Thanks for that, I've posted a message to Salesforce though I don't expect any 
useful response.

Whilst trawling for example code in DT::F::ISO8601, I did find that it would 
happily parse week-number-based date times with mixed colon usage (although 
only without dashes in the date).

$ DateTime::Format::ISO8601->parse_datetime('2012W144T10:39+0000');  

There seems to be quite a lot of inconsistency in exactly what's supported and 
what's not.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Zefram []
>Sent: 25 April 2012 11:32
>To: Carl Vincent
>Subject: Re: ISO 8601 Format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss[+-]hhmm
>Carl Vincent wrote:
>>Do you have any reference from the official standard to this consistency
>>issue in the format? If so, I can take it up with Salesforce, since they
>>claim they're standards compliant and that's what's causing my pain.
>Referring to ISO 8601:2004.  Clauses 2.3.3 and 2.3.4, defining
>"basic format" and "extended format", apply the concept to an entire
>date-and-time representation, rather than to segments of it, and doesn't
>mention any possibility of mixing the formats.  Clasue, defining
>how to represent local time together with UT offset, separately shows
>basic and extended formats where separator usage matches, and doesn't
>give any explicit permission to mismatch them.  Clause 4.3, on combining
>date with time of day, behaves similarly.

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