
> channels? BRG and the infrared one. Don't they work?

I discovered it by accident, but its not documented. What exactly does
it beside the channel-swap? I guess the needs are different, depending
if you shoot 550/630/720/850 nm-Infrared.

It would be great to have a channel-mixer in Lab-Mode. Or just a
invert-channel-box at the tonecurve, maybe with the possibility to put
the value (inverted or not) into the other channel (a->b and b->a).



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Aw: [darktable-user] Channelmixer with Lab?

2016-03-26 Thread Patrick Rudin
Myself wrot:

> I wanted to try this in Darktable, but the channelmix works only in rgb.
> Other modules work in Lab, but even with a parametric mask (or blend modes)
> i was not successful to fill the number of the (inverted) b-channel
> into the a-channel. Is there a solution for this?

Just found out that there is a input profile for infrared-rgb-picutres, which 
works were nice to the colours. Maybe someone here knows exactly what it does?

The color contrast-module is of course very nice to change the curve of the 
colors in Lab, a "inverse channel" would be great. Or maybe a 



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[darktable-user] Channelmixer with Lab?

2016-03-23 Thread Patrick Rudin
Hi :)


Just recently i read this website, it is about processing infrared pictures:

(german only)


He writes about the well known change of the channels R and B, which is also very simple in Darktable. But then he explaines a technique in Lab-Mode: He inverts the b-channel and puts this in the a-channel.


I wanted to try this in Darktable, but the channelmix works only in rgb. Other modules work in Lab, but even with a parametric mask (or blend modes) i was not successful to fill the number of the (inverted) b-channel into the a-channel. Is there a solution for this?



Kind regards



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