[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----worldwide

2019-04-26 Thread Rick Halperin

April 26


A third of Tory MPs want to bring back the death penalty

1/3 of Tory MPs support the reintroduction of capital punishment in the UK, 
Yahoo News can reveal.

An exclusive poll of MPs carried out by YouGov found that 18% of Conservative 
MPs strongly support bringing back the death penalty and 13% somewhat support 
doing so.

The poll has shocked activists, who have condemned MPs for “hankering after the 
return of a grotesque and cold-blooded ritual”.

Not a single Labour MP said they support bringing back capital punishment.

In November, Conservative MP John Hayes urged the Government to consider 
bringing back hacking for perpetrators of violent crimes in response to the 
Westminster Bridge attacked carried out by Khalid Masood.

Mr Hayes said the option “should be available to the courts” in cases such as 
Masood’s, and it would have been “appropriate” to hang him if he had survived 
the attack.

Amnesty International condemned the MPs who support the reintroduction of the 
death penalty.

Commenting on the poll, Kate Allen, Amnesty International UK’s Director, told 
Yahoo: “The vast majority of countries in the world have stopped using the 
death penalty in recognition of its cruelty and the ever-present danger of 
miscarriages of justice.

“We would urge any MP still hankering after a return of the grotesque ritual of 
cold-bloodedly condemning people to be hanged to consult our latest global 
report on the death penalty.

“It shows in case after case how people around the world are still being 
sentenced to death arbitrarily, after unfair trials - sometimes involving false 
confessions - and even for political reasons.

“Do we really want the UK to join China, Saudi Arabia and Iran in the dwindling 
band of countries that still execute their citizens?

“The death penalty is a cruel relic of the past and there should be no place 
for it in the modern world.”

The last execution in the UK took place in 1964 when Gwynne Evans and Peter 
Allen were hanged for murder.

The Government’s policy is to oppose the reintroduction of the death penalty.

The most recent official briefing paper, published in 2015, says: “It is the 
longstanding policy of the UK to oppose the death penalty in all circumstances 
as a matter of principle.

“There is a growing international momentum towards abolition of the death 
penalty - in the past two decades we have seen a significant rise in the number 
of countries becoming abolitionist, and we are keen to see this trend 

YouGov’s most recent poll of the public, carried out in 2014, found 45% of 
Brits support the reintroduction of the death penalty.

(source: Yahoo News)


HC upholds death sentence for murder of family

The Punjab and Haryana high court has upheld death sentence of Fatehgarh Sahib 
resident for killing 4 members of a family, including 2 children, in 2004.

The convict, Khushwinder Singh, had killed Kulwant Singh (40), his wife Harjit 
Kaur (38), their daughter Ramandeep Kaur (16) and son Avrinder Singh (14) in 
June 2004 by pushing them into the Sirhind canal.

Khushwinder had revealed details of the 2004 murders during interrogation after 
his arrest for murders of another 6 people in similar fashion in 2012. He is 
already on death row for the 2012 murders.

“The present case falls within the ambit of rarest of rare cases. The appellant 
has killed 4 persons, including 2 minor children. Whether the extreme penalty 
of death sentence is to be awarded, a balance sheet of aggravating and 
mitigating circumstances has to be drawn up,” said the high court division 
bench, comprising Justice Rajiv Sharma and Justice Gurvinder Singh Gill, after 
dismissing the appeal filed by Khushwinder challenging his death sentence.

The high court said the prosecution has proved its case against the appellant 
beyond reasonable doubt and the trial court had correctly appreciated the oral 
as well as documentary evidence.

“The case though based on circumstantial evidence, the chain is complete. The 
motive attributed to the appellant is that he wanted to grab money of Kulwant 
Singh, who had recently sold land. The appellant had taken Kulwant and his 
family to Bhakra canal on the pretext of receiving blessings from some “Baba.” 
He pushed them into the canal on June 3, 2004 while they were offering prayers. 
Bodies of Kulwant and his daughter Ramandeep were recovered. However, the 
bodies of his wife and son were never recovered,” the high court observed while 
upholding the sentence.

Special CBI court in Mohali had on August 28, 2018 ordered that Khushwinder 
should be hanged by the neck till he is dead for the murders and imposed a fine 
of Rs 10,000 on him.

(source: The Times of India)


HC sends death penalty ruling back to trial court

3 years after a Thane cour awarded death penalty to a man for raping and 
murdering a 7-year-old girl, the Bombay 

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----worldwide

2019-04-26 Thread Rick Halperin

April 26


Will the Saudi Crown Prince's legacy only be executions and imprisonment?

The execution of 37 prisoners in Saudi Arabia is a scathing indictment of Crown 
Prince Mohammed bin Salman's 'liberalising reforms'.

Earlier this week, Saudi Arabia put 37 of its citizens to death in the single 
largest mass execution the Kingdom has ordered since January 2016 when 47 
people were beheaded, including a prominent Shia cleric, Nimr al Nimr, who was 
well-liked by Iran for his anti-establishment rhetoric against their Arab 

While the death penalty is a punishment still practised by many developing and 
developed countries around the world, including the United States, what is most 
concerning about these executions is that they occurred during the reign of 
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, better known as MBS, a man already infamous 
for jailing dissidents and ordering extrajudicial killings.

Crushing dissent, sending a message

Again, this time, the majority of those executed appear to be from the Shia 
minority. Interestingly, however, the executions swiftly followed an attack by 
4 Sunni Daesh extremists who died after attacking a security installation north 
of the capital Riyadh.

While it is tempting to frame these executions as being motivated by 
sectarianism, this is highly unlikely as the most shocking display of state 
violence was reserved for a Sunni death row inmate. It, therefore, appears 
clear that Riyadh wanted to send a general message.

Khalid bin Abdulkarim al Tuwaijiri was beheaded, and his headless body was 
crucified and put on display for several hours as a grim message designed to 
deter anyone else from following in his footsteps.

According to Saudi-funded and Emirates-based Alarabiya, Tuwaijiri has been on 
death row since 2007 after he killed and then beheaded his uncle who was an 
officer in the Saudi security establishment on behalf of Al Qaeda. His 
accomplice, Aziz al-Umari, was also beheaded during the same mass execution.

While their rhetoric is rooted in sectarian division, the analysis of some, 
including human rights organisations, that Saudi Arabia’s bloody executions are 
motivated by sectarianism is incorrect. We cannot ignore the fact that the 
majority of the most prominent political dissidents currently languishing in 
Saudi dungeons are conservative Sunni clerics who opposed MBS’ “liberalisation” 

These reforms are laughable considering the sheer body count MBS has amassed 
since deciding Saudi needed to relax its more hardline tendencies. Amongst 
those who have died at the altar of MBS’ liberalisation drive was the vicious 
extrajudicial slaying of columnist Jamal Khashoggi that shocked the world last 

Riyadh is now also seeking the death penalty against prominent Saudi Sunni 
cleric Salman al-Awda, who was imprisoned after a mild-mannered social media 
post which shows absolutely no one is safe from MBS’ cruel grasp.

It is a mistruth peddled by the Saudi Arabian regime that they are the 
defenders of Sunni Islam against a growing Shia threat emanating from Iran. The 
Saudi royal family and their army of pro-regime scholars who issue fatwas, or 
religious edicts, at the whim of their masters, use their Sunni identity and 
custodianship of Islam’s two holiest cities, Mecca and Medina, in order to 
silence critical voices and to gather and maintain support amongst the Sunni 
majority across the Arab and Islamic world who are rightly concerned about 
Iranian expansionism.

However, Saudi Sunni protectionism is a myth and cannot be farther from the 

Days before the executions, the Saudi authorities granted one of the highest 
honours in Islam to a radical Iraqi Shia cleric and pro-Iran militia leader, 
Sami al Masoudi, by allowing him to enter the Kaabah in the Grand Mosque in 

Aside from running the Iran-linked Promise of Allah militia, Masoudi currently 
serves as an advisor to the Iraqi Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF) whose 
litany of sectarian murders against Sunnis has been well-documented. He also 
famously threatened vengeance against the Saudi regime after they executed Shia 
cleric Nimr in 2016. Despite all this, he was allowed to enter the sacred 
building that is the focal point of 1.8 billion Muslims’ daily prayers.

All of this proves that Riyadh does not care about what sect or religion 
someone follows, as long as that someone does not interfere with their 
ambitions, which right now, appear to be the complete reversal of the Arab 
Spring and fomenting closer ties with Israel at the expense of the 
long-standing plight of the Palestinian people.

A bloody legacy

MBS and, let us never forget, his father King Salman bin Abdulaziz, have 
accomplished very little that is positive since coming to power and will leave 
behind a legacy of mass imprisonment, unfair trials, dubious executions, and 
failed wars – the humanitarian disaster that is now Yemen is a case in 

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----TEXAS, N.Y., S.C., FLA., LA., ARK., NEB., WYO., USA

2019-04-26 Thread Rick Halperin

April 26

TEXASimpending execution

Death Watch: Was Dexter Johnson Condemned by His Own Attorney?Inmate's new 
co-counsel seeks to terminate longtime attorney for bad lawyering

Dexter Johnson isn't going to die without a fight. The 30-year-old, who suffers 
from brain damage and schizophrenia, has filed a flurry of court motions since 
his death date was set in December by a Houston judge – several months before 
the U.S. Supreme Court rejected his last round of appeals. With his execution 
scheduled for May 2, Johnson has stay requests filed in the Texas Court of 
Criminal Appeals and in federal district court in Houston.

Johnson also has a motion pending in the Hous­ton court to terminate his 
longtime appellate counsel Patrick F. McCann; in February, U.S. District Judge 
Alfred Bennett denied an earlier request to remove McCann but also appointed 
the Federal Public Defender's Capital Habeas Unit as co-counsel, directing FPD 
to "explore" Johnson's claims of ineffective counsel assistance. According to 
FPD's April 5 filing, their review of McCann's work cast "serious doubt on the 
constitutionality" of Johnson's conviction and death sentence, while leaving 
"no doubt" that McCann's work on the case "falls far below prevailing 
professional norms." McCann, who was appointed Johnson's appellate attorney on 
the day he was sentenced to death in 2007, failed to collect the trial team's 
"voluminous" files, which FPD calls the "most basic duty of post-conviction 
counsel in a capital case" and "essential" to provide "competent" 

During his years as Johnson's only attorney, FPD alleges, McCann failed to 
raise "numerous viable claims for relief" in state and federal courts, 
including Johnson's likely intellectual disability, his trial counsel's 
conflicts of interest as a former Harris County prosecutor, and errors by the 
Houston police crime lab, along with numerous mistakes made by McCann himself. 
Another appeal was filed in the CCA on April 22.

Johnson was sentenced to death in 2007 for the double murder of a young couple 
whom he and several friends carjacked and robbed before Johnson allegedly raped 
the woman and shot the pair. During his trial, jurors were told of other 
murders Johnson was suspected of committing. Despite his age (he was 18 at the 
time) and his schizophrenia, jurors returned a guilty verdict in 2 hours.

In closing, the lawyers of FPD offered: "Absent a stay of execution, Mr. 
Johnson will not receive the meaningful assistance of counsel he is entitled 
to." After James Byrd's killer John William King was executed Wednesday 
evening, Johnson is in line to be the 4th man killed by the state this year.

(source: Austin Chronicle)

On the Execution of John William King

Wednesday in Texas, an avowed white supremacist, John William King, was 
executed for his part in the gruesome killing of James Byrd Jr. in 1998.

King and his friends Shawn Berry and Lawrence Brewer beat James Byrd then 
chained him to the back of their pickup and dragged him for miles along a 
country road. Still alive during his ordeal, Byrd was finally killed when he 
hit a culvert and his right arm and head were torn off. If you have the stomach 
for it, you can read the whole sickening story here.

Berry was sentenced to life in prison. Brewer was executed in 2011 and King 
yesterday. Brewer and King never expressed remorse for their crimes saying they 
would do it again if they had the chance.

King had several racist tattoos: a black man hanging from a tree, Nazi symbols, 
the words “Aryan Pride”, and the patch for a gang of white supremacist inmates 
known as the Confederate Knights of America.[19] In a jailhouse letter to 
Brewer that was intercepted by jail officials, King expressed pride in the 
crime and said that he realized while committing the murder that he might have 
to die. “Regardless of the outcome of this, we have made history. Death before 
dishonor. Sieg Heil!” King wrote.[2] An officer investigating the case also 
testified that witnesses said that King had referenced The Turner Diaries after 
beating Byrd.

So here we have 3 guys who are just about as despicable and disgusting 
specimens of humanity that you can imagine. What is your reaction?

Should Brewer and King have been executed?

I’m a Catholic and my church teaches that the death penalty is wrong. Until 
recently the wording in our teaching on the matter has been that the death 
penalty should not be used, but it still left an opening for its use in extreme 
circumstances, but more recently Pope Francis has changed this article in the 
Catechism to read:

2267. Recourse to the death penalty on the part of legitimate authority, 
following a fair trial, was long considered an appropriate response to the 
gravity of certain crimes and an acceptable, albeit extreme, means of 
safeguarding the common good.

Today, however, there is an increasing awareness that the dignity of the