Re: thorny problem with table_info implementation

2013-09-02 Thread Martin J. Evans

On 02/09/2013 20:27, Martin J. Evans wrote:


Firstly, I've just come back from holidays, I'm distracted by other
things right now and might not be back in the swing of things properly -
so beware.

table_info maps to the ODBC API SQLTables in DBD::ODBC. DBI seems to
have picked some functionality for table_info from ODBC in that if '%'
is passed for one of catalog, schema and table and the other 2 are empty
strings the result only contains a list of catalogs, schemas or tables.

Someone just reported to me that in DBD::ODBC if you call
table_info('%','','') you get all catalogs, schemas and tables back but
you should get only a list of catalogs. I tracked this down to the
following code in DBD::ODBC (ANSI case here, unicode one is slightly
more complex):

 if (SvOK(catalog)) acatalog = SvPV_nolen(catalog);
 if (SvOK(schema)) aschema = SvPV_nolen(schema);
 if (SvOK(table)) atable = SvPV_nolen(table);
 if (SvOK(table_type)) atype = SvPV_nolen(table_type);

rc = SQLTables(imp_sth->hstmt,
   (acatalog && *acatalog) ? acatalog : NULL,SQL_NTS,
   (aschema && *aschema) ? aschema : NULL, SQL_NTS,
   (atable && atable) ? atable : NULL, SQL_NTS,
   (atype && *atype) ? atype : NULL,
   SQL_NTS/* type (view, table, etc) */

What is happening here is that whatever is passed to table_info, if it
is defined and NOT the empty string we pass the string else NULL and for
SQLTables NULL is very different from the empty string (see special
cases above). However, if you call:

$dbh->table_info('%', '', '') to just get catalogs what is passed to
SQLTables is '%', NULL, NULL and this causes all tables to be returned
instead of only catalogs.

The fix seems obvious, remove the test for *acatalog etc which I did and
it fixes the problem \o/

except, DBD::ODBC test code calls table_info() (and for all I know other
people do too) and that ends up in DBI calling table_info with 4 empty
strings. Empty strings are not the same as undef/NULL and it results in
SQLTables returning no tables at all when before it would return all

As far as I can see, at some point in the past, someone (maybe me)
realised this and changed DBD::ODBC to workaround this issue instead of
questioning what DBI passes.

Now, table_info() with no arguments is not mentioned in the DBI pod so
you could say that is undefined behaviour but it is a little late for
that now as DBD::ODBC uses it in test code and as far as I know, so do
others. However, to fix the initial bug I cannot know when empty strings
are supposed to be undef/NULL and when they are supposed to be empty
strings. So I can fix the bug as shown but only if I change DBD::ODBC
test code from table_info() to table_info('%', '%', '%', '%') and I
cannot change anyone elses code.

Any suggestions?


Correction, in that last paragraph (I did warn you), I should have said 
table_info() to table_info('%', '%', '%') i.e.,

table_info('%', '', '') returns catalogs only
table_info('', '%', '') returns schemas only
table_info('', '', '', '%') returns types only
table_info('%', '%', '%') returns everything
table_info() did return everything due to workaround in DBD::ODBC but 
fixing bug ends up in table_info() returning nothing.

Martin J. Evans
Wetherby, UK

thorny problem with table_info implementation

2013-09-02 Thread Martin J. Evans


Firstly, I've just come back from holidays, I'm distracted by other 
things right now and might not be back in the swing of things properly - 
so beware.

table_info maps to the ODBC API SQLTables in DBD::ODBC. DBI seems to 
have picked some functionality for table_info from ODBC in that if '%' 
is passed for one of catalog, schema and table and the other 2 are empty 
strings the result only contains a list of catalogs, schemas or tables.

Someone just reported to me that in DBD::ODBC if you call 
table_info('%','','') you get all catalogs, schemas and tables back but 
you should get only a list of catalogs. I tracked this down to the 
following code in DBD::ODBC (ANSI case here, unicode one is slightly 
more complex):

if (SvOK(catalog)) acatalog = SvPV_nolen(catalog);
if (SvOK(schema)) aschema = SvPV_nolen(schema);
if (SvOK(table)) atable = SvPV_nolen(table);
if (SvOK(table_type)) atype = SvPV_nolen(table_type);

   rc = SQLTables(imp_sth->hstmt,
  (acatalog && *acatalog) ? acatalog : NULL,SQL_NTS,
  (aschema && *aschema) ? aschema : NULL, SQL_NTS,
  (atable && atable) ? atable : NULL, SQL_NTS,
  (atype && *atype) ? atype : NULL,
  SQL_NTS   /* type (view, table, etc) */

What is happening here is that whatever is passed to table_info, if it 
is defined and NOT the empty string we pass the string else NULL and for 
SQLTables NULL is very different from the empty string (see special 
cases above). However, if you call:

$dbh->table_info('%', '', '') to just get catalogs what is passed to 
SQLTables is '%', NULL, NULL and this causes all tables to be returned 
instead of only catalogs.

The fix seems obvious, remove the test for *acatalog etc which I did and 
it fixes the problem \o/

except, DBD::ODBC test code calls table_info() (and for all I know other 
people do too) and that ends up in DBI calling table_info with 4 empty 
strings. Empty strings are not the same as undef/NULL and it results in 
SQLTables returning no tables at all when before it would return all tables.

As far as I can see, at some point in the past, someone (maybe me) 
realised this and changed DBD::ODBC to workaround this issue instead of 
questioning what DBI passes.

Now, table_info() with no arguments is not mentioned in the DBI pod so 
you could say that is undefined behaviour but it is a little late for 
that now as DBD::ODBC uses it in test code and as far as I know, so do 
others. However, to fix the initial bug I cannot know when empty strings 
are supposed to be undef/NULL and when they are supposed to be empty 
strings. So I can fix the bug as shown but only if I change DBD::ODBC 
test code from table_info() to table_info('%', '%', '%', '%') and I 
cannot change anyone elses code.

Any suggestions?

Martin J. Evans
Wetherby, UK