RE: [dbi] Re: Adding utf8 support to DBD::mysql

2006-05-01 Thread Martin J. Evans

On 30-Apr-2006 Patrick Galbraith wrote:
 Martin J. Evans wrote:
 Sure, I'll be glad to put in the code. If you can come up with tests, 
 that's one thing we need. Whatever you like, and whatever works for you. 
 I'll always give you due credit.
  I also would like to know how to have a test end its while loop if a 
 version doesn't support the server it's running against - if you know 
 that, that would be fabulous. I came up with a way by querying the 
 database, then checking if a string is /^4/ or /^3/ (stored procs), if 
 it matches that, set $state = 1. I think there may be a better way! 
 (well, that'd be Test::More I think)

As far as I can see there is no supported way of doing this _during_
the loop but there is a way to do it before the loop starts. That way,
if you put your mysql 3 tests in one test file you can do as 60leak.t:

eval { require Proc::ProcessTable; };
if ($@  ||  !$ENV{SLOW_TESTS}) {
print 1..0 # Skip \$ENV{SLOW_TESTS} is not set or Proc::ProcessTable not
installed \n;
exit 0;
#   Main loop; leave this untouched, put tests after creating
#   the new table.
while (Testing()) {

You can skip individual tests by doing:

if (!$state  some_condition) {
} else {
  Test($state or command);


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/dbd_mysql/svn/trunk$ perl  t/texecute.t
ok 1
ok 2
ok 3
ok 4
ok 5
ok 6
ok 7 # Skip reason
ok 8
ok 9

If you apply the attached patch to subversion trunk you can

if (!$state  some_condition) {
  SkipAll(Reason) if ($state == 0);
Test($state or statement);

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/dbd_mysql/svn/trunk$ perl  t/texecute.t
ok 1
ok 2
ok 3
ok 4 # Skip reason
ok 5 # Skip reason
ok 6 # Skip reason
ok 7 # Skip reason
ok 8 # Skip reason
ok 9 # Skip reason

but that often leaves the tidying up, like deleting a table you created
left lying around so there is also a SkipN:

Test($state or statement);
Test($state or statement);
Test($state or statement);
if (!$state  some_condition) (
  SkipN(Reason, 3,4,5,7);
Test($state or statement);
Test($state or statement);
Test($state or statement);
Test($state or statement);
Test($state or statement);
Test($state or statement);

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/dbd_mysql/svn/trunk$ perl  t/texecute.t
ok 1
ok 2
ok 3
ok 4 # Skip skipn
ok 5 # Skip skipn
ok 6 # Skip skipn
ok 7 # Skip skipn
ok 8
ok 9

snipped rest of context not about tests

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Ltd, UK

Description: lib.patch

Re: Adding utf8 support to DBD::mysql

2006-04-30 Thread Martin J. Evans

Michael Kröll (apr-10-2006)
posted a change for DBD::db2 which seemed to sort this out for DB2
so a similar change could be added to mysql.

Hope this helps.

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Ltd, UK

On 24-Apr-2006 Tim Bunce wrote:

[I'm at the mysql conference and Patrick asked me about adding utf8
support to DBD::mysql. I said I'd look at the libmysql docs and give my
thoughts. I'm posting to dbi-dev since it may be of interest to others
interested in enhancing DBD::mysql and to other driver developers.
These are just random thoughts from a quick look at the docs.]

The keys mysql docs seem to be

The mysql api and client-server protocol doesn't support passing
characterset info to the server on a per-statement / per-bind value 

So the sane way to send utf8 to the server is by setting the 

character set' to utf8 and then only sending utf8 (or its ASCII subset)
to the server on that connection.

*** Fetching data:

MySQL 4.1.0 added unsigned int charsetnr to the MYSQL_FIELD 

It's the character set number for the field.

So set the UTF8 flag based on that value. Something like:
   (field-charsetnr = ???) ? SvUTF8_on(sv) : SvUTF8_off(sv);
I couldn't see any docs for the values of the charsetnr field.

Also, would be good to enable perl code to access the charsetnr values:

*** Fetching Metadata:

The above is a minimum. It doesn't address metadata like field names
($sth-{NAME}) that might also be in utf8. For that the driver needs to
know if the 'connection character set' is currently utf8.

(The docs mention mysql-charset but it's not clear if that's part of
the public API.)

However it's detected, the code needs to end up doing:
   (...connection charset is utf8...) ? SvUTF8_on(sv) : SvUTF8_off(sv);
on the metadata.

*** SET NAMES '...'

Intercept SET NAMES and call the mysql_set_character_set() API instead.

*** Detecting Inconsistencies

If the connection character set is _not_ utf8 but the application calls
the driver with data (or SQL statement) that has the UTF8 flag set, 

it could issue a warning. In practice that may be to be too noisy for
people that done their own workarounds for utf8 support. If so then
they could be changes to level 1 trace messages.

If the connection character set _is_ utf8, and the application calls
the driver with data (or SQL statement) that does _not_ have the UTF8
flag set but _does_ have bytes with the high bit set, then the driver
should issue a warning. The checking for high bit set is an extra cost
so this should only be enabled if tracing and/or an attribute is set
(perhaps called $dbh-{mysql_charset_checks} = 1)


Re: Adding utf8 support to DBD::mysql

2006-04-30 Thread Patrick Galbraith
 it is utf8
print join( , unpack(H*, $row[0])), \n;
# turning on utf8 causes the rignt uf8 sequence to be output
# and hence sv_utf8_upgrade(sv) will probably work
print data_string_desc (after fetch): , 

open OUT, utf.out;
binmode (OUT, :utf8);
print OUT $row[0];
close OUT;
# data written to utf.out is not UTF8 unless is marked utf8


Is utf8::is_utf8 defined: 1
Is utf8::valid defined: 1
length(str) = 6
bytes::length(str) = 10
utf8::is_utf8 = 1
data_string_desc: UTF8 on, non-ASCII, 6 characters 10 bytes
data_string_desc (after fetch): UTF8 off, non-ASCII, 10 characters 
10 bytes


with utf.out containing:


without that Encode::_utf8_on($row[0]);

Michael Kröll (apr-10-2006)
posted a change for DBD::db2 which seemed to sort this out for DB2
so a similar change could be added to mysql.

Hope this helps.

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Ltd, UK

On 24-Apr-2006 Tim Bunce wrote:

[I'm at the mysql conference and Patrick asked me about adding utf8
support to DBD::mysql. I said I'd look at the libmysql docs and 
give my
thoughts. I'm posting to dbi-dev since it may be of interest to 

interested in enhancing DBD::mysql and to other driver developers.
These are just random thoughts from a quick look at the docs.]

The keys mysql docs seem to be

The mysql api and client-server protocol doesn't support passing
characterset info to the server on a per-statement / per-bind 
value basis.

So the sane way to send utf8 to the server is by setting the 
character set' to utf8 and then only sending utf8 (or its ASCII 

to the server on that connection.

*** Fetching data:

MySQL 4.1.0 added unsigned int charsetnr to the MYSQL_FIELD 

It's the character set number for the field.

So set the UTF8 flag based on that value. Something like:
   (field-charsetnr = ???) ? SvUTF8_on(sv) : SvUTF8_off(sv);
I couldn't see any docs for the values of the charsetnr field.

Also, would be good to enable perl code to access the charsetnr 


*** Fetching Metadata:

The above is a minimum. It doesn't address metadata like field names
($sth-{NAME}) that might also be in utf8. For that the driver 
needs to

know if the 'connection character set' is currently utf8.

(The docs mention mysql-charset but it's not clear if that's part of
the public API.)

However it's detected, the code needs to end up doing:
   (...connection charset is utf8...) ? SvUTF8_on(sv) : 

on the metadata.

*** SET NAMES '...'

Intercept SET NAMES and call the mysql_set_character_set() API 

*** Detecting Inconsistencies

If the connection character set is _not_ utf8 but the application 
the driver with data (or SQL statement) that has the UTF8 flag 
set, then

it could issue a warning. In practice that may be to be too noisy for
people that done their own workarounds for utf8 support. If so then
they could be changes to level 1 trace messages.

If the connection character set _is_ utf8, and the application calls
the driver with data (or SQL statement) that does _not_ have the UTF8
flag set but _does_ have bytes with the high bit set, then the driver
should issue a warning. The checking for high bit set is an extra 

so this should only be enabled if tracing and/or an attribute is set
(perhaps called $dbh-{mysql_charset_checks} = 1)


Re: Adding utf8 support to DBD::mysql

2006-04-30 Thread Martin J. Evans
-user as to whether both or either of
# the following should be set
$dbh-do(set character set utf8);
$dbh-do(set names utf8);
$dbh-do(drop table if exists utf);
$dbh-do(create table utf (a char(100)) default charset utf8);
my $sth = $dbh-prepare(insert into utf values (?));
$sth = $dbh-prepare(select * from utf);

my @row = $sth-fetchrow_array;
print data_string_desc (after fetch): , 

# the following shows we'e got the right data back
# but perl does not know it is utf8
print join( , unpack(H*, $row[0])), \n;
# turning on utf8 causes the rignt uf8 sequence to be output
# and hence sv_utf8_upgrade(sv) will probably work
print data_string_desc (after fetch): , 

open OUT, utf.out;
binmode (OUT, :utf8);
print OUT $row[0];
close OUT;
# data written to utf.out is not UTF8 unless is marked utf8


Is utf8::is_utf8 defined: 1
Is utf8::valid defined: 1
length(str) = 6
bytes::length(str) = 10
utf8::is_utf8 = 1
data_string_desc: UTF8 on, non-ASCII, 6 characters 10 bytes
data_string_desc (after fetch): UTF8 off, non-ASCII, 10 characters 
10 bytes


with utf.out containing:


without that Encode::_utf8_on($row[0]);

Michael Kröll (apr-10-2006)
posted a change for DBD::db2 which seemed to sort this out for DB2
so a similar change could be added to mysql.

Hope this helps.

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Ltd, UK

On 24-Apr-2006 Tim Bunce wrote:

[I'm at the mysql conference and Patrick asked me about adding utf8
support to DBD::mysql. I said I'd look at the libmysql docs and 
give my
thoughts. I'm posting to dbi-dev since it may be of interest to 

interested in enhancing DBD::mysql and to other driver developers.
These are just random thoughts from a quick look at the docs.]

The keys mysql docs seem to be

The mysql api and client-server protocol doesn't support passing
characterset info to the server on a per-statement / per-bind 
value basis.

So the sane way to send utf8 to the server is by setting the 
character set' to utf8 and then only sending utf8 (or its ASCII 

to the server on that connection.

*** Fetching data:

MySQL 4.1.0 added unsigned int charsetnr to the MYSQL_FIELD 

It's the character set number for the field.

So set the UTF8 flag based on that value. Something like:
   (field-charsetnr = ???) ? SvUTF8_on(sv) : SvUTF8_off(sv);
I couldn't see any docs for the values of the charsetnr field.

Also, would be good to enable perl code to access the charsetnr 


*** Fetching Metadata:

The above is a minimum. It doesn't address metadata like field names
($sth-{NAME}) that might also be in utf8. For that the driver 
needs to

know if the 'connection character set' is currently utf8.

(The docs mention mysql-charset but it's not clear if that's part of
the public API.)

However it's detected, the code needs to end up doing:
   (...connection charset is utf8...) ? SvUTF8_on(sv) : 

on the metadata.

*** SET NAMES '...'

Intercept SET NAMES and call the mysql_set_character_set() API 

*** Detecting Inconsistencies

If the connection character set is _not_ utf8 but the application 
the driver with data (or SQL statement) that has the UTF8 flag 
set, then

it could issue a warning. In practice that may be to be too noisy for
people that done their own workarounds for utf8 support. If so then
they could be changes to level 1 trace messages.

If the connection character set _is_ utf8, and the application calls
the driver with data (or SQL statement) that does _not_ have the UTF8
flag set but _does_ have bytes with the high bit set, then the driver
should issue a warning. The checking for high bit set is an extra 

so this should only be enabled if tracing and/or an attribute is set
(perhaps called $dbh-{mysql_charset_checks} = 1)


Re: Adding utf8 support to DBD::mysql

2006-04-30 Thread Patrick Galbraith
::length($str), \n;

print utf8::is_utf8 = , utf8::is_utf8($str) ? 1 : 0, \n;
print data_string_desc: , data_string_desc($str),\n;

open OUT, uni.out;
binmode(OUT, :utf8);
print OUT $str\n;
# data written to uni.out is UTF8

my $dbh = DBI-connect(dbi:mysql:test, xxx, xxx);
# there are posts on dbi-user as to whether both or either of
# the following should be set
$dbh-do(set character set utf8);
$dbh-do(set names utf8);
$dbh-do(drop table if exists utf);
$dbh-do(create table utf (a char(100)) default charset utf8);
my $sth = $dbh-prepare(insert into utf values (?));
$sth = $dbh-prepare(select * from utf);

my @row = $sth-fetchrow_array;
print data_string_desc (after fetch): , 

# the following shows we'e got the right data back
# but perl does not know it is utf8
print join( , unpack(H*, $row[0])), \n;
# turning on utf8 causes the rignt uf8 sequence to be output
# and hence sv_utf8_upgrade(sv) will probably work
print data_string_desc (after fetch): , 

open OUT, utf.out;
binmode (OUT, :utf8);
print OUT $row[0];
close OUT;
# data written to utf.out is not UTF8 unless is marked utf8


Is utf8::is_utf8 defined: 1
Is utf8::valid defined: 1
length(str) = 6
bytes::length(str) = 10
utf8::is_utf8 = 1
data_string_desc: UTF8 on, non-ASCII, 6 characters 10 bytes
data_string_desc (after fetch): UTF8 off, non-ASCII, 10 
characters 10 bytes


with utf.out containing:


without that Encode::_utf8_on($row[0]);

Michael Kröll (apr-10-2006)
posted a change for DBD::db2 which seemed to sort this out for DB2
so a similar change could be added to mysql.

Hope this helps.

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Ltd, UK

On 24-Apr-2006 Tim Bunce wrote:

[I'm at the mysql conference and Patrick asked me about adding utf8
support to DBD::mysql. I said I'd look at the libmysql docs and 
give my
thoughts. I'm posting to dbi-dev since it may be of interest to 

interested in enhancing DBD::mysql and to other driver developers.
These are just random thoughts from a quick look at the docs.]

The keys mysql docs seem to be

The mysql api and client-server protocol doesn't support passing
characterset info to the server on a per-statement / per-bind 
value basis.

So the sane way to send utf8 to the server is by setting the 
character set' to utf8 and then only sending utf8 (or its ASCII 

to the server on that connection.

*** Fetching data:

MySQL 4.1.0 added unsigned int charsetnr to the MYSQL_FIELD 

It's the character set number for the field.

So set the UTF8 flag based on that value. Something like:
   (field-charsetnr = ???) ? SvUTF8_on(sv) : SvUTF8_off(sv);
I couldn't see any docs for the values of the charsetnr field.

Also, would be good to enable perl code to access the charsetnr 


*** Fetching Metadata:

The above is a minimum. It doesn't address metadata like field 
($sth-{NAME}) that might also be in utf8. For that the driver 
needs to

know if the 'connection character set' is currently utf8.

(The docs mention mysql-charset but it's not clear if that's 
part of

the public API.)

However it's detected, the code needs to end up doing:
   (...connection charset is utf8...) ? SvUTF8_on(sv) : 

on the metadata.

*** SET NAMES '...'

Intercept SET NAMES and call the mysql_set_character_set() API 

*** Detecting Inconsistencies

If the connection character set is _not_ utf8 but the 
application calls
the driver with data (or SQL statement) that has the UTF8 flag 
set, then
it could issue a warning. In practice that may be to be too 
noisy for

people that done their own workarounds for utf8 support. If so then
they could be changes to level 1 trace messages.

If the connection character set _is_ utf8, and the application 
the driver with data (or SQL statement) that does _not_ have the 
flag set but _does_ have bytes with the high bit set, then the 
should issue a warning. The checking for high bit set is an 
extra cost
so this should only be enabled if tracing and/or an attribute is 

(perhaps called $dbh-{mysql_charset_checks} = 1)
