Beagle indexing of , Scuttle or other social bookmarking tags?

2006-12-04 Thread Ray Sims
As anyone through through this potential mash-up already? 

Related to too many different search boxes in my life... 

Have been using lately (alas also thinking that I should in 
addition, or instead, use Scuttle  or 
some other Open Source alternative for 'social bookmarking') and am reaching 
for ability gain the additional power of index of my tags and 
comments when I do a Beagle search -- i.e. using index to increase relevancy of 
web site returns within Beagle, or perhaps even list my tag window 
as a return? Thus, remove the search box as one of my routine 
search box choices (leaving 'only' Google , Beagle and secure intranet boxes).  

I searched in bugzilla and the mailing list archive, but couldn't find any 
mention, so I ask here. 


Dashboard-hackers mailing list

Re: Search Results In Error?

2006-12-04 Thread Joe Shaw

On Mon, 2006-12-04 at 07:15 -0500, Rick Friedman wrote:
 Yesterday, I was doing a search with the search term being, Maine. I
 was looking for all references to the state of Maine. Well, the search
 returned them fine. However, it also returned everything (web sites,
 files, etc) which contained the word, main.
 Shouldn't Beagle simply give me results for the search term I entered
 (Maine) and nothing else??

No, this is a feature called stemming.  Maine stems to main, bake
stems to bak, country stems to countr.  Normally it's quite useful, as a
search for baking will match bake and countries will match
country, etc.  You're hitting one of the unfortunately side effects of

I believe the Snowball stemmers might be able to handle exceptional
cases like Maine, but I'm not sure and we're not using them presently.
I'd like to switch over to them as a result of the automatic language
detection work that is being done.


Dashboard-hackers mailing list

Re: Call to test CVS

2006-12-04 Thread kfs1
Ok put this up  
for all archlinux users.

beagled --fg did complain about not having extended attributes(although  
i'm using xfs...) is this because of the noatime option i have in  
/etc/fstab? I included a short log of the startup.

On Mon, 04 Dec 2006 22:14:17 +0100, Joe Shaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi again,

On Mon, 2006-12-04 at 16:08 -0500, Joe Shaw wrote:

There has been a ton of great work going on in CVS since the 0.2.13
release, and I would like to do a 0.2.14 release pretty soon to get the
new features out there and address the issues people have been seeing
with the 0.2.13 release.  To do that, however, we need your help in
testing the code in CVS.

Oh, duh, I forgot to mention how to actually get the code from CVS. :)

To check out the code:

cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs/gnome login

When it asks for a password, just hit enter.  Then:

cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs/gnome co beagle
That will check out the code into a directory named beagle.  Then,
instead of running configure like you normally would when building
from a tarball, run

./ --prefix=/opt/beagle --sysconfdir=/etc
(or whatever.  Generally I install beagle into a separate prefix, so
that it doesn't interfere with my existing installation.  The
--sysconfdir option is so that the autostart system I mentioned in the
last email will work.)

You may need to install some development packages to build beagle.  One
that seems to trip people up is that gmime-sharp is included in the
gmime package on most Linux distributions.  At least, it is on SUSE.
Sadly this step varies from distro to distro, so you're somewhat on your
own here. :(

Then, build the source:

and install it:

make install
(You will probably need to be root to make install.)

And then you can run all the beagle programs from the source directory.
So you can just go into the beagled directory and run ./beagled --fg
to start the daemon.

Hope this helps,

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Dashboard-hackers mailing list

Re: Call to test CVS

2006-12-04 Thread Joe Shaw

On Tue, 2006-12-05 at 00:13 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ok put this up  
 for all archlinux users.

Great, thanks!

 beagled --fg did complain about not having extended attributes(although  
 i'm using xfs...) is this because of the noatime option i have in  
 /etc/fstab? I included a short log of the startup.

No, this is because of a bug in Mono 1.2 which broke xattrs.

1.2.1 fixes this bug, but introduces a new bug that causes Beagle to
think that your home directory is on NFS and performs its index
synchronization to /tmp.  That shouldn't harm anything, but will make
Beagle quite a bit slower.  However, CVS Beagle has a workaround for
this, and this bug is fixed in Mono 1.2.2.


Dashboard-hackers mailing list

Got thunderbird working on ubuntu

2006-12-04 Thread Ski Kacoroski
Not sure if this is a bug or not.  My thunderbird home directory was 
~/.thunderbird.  I had an old directory called ~/.mozilla-thunderbird 
laying around that was empty.  Beagle kept would only try to index the 
~/.mozilla-thunderbird directory and ignored the ~/.thunderbird 
directory.  Once I deleted ~/.mozilla-thunderbird, it found and indexed 



When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it
  connected to the entire universeJohn Muir

Chris Ski Kacoroski, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 206-501-9803
Dashboard-hackers mailing list