[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----worldwide----UK, KENYA, INDIA, BANG., MALAY., PHILIP., S. ARAB.

2014-08-11 Thread Rick Halperin

Aug. 11


Hanged for murder: 50th anniversary of last people to be executed in Britain

When, at 8am on 13 August 1964, Peter Allen and Gwynne Evans took a short walk 
to the gallows to be hanged for murder, the deaths of 2 hapless petty criminals 
were little mourned and little noticed.

Instead Allen and Evans became the last people to be executed in Britain. 
Wednesday this week will be the 50th anniversary not just of their deaths, but 
of a major milestone in the history of British justice.

The death penalty for murder was suspended for a trial period the year after 
they were executed. In 1969 it was abolished altogether by a vote in the House 
of Commons, which won an overwhelming majority and loud cheers from the public 

So a killing characterised more by incompetent desperation than anything 
resembling cold-blooded calculation acquired a significance few could have 
imagined at the time.

Needing money to pay off magistrates fines of 10 pounds imposed on them for 
earlier thefts, the 2 jobless men had driven to the home of Evans' former 
workmate John West, 53, in Seaton, Cumbria, to request the loan of a few 

Mr West refused to give them any money. His stabbed and battered body was found 
the next day. Tracing the 2 suspects was hardly difficult. Evans had left his 
raincoat at the scene, with a medallion inscribed with his name.

Letters from both men's mothers begging the Home Secretary Henry Brooke to 
grant clemency had no effect.

At Strangeways, Manchester, Evans, 24, was led from his cell by Harry Allen, 
who always wore a bow tie for the job as a sign of respect and once claimed 
he never felt a moment's remorse for his executions.

35 miles away in Walton Jail, Liverpool, Allen, 21, shouted Jesus as he was 
led to the gallows by his executioner Robert Stewart.

Former prison officer George Donaldson who witnessed the execution, told the 
makers of the ITV documentary Executed: At the last minute he seemed to make 
some sort of effort to throw himself, but he didn't get the chance. The lever 
dropped, the door opened and down he went. It was all over.

From murder to double execution had taken just 18 weeks. It was too late for 
Evans and Allen, but an abolitionist campaign that dated at least as far back 
as the formation of the National Council for the Abolition of the Death Penalty 
(NCADP), in 1923 - after the dubious execution of Edith Thompson - was 
beginning to bear fruit. It was fuelled by cases like that of Derek Bentley, a 
19-year-old with a mental age of 11 who was hanged in 1953 for the murder of a 
policeman, despite not having fired the fatal shot. The officer had told 
Bentley's accomplice to hand over the gun, and the teenager had uttered the 
highly ambiguous phrase: Let him have it.

Also in 1953 it was discovered that the Rillington Place serial killer John 
Christie had been the real murderer of Beryl Evans and her baby daughter 
Geraldine. Mrs Evans' husband Timothy had been wrongly hanged in 1950.

Mr Evans' sister Maureen Westlake told the Executed documentary, to be 
broadcast on Tuesday night: The last time I saw him, he did look like a 
10-year-old. His face was all pale. He waved and said, 'cheerio'.

It's the Government that murdered Tim. Not killed him. Murdered him.

In January this year, a poll found that 54 % of British people want the return 
of the death penalty.

(source: The Independent)


Kenyan MP proposes 'Stone the Gays To Death' Bill  Kenya's Republican 
Liberty Party has proposed stoning gays and lesbians to death and has put a 
bill to that end before the National Assembly for its consideration

Kenya's Republican Liberty Party wants to impose the death penalty for 
homosexuality and has put forward a bill that would see foreign gays and 
lesbians in the country stoned to death. The party's draft Anti-Homosexuality 
Bill would also see gay and lesbian Kenyans jailed for life and stoned to death 
in public for 'aggravated homosexuality' which the bill defines as sex with a 
person under 18, where the person has HIV or where the person is in a position 
of authority over the person they have had sex with.

The 'aggravated' category also includes same-sex activity with a person who has 
a disability or where the person is a 'serial offender.'

The bill appears to be modeled on a similar law in Uganda that was recently 
struck down by its Constitutional Court and is now before the Kenyan 
Parliament's Justice and Legal Affairs.

Particularly concerning is the imposition of the death penalty on non-citizens 
who engage in sex between people of the same sex as a large number of LGBTI 
Ugandans have fled to Kenya to escape the anti-gay climate in their homeland. 
The Republican Liberty Party claims that the Anti-Homosexuality Bill is needed 
to combat external threats to the heterosexual family unit in Kenya.

'There is need to protect children and youth who are vulnerable 

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----OHIO, OKLA., ARIZ., CALIF., USA

2014-08-11 Thread Rick Halperin

Aug. 11


Judge Extends Temporary Halt To Ohio Executions As Debate Over New Drug 
Combination ContinuesThe moratorium, which was supposed to end this week, 
has been extended to Jan. 15.

A federal judge has extended a months-long halt on executions in Ohio into 2015 
as debate over the state's new 2-drug protocol in lethal injections continued.

The 2 1/2 month moratorium issued by federal judge Gregory Frost in May was to 
end this week. But in an order issued Friday, Frost extended the temporary halt 
on executions to January 15.

This will delay 4 executions in Ohio scheduled in September, October, November 
and early January. The news was first reported Monday morning by the Associated 

The moratorium was issued to allow time for the state and inmates' lawyers to 
address any questions about or challenges to the state's lethal injection 
protocol, which was revised after Dennis McGuire's prolonged execution in 

According to witnesses, McGuire gasped, choked and said his whole body was 
burning after being injected with an untested 2-drug cocktail of midazolam and 
hyrdropmorphone. He died after 26 minutes.

After his family sued the state, the Department of Corrections announced April 
it would use the same 2-drug protocol but increase the doses of the sedative 
and painkiller. This prompted Frost to issue the moratorium so attorneys of 
inmates could argue against the state's decision.

In Frost's order, dated August 8, he wrote that he was extending the stay 
because the continuing need for discovery and necessary preparations related 
to the adoption and implementation of the new execution protocol that became 
effective April 28.

In July, an Arizona inmate took nearly 2 hours to die after witnesses described 
him as repeatedly gasping and snorting. Arizona and Ohio use the same 2-drug 
protocol of midazolam and hydropmorphone.

In this case, the inmate was injected with 15 separate doses of the drug 
combination resulting in what his attorneys called the most prolonged 
execution in recent memory.

(source: BuzzFeed News)

OKLAHOMAnew death sentence

OK Man Convicted Of Killing Wife, Unborn Child Formally Sentenced To Death

An Oklahoma man convicted of killing his estranged wife and her unborn baby has 
formally been sentenced to death.

In June, 2014, Fabion Brown was found guilty on 2 counts of 1st degree murder 
and 1 count of conspiracy for the 2012 murders of his wife, Jessica Brown, and 
her unborn child.

An Oklahoma County jury sentenced Brown to death. The jury decided on the death 
penalty due to 2 aggravating circumstances: Brown knowingly created a great 
risk of death to more than 1 person and Brown hired someone to commit the 
murders for money.

Brown defended himself throughout the trial, but he changed his mind and asked 
to have an attorney represent him in the punishment phase. The court decided it 
was too late in the process to make a change.

On Monday, August 11, Oklahoma County District Judge Ray Elliot formally 
sentenced Brown to death on 2 counts of 1st-degree murder. Judge Elliot also 
sentenced him to 10 years and ordered him to pay a $5,000 fine on the charge of 
conspiracy to commit murder.

Judge Elliott told Brown that he will be put to death on October 31, 2014.

(source: news9.com)


Penalty phase to begin for killer of Arizona policeman

The penalty phase is scheduled to begin Monday at the trial of an Arizona man 
convicted of murder in the 2007 shooting of a Glendale police officer.

A jury last month determined that 40-year-old Bryan Wayne Hulsey qualified for 
the death penalty in the shooting death of 24-year-old Officer Anthony Holly.

Jurors will consider whether to sentence Hulsey to death or life in prison.

Hulsey was a passenger in the vehicle that had been pulled over for speeding 
and not having a license plate.

Holly was there to serve as backup to another officer who made the traffic 

Prosecutors say Hulsey exited the vehicle and fired 2 shots, 1 of which hit 

Defense attorneys argue Holly was unintentionally shot by the officer who made 
the stop.

(source: Associated Press)


Testimony begins in penalty trial of man who killed marine and wife

Prosecution testimony will get underway today in the penalty trial of a man who 
joined 3 cohorts in killing a Marine sergeant and his wife at their French 
Valley home.

A Riverside jury last week convicted Kesaun Kedron Sykes of the 2008 slayings 
of 26-year-old Quiana Faye Jenkins-Pietrzak and her husband, 24-year-old Janek 

Along with the murder counts, jurors found true special circumstance 
allegations of killing during the course of a robbery, killing during a 
burglary and taking multiple lives in the same crime, as well as a 
sentence-enhancing allegation of committing a sexual assault with a foreign 

The same jury will now decide whether to recommend a 

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----worldwide

2014-08-11 Thread Rick Halperin

Aug. 11


Saudi beheads man for killing wife with axe

Saudi authorities beheaded a national on Monday after he was convicted of 
killing his wife with an axe in front of their daughter, the interior ministry 

Mahdi Al Ghabari battered his wife Shaqraa Al Bahri several times on her neck 
with an axe, killing her in the presence of their little daughter who 
witnessed the crime, said the statement published by the official SPA news 

He was executed due to the hideousness of the crime, said the statement.

The beheading in the southwestern city of Najran raised to 23 the number of 
executions so far this year in the Kingdom, according to an AFP count based on 
official reports.

In 2013, there were 78 executions.

Rape, murder, apostasy, armed robbery and drug trafficking are all punishable 
by death in Saudi Arabia.

(source: Agence France-Presse)


Isil beheads, crucifies in push for Syria's eastLeader of tribe whose stand 
was crushed calls for other tribes to help halt the militants

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) has crushed a pocket of 
resistance to its control in eastern Syria, crucifying 2 people and executing 
23 others in the past 5 days, a monitoring group said on Monday.

The insurgents, who are also making rapid advances in Iraq, are tightening 
their grip in Syria, of which they now control roughly 1/3, mostly rural areas 
in the north and east.

The group, an Al Qaida offshoot, has fought the Syrian army, Kurdish militias 
and Sunni Muslim tribal forces.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based monitoring 
organisation opposed to the Al Assad regime, and residents in Syria's east said 
that fighters from the Al Sheitaat tribe in eastern Deir Al Zor had tried to 
resist Isil's advance this month.

In Al Shaafa, a town on the banks of the Euphrates river, Isil beheaded 2 men 
from the Al Sheitaat clan on Sunday, the Observatory said, and gave residents a 
12-hour deadline on Monday to hand over members of the tribe.

In other parts of Deir Al Zor province, the militants crucified 2 men for the 
crime of dealing with apostates in the city of Mayadin, and 2 others for 
blasphemy in the nearby town of Al Bulel, the Observatory said.

Isil has made rapid gains in Syria since it seized northern Iraq's largest 
city, Mosul, on June 10, and declared an Islamic caliphate on territory it 
controls in Syria and Iraq.

The Observatory said a further 19 men from the Al Sheitaat tribe were executed 
on Thursday, 18 shot dead and 1 beheaded, on the outskirts of Deir Al Zor city. 
It said the men worked at an oil installation.

No one will now dare from the other tribes to move against Isil after the 
defeat of the Al Sheitaat, said Ahmad Ziyada Al Qaissi, an Isil sympathiser 
contacted by Skype from Mayadin.

Tribal sources say the conflict between Isil and the Al Sheitaat tribe, who 
number about 70,000, flared after Isil took over of 2 oil fields in July.

1 of those, Al Omar, is the biggest oil and gas field in Deir Al Zor and has 
been a lucrative source of funds for rebel groups.

The head of the Al Sheitaat tribe, Shaikh Rafaa Aakla Al Raju, called in a 
video message for other tribes to join the fight against Isil.

We appeal to the other tribes to stand by us because it will be their turn 
next ... If [Isil] are done with us, the other tribes will be targeted after Al 
Sheitaat. They are the next target, he said in the video, posted on YouTube on 

A Syrian human rights activist from Deir Al Zor who fled for Turkey last year 
said rebels opposed to President Bashar Al Assad had retreated to Al Sheitaat 
tribal areas from which they had been trying to mount resistance to Isil's 

He said, on condition of anonymity, that the resistance had been crushed in the 
last few days. The situation is very bad, but the people can't repel them, he 

He said that in tandem with their violent campaign, Isil was distributing gas, 
electricity, fuel and food to garner local support.

It is a poor area. They are winning support this way. They won a lot of 
support this way. They are halting theft and punishing thieves. This is also 
giving them credibility.

More than 170,000 people have been killed in Syria's civil war, which pits 
overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim rebels against Al Assad, a member of the Alawite 
minority, backed by Shiite militias from Iraq and Lebanon.

The insurgency is split between competing factions, with Isil emerging as the 
most powerful.

In Raqqa, Isil's power base in Syria, its hold appears to be growing only 
firmer even as Syrian government forces intensify air strikes on territory held 
by the group.

One Syrian living in an area of Isil control near Raqqa said the number of its 
fighters in the streets had grown dramatically in the last few weeks, 
particularly since it captured the army's 17th Division at the end of July.

The group has 

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----CALIF., USA

2014-08-11 Thread Rick Halperin

Aug. 11


Hearing set for man accused in Mecca hate-crime deathBrother: Juan was 
bringing home dinner for the family when he was shot

A Sept. 5 preliminary hearing was scheduled Monday for a Thermal resident 
accused of killing a 20-year-old man because of his sexual orientation.

Miguel Angel Bautista Ramirez, 25, of Thermal was arrested July 28 in Coachella 
for the deadly shooting of Juan Ceballos in Mecca on July 13.

Ramirez is being held without bail. A bail hearing that was scheduled to be 
held Tuesday was postponed to Sept. 5.

The criminal complaint filed July 30 charging Ramirez with murder includes a 
hate crime allegation that Ramirez killed Ceballos because of a bias against 
the victim's sexual orientation. An amended complaint was filed Aug. 1 with 
broader language that includes sexual orientation, disability, nationality and 

Ramirez also faces a special circumstance allegation of lying in wait and 
committing a hate crime. He is potentially eligible for the death penalty or 
life imprisonment without parole if convicted.

News Channel 3 and CBS Local 2's Laura Yanez sat down with the Ceballos family. 
They say Juan was the son of a farm worker and the eldest of 5 children. 
Ceballos was bisexual, according to his 17-year-old brother Sergio Ceballos. 
The College of the Desert student worked 2 jobs, 1 at TA of America gas station 
and at Pizza Hut.

His brother, Sergio, told Yanez that Juan was bringing home pizza dinner for 
his family when he was shot in the front yard.

He was coming home from work. He had pizza, said Sergio. He was messaging 
me. As soon as he parked it happened.

Hear more from the family here.

The Riverside County District Attorney's Office is not commenting about the 
facts of the case or a possible motive for the killing, spokesman John Hall 

Riverside County sheriff's deputies were called to the 65-000 block of Dale 
Kiler Road in Mecca shortly before midnight July 13 and found Ceballos with 
several gunshot wounds. He was pronounced dead at the scene, sheriff's Sgt. Jim 
Erickson said.

(source: KESQ news)


Death penalty decision on LAX gunman due in fall

Federal prosecutors should know by mid-November whether they will seek to 
execute the man charged in a deadly shooting rampage at Los Angeles 
International Airport.

A prosecutor told a judge Monday that the case has been forwarded to the 
attorney general's office in Washington for review.

Paul Ciancia has pleaded not guilty to murdering a Transportation Security 
Administration officer and 10 other federal charges.

Public defenders say they may not be ready in time to present their own case to 
the Department of Justice on the death penalty.

There are over 10,000 pieces of evidence and 150 DVDs with material in the case 
so far.

The judge says he wants the case to go to trial next year, but the defense says 
it could take longer to prepare.

(source: Associated Press)

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