I was recently confirming table_info special cases and discovered the case for 
getting table_types cannot work.


should return a list of table types but it returns a list of empty strings 

my @types = $h->tables('', '', '', '%');
print "all types:\n", join("xxx\n", @types), "\n";
# should output something like:
# "dbo"
# "sys"
# and actually outputs:

It seems to be down to the following in DBI.pm:

    sub tables {
        my ($dbh, @args) = @_;
        my $sth    = $dbh->table_info(@args[0,1,2,3,4]) or return;
        my $tables = $sth->fetchall_arrayref or return;
        my @tables;
        if ($dbh->get_info(29)) { # SQL_IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR
            # problem is missing 3 in the slice below
            @tables = map { $dbh->quote_identifier( @{$_}[0,1,2] ) } @$tables;

My test case missed this because currently it is returning 3 values but they 
are all ''.

Adding 3 to the slice fixes the issue but unfortunately changes the data 
returned from the deprecated tables method which now returns values like this:


instead of (before)


table_info is ok because it returns a result set and not a set of values pushed 
through quote_identifier.

Any comments?

BTW, all examples were done with DBD::ODBC.


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