On Sat, 21 Sep 2013, Zefram wrote:

Another new version of my DT:TZ rewrite.  CPAN-style tarball at


Public git repo at


The zic issues affecting a couple of zones have now been resolved.
My zic patches were accepted upstream, and there's also a new version
of the tzfile format which tackles tricky rules a different way.
DT:TZ:Tzfile now handles the new tzfiles.

Time::OlsonTZ::Data now has the hooks that the Debian folks want in
order to roll their own version as part of their tzdata package.

I think we're now (at last) on the point of being able to replace DT:TZ
on CPAN.

So I tried installing the above tarball and it breaks a DateTime test - t/34set-tz.t

It's just an error message change but it's an error message that other people might be looking for in their code too, since it's the kind of thing you might have to code around. I think it'd be good to keep this backwards compatible.

The message is from an attempt to set a DateTime to an invalid time. Currently it's something like "Invalid local time for date in time zone ..."

The new one is "local time 2013-03-10T02:04:00 does not exist in the America/Los_Angeles timezone due to offset change"

Arguable the new message is better, but I don't think this is so important that it's worth break back compat for.


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