Re: Problem with procedures returning a SYS_REFCURSOR which is not open/executed - possible fixes

2013-01-17 Thread Charles Jardine

On 15/01/13 23:21, Martin J. Evans wrote:

I see loads of code setting indp so I created an indp2 in the phs and
passed it to OCIBindByName above and it is always 0 (Oracle assigned an
intact value to the host variable) whether a null cursor is returned or
not. It also did not seem to trigger ORA-01001 (invalid cursor) errors.
Also the test suite works with the indp set in the OCIBindByName. What a
PITA. I really wish when people write code like this they comment why

So it would seem resurrecting the phs->indp in the OCIBindByName does
not currently give me -1. Starting to wish I never started this. My
current change is better (in that it at least works whereas the previous
code did not at all) but you seem to suggest it is incomplete and that
concerns me. However, I've not been able to see what you suggested
should happen. I've already proved this speeds our application up a lot
compared with having to put a daft select 1 from dual in to just make
DBD::Oracle work so it would be a shame to fall at the last hurdle. Any
other ideas Charles?

Bear in mind I cannot be getting a value from a previous execute as my
test code only does one execute so perhaps when you bind a SYS_REFCURSOR
you get a valid stmt handle back even if it is not executed. It seems
this must be the case since I can call OCIAtrrGet(OCI_ATTR_STMT_STATE)
on it after only one execute and it returns OCI_STMT_STATE_INITIALIZED.


I have reproduced your results. If you supply an indp, Oracle does not
ignore it. It explicitly sets it to 0, indicating a non-null value.
It seems that OCI does not represent a null PL/SQL cursor reference
as a normal null value. As you originally thought, it represents it
with a statement handle which is not open. You were right - I was wrong.

I can't find any documentation of this special treatment of null values
of type SQLT_RSET, but, in trawling through the OCI manual, and Oracle's
knowledge base, I have found several examples of binds of type SQLT_RSET,
none of which use indicator variables.

I think is is important that PL/SQL null cursor references should
reach Perl as undefined values. In the light of the above, I think
that what you have already done is probably the best which can be done.
It will treat cursor references which have explicitly closed as if
they were null, but I think this is acceptable.

I hope I haven't wasted too much if your time.

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: Problem with procedures returning a SYS_REFCURSOR which is not open/executed - possible fixes

2013-01-15 Thread Charles Jardine

On 15/01/13 16:01, Martin J. Evans wrote:

On 15/01/13 15:04, Charles Jardine wrote:

Are you saying that, in the case of a NULL variable, the indicator
variable does not indicate nullity?

I am saying when you have:

procedure fred(pcur OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) as
pcur := NULL;

then the output parameter DBD::Oracle sees appears to be a valid Oracle
statement as you can call OCIAttrGet for OCI_ATTR_STMT_STATE and it
works. The following snippet illustrates this:

OCIAttrGet_stmhp_stat2(imp_sth, (OCIStmt*)phs->desc_h, &stmt_state, 0,

The desc_h in the parameters must be an OCIStmt * or surely this would
not work.

In this case the REF CURSOR variable in question is explicitly null.
I would expect the value returned via OCI to be accompanied by an
indicator variable with a value of -1,indicating a null value.
If this is the case, the value of the output variable is,
to quote the OCI manual, 'unchanged'. It should be ignored.

I am suggesting that the indicator variable should be tested before
the looking at the value. If indicator is -1, the value could be
the cursor returned by a previous execution of the same statement

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: Problem with procedures returning a SYS_REFCURSOR which is not open/executed - possible fixes

2013-01-15 Thread Charles Jardine

On 15/01/13 11:20, Martin J. Evans wrote:

On 15/01/13 10:56, Charles Jardine wrote:

On 11/01/13 16:04, Martin J. Evans wrote:

I am using DBD::Oracle and calling a procedure which returns a reference
cursor. However, sometimes the reference cursor is not opened and only
the procedure knows this. The problem is if I call the procedure from
DBD::Oracle and the cursor is not opened I get an Oracle error saying
the cursor is not executed:

test procedure:
procedure p_n2(pcur OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) AS
   pcur := NULL;

example perl:
my $s = $h->prepare(q/begin mypkg.p_n2(?); end;/);
$s->bind_param_inout(1, \my $cursor, 100, {ora_type => ORA_RSET});
$s->execute; # errors

The error occurs because DBD::Oracle attempts to call dbd_describe on
the returned cursor (before perl land even sees it) and that code does
things like call OCIAttrGet for PARAM_COUNT etc which Oracle disallows
if the statement is not executed.


Martin, I agree that you have found a bug which ought to be fixed.
However I think that the bug is much more fundamental, and much
simpler than your analysis suggests.

The DBI convention for database null values is to represent them
by Perl undefined values. There is no reason why this convention
should not apply to result sets.

The perl code needs to test the indicator variable associated with
the supposed result set. If this variable indicates a null value,
all processing of actual value returned by Oracle should be skipped,
as with any other null value. The pre-created perl statement handle
should be left alone. It may me used in a subsequent execute of the
same statement with different bind values. The value returned to
perl should be undef, not a reference to the magic statement handle.

Thanks for your comments Charles.

In effect I believe my second patch does what you describe. If you
define an output SYS_REFCURSOR in a procedure but don't open it you
still get a cursor back but it is only initialised and not executed. My
second patch (the one I prefer) looks at the state of the cursor and if
it is initialised but not executed it avoids creating a DBI sth and that
output parameter is seen as undef in perl land.

If I've misunderstood you please put me right.

When a variable of a REF CURSOR type is declared is is initially
atomically null. It does not refer to cursor until it is OPENed,
or set to a non-null value in some other way.

Are you saying that, in the case of a NULL variable, the indicator
variable does not indicate nullity?

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: Problem with procedures returning a SYS_REFCURSOR which is not open/executed - possible fixes

2013-01-15 Thread Charles Jardine

On 11/01/13 16:04, Martin J. Evans wrote:

I am using DBD::Oracle and calling a procedure which returns a reference
cursor. However, sometimes the reference cursor is not opened and only
the procedure knows this. The problem is if I call the procedure from
DBD::Oracle and the cursor is not opened I get an Oracle error saying
the cursor is not executed:

test procedure:
procedure p_n2(pcur OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) AS
   pcur := NULL;

example perl:
my $s = $h->prepare(q/begin mypkg.p_n2(?); end;/);
$s->bind_param_inout(1, \my $cursor, 100, {ora_type => ORA_RSET});
$s->execute; # errors

The error occurs because DBD::Oracle attempts to call dbd_describe on
the returned cursor (before perl land even sees it) and that code does
things like call OCIAttrGet for PARAM_COUNT etc which Oracle disallows
if the statement is not executed.

An easy solution is to just open an empty cursor if the procedure cannot
open a real one by doing something like:

open pcur for select 1 from dual;

but I don't like that as DBD::Oracle will make dozens of calls and do
quite a bit of work in dbd_describe which is wasting time and the
purpose of the change to my procedure is to speed this application up
not slow it down.

Martin, I agree that you have found a bug which ought to be fixed.
However I think that the bug is much more fundamental, and much
simpler than your analysis suggests.

The DBI convention for database null values is to represent them
by Perl undefined values. There is no reason why this convention
should not apply to result sets.

The perl code needs to test the indicator variable associated with
the supposed result set. If this variable indicates a null value,
all processing of actual value returned by Oracle should be skipped,
as with any other null value. The pre-created perl statement handle
should be left alone. It may me used in a subsequent execute of the
same statement with different bind values. The value returned to
perl should be undef, not a reference to the magic statement handle.

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: Oracle ping

2012-11-05 Thread Charles Jardine

On 05/11/12 02:47, Greg Sabino Mullane wrote:

Also by the time an application does execute some SQL, the the
connection/node/server/network could have dropped and so the application
'will have to check & recover from write failures at that point anyway."

This is a bit of a red herring. You could say that about any database action,
anytime ever. I personally think a simple select is better than relying
on a low-level library call, as it does a more complete end-to-end check
that is almost certainly closer to what the caller is going to use the
connection for.

I rather strongly disagree. It is possible to do useful work over a 

in situations when a 'simple select' is not possible. My production
Oracle database is protected by a physical standby database. This
database is, in Oracle terms, mounted but not open. A user with the SYSADMIN
privilege can connect to the database. It is possible use virtual views to
monitor the database and ALTER SYSTEM commands to change its state. However
it is not possible to select from any table. SELECT 1 FROM DUAL will fail.

I would like to see $dbh->ping to continue to return a true values in cases
like this.

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: Strange bind_param issue

2012-08-16 Thread Charles Jardine

On 16/08/12 16:37, Martin J. Evans wrote:

On 16/08/12 16:13, Charles Jardine wrote:

I thought it might be interesting to see what DBD::Oracle does.

I ran

use strict;
use DBI;
my $dbh =
DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:", '', '');
my $obj = new Object();
my $sql = q(SELECT ? AS result from dual);
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);

$sth->bind_param(1, $obj);

while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
   print $row->{'RESULT'}, "\n";

package Object;
use overload '""' => 'to_s';
sub new() { bless { }, shift };
sub to_s() { my $self = shift; ref($self); }

and it printed


Because DBD::Oracle does not bind the parameters until execute time
whereas DBD::ODBC binds them at bind_param time. If I change DBD::ODBC
to bind at execute time (there is an internal flag defer_bind which is
no longer used) I get the same result. I'm trying to understand why this
makes a difference here.

The following test re-blesses $obj between the bind and the execute.
It still prints 'Object' even though, at the time of the execute,
$obj is of class Subject. This demonstrates that DBD::Oracle does not
just copy the reference value it has been given. If must do the actual
stringifcation as bind time.

use strict;
use DBI;

my $obj = Object->new;

my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:', '', '');
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select ? from dual");
$sth->bind_param(1, $obj);

bless $obj, 'Subject';

print scalar $sth->fetchrow_array(), "\n";

package Object;
use overload '""' => 'to_s';
sub new() { bless { }, shift };
sub to_s() { my $self = shift; ref($self); }

package Subject;
use overload '""' => 'to_s';
sub new() { bless { }, shift };
sub to_s() { my $self = shift; ref($self); }

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: Strange bind_param issue

2012-08-16 Thread Charles Jardine

On 16/08/12 14:00, Martin J. Evans wrote:

On 15/08/12 17:39, Tim Bunce wrote:

On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 04:14:52PM +0100, Martin J. Evans wrote:

I've just been given an rt and am at a loss to
explain exactly what is happening. I wonder if anyone can help?

Some background:

DBI says for bind_param:

"The bind_param method takes a copy of $bind_value and associates it
(binds it) with a placeholder"

As far as I am aware DBD::ODBC does not copy the scalar given to it -
so perhaps DBI does this. The problem I'm seeing in the provided
example is the pointer passed to ODBC's SQLBindParameter at the time
bind_param is called no longer points to a valid string when execute
is called. However, changing the call to bind_param to pass $obj as
"$obj" appears to fix the problem.

The driver should take a copy of the value when bind_param is called.
Perhaps stored by the ParamValues attribute.
(bind_param_inout takes a reference instead and binds at execute.)

Can anyone say if DBD::ODBC should
work with either example and explain what might be happening here:

use DBI;
my $dbh =
my $obj = new Object();
my $sql = q(SELECT ? AS result);
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);

# interesting - is the following use of $obj really as a string?
# in the call to bind_param here, DBD::ODBC binds the pv ptr of the
# it is given in a SQLBindParameter call but by the time execute is
# the string at that address is no longer valid. I kind of expect
that as
# what to_s returns is only required in the bind_param statement and yet
# DBI says "bind_param takes a copy".
# However if the following is changed to "$obj" it works
$sth->bind_param(1, $obj);

while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
   print $row->{'result'}, "\n";

package Object;
use overload '""' => 'to_s';
sub new() { bless { }, shift };
sub to_s() { my $self = shift; ref($self); }

The driver needs to make a copy and ensure that 'get magic' is called.

SvPV will call get magic but won't make a copy. Since you need an SV for
the ParamValues attribute maybe newSVsv() followed by SvPOK_only_UTF8()
on the copy would be a suitable incantation.


It appears dbd_bind_ph does this:

/* newvalue is the scalar param passed in to dbd_bind_ph */
/* phs is a structure to hold the param details */

if (!is_inout) {/* normal bind to take a (new) copy of current
value */
if (phs->sv == &PL_sv_undef) /* (first time bind) */
phs->sv = newSV(0);
sv_setsv(phs->sv, newvalue);
} else if (newvalue != phs->sv) {
   if (phs->sv)
   phs->sv = SvREFCNT_inc(newvalue);   /* point to live var */

so as far as I can see a copy is taken but I don't think sv_setsv does
any magic. Similar code exists in DBD::Oracle and a number of other DBDs
I looked at. DBD::ODBC does use SvPV later so I'm guessing that is where
the magic happens and the scalar is stringified.

This made me wonder what happens if you pass a reference without any
AMAGIC and DBD::ODBC allowed that but you got rubbish so I've now
disallowed references without AMAGIC.

So now I'm only not sure why in the example provided what passing $obj
(and not "$obj") is doing. it appears when it gets the sv_setsv above
SvPV on phs->sv is 'Object' and it is address passed to SQLBindParameter
but later when execute is called the contents of that address have
changed. It seems every time you call SvPV on the copied scalar which is
the object you get a different address and because DBD::ODBC binds at
bind time and not execute time by execute time the original address has

I thought it might be interesting to see what DBD::Oracle does.

I ran

use strict;
use DBI;
my $dbh =
DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:", '', '');
my $obj = new Object();
my $sql = q(SELECT ? AS result from dual);
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);

$sth->bind_param(1, $obj);

while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
  print $row->{'RESULT'}, "\n";

package Object;
use overload '""' => 'to_s';
sub new() { bless { }, shift };
sub to_s() { my $self = shift; ref($self); }

and it printed


Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: Strange bind_param issue

2012-08-15 Thread Charles Jardine

On 15/08/12 16:14, Martin J. Evans wrote:

I've just been given an rt and am at a loss to
explain exactly what is happening. I wonder if anyone can help?

Some background:

DBI says for bind_param:

"The bind_param method takes a copy of $bind_value and associates it
(binds it) with a placeholder"

As far as I am aware DBD::ODBC does not copy the scalar given to it - so
perhaps DBI does this. The problem I'm seeing in the provided example is
the pointer passed to ODBC's SQLBindParameter at the time bind_param is
called no longer points to a valid string when execute is called.
However, changing the call to bind_param to pass $obj as "$obj" appears
to fix the problem. Can anyone say if DBD::ODBC should work with either
example and explain what might be happening here:

use DBI;
my $dbh =
my $obj = new Object();
my $sql = q(SELECT ? AS result);
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);

# interesting - is the following use of $obj really as a string?
# in the call to bind_param here, DBD::ODBC binds the pv ptr of the scalar
# it is given in a SQLBindParameter call but by the time execute is called
# the string at that address is no longer valid. I kind of expect that as
# what to_s returns is only required in the bind_param statement and yet
# DBI says "bind_param takes a copy".
# However if the following is changed to "$obj" it works
$sth->bind_param(1, $obj);

while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
   print $row->{'result'}, "\n";

package Object;
use overload '""' => 'to_s';
sub new() { bless { }, shift };
sub to_s() { my $self = shift; ref($self); }

Output when using $obj:

value passed to DBD::ODBC's bind_param = "Object"
pointer at execute time seems to point to rubbish
output of script: 8�k�8

When "$obj" passed to bind_param

value passed to DBD::ODBC's bind_param = "Object"
pointer at execute time points to "Object"
output of script: Object

As a quick test I did the following and it seems to work so I guess
there is something about the above Perl I don't get.

$obj is not a string. It is an object of a class which has a
stringify operator. "$obj" is a string, because "..." stringifies.

It is not at all clear how the DBI should take a copy of an object.

I think this is a case of user error.

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: DBD::Oracle

2012-02-10 Thread Charles Jardine
On 10/02/12 14:56, H.Merijn Brand wrote:
> On Fri, 10 Feb 2012 14:30:03 +0000, Charles Jardine 
> wrote:
>> On 10/02/12 13:32, H.Merijn Brand wrote:
>>> Preparing a new database machine ...
>>> Do I need to worry?
>>> t/10general.t  1/30
>>> #   Failed test 'system exit 1 should return 256'
>>> #   at t/10general.t line 41.
>>> #  got: '-1'
>>> # expected: '256'
>>> #   Failed test 'system exit 0 should return 0'
>>> #   at t/10general.t line 42.
>>> #  got: '-1'
>>> # expected: '0'
>>> t/10general.t  3/30 # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 30.
>>> t/10general.t  Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
>> This symptom indicates that the system built-in function is not working.
>> Try
>>  perl -e 'print system("exit 1;"), "\n"'
> $ perl -e 'print system("exit 1;"), "\n"'
> 256
>> If this reproduces the problem, you have something nothing to do
>> with databases to investigate. If it doesn't reproduce the problem,
>> it may be that Oracle is messing with the SIGCHLD signal.
>> Are you connecting directly to the database using the bequeather?
> I've never heard of anything called a "bequeather" :)

If you call $ORACLE_HOME/bin/adapters, the list will include 'BEQ'.
This is the bequeather, which is the adapter used to connect to
a local database when ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID are specified
and TWO_TASK is not. The BEQ adapter is inconsistent with the
with perl built-ins which use fork or popen unless you put
'bequeath_detach = yes' in sqlnet.ora. It is a pity that this
sqlnet.ora option is not the default.

>> If so, try connecting via SQL*Net instead. If avoiding the bequeather
>> fixes the problem, try putting 'bequeath_detach = yes' in your
>> sqlnet.ora file. This should allow you to use the bequeather and
>> system at the same time.
> above test was without TWO_TASK. Using the listener, I get
> All tests successful.
> Files=35, Tests=2008, 31 wallclock secs ( 0.40 usr  0.04 sys +  3.69 cusr  
> 1.28 csys =  5.41 CPU)
> Result: PASS
> PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /pro/bin/perl "-Iblib/lib" "-Iblib/arch"

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: DBD::Oracle

2012-02-10 Thread Charles Jardine
On 10/02/12 13:32, H.Merijn Brand wrote:
> Preparing a new database machine ...
> Do I need to worry?
> t/10general.t  1/30
> #   Failed test 'system exit 1 should return 256'
> #   at t/10general.t line 41.
> #  got: '-1'
> # expected: '256'
> #   Failed test 'system exit 0 should return 0'
> #   at t/10general.t line 42.
> #  got: '-1'
> # expected: '0'
> t/10general.t  3/30 # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 30.
> t/10general.t  Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)

This symptom indicates that the system built-in function is not working.


 perl -e 'print system("exit 1;"), "\n"'

If this reproduces the problem, you have something nothing to do
with databases to investigate. If it doesn't reproduce the problem,
it may be that Oracle is messing with the SIGCHLD signal.

Are you connecting directly to the database using the bequeather?
If so, try connecting via SQL*Net instead. If avoiding the bequeather
fixes the problem, try putting 'bequeath_detach = yes' in your
sqlnet.ora file. This should allow you to use the bequeather and
system at the same time.

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: Removal of Oraperl from DBD::Oracle?

2012-01-05 Thread Charles Jardine
On 04/01/12 19:09, Yanick Champoux wrote:
> Hi all,
> For a long time now, the documentation of DBD::Oracle had been
> warning that Oraperl is deprecated. A few releases back, I ratcheted
> up the warning and mentioned that Oraperl would be dropped from the
> DBD::Oracle distro in the new year, after v1.38.
> And now that the new year and v1.38 are upon us, I'm thinking on
> acting on the promise. But before I do, wisdom begs me to consult the
> dbi hivemind. Sooo... Can anybody know of anyone/anything who would
> be impacted (negatively) by the removal of said Oraperl?

I started working with Oracle in 1993. At that time I wrote
some simple utilities in oraperl.

I read Yanick's recent warning, and reacted to it by wrapping
my copies of with logging script. To my surprise,
I found six or seven little oraperl scripts which were still
in use, some in critical applications! I have now converted
these scripts, and I am ready for the demise of

I am completely in favour of the abolition of oraperl, but
I think it would be kind to start with a version which
emits a warning message from the main line of,
so any unfortunate end users of oraperl will have some
time to convert, or seek advice.

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: Problem with Oracle collections/objects

2011-12-21 Thread Charles Jardine
On 12/12/11 20:24, Martin J. Evans wrote:
> On 12/12/2011 18:15, Charles Jardine wrote:
>> On 12/12/11 16:13, Martin J. Evans wrote:
>>> On 09/12/11 18:02, Charles Jardine wrote:
>>>> On 09/12/11 14:01, Martin J. Evans wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> If anyone is around who wrote or has worked on the object/collections
>>>>> support in DBD::Oracle I'd greatly appreciate it if you could take a
>>>>> quick look at this problem as the code in DBD::Oracle for this has
>>>>> defeated me so far.
>>>>> The problem is I have a query which uses types and collect and
>>>>> although it works fine initially once it has been run a number of
>>>>> times in the same connection it eventually goes from a 3s fetch time
>>>>> to a number of minutes. I have reduced it to the example below.
>>>>> I can run this code all day long in sqlplus without a problem so I
>>>>> don't think it is an Oracle issue.
>>>> I have been re-writing parts of the of the object/collections
>>>> support with a view to correcting aspects of the storage management.
>>>> The existing code has some store drains, and some incorrect
>>>> freeing of Perl SVs, which can lead to crashes.
>>>> The changes I have made so far do not fix your problem, but
>>>> the problem might provide me with a useful test case.

>> I shall stare at the prepare/destroy code a bit more before
>> I give up.
> I'm juggling a few problems right now but we are not going to let this one go.

I think I have found the resource drain which causes your slow-down
problem. Buffers implicitly allocated in the cache by OCIDefineObject()
need to be deallocated explicitly by OCIObjectFree() 'when they are no
longer needed'. This is counter-intuitive, but it is documented
in the reference description of OCIDefineObject(), and has been since
Oracle 8.

I have attached a demonstration patch against the trunk for you to test.
This patch is not fit to go into service. We need a logging macro for

> If at any stage, you want a tester for any changes you've made to the
> code please put me in the front of the queue.

Now I have found this resource drain, I feel happier about submitting
a patch intended to remove all resource drains from the object/collection
stuff. Expect me to be offering you something bigger to test after the
Christmas break.

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679
Index: dbdimp.c
--- dbdimp.c(revision 15051)
+++ dbdimp.c(working copy)
@@ -3967,8 +3967,11 @@
if (fbh->desc_h)
OCIDescriptorFree_log(fbh->desc_h, fbh->desc_t);
-   if (fbh->obj)
+   if (fbh->obj) {
+   if (fbh->obj->obj_value) 
+   OCIObjectFree(fbh->imp_sth->envhp, fbh->imp_sth->errhp, 
fbh->obj->obj_value, (ub2)0);
+   }

Re: Problem with Oracle collections/objects

2011-12-12 Thread Charles Jardine
On 12/12/11 16:13, Martin J. Evans wrote:
> On 09/12/11 18:02, Charles Jardine wrote:
>> On 09/12/11 14:01, Martin J. Evans wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> If anyone is around who wrote or has worked on the object/collections
>>> support in DBD::Oracle I'd greatly appreciate it if you could take a
>>> quick look at this problem as the code in DBD::Oracle for this has
>>> defeated me so far.
>>> The problem is I have a query which uses types and collect and
>>> although it works fine initially once it has been run a number of
>>> times in the same connection it eventually goes from a 3s fetch time
>>> to a number of minutes. I have reduced it to the example below.
>>> I can run this code all day long in sqlplus without a problem so I
>>> don't think it is an Oracle issue.
>> I have been re-writing parts of the of the object/collections
>> support with a view to correcting aspects of the storage management.
>> The existing code has some store drains, and some incorrect
>> freeing of Perl SVs, which can lead to crashes.
>> The changes I have made so far do not fix your problem, but
>> the problem might provide me with a useful test case.
>> Do you find, as I do, that you can chase your problem away by
>> adding 'NOT FINAL' to the end of each of the specifications
>> of the two objects (as opposed to collections)? I find this
>> helps with my version of the code. This intrigues me.
>> I would expect non-final types to be handled worse, not better.
> The problem does appear to go away when NOT FINAL is added.
> However, it is slower when not final is used.
> I'd still like to track this down.

I wasn't suggesting NOT FINAL as possible solution to your problem.
It is a waste of resources to declare an object type NON FINAL unless
you actually need to use sub-types. I asked you to test NON FINAL
because I had expected to make matters worse, and was very surprised
when it did not.

When I run your test script, the first 36 iterations are quick
(2 secs) and the 37th is slow (45 secs).

I have found I can chase the problem away in two different
ways. The slow-down does not occur if I change the script so it
uses the same statement handle for all iterations rather than
preparing a new one each time. This suggests that, if there is
a resource drain of any sort, the drain might be associated with
prepare/destroy rather than with fetch.

Another way removing the slow-down is to re-authenticate,
with $dbh->func('', '', 'reauthenticate'), after
each iteration. This causes Oracle to create a new session
within the existing connection. Re-authentication is much
faster than creating a new connection. This might provide
a workaround for you.

All that said, I still don't have any real clue as to what
is going on. I had suspected that the pin counts on TDOs
(Type Descriptor Objects) might be a problem, but adding
the OCIObjectUnpin calls I thought might be necessary made
no difference.

I shall stare at the prepare/destroy code a bit more before
I give up.

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: Problem with Oracle collections/objects

2011-12-09 Thread Charles Jardine
On 09/12/11 14:01, Martin J. Evans wrote:
> Hi,
> If anyone is around who wrote or has worked on the object/collections
> support in DBD::Oracle I'd greatly appreciate it if you could take a
> quick look at this problem as the code in DBD::Oracle for this has
> defeated me so far.
> The problem is I have a query which uses types and collect and
> although it works fine initially once it has been run a number of
> times in the same connection it eventually goes from a 3s fetch time
> to a number of minutes. I have reduced it to the example below.
> I can run this code all day long in sqlplus without a problem so I
> don't think it is an Oracle issue.

I have been re-writing parts of the of the object/collections
support with a view to correcting aspects of the storage management.
The existing code has some store drains, and some incorrect
freeing of Perl SVs, which can lead to crashes.

The changes I have made so far do not fix your problem, but
the problem might provide me with a useful test case.

Do you find, as I do, that you can chase your problem away by
adding 'NOT FINAL' to the end of each of the specifications
of the two objects (as opposed to collections)? I find this
helps with my version of the code. This intrigues me.
I would expect non-final types to be handled worse, not better. 

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: DBD::Oracle Release Candidate 1

2011-02-18 Thread Charles Jardine

On 17/02/11 12:34, H.Merijn Brand wrote:

On Wed, 16 Feb 2011 12:32:12 +0100, "H.Merijn Brand"

You need to work on longdouble support I guess

I wrote the tests in question. I included object properties of type
DATE and NUMERIC to provide tests against regression of some changes
I had made to get_attr_val to fix type mismatches.

I realise that I made a mistake by using literal Perl floating point
numbers in the insert statements. Doing it this way means that, on
the route into Oracle, the number is converted first into Perl's binary
floating point format and then into Oracle's base-100 format.
(I was only interested in testing the route out of Oracle.)

I think the best fix is simply to use strings in the insert statements.
Change 12345.6789 to '12345.6789' and 777.666 to '777.666'. This
way, the conversions both ways will be done by Oracle. Conversion of
a decimal string representation to a base-100 representation of adequate
precision will be exact. Nothing will be hidden under the carpet.

I should have written it like this originally. I am sorry.

Here's a patch to make the test PASS on all systems, but I'm not sure
if I'm using a carpet to shuv the problems under ...

--- t/58object.t.org2011-02-17 13:33:48.0 +0100
+++ t/58object.t2011-02-17 13:33:25.0 +0100
@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ $dbh->do(qq{ INSERT INTO $table VALUES (
  or die $dbh->errstr;
  $dbh->do(qq{ INSERT INTO $table VALUES (2, $sub_type(NULL, 'obj2',
  TO_DATE('2004-11-30 14:27:18', '-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),
-12345.6789)) }
+12345.9375)) }
  ) or die $dbh->errstr;
-$dbh->do(qq{ INSERT INTO $table VALUES (3, $sub_type(5, 'obj3', NULL, 
777.666)) }
+$dbh->do(qq{ INSERT INTO $table VALUES (3, $sub_type(5, 'obj3', NULL, 
777.875)) }
  ) or die $dbh->errstr;

  $dbh->do(qq{ CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE $inner_type AS OBJECT (
@@ -159,14 +159,14 @@ ok (scalar @row2, 'new: Fetch second row
  cmp_ok(ref $row2[1], 'eq', 'DBD::Oracle::Object', 'new: Row 2 column 2 is an 
  cmp_ok(uc $row2[1]->type_name, "eq", uc "$schema.$sub_type", "new: Row 2 column 2 
object type");
  is_deeply([$row2[1]->attributes], ['NUM', undef, 'NAME', 'obj2',
-'DATETIME', '2004-11-30T14:27:18', 'AMOUNT', '12345.6789'], "new: Row 1 
column 2 object attributes");
+'DATETIME', '2004-11-30T14:27:18', 'AMOUNT', '12345.9375'], "new: Row 1 
column 2 object attributes");

  @row3 = $sth->fetchrow();
  ok (scalar @row3, 'new: Fetch third row');
  cmp_ok(ref $row3[1], 'eq', 'DBD::Oracle::Object', 'new: Row 3 column 2 is an 
  cmp_ok(uc $row3[1]->type_name, "eq", uc "$schema.$sub_type", "new: Row 3 column 2 
object type");
  is_deeply([$row3[1]->attributes], ['NUM', 5, 'NAME', 'obj3',
-'DATETIME', undef, 'AMOUNT', '777.666'], "new: Row 1 column 2 object 
+'DATETIME', undef, 'AMOUNT', '777.875'], "new: Row 1 column 2 object 

  ok (!$sth->fetchrow(), 'new: No more rows expected');

@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ my $expected_hash = {
  NUM =>  5,
  NAME=>  'obj3',
  DATETIME=>  undef,
-AMOUNT  =>  777.666,
+AMOUNT  =>  777.875,
  is_deeply($obj->attr_hash, $expected_hash, 'DBD::Oracle::Object->attr_hash');
  is_deeply($obj->attr, $expected_hash, 'DBD::Oracle::Object->attr');

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: Question about passing a stored procedure file to DBD-Oracle

2011-02-14 Thread Charles Jardine
On 11/02/11 17:33, wrote:
> I'm sorry in advance if this is not the correct forum/mechanism to ask 
> this question - I have been googling this for a while, as well as 
> re-reading all of the CPAN man page for DBD-Oracle.
> I need to pass a physical file( or the contents of that file), that 
> contains code to create an Oracle stored procedure into DBD-Oracle.  So 
> like SQL PLus, where I'd say  > @package.spb, I have been trying to do the 
> same in every way imaginable with $DBH->prepare / do.   As of right now, 
> this is not working:
>   # load file contents 
>   open (FILEDATA, "$sql");
>   while ($record = ) {
> print $record;
>   }
>   close(FILEDATA);

You have opened the file named "$sql", read it line-by line,
printing each line as yo go.

$record is now undefined. Passing it to prepare won't work.

>   # prepare the stored procedure
>   if ($sth = $DBH->prepare( $record )){
> print $LOG "prepared: $HoH{$filename}{'full_filename'} \n"; 

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: Clarification sought on execute_array

2011-01-20 Thread Charles Jardine
On 20/01/11 09:55, Tim Bunce wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:25:05PM +, Martin J. Evans wrote:
>> On 19/01/2011 11:47, Tim Bunce wrote:

> Umm. I take that back. I suggest we change the spec from:
> When called in scalar context the execute_array() method returns the
> number of tuples executed, or undef if an error occurred.
> Like execute(), a successful execute_array() always returns true
> regardless of the number of tuples executed, even if it's zero.
> If there were any errors the ArrayTupleStatus array can be used to
> discover which tuples failed and with what errors.

I have always found the above wording confusing. I think I read 'tuple'
as referring to a list of bind variables/values. Someone else might
thing 'tuple' referred to a row in the database.
> to either (new or changed text in capitals):
> a:  When called in scalar context the execute_array() method returns the
> number of tuples executed INCLUDING ANY TUPLES WHICH FAILED,
> or undef if an error occurred THAT PREVENTED NORMAL OPERATION OF THE
> Like execute(), a successful execute_array() always returns true
> regardless of the number of tuples executed, even if it's zero.
> If there were any errors the ArrayTupleStatus array can be used to
> discover which tuples failed and with what errors.
> or
> b:  When called in scalar context the execute_array() method returns the
> number of tuples executed IF ALL ARE SUCCESSFUL. IF ANY TUPLES
> Like execute(), a successful execute_array() always returns true
> regardless of the number of tuples executed, even if it's zero.
> If there were any errors the ArrayTupleStatus array can be used to
> discover which tuples failed and with what errors.
> I prefer (a) but (b) is how the DBI's default execute_array() and
> execute_for_fetch() behave, which is obviously significant.

I strongly prefer (b). I am sure that, if I am using RaiseError or
HandleError, I want the exception route to be taken if *any* of the
individual executes fail.

>> The way I see it is that if some of the rows in the batch end up in
>> the table and some don't I'd expect a warning. However, if 1 or more
>> rows fail and no rows end up in the table I don't see any success so
>> I'd expect an error. In my example code, 1 row fails but no rows end
>> up successful so it is the latter.
> Shouldn't the number of rows "failing" and the number not ending up in
> the database be the same? Anything else seems like a bug. Or are you
> refering to a batch being aborted early?

execute_array can be used for any non-SELECT DML statement. In general,
a single successful execute can affect any number of rows, including
zero. It is only in the case of a simple INSERT statement (with a
VALUES clause) that there is a direct relationship between the
number of successful executes and the number or rows affected.

In some places in the current thread, the number of successful
executes has been confused with the number of rows affected.

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: $SIG{INT} tampering during DBI->connect on Oracle

2010-11-08 Thread Charles Jardine
On 07/11/10 20:14, Tim Bunce wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 03, 2010 at 10:29:18PM +0100, Jens Rehsack wrote:
>> 2010/11/3 Martin J. Evans :
>> [...]
>>> From time to time something similar to Brian's post turns up on
>>> this list although it is usually something to do with pipes not
>>> working as you expect.
>>> I have to say I would be strongly against returning all signals to
>>> their original state after a connect call. I know for a fact that
>>> some oracle clients (depending on how you connect to Oracle) install
>>> a SIGCHLD handler for instance. Who is to say what operations in the
>>> Oracle client library might be rendered useless if we destroy any
>>> signal handlers it has set up.
>> There is an entry in Oracle Knowledge Base about this. I had trouble
>> with this in a project around a year ago - and under specific
>> circumstances it's safe to restore the handlers and in others you
>> should chain them (when you need them, too).
>> Search for SIGCHLD in the knowledge base (I didn't took the URI with
>> me when I left the contractor).
> The topic has also come up on the dbi mailing lists several times over
> the years. Both for SIGCHLD and SIGINT.

I am aware of the SIGCHLD problem, which affects only connections using
the BEQ connection method, being a fre1quently asked questions. The
solution is to add "BEQUEATH_DETACH=YES" to the client side sqlnet.ora.

I have found several threads about SIGINT, but all seem to peter out
without reaching a conclusion.

>>> Is it really worth changing DBD::Oracle for what effectively is a one liner?
>> No, because it's not safe for each Oracle configuration. It must keep up to 
>> the
>> developer to figure out when it's safe.
> I think we should try to fix/workaround at least the SIGINT issue.
> The default behaviour should be to act in the most reasonable/useful way.
> An option could be provided to restore the current unreasonable way.

I can say whether a workaround would be a good idea without understanding
exactly what the problem is. I can't reproduce the original poster's
problem, and I don't know why.

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: $SIG{INT} tampering during DBI->connect on Oracle

2010-11-04 Thread Charles Jardine
On 03/11/10 19:16, Brian Phillips wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 9:55 AM, Charles Jardine  wrote:
>> I simply do not see this effect. The following program:
>>  #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
>>  use DBI;
>>  my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:", oralogin) or die "Failed\n";
>>  $| = 1;
>>  sleep 1, print('.') while 1;
>> prints dots every second until I press ^C, at which point it terminates.
>> There must be something different about your environment. For reference, I
>> have Oracle, Perl 5.10.1, DBI 1.609, DBD::Oracle 1.24. The
>> OS is SLES 10 SP 3. It makes no difference whether I use the bequeather
>> or a TNS connection.
> I can use your exact script and it doesn't respond to a -C.  The
> only difference is that I'm specifying a username and password in the
> DBI->connect call but I wouldn't think that would make any difference.
> Our versions are similar:
> perl 5.10.1
> DBI 1.611
> DBD::Oracle 1.24
> Oracle Client

It might be a difference between the Oracle 10 and Oracle 11 clients.

Can someone who has easy access to both confirm to deny this?

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: $SIG{INT} tampering during DBI->connect on Oracle

2010-11-03 Thread Charles Jardine
On 02/11/10 18:49, Brian Phillips wrote:
> Hello - I recently discovered that when we do a DBI->connect to an Oracle
> database, the process no longer responds to SIGINT signals.

I simply do not see this effect. The following program:

  #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
  use DBI;
  my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:", oralogin) or die "Failed\n";
  $| = 1;
  sleep 1, print('.') while 1;

prints dots every second until I press ^C, at which point it terminates.
This variant:

  #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
  use DBI;
  $SIG{INT} = sub { die "Interrupted\n" };
  my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:", oralogin) or die "Failed\n";
  $| = 1;
  sleep 1, print('.') while 1;

writes "Interrupted\n" when I press ^C.

There must be something different about your environment. For reference, I
have Oracle, Perl 5.10.1, DBI 1.609, DBD::Oracle 1.24. The
OS is SLES 10 SP 3. It makes no difference whether I use the bequeather
or a TNS connection.

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: DBD::Oracle::db prepare failed: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes

2010-08-06 Thread Charles Jardine
On 05/08/10 12:49, H.Merijn Brand wrote:


> $dbh->do (qq;
> create global temporary table t_foo (
>   h_key   blob,
>   h_value blob
>   );
> );
> my $sth = $dbh->prepare ("select h_value from t_foo where h_key = ?");
> $ perl
> DBD::Oracle::db prepare failed: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - 
> got BLOB (DBD ERROR: error possibly near <*> indicator at char 32 in 'select 
> h_value from t_foo where <*>h_key = :p1') [for Statement "select h_value from 
> t_foo where h_key = ?"] at line 23.

This is nothing to do with perl. You get this message from Oracle if you
attempt to compare a blob with anything, including itself. Here is a
simple demonstration using SQLPlus.

 Connected to:
 Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
 SQL> create table t_foo (h_key   blob);
 Table created.
 SQL> select h_key from t_foo where h_key = h_key;
 select h_key from t_foo where h_key = h_key
 ERROR at line 1:
 ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got BLOB

It is a bad error message, but the rule is clear. This is
from the section on Comparison Conditions in the Oracle 10.2
SQL Reference Manual

> Large objects (LOBs) are not supported in comparison conditions.
> However, you can use PL/SQL programs for comparisons on CLOB data.

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.24 Release Candidate 5

2010-01-29 Thread Charles Jardine
On 29/01/10 13:18, John Scoles wrote:
> Horray.
> Just one more thing has come up in like the last 15min
> can you redo your the make test with the  following file
> It is a trivial change but just want to make sure it does not break
> anything

It still compiles without warnings and passes all its tests.
> if is a change to precision for OCIDateTimeToText to 6 instead of 0 for
> varrays of timestamps
> needed to conduct a large scale experiment of some sort
> cheers
> John Scoles
> Charles Jardine wrote:
>> On 28/01/10 15:59, John Scoles wrote:
>>> Well here comes the big #5
>>> It can be found at the usual place
>> My environment is Linux x86-64, Perl 5.10.1 (64 bit), DBI 1.609,
>> Oracle (64 bit). Database charset UTF8, national
>> charset AL16UTF16.
>> RC5 compiles without warnings and passes all its tests, including
>> the regression tests for my object patches. I have run some sample
>> work at trace level 15 - there are no segfaults.
>> In short, I can't find anything wrong with it.

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.24 Release Candidate 5

2010-01-29 Thread Charles Jardine
On 28/01/10 15:59, John Scoles wrote:
> Well here comes the big #5
> It can be found at the usual place

My environment is Linux x86-64, Perl 5.10.1 (64 bit), DBI 1.609,
Oracle (64 bit). Database charset UTF8, national
charset AL16UTF16.

RC5 compiles without warnings and passes all its tests, including
the regression tests for my object patches. I have run some sample
work at trace level 15 - there are no segfaults.

In short, I can't find anything wrong with it.

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: Bug in tracing in DBD::Oracle

2010-01-28 Thread Charles Jardine

On 28/01/10 13:15, Martin Evans wrote:

Charles Jardine wrote:

On 27/01/10 17:38, Martin Evans wrote:


I prefer his version, with the cast to site_t left where it was,
rather than imported into the macro.

I'm not that comfortable with the cast to size_t in dbdimp.c because
then it is later cast back to unsigned long and I'd guess on platforms
where size_t is an unsigned long long the compiler might whine about that.

The best fix would be if there was a reliable format for size_t but I
don't know of one.

Many modern printf implementations support 'z' as a width modifier meaning
'as wide as size_t'. This makes '%zu' the right answer fro such
implementations. However, PerlIO_printf does not support it, so we can't
use it.

However, I don't think we need to get this out of proportion after all
it is only two calls and in both cases the size_t is 0 anyway as the
requested attributes are integers and not strings.


If the current SVN version works for Martin, I suggest that no
more needs to be done.

It does work.


[bug report snipped]

I suggest we try very hard to get someone with a 64bit platform to try
the next RC.

I will be testing RC5 on as 64-bit Linux platform with Oracle
If you want me to test anything specific, let me know.

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: Bug in tracing in DBD::Oracle

2010-01-28 Thread Charles Jardine

On 27/01/10 17:38, Martin Evans wrote:

Charles Jardine wrote:

On 27/01/10 15:52, Martin Evans wrote:


I was asked to enable ora_verbose and send a trace a few days ago.

I'm getting a segfault with DBD::Oracle when ora_verbose or dbd_verbose
is set to 15 in the connect method call. The stack trace is:


and that refers to the following line in dbdimp.c:

OCINlsEnvironmentVariableGet_log_stat( &ncharsetid,(size_t)  0,
OCI_NLS_NCHARSET_ID, 0, &rsize ,status );

Oracle defines the second argument as size_t so I guess that cast of 0
to size_t is ok but ocitrace.h then goes on to cast it again to
(unsigned long long) and the format argument has been changed to %llu.
Although these match it segfaults.

I am responsible for this change. It was part of a campaign to avoid
when compiling on 64-bit gcc platforms. All that is necessary to avoid
the compiler warnings is that the format arguments match the casts
(subject to integral promotion).

I used (unsigned long long) in this case for maximum portability. I
find any standard that said that (size_t) might not be wider than
(unsigned long).

If my change breaks PerlIO_vprintf, we must back off. Using (unsigned long)
and %lu would work on all platforms I use. Using (unsigned int) and %u,
would work in this case, but not for all uses of size_t.

This is the only place where I used a %llu or %lld, so there is only
one place to change.

Martin, can you try changing the casts to (unsigned long) and the formats
to %lu, and see if this fixes your problem.

That is what I did in effect (nearly).

I took the casts of 0 to size_t out of the 2 calls in dbdimp.c and added
a cast to size_t on the real call to oracle in the macro. Then I change
the format in the PerlIO_printf to %lu and change the cast to (unsigned
long). This works for me and I guess it will work without warning for
you too.

This isn't exactly what John has in subversion at the moment.

John seems to have corrected my over-zealous cast, and produced
a version which complies without warning and works on both 32-
and 64-bit platforms. Thank you John.

I prefer his version, with the cast to site_t left where it was,
rather than imported into the macro.

If the current SVN version works for Martin, I suggest that no
more needs to be done.

I an sorry to have caused this bother.

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: Bug in tracing in DBD::Oracle

2010-01-27 Thread Charles Jardine

On 27/01/10 15:52, Martin Evans wrote:


I was asked to enable ora_verbose and send a trace a few days ago.

I'm getting a segfault with DBD::Oracle when ora_verbose or dbd_verbose
is set to 15 in the connect method call. The stack trace is:

(gdb) bt
#0  0x080be45c in Perl_sv_vcatpvfn ()
#1  0x080ccd6d in Perl_vnewSVpvf ()
#2  0x0811cb54 in PerlIO_vprintf ()
#3  0x0811cbdf in PerlIO_printf ()
#4  0x007e961c in ora_db_login6 (dbh=0x830f6a0, imp_dbh=0x834b0b0,
dbname=, uid=0x81aedf8 "bet",
pwd=0x81aee08 "b3t", attr=0x830ee20) at dbdimp.c:546
#5  0x007dd0e0 in XS_DBD__Oracle__db__login (my_perl=0x8188008,
cv=0x8344b88) at ./Oracle.xsi:100
#6  0x080b12c0 in Perl_pp_entersub ()
#7  0x080af688 in Perl_runops_standard ()
#8  0x080acf4b in Perl_call_sv ()
#9  0x00575f0a in XS_DBI_dispatch (my_perl=0x8188008, cv=0x82bfa88) at
#10 0x080b12c0 in Perl_pp_entersub ()
#11 0x080af688 in Perl_runops_standard ()
#12 0x080adbb2 in perl_run ()
#13 0x08063ffd in main ()

and that refers to the following line in dbdimp.c:

OCINlsEnvironmentVariableGet_log_stat( &ncharsetid,(size_t)  0,
OCI_NLS_NCHARSET_ID, 0, &rsize ,status );

Oracle defines the second argument as size_t so I guess that cast of 0
to size_t is ok but ocitrace.h then goes on to cast it again to
(unsigned long long) and the format argument has been changed to %llu.
Although these match it segfaults.

I am responsible for this change. It was part of a campaign to avoid warnings
when compiling on 64-bit gcc platforms. All that is necessary to avoid
the compiler warnings is that the format arguments match the casts
(subject to integral promotion).

I used (unsigned long long) in this case for maximum portability. I couldn't
find any standard that said that (size_t) might not be wider than
(unsigned long).

If my change breaks PerlIO_vprintf, we must back off. Using (unsigned long)
and %lu would work on all platforms I use. Using (unsigned int) and %u,
would work in this case, but not for all uses of size_t.

This is the only place where I used a %llu or %lld, so there is only
one place to change.

Martin, can you try changing the casts to (unsigned long) and the formats
to %lu, and see if this fixes your problem.

This segfaults on my Linux machine described with the Perl -V output
below. I cannot believe the size of the first argument passed to
OCINlsEnvironmentVariableGet is every going to need a size_t and in any
case it has a max size of OCI_NLS_MAXBUFSZ (100 in Instant Client 11.1
for Linux X86).

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.24 Release Candidate 3

2010-01-18 Thread Charles Jardine

On 15/01/10 15:14, Charles Jardine wrote:

On 14/01/10 12:19, Charles Jardine wrote:

My environment is Linux x86-64, Perl 5.10.1 (64 bit), DBI 1.609,
Oracle (64 bit). Database charset UTF8, national
charset AL16UTF16

Three things:

[ snip ]

2. Back in early October, I reported a problem with the support for
  objects. Specifically, fetching a column value which was a nested
  table of objects was failing if $dbh->{ora_objects} was true.

  I have found the cause of the problem and have developed a patch.
  Unfortunately, while investigating this I have found another serious
  problem with the object support. Fetching a column value which
  is an object, one of whose properties is an object, segfaults,
  regardless of the value of $dbh->{ora_objects}. The cause of this
  looks like a simple type error.

  I hope to be able to post a patch which fixes both these problems
  within the next few days.

I have attached a patch which fixes the first problem. I will
post another message about the second problem, which I no longer
see as easy to fix.

Things have move on - I am now at Oracle

I have a attached patch for the second problem. In will post
a further patch providing regression tests for both problems.

The table which demonstrates the second problem was set up
as follows:

CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE outer_type AS OBJECT ( id NUMBER, inner_obj inner_type);
CREATE TABLE nest(outer_obj outer_type);

INSERT INTO nest VALUES (outer_type(1, inner_type('Hello world')));

In my environment, fetching the single row of this table causes
a segmentation violation regardless of the value of $dbh->{ora_objects}.

The violation occurs in the call of OCIObjectGetAttr which is
attempting to get the property named V from the inner object.
The cause of the violation is that the 4th argument passed to
OCIObjectGetAttr has the value 0x1. This argument should be
a pointer to an indicator structure. It is apparently an indicator
value. This value has just been got from the inner object itself
using OCIObjectGetInd. Is seems that OCIObjectGetInd does not always
return a pointer to an indicator structure when it is applied to
an object instance. In particular, it doesn't work in this case
(when the object type is FINAL, and the object instance is a
property of another object).

When OCIObjectGetAttr is used to get the of the inner object from
the instance of the outer object, an indicator structure for
the inner object is returned via the attr_null_struct argument.
The DBD::Oracle code never uses this result, instead calling
OCIObjectGetInd later, to attempt to get the same structure

Poking a little further, I have realised that, whenever get_object
is called, an indicator structure suitable for passing to
OCIObjectGetAttr is already to hand. There is no need for get_object
ever to call OCIObjectGetInd.

There are three cases:

 * Objects which are column values:

   The indicator structure was obtained at define time via
   the indpp argument to OCIDefineObject and stored in

 * Objects which are properties of other objects:

   The indicator structure is returned by the existing
   call of OCIObjectGetAttr (arg attr_null_struct).

 * Objects in varrays or multisets:

   The indicator structure is returned by the existing
   call of OCIIterNext (arg elemind)

The patch I attach adds an extra argument to get_object,
which always points to an indicator structure obtained
as above. It removes all the calls of OCIObjectGetInd.
It also fixes a bug by testing the return codes of the
two recursive calls of get_object.

The elements obj->obj_ind are now used only to store the
pointers obtained from OCIDefineObject. They are no longer
modified at fetch time.

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679
Only in DBD-Oracle-1.24-RC3.obj_ind_patch/: Makefile.old
diff -ur DBD-Oracle-1.24-RC3/oci8.c DBD-Oracle-1.24-RC3.obj_ind_patch/oci8.c
--- DBD-Oracle-1.24-RC3/oci8.c  2010-01-08 19:39:46.0 +
+++ DBD-Oracle-1.24-RC3.obj_ind_patch/oci8.c2010-01-18 11:22:52.171812759 
@@ -2177,7 +2177,7 @@
 /*gets the properties of an object from a fetch by using the attributes saved 
in the describe */
-get_object (SV *sth, AV *list, imp_fbh_t *fbh,fbh_obj_t 
*base_obj,OCIComplexObject *value, OCIType *instance_tdo){
+get_object (SV *sth, AV *list, imp_fbh_t *fbh,fbh_obj_t 
*base_obj,OCIComplexObject *value, OCIType *instance_tdo, dvoid *obj_ind){
sword   status;
@@ -2191,7 +2191,6 @@
OCIType *attr_tdo;
OCIIter *itr;
fbh_obj_t   *fld;
-   OCIInd  *obj_ind;
fbh_obj_t   *obj = base_obj;
 OCIType*tdo = instance_tdo ? instance_tdo : o

Re: ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.24 Release Candidate 3

2010-01-15 Thread Charles Jardine

On 14/01/10 12:19, Charles Jardine wrote:

My environment is Linux x86-64, Perl 5.10.1 (64 bit), DBI 1.609,
Oracle (64 bit). Database charset UTF8, national
charset AL16UTF16

Three things:

[ snip ]

2. Back in early October, I reported a problem with the support for
  objects. Specifically, fetching a column value which was a nested
  table of objects was failing if $dbh->{ora_objects} was true.

  I have found the cause of the problem and have developed a patch.
  Unfortunately, while investigating this I have found another serious
  problem with the object support. Fetching a column value which
  is an object, one of whose properties is an object, segfaults,
  regardless of the value of $dbh->{ora_objects}. The cause of this
  looks like a simple type error.

  I hope to be able to post a patch which fixes both these problems
  within the next few days.

I have attached a patch which fixes the first problem. I will
post another message about the second problem, which I no longer
see as easy to fix.

I should explain what the patch does, and why.

There are two calls of OCITypeByRef in oci8.c. The second one,
which is in get_object, is the one which was problematic. The purpose
of the call is to obtain the true type of a fetched object. This is
to deal with the possibility that the fetched object's type is
a subtype of the type obtained at describe time.

In the example case I posted back in October this call fails badly;
see <>.

With 1.23 the failure was a segfault, with 1.24-RC3 the message is
"OCI-21500: internal error code, arguments: [kocgpn129]".

I now know that it is significant that the type of my example
object was a FINAL type. FINAL types can have no subtypes.

If I change my example by adding "NOT FINAL" to the to the CREATE TYPE
statement for the object, the problem goes away - the OCITypeByRef
call succeeds.

If the type found at describe time is FINAL, all the fetched
instances must be of the described type, since subtypes are
not possible. So, in this case, it is a correct optimisation
to skip the block of code containing the call of OCITypeByRef.

The patch implements this optimisation, and so circumvents the

The patch also adds a call of OCIObjectFree, to match the
call of OCIObjectNew in the same code sequence. I think this
removes a small per-row store drain.

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679
Only in DBD-Oracle-1.24-RC3.object_patches: Makefile.old
diff -ur DBD-Oracle-1.24-RC3/dbdimp.h 
--- DBD-Oracle-1.24-RC3/dbdimp.h2010-01-08 19:39:46.0 +
+++ DBD-Oracle-1.24-RC3.object_patches/dbdimp.h 2010-01-15 13:00:44.567065736 
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
-typedef struct fbh_obj_st fbh_obj_t; /*Ebbedded Object Descriptor */
+typedef struct fbh_obj_st fbh_obj_t; /*Embedded Object Descriptor */
 struct fbh_obj_st {  /* embedded object or table will work recursively*/
text*type_name; /*object's name 
@@ -152,6 +152,7 @@
OCITypeCode typecode;   /*object's 
OCITypeCode col_typecode;   /*if collection this is its 
OCITypeCode element_typecode;   /*if collection this is its 
+   ub1 is_final_type;  /*object's 
OCIRef  *obj_ref;   /*if an embeded 
object this is ref handle to its TDO*/
OCIInd  *obj_ind;   /*Null 
indictator for object */
OCIComplexObject *obj_value;/*the actual value from the DB*/
diff -ur DBD-Oracle-1.24-RC3/oci8.c DBD-Oracle-1.24-RC3.object_patches/oci8.c
--- DBD-Oracle-1.24-RC3/oci8.c  2010-01-08 19:39:46.0 +
+++ DBD-Oracle-1.24-RC3.object_patches/oci8.c   2010-01-15 13:04:43.444036727 
@@ -2205,9 +2205,9 @@
case OCI_TYPECODE_OPAQUE: /*doesn't do anything though*/
if (ora_objects){
-   OCIRef  *type_ref=0;
sword   status;
-   if (!instance_tdo) {
+   if (!instance_tdo && !obj->is_final_type) {
+   OCIRef  *type_ref=0;
status = 
OCIObjectNew(fbh->imp_sth->envhp, fbh->imp_sth->errhp, fbh->imp_sth->svchp,


Re: ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.24 Release Candidate 3

2010-01-14 Thread Charles Jardine

On 14/01/10 13:10, John Scoles wrote:

Thank Charles that is really good stuff

I have not investigated the

NLS_LANG=.WE8ISO8859P1, but the tests 30long.t and 31lob_extended.t
 still fail badly if NLS_LANG=.AL32UTF8.

bug yet as my local test box is just US7ASCII.

BTW can you tell me what the '





setting of your  Oralcle DB you are testing on

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.24 Release Candidate 3

2010-01-14 Thread Charles Jardine

On 14/01/10 12:19, Charles Jardine wrote:

On 12/01/10 12:07, John Scoles wrote:

Ok third time is a Charm

The Third RC of the beer edition of DBD::Oracle 1.24 can be found at

This round has a few little patches from Martin Evans on it.

Please test and enjoy

My environment is Linux x86-64, Perl 5.10.1 (64 bit), DBI 1.609,
Oracle (64 bit). Database charset UTF8, national
charset AL16UTF16

Three things:


3. Here is a patch which removes the remaining warnings detected by
  gcc in 64-bit mode.


I realise that something has wrapped the very long lines in the patch,
so I am trying again, sending the patch as an attachment.

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679
diff -ur DBD-Oracle-1.24-RC3/dbdimp.c 
--- DBD-Oracle-1.24-RC3/dbdimp.c2010-01-08 19:39:46.0 +
+++ DBD-Oracle-1.24-RC3.warning_patches/dbdimp.c2010-01-14 
10:36:01.839787037 +
@@ -543,14 +543,14 @@
 #ifdef NEW_OCI_INIT/* XXX needs merging into use_proc_connection branch */
/* Get CLIENT char and nchar charset id values */
-   OCINlsEnvironmentVariableGet_log_stat( &charsetid, 0, 
OCI_NLS_CHARSET_ID, 0, &rsize ,status );
+   OCINlsEnvironmentVariableGet_log_stat( &charsetid, 
(size_t)0, OCI_NLS_CHARSET_ID, 0, &rsize ,status );
if (status != OCI_SUCCESS) {
oci_error(dbh, NULL, status,

"OCINlsEnvironmentVariableGet(OCI_NLS_CHARSET_ID) Check NLS settings etc.");
return 0;
-   OCINlsEnvironmentVariableGet_log_stat( &ncharsetid, 0, 
OCI_NLS_NCHARSET_ID, 0, &rsize ,status );
+   OCINlsEnvironmentVariableGet_log_stat( &ncharsetid, 
(size_t)0, OCI_NLS_NCHARSET_ID, 0, &rsize ,status );
if (status != OCI_SUCCESS) {
oci_error(dbh, NULL, status,

"OCINlsEnvironmentVariableGet(OCI_NLS_NCHARSET_ID) Check NLS settings etc.");
diff -ur DBD-Oracle-1.24-RC3/oci8.c DBD-Oracle-1.24-RC3.warning_patches/oci8.c
--- DBD-Oracle-1.24-RC3/oci8.c  2010-01-08 19:39:46.0 +
+++ DBD-Oracle-1.24-RC3.warning_patches/oci8.c  2010-01-14 10:43:16.341547757 
@@ -1872,7 +1872,7 @@
if (status == OCI_NEED_DATA ){
char buf[300];
sprintf(buf,"fetching %s. LOB and the read bufer is 
only  %lubytes, and the ora_ncs_buff_mtpl is %d, which is too small. Try 
setting ora_ncs_buff_mtpl to %d",
-   name, buflen, 
+   name, (unsigned long)buflen, 
oci_error_err(sth, NULL, OCI_ERROR, buf, 
OCI_NEED_DATA); /* appropriate ORA error number */
croak("DBD::Oracle has returned a %s status when doing 
a LobRead!! \n",oci_status_name(status));
@@ -2240,7 +2240,7 @@
if (tdo != obj->tdo) {
/* new subtyped -> get obj 
description */
if (DBIS->debug >= 5 || 
dbd_verbose >= 5 ) {
-   PerlIO_printf(DBILOGFP, 
" describe subtype (tdo=%x) of object type %s 
+   PerlIO_printf(DBILOGFP, 
" describe subtype (tdo=%p) of object type %s 
Newz(1, obj->next_subtype, 1, 
@@ -3079,7 +3079,6 @@
ub4 num_fields;
int num_errors  = 0;
int has_longs   = 0;
-   int has_lobs= 0;
int est_width   = 0;/* estimated avg row width (for cache)  
int nested_cursors = 0;
ub4 i = 0;
diff -ur DBD-Oracle-1.24-RC3/ocitrace.h 
--- DBD-Oracle-1.24-RC3/ocitrace.h  2010-01-11 22:44:49.0 +
+++ DBD-Oracle-1.24-RC3.warning_patches/ocitrace.h  2010-01-14 
10:38:09.520304633 +
@@ -222,8 +222,8 @@
stat = OCINlsEnvironmentVariableGet(valp, size, item, charset, 
rsizep ); \
?   PerlIO_printf(DBD_OCI_TRACEFP,\

Re: ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.24 Release Candidate 3

2010-01-14 Thread Charles Jardine
= 0;/* estimated avg row width (for cache)  
   int nested_cursors = 0;
   ub4 i = 0;
diff -ur DBD-Oracle-1.24-RC3/ocitrace.h 
--- DBD-Oracle-1.24-RC3/ocitrace.h  2010-01-11 22:44:49.0 +
+++ DBD-Oracle-1.24-RC3.warning_patches/ocitrace.h  2010-01-14 
10:38:09.520304633 +
@@ -222,8 +222,8 @@
   stat = OCINlsEnvironmentVariableGet(valp, size, item, charset, 
rsizep ); \
   ?   PerlIO_printf(DBD_OCI_TRACEFP,\
-OciTp, *valp, size, item, charset, *rsizep, 
oci_status_name(stat)),stat \
+OciTp, *valp, (unsigned long long)size, item, charset, 
(unsigned long long)*rsizep, oci_status_name(stat)),stat \
   : stat

/* added by lab */

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: Statement handle creation not seen by subclassed DBI

2008-02-20 Thread Charles Jardine

On 20/02/08 17:07, Martin Evans wrote:


Just wondered if anyone else had seen this and if there are any opinions 
on getting around it. I use DBIx::Log4perl (which I wrote to help debug 
our DBI appication) and DBD::Oracle. New code added to our application 
calls an oracle package function which returns a reference cursor and it 
is bound in Perl like so:

my $sth2;
my $sth1 = $h->prepare(q{BEGIN ? := pkg.testfunc; END;});
$sth1->bind_param_inout(1, \$sth2, 0, { ora_type => ORA_RSET } );

as per DBD::Oracle pod. After $sth1->execute, $sth2 is a statement 
handle but DBIx::Log4perl does not know about it and hence when it is 
used it leads to errors in DBIx::Log4perl when it accesses private 
attributes it usually stores in the statement handle (e.g. a Log4perl 
log handle) which are not present. i.e., normally when the application 
calls the prepare method, DBIx::Log4perl sees the returned statement 
handle and does something like:

  my $sth = $dbh->SUPER::prepare(@args);
  $sth->{private_DBIx_Log4perl} = $log_handle if ($sth);

but DBIx::Log4perl did not see this magically returned statement handle.

These statement handles are presumably of the correct class.
All that is wrong with them is that DBIx::Log4perl has not
has a chance to initialise them. They have never been through
prepare or execute, but are nevertheless ready to fetch from.

One approach would be to modify all the fetch methods in
DBIx::Log4perl to expect uninitialised statement handles and
initialise on demand.

You will also have to cope with the fact that these handles
do not have useful Statement attributes.

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tel: +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: [patch] (final) DBD::Oracle - Support for standard array binds.

2007-09-13 Thread Charles Jardine

Tim Bunce wrote:

On Tue, Sep 11, 2007 at 02:15:27AM +0400, Alexander V Alekseev wrote:

On Mon, 10 Sep 2007, Tim Bunce wrote:

There's no need for all that. You could just do this:

$sth->bind_param_inout(":mytable", [EMAIL PROTECTED] , 10 , ... )

Don't you think, it's better to use the first format ?

It's not really a question of one backslash vs two. It's more a question
of the principle behind the design of the API. Consistency trumps beauty
in the long run.

Annoyingly for me I can argue it both ways in this case.
Here's a question for you: what happens when the returnd value is NULL?
How can you distinguish that from an empty array?

Hmmm... In this particular case, Oracle object "TABLE OF ...
INDEX BY BINARY INTEGER" can't be NULL. As far, as I know, it's
impossible in Oracle.

Be careful here. Nested table and varray types in PL/SQL can by null. Googling
on 'Until you initialize it, a nested table or varray is atomically null'
leads to clear documentation of this.

With the current API you could do this:

$sth->bind_param_inout(":mytable", \my $ary = [EMAIL PROTECTED] , 10 , 
... )
  die "got null" if !$ary;

(I'll admit I've made that rather terse, but that's not the point here.)

Ok. I'll change docs in my patch.

Hey, don't give in so easily! You can still persuade me. I'm teetering
on the end.

Anyone else have any opinions?

Do any other databases support array types? Can they be NULL?

Oracle supports array types which can by NULL, both in PL/SQL and
in SQL.

I strong agree with Tim's position before he teetered.

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tel: +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: Having problems with DBI, Larry Wall told me to ask you guys

2006-05-18 Thread Charles Jardine

Joe McTigue wrote:

Hi Any Kind Person,

Larry was almost right. Actually, would have
been a more appropriate mail list.

I am currently getting the following error message and was wondering if
you could help?


But for the past several days now


DBI connect('nameofdb','username',...) failed: ORA-24315: illegal
attribute type (DBD ERROR: OCIAttrGet OCI_ATTR_ENV_CHARSET_ID) at line 463

Can't connect to database:ORA-24315: illegal attribute type (DBD ERROR:
OCIAttrGet OCI_ATTR_ENV_CHARSET_ID) at line 463.


My guess is that the installation of Oracle on the computer on
which you are running this perl script was upgraded several days
ago (perhaps by the application of a patch), an that, in consequence,
the bits of DBD::Oracle which are implemented on C need re-compiling.

You should ask the person who installed DBD::Oracle to do this
for you.

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tel: +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: Adding utf8 support to DBD::mysql

2006-05-01 Thread Charles Jardine

Tim Bunce wrote:

[I'm at the mysql conference and Patrick asked me about adding utf8
support to DBD::mysql.]


*** Detecting Inconsistencies

If the connection character set is _not_ utf8 but the application calls
the driver with data (or SQL statement) that has the UTF8 flag set, then
it could issue a warning. In practice that may be to be too noisy for
people that done their own workarounds for utf8 support. If so then
they could be changes to level 1 trace messages.

If the connection character set _is_ utf8, and the application calls
the driver with data (or SQL statement) that does _not_ have the UTF8
flag set but _does_ have bytes with the high bit set, then the driver
should issue a warning. The checking for high bit set is an extra cost
so this should only be enabled if tracing and/or an attribute is set
(perhaps called $dbh->{mysql_charset_checks} = 1)


You don't explicitly say what you are proposing should be done with
the anomalous data. I guess, by analogy with the behaviour of
DBD::Oracle's handling of SQL statements, that the implicit proposal
is to pass the octets of the anomalous string unchanged across the
connection. This will result in octet strings which perl has flagged
as being utf8-encoded being passed over connections which expect
byte encoding, and vice versa.

I think that this is wrong as the default behaviour for a DBD, and
I would be sorry to see another DBD converted to behave in this way.

The default behaviour I would like to see is as follows:

If a utf8-flagged string is presented for transmission over a
byte-encoded connection, an attempt should be made to downgrade
the string to byte encoding. This will fail if the string contains
characters with codepoints > 255. Such failure should be treated
as an error.

If a string without the utf8 flag is presented for transmission
across a utf8-encoded connection, it should simply be upgraded
to utf8 encoding. This cannot fail.

I am aware that a DBD which does not automatically upgrade and
downgrade may provide a useful compatibility bridge for programs
originally written to cope with DBDs without Unicode support.
However, such DBDs are not compatible with the spirit of
perldoc perluniintro and perldoc perlunicode. To quote from the

 o   How Do I Know Whether My String Is In Unicode?

 You shouldn't care.  No, you really shouldn't.  No,
 really.  If you have to care--beyond the cases described
 above--it means that we didn't get the transparency of
 Unicode quite right.

 Okay, if you insist: [...]

A DBD which does not handle upgrading and downgrading itself
doesn't get the transparency quite right. The writer of a program
using such a driver has to care about the utf8 flag, since
strings which compare equal in perl, but differ in the setting
of the flag, will produce different results when processed by
the DBD. This ought not to be the way of the future.

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tel: +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: Binding undefs in DBD::Oracle

2006-03-06 Thread Charles Jardine

Paul G. Weiss wrote:



  DB<3> x $dbh->selectall_arrayref('select x,b from tbl where a=? and 
b=?', undef, 4, undef)

0  ARRAY(0x9ba0530)
 empty array

i.e. the 'b=?' in the statement where I bind the value to undef does 
_not_ act like

'b is null'.

No - it doesn't. It acts like 'b=null', as is should. 'b=null' can
never be true.

This is not Oracle specific. It is covered under 'NULL values' in
the DBI pod.

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tel: +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.17 release candidate 3

2006-01-13 Thread Charles Jardine

Andy Hassall wrote:

What seems to be happening with RC3 is that Makefile.PL is behaving
as if I had a full Oracle install rather than an Instant Client.

Yeap. I'll take a closer look at the log and see if I can spot why.
Thanks for the details.

I think it just needs the Oracle XE and Oracle Instant Client branches
swapping around.


Swap the XE and IC tests over (as in attached patch) and it builds
successfully again for me (on Linux 10201instant, 10201xe, 10201full,
10104instant, 9207full).

This patch makes my build on Solaris 8 10201instant work again.

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tel: +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.17 release candidate 3

2006-01-12 Thread Charles Jardine

Tim Bunce wrote:

On Thu, Jan 12, 2006 at 12:34:54PM +, Charles Jardine wrote:

Tim Bunce wrote:

"We're getting there". This one fixes the two issues raised against RC2
(thanks Andy and Steffen).

I'd be grateful for more, and wider, testing. Thanks!

Neither this release, nor RC2, work against the Instant Client
on Solaris. Makefile.PL fails with the output shown below.
The original release candidate's Makefile.PL succeeds with
the exact same environment settings (using the makefile

I presume you had to use the -m option to specify the .../
since isn't one of the .mk file names Makefile.PL search for.

No. $ORACLE_HOME points to an Instant Client. is the only
makefile it has got. This worked with the first release candidate.
The -v ouput is below.

What seems to be happening with RC3 is that Makefile.PL is behaving
as if I had a full Oracle install rather than an Instant Client.

What does "ls -l $ORACLE_HOME" show?

lrwxrwxrwx   1 root other 18 Jan  3 10:55 
/jackdaw/instantclient -> instantclient_10_2

total 211850
-r--r--r--   1 root other1590491 Aug 16 14:35 classes12.jar
-r--r--r--   1 root other   1525 Aug 16 14:38 glogin.sql
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root other 17 Jan  4 14:58 ->

-rwxr-xr-x   1 root other23805656 Aug 16 14:35
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root other6858120 Aug 16 14:35
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root other1492072 Aug 16 14:35
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root other70108288 Aug 16 14:35
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root other 123864 Aug 16 14:35
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root other1320016 Aug 16 14:38
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root other1437104 Aug 16 14:38
-r--r--r--   1 root other1536979 Aug 16 14:35 ojdbc14.jar
drwxr-xr-x   4 root other512 Aug 16 14:38 sdk
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root other   8784 Aug 16 14:38 sqlplus
[EMAIL PROTECTED] find $ORACLE_HOME/. -name '*.mk'

And the Makefile.PL outout from the first release candidate.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] perl Makefile.PL -v
Using DBI 1.50 (for perl 5.008007 on sun4-solaris-64) installed in 

 Configuring DBD::Oracle ...

>>> Remember to actually *READ* the README file!
Especially if you have any problems.

Using Oracle in /jackdaw/instantclient
Oracle version (10.2)
Found direct-link candidate: clntsh
Oracle sysliblist:

Checking for functioning

System: perl5.008007 sunos 5.8 generic_117350-26 
sun4u sparc sunw,sun-blade-100
Compiler:   /opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc -O -xarch=v9 

Linker: /usr/ccs/bin/ld

Linking with -lclntsh.

Warning: If you have problems you may need to rebuild perl with 
threading enabled.

MakeMaker (v6.17)
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
  AUTHOR => q[Tim Bunce (]

  DIR => []
  EXE_FILES => [q[ora_explain]]
  INC => q[-I/jackdaw/instantclient/sdk/include 

  LIBS => [q[-L/jackdaw/instantclient/ -lclntsh ]]
  NAME => q[DBD::Oracle]
  OBJECT => q[$(O_FILES)]
  PREREQ_PM => { DBI=>q[0] }
  clean => { FILES=>q[xstmp.c Oracle.xsi dll.base dll.exp sqlnet.log 
libOracle.def ora_explain] }
  dist => { DIST_DEFAULT=>q[clean distcheck disttest tardist], 
COMPRESS=>q[gzip -v9], PREOP=>q[$(MAKE) -f Makefile.old distdir], 
SUFFIX=>q[gz] }

  dynamic_lib => { OTHERLDFLAGS=>q[] }
Using PERL=/jackdaw/perl/5.8.7-A/bin/perl
Potential libraries are '-L/jackdaw/instantclient/ -lclntsh':
'-lclntsh' found at /jackdaw/instantclient//
Using DBD::Oracle 1.17.
Using DBD::Oracle 1.17.
Using DBI 1.50 (for perl 5.008007 on sun4-solaris-64) installed in 

Re: ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.17 release candidate 3

2006-01-12 Thread Charles Jardine

Tim Bunce wrote:

"We're getting there". This one fixes the two issues raised against RC2
(thanks Andy and Steffen).

I'd be grateful for more, and wider, testing. Thanks!

Neither this release, nor RC2, work against the Instant Client
on Solaris. Makefile.PL fails with the output shown below.
The original release candidate's Makefile.PL succeeds with
the exact same environment settings (using the makefile

[EMAIL PROTECTED] perl Makefile.PL -v
Using DBI 1.50 (for perl 5.008007 on sun4-solaris-64) installed in 

Configuring DBD::Oracle for perl 5.008007 on solaris (sun4-solaris-64)

Remember to actually *READ* the README file! Especially if you have any 

Using Oracle in /jackdaw/instantclient
Oracle version (10.2)

Unable to locate an, or other suitable *.mk
file in your Oracle installation.  (I looked in
/jackdaw/instantclient/proc16/lib/ under /jackdaw/instantclient)

The (or file is part of the Oracle
RDBMS product. The (or file is part of
the Oracle Pro*C product.  You need to build DBD::Oracle on a
system which has one of these Oracle components installed.
(Other *.mk files such as the env_*.mk files will not work.)
Alternatively you can use Oracle Instant Client.

In the unlikely event that a suitable *.mk file is installed
somewhere non-standard you can specify where it is using the -m option:
perl Makefile.PL -m /path/to/

See README.clients.txt for more information and some alternatives.

 at Makefile.PL line 1039.

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tel: +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: ANNOUNCE: DBI 1.50 release candidate (bug in 10General.t)

2006-01-12 Thread Charles Jardine

Tim Bunce wrote:

I have successfully built the above release candidate under
Solaris 8 against an Oracle 10.2 Instant Client. The full
versions of things are:

SunOS 5.8 Generic_117350-26 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Blade-100
This is perl, v5.8.7 built for sun4-solaris-64
SQL*Plus: Release

The resulting build fails one test. The error messages are:

t/10general.NOK 1
# Failed test (t/10general.t at line 25)
#  got: '65280'
# expected: '256'
t/10general.ok 13/33# Looks like you failed 1 test of 33.

The line in question is:

is system("false"), 1<<8, 'system false should return 256';

The cause of the problem is that the Solaris version of /usr/bin/false
gives an exit code of 255, not 1.

Here is a patch which fixes this:

Index: t/10general.t
--- t/10general.t   (revision 2334)
+++ t/10general.t   (working copy)
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
 SKIP: {
skip "not unix-like", 2 unless $Config{d_semctl};
# basic check that we can fork subprocesses and wait for the status
-   is system("false"), 1<<8, 'system false should return 256';
-   is system("true"), 0, 'system true should return 0';
+   is system("exit 1;"), 1<<8, 'system "exit 1;" should return 256';
+   is system("exit 0;"),0, 'system "exit 0;" should return 0';

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tel: +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.17 release candidate 3

2006-01-12 Thread Charles Jardine

Tim Bunce wrote:

"We're getting there". This one fixes the two issues raised against RC2
(thanks Andy and Steffen).

I'd be grateful for more, and wider, testing. Thanks!

Neither this release, nor RC2, work against the Instant Client
on Solaris. Makefile.PL fails with the output shown below.
The original release candidate's Makefile.PL succeeds with
the exact same environment settings (using the makefile

[EMAIL PROTECTED] perl Makefile.PL -v
Using DBI 1.50 (for perl 5.008007 on sun4-solaris-64) installed in 

Configuring DBD::Oracle for perl 5.008007 on solaris (sun4-solaris-64)

Remember to actually *READ* the README file! Especially if you have any 

Using Oracle in /jackdaw/instantclient
Oracle version (10.2)

Unable to locate an, or other suitable *.mk
file in your Oracle installation.  (I looked in
/jackdaw/instantclient/proc16/lib/ under /jackdaw/instantclient)

The (or file is part of the Oracle
RDBMS product. The (or file is part of
the Oracle Pro*C product.  You need to build DBD::Oracle on a
system which has one of these Oracle components installed.
(Other *.mk files such as the env_*.mk files will not work.)
Alternatively you can use Oracle Instant Client.

In the unlikely event that a suitable *.mk file is installed
somewhere non-standard you can specify where it is using the -m option:
perl Makefile.PL -m /path/to/

See README.clients.txt for more information and some alternatives.

 at Makefile.PL line 1039.

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tel: +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679