Re: [Debconf-discuss] printing boarding passes?

2017-08-12 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Steven Chamberlain (
> Hi,
> Front desk can print documents for you, if you save them to a USB stick.

Typical Debian discussion : someone asks a question and (s)he gets 6
answers mostly off-topic trying to show him|her that the question was
stupid andone useful answer...:-)

Wello, this is also why I like this project, don't take me

Have a good travel back home, everybody

Bubulle, currently in Colorado Springs, therefore missing Bdale by 1
day and who, incidentally had to quit in his Colorado race last
week-end, sigh.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] RVC to CdM by bike?

2017-08-01 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Gunnar Wolf (

> Thanks for this information - The first thing I thought was, hey... I
> bike quite confidently in Mexico City. How harder can Montreal be? But
> then again, Sherbrooke seems to be a main city artery, and people have
> a different mindset, where cyclists are expected not to be in certain
> street types, or whatever. So, I will try not to be over-confident,
> and thank you for your help! :-]

Aha! Even in Sherbrooke you will find the traffic in MTL sooo
peaceful. What the locals call a "busy dangerous street" is probably
something you'd call  a very quiet street in Mexico City.

You know, over there, pedestrians even *wait* for red traffic lights
for crossing the streets even when there is no car 1 mile away (and
I've been told by "this guy" that you'd better follow this strange
local habit unless you want a local policeman to fine you).

Of course, the above paragraph doesn't apply to fellow german and
swiss Debian contributors who are already used to such strange

(yet another opportunity to say "hi" to fellow Debconfers)

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Cured (raw) meat for cheese and wine party through Canada customs?

2017-07-28 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting lhark (
> I can confirm than numerous french people have had their precious
> saucisson (which closely resemble salami) confiscated on arrival at the
> airport.
> I wouldn't recommend trying to smuggle them in.

I wouldn't either. Though, well, there are gazillion of french
young workers living in MTL and therefore gazillion of french parents
visiting them and bringing along gazillion of things that are
completely forbidden.

Which often makes gazillion of french young workers very happy to have
their camembertas well as hundreds of parents disappointed to have
their camembert confiscated at customs.

Your call...;-)

We had some very good foie gras with JB for New Years's Eve 2016...:-)

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Cycling on the weekend of Aug 5?

2017-07-27 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Jean-Baptiste Perrier (
> For 100km I would suggest going around the Chambly Lake
> Plenty of bicycles going around the lake.


I knew this guy would be answering Eric's mail, I don't know why...:-)

Listen to JB's advice when it comes at cycling in MTL area.

Have a nice time there, folks

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] indoor temperature in the venue?

2017-07-24 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Jerome Charaoui (

> With that said, we had a meeting last week, the venue was virtually
> empty, and we were absolutely fine with shoes, shorts and a t-shirt.

You guys live in Quebec, you're not average people when it comes at
supporting cold temperatures...:-)

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] DebConf17 travel coordination

2017-07-24 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Jerome Charaoui (
> Hash: SHA512
> Hi everyone,
> Many of you will have booked your flights by now, so I'd like to
> invite you to share your travel plans on the wiki:
> Doing so will help you meet up with other DebConf attendees at the
> airport, as well as make the bus ride more fun (or taxi fare cheaper).

For the record, dear fellow Debconf attendees, I happen to fly to
Montreal, from Paris, on July 30th (Air Canada 871), so exactly a date
where some of you attending Debcamp might be flying.

I *won't* be attending Debconf nor Debcamp, though, sorry for this. A
few of you know that I'm now more involved in ultra-running than
Debian (and it'll be my 4th-in-a-row Debconf that I miss because I ru
something)and, indeed, I'm flying to Colorado where I'll run a
100-mile moutain ultra on August 5th and 6th.

And, as a coincidence, it happens that I have a layover in Montreal,
on our way to Denver. So, well, in case a few would fly the same
flight, let's at least meet in Charles de Gaulle airport.

Have great times at Debconf and don't miss the Cheese and Wine!

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] 5km parkrun: Saturday morning 8:00am

2016-06-24 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Bernelle Verster (
> Hi
> Graham (ginggs) and myself (indiebio) and my two dogs are avid
> parkrunners. We are going to the Greenpoint parkrun tomorrow, and will
> have space for about 4 more people to join by car (we're both taking
> cars, for this purpose). We will leave Fuller at around 7:35am.


Ah, Debconf runs. I'm missing them

maybe maybe maybe maybe next year in Montreal (choisissez bien la
date, les gars !)

And, while I'm at it, I'm wishing the best to all of you folks who'll
be at DC16..

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] The cheese team wants YOU!

2015-08-16 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Andreas Tille (

> Please do **NOT** cut the cheese today.  If you cut it 24h in advance it
> will dry.  Lets take a larger time spann / more people tomorrow.  As far
> as I know that worked out at each C&W party (grand cheese & wine master
> in CC to confirm).  I'm afraid Bubulle might rent the next helicopter to
> fly in here and stop you to do bad things with cheese.

Well, if enough care is taken, it could be acceptable to have some
cheese cut in advance : any kind of hard cheese such as Beaufort,
Gruyère (the real Swiss one, not the fake bad French), Tome (or
Tomme), can easily survive without drying after being cut.

So, if that may help the C&W team, I wouldn't object and call for a TC
vote about the bad behaviour of the cheese master, his deputy cheese
mistress and all their cheese minions.

I think the C&W is in good hands and I'll indeed share some with you
guys tonight.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Running saturday 7:30 6km + ?km at higher speed

2015-08-14 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Geert Stappers (
> Hi,
> For those who want to go running.
> saturdaymorning, at 7:30, at the gate at the back of the youth hostel.

Thanks for keeping up with the tradition of "Debconf runs",
Geert. Much appreciated from here..:-)

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] Help make the 11th DebConf Cheese and Wine party a success!

2015-08-11 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Amey Abhyankar (
> On 10 August 2015 at 20:58, Nicolas Dandrimont  wrote:
> > I'd like
> > to ask you to make a short trip by a cheese shop, and bring us a sample
> of your
> > area's delicacies, in solid or liquid form.
> I want to bring cheese [Cow milk cheese/solid form] of famous Indian milk
> products manufacturer 'Amul'.
> Query:-  The Amul cheese tin/package remains above 20 degree Celsius [not
> in cabin bag :-) ] during my journey from Mumbai to Heidelberg i.e. around
> 16~18 Hrs [ i.e. door to door transit time]
> Is it ok to bring cheese in this case?
> I am worried if the Cheese will remain in good form. [It'll be in company
> sealed package but still]
> Pls suggest/advice.

I brought several quite "advanced" (understand smelly and strongly
cured) french cheese to some quite remote DebConfs in the past :
Argentina, Mexico, USA. All went well. 

The ideal solution is asking the cheese shop, or any other place, to
pack the cheese in a vacuum-sealed bag. Well, that's easy to get in
our French cheese shops, because they're used to us bringing cheese
all around the world as "La Bonne Parole Du Pays Du Fromage".

That won't prevent the cheese to suffer slightly during the trip, but
remember that it will travel mostly in a plane's cargo compartment, so
at quite low temperature (cargo compartments are pressurized and get
the air conditioning from the passenger"s cabin, but the air gets
cooler chen getting to the cargo compartmentso the temperature is
between 5 and 10 °C).

I stored the cheese in a dedicated box (Tupperware-like), which also
reduces the event of the smelling spreading out all around your

Finally, your concern may be with import regulations. Most countries
do have some and Europe isn't an exception. That's sometimes a bit
difficult with food material though customs are most often concerned
with meat and such stuff.

Still, I had no problem impoorting the cheese in the aforementioned
countries. Even for USA and even though I explicitly mentioned on the
import custom form that I had cheese in my luggage. They key was
mentioning this is *cured* hard cheese. What they absolutely don't
want is cottage-like cheese.

And this even though being French doesn't help because customs
officers are used to us bringing food in any place of the world where
we visit someone

Importing cheese to the C&W is always a bit adventurousbut that's
part of the game and this ia also what makes the C&W
uniquesojust try! I think we never had cheese from India in
any C&W so you might even set a precedent

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] DebCamp cheese storage

2015-08-09 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting martin f krafft (
> Folks,
> if you're already arriving for DebCamp and you brought cheese for
> the C&W party, please deliver it to the kitchen and tell them it's
> for our event. They're expecting you.

Suggestion : please LABEL the cheese with a (readable) name, country
of origin and optionally your name.

I may also recommend to write whether the cheese is cow, goat or sheep
cheese (or, of course any other kind of other mammal, in case you want
to try breaking the challenge of the most "tasty" cheese that was
establisehd at DC10 with remarkable Kazakh cheese "balls" which Zack
still remembers)

I don't really know how people who will coordinate the C&W will
organize things, but doing that will definitely help them.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Hello to fellow DebConfers....

2015-08-03 Thread Christian PERRIER
Well, this is indeed a slightly sad hello, but, again, I won't make it
to this DebConf (again, after missing DC14). Still, I'll follow you
guys  from far away and I know I'll be missing the specific ambiance
of DebConf, after attending 10 of them in a row.

Still, I'm wishing you guys the best of best DebConf ever: I know, for
lurking on DC lists that the DC15 team is doing a great job organizing
things at a very high level (would you expect anything else from a
German team...yes, that's a cliché).

What makes me happy is seeing that there will again be a Cheese and
Wine Party, so people are keeping up with tradition.

I hope that I'll be able to make it to DC16, assuming that the
schedule doesn't conflict with some long distance ultra trail

So, again, less than one week before DebCamp start, I wish you all
folks, a great and productive DebConf.

See you, maybe, in CapeTown

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] Food serving for vegetarians und vegans

2013-08-21 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Ian Jackson (

> I'd like to say that too.  I had a great time, and I think a
> productive one too.

Productivity, that I find perfectly illustrated by the following:

Or, if we want to have Joeyh on the picture:

*that* was really an amazing moment

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] Food serving for vegetarians und vegans

2013-08-20 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Daniel Kahn Gillmor (

> I missed this year's debconf, but i was disappointed to learn that we
> had to forbid omnivores from choosing a vegetarian meal.  I'd rather an
> omnivore eat my vegan meal (and leave me to figure something else out --
> i will, don't worry) than to require that omnivore to consume animal
> products that they'd rather not consume.  Trying to respect my
> preference for veganism should not result in *more* animal products
> being consumed!

We had not to forbid omnivores to eat vegetarian or vegan meals.

We just had to take care of leaving enough food for vegetarians and
vegans, which would have not happened if too many non veg* had been
eating that food.

So, we indeed suggested non-veg* to only eat veg food at the end of
meals, when there was no longer any reason to fear missing food.

Thankfully, in general, the kitchen adapted fairly well to all needs
and I think that most will agree that food was well managed this year.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] DC13 photos for the venue folks

2013-08-20 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting martin f krafft (
> Photographers!
> The folks behind Le Camp would really like to add a picture or two
> of our use of their space to their website. They are aware of
> licencing/copyright issues and won't just pull anything off the Web,
> but if you've made a photo that you think shows off really nicely
> how our conference blended in with the campus, and you would make it
> available for Le Camp to be published on their website, then let
> Didier know (or myself).

Any picture of mine that can be found on can be
used freely. I don't bother putting a licence on my pictures, so
please consider them to be public domain. Of course, usual precautions
wrt people appearing on the pictures may apply.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Assassins: 7 survivors left as of now

2013-08-16 Thread Christian PERRIER
7 assassins remain in the wild. I managed to punish 4 of them
yesterday, including 2 during the volleyball game. I got successfully
bribed with cheese by someone who everybody knows as of now. However,
the cheese effect is now over and I can try again to punish her.

Results are likely to be announced during the closing ceremony.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Early departure at 18th August

2013-08-16 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Taku YASUI (
> Thank you Christian,
> The schedule seems good for me.
> Our meeting point is at car parking area, isn't it?

Yes, that seems to be the best option.

Anyway,; I doubt there will be too many people up at that time.

For the record, my car is the dark blue Citroën Evasion with "609 BNQ
78" as plate number.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Don't forget cheese-bribing....

2013-08-16 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Christian PERRIER (

> One 5-kills serial killer got erased

"too drunk to be able to run away" were his last words.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Don't forget cheese-bribing....

2013-08-16 Thread Christian PERRIER
To the remaining Assassins: don't forget stealing some cheese from
breakfast so that you can save your life when ${DEITY} will be hunting
you from 14:00 with The Holy Sock of Antioch.

You guys are currently 15 alive people. One 5-kills serial killer got erased
during the night but we still have another one wandering around and
(s)he is quite dangerous. I assume his|her tactic is to make you fall
asleep by talking to you constantly. Once you whole brain is fully
concentrated to understand what (s)he is talking about, then you get
killed. Be warned.

Another wanabee serial killer is also wandering around. Here, the
tactic is probably more proposing hugs for various (fake) reasons and
then treatously sockify his|her victims. Be warned.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Early swimming BoF

2013-08-16 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Santiago Ruano Rincón (
> If someone is interested in an early swimming session in the lake before the 
> breakfast, I'll be going in 10 minutes.

That is not "early"

Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Assassins: new rule to be introduced tomorrow

2013-08-15 Thread Christian PERRIER
19 assassins left alive. 2 current leaders with 5 kills. Maybe one is
after the other one, who knows? ;-)

Tomorrow a new rule will be introduced: 
 Your Almighty ${DEITY} is angry to see how happily you people are
 murdering each other. As a revenge, survivors will have to fear My
 Anger starting from tomorrow 14:00 up to the end of the game (which I
 currently schedule for Saturday 14:00).

 ${DEITY} will be allowed to burn you into ashes with the help of The
 Holy HandSock of Antioch. ${DEITY} assaults can be witnessed by
 anybody and still remain valid (after all, I am ${DEITY}, am I
 not?). The only way to stop ${DEITY} attacks is by handing Me a piece
 of cheese, or reaching the Bar (The Bar is a Sacred Place, where only
 Peace, Beer, Cheese and Happiness shall happen). A piece of cheese
 will buy you 3 hours of invicibility against The Holy Sock of Antioch.

 Assassins survivors, you've been warned, watch your back and get
 cheese at breakfast.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Early departure at 18th August

2013-08-15 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Taku YASUI (
> Hi all debconf13 attendees,
> As you may know, 18th August, departure day of debconf13 is Sunday.
> We have no public buses until 08:11 "Concise, Camp de Vaumarcus" in
> Sundays (*1).
> (*1)
> So, if you need to depart before 8:11, we have to try to find any
> other transportation
> method.  Then, Gaudenz creates new "Early departure" section into
> Travel Coordination
> page. Please input your departure information to following table (*2)
> if you need early
> departure.  It makes us easy to coordinate, I hope.
> (*2) 

As of now, six people "registered" there (plus Antonio Terceiro who
probably needs either to go to Geneva on Saturday evening). That fits
into two trips, one leaving Le Camp at 05:00 and another one leaving
at 07:00.

For the moment, that can fit in my car and I can handle driving the
relevant people.

If more people register we might need to check with Le Camp about the

Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Group running today (Thursday) 19:30

2013-08-15 Thread Christian PERRIER
I play to go running today at the end of the day, after dinner.

The run is somehow hilly but, for once, begins with 2km down and 1km
flatbefore a quite though climb in the woods. THat climb is on a
very nice trail along a small river.

After 8km, we'll reach the Mutrux cemetery (view over Mont-Blanc a bit
before sunset is expected) and we'll then go back down through the
forest on a quite good shape track (so, even though the light is low,
there is no risk of injuries).

Total length: 13km. Total positive climb: 355m.
Expected duration: between 1h15 and 1h30

Meet up at the foutain Bikes are welcome, though the trail up
might be sometimes difficult for them.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Assassins: good activity during the daytrip

2013-08-15 Thread Christian PERRIER
Even though the daytrip is never a good moment for dangerous killers
to perpetrate their awful actions, yesterday's daytrip was quite
fruitful in terms of decreasing the DebConf population.

Indeed, 4 kills happened, apparently all of them on the boat (I'm
awaiting confirmation from the victims and killers to grant them the
promised bonus point). I hope killers could then steal their victim's
Parfait du Val de Travers ice-cream, which was indeed a very
well-chosen dessert (I wonder who did make this choice.).

We now have 22 people left in them game. Please notice that I might be
introducing a new rule from Friday noon for the last 24 hours of the
game. It will be unveiled some time tomorrow morning. I will then also
announce the official ending time for the game and the moment where
results will be announced.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Group running today (tuesday) 19:30

2013-08-14 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Christian PERRIER (
> For once, I plan to go running late in the day rather than very
> early. Also, for once, I do no plan to climb a steep mountain, but
> rather explore some new paths southwards while staying roughly at the
> same altitude (ROUGHLY!)
> That makes a good opportunity to propose a group run for those who
> would like to join.

The group run had 3 participants: Gaudenz Steinlin, Christian Amsüss
and /me.

It turns out that both Christian could manage to follow Turbo-Gaudenz
(for those not aware, Gaudenz is a really skilled runner and mostly
blows me away, at least on short distances).

We ended up running nearl 15km in 1h38. We unfortunately didn't manage
to see nice mountains at sunset, because of too many clouds over the

We might be doing this again later in the week.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Daytrip with mountainbike

2013-08-14 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Andreas Tille (

> destination.  I think just having the 17km would a bit lame if other
> people do it on their own feet.  What about starting at say 8:15 or

Well, running tonight with Gaudenz and Christian, we had the great
pleasure, for runners, to basically "deposit" a few bikers in an
uphill track.

The average speed of trail runners and moutain bikers when the path
goes up tends to be similar

(however, given the profile of the planned hike, I think that bikers
have the advantage, there)

Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Assassins: a serial killer is among us

2013-08-14 Thread Christian PERRIER
${someone} achieved his|her 4th kill tonight. So it turns out that we
have a serial killer among us. However, I'm confident that the very
skilled, trained, shaped person who is hungint him|her is able to
deliver us from the fear of being sockified in the dark.

For the record, I'll have my phone with me during the daytrip,
including data access. So assassins completing a kill can come at me
in order to register their killing in the woods and mountains.

New rule (just like in some game one should not name, rules may pop up
from time to time):
0.25 bonus point for killing someone at Creux du Van or Neuchatel. 0.5
full bonus point for killing someone in a bus during the daytrip.
1 bonus point for killing your target on the boat during the
conferece dinner.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Assassins: interesting situation today

2013-08-13 Thread Christian PERRIER
Someone with 2 kills is currently hunting someone with 5 kills who is
{him|her}self hunting someone with 2 kills.

There might be some interesting moments during the Day Trip.

In case you kill someone, come at me: I'll hopefully have some network
access and we can confirm kills.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Assassins: kill rate is increasing....

2013-08-13 Thread Christian PERRIER
7 kills as of now today, the rythm is increasing, the wolves are
getting more and more clever, natural selection beig on its way.

Be careful tonight.we currently have two leaders with 3
killsbut maybe one of them is currently hunting the other
one Or not? Who knows?


Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Group running today (tuesday) 19:30

2013-08-13 Thread Christian PERRIER
For once, I plan to go running late in the day rather than very
early. Also, for once, I do no plan to climb a steep mountain, but
rather explore some new paths southwards while staying roughly at the
same altitude (ROUGHLY!)

That makes a good opportunity to propose a group run for those who
would like to join.

The run length should be around 1h30 for a distance between 10 and 15
km. That largely depends on the paths, tracks we encounter as well as
the unplanned ups or downs (sadly, I haven't found the counterpart of
Openrunner with the swiss topo map as background and I can't do
precise track planning as I'm used to do for my usual runs).

Please join if you feel you can come along. We might even be enjoying
the sunset over the Alps if we're lucky enough.

Meeting point: the fountain, 19:30

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] FTWCA meteor showers

2013-08-13 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Bruno Kleinert (
> Am Dienstag, den 13.08.2013, 08:47 +0200 schrieb Christian PERRIER:
> > There are  shorter routes for walkers or moutain bikes. See OSM.
> My GPS uses OSM maps. Yesterday, I cycled up the mountain and it turned
> out that there are paths in OSM, which are as good as impossible to
> pass. Also, OSM lacks several paths and streets. Just a warning, if
> someone plans a route and gets disappointed ;)

Well, when it comes at me, something that I map as "path" cannot
necessarily be cyclable. I mapped all my runs around and some of them
have been in some..challenging paths, definitely not doable (even
downhill) with a bike (even a moutain bike, unless you're in the world
top 10 of bikers...). THese ones are really fun to run onassuming
you like challenging running..:-)

But, certainly much much much more paths and tracks are not yet
mapped, mostly becausethere are a lot of them, particularly in the
moutain parts and in forests.

That's why I currently mostly use Swiss Topo maps, which I print (yay
paperwaste) and hold in my hand while running. They are *very*
reliable and, for instance, when a path is a dead-end on them, it
*really* is a dead end (by ignoring that, I ended up a few times
crossing bushes, rivers, meeting several gentle swiss cows). is your friend

Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Assassins: always wear your nametag or Fear My Anger

2013-08-13 Thread Christian PERRIER
I just setup a new rule for Assassins: any Assassins player who is
caught by ${DEITY} while not wearing his|her nametag in a visible
manner will be immediately hit by A Divine Flash and will be
transformed into ashes.

Thou Shalt Wear Thy Nametag or Thou Shalt Fear Thy ${DEITY}


Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] FTWCA meteor showers

2013-08-12 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Wouter Verhelst (
> This time of year is home to a meteor shower known as the "perseids",
> named so after the constellation of Perseus from which they seem to radiate.
> This meteor shower is a fairly active one; if you find a spot after
> sunset well away from any light sources and look up at the sky, you will
> easily see a meteor once every few minutes.
> Last night, Andreas Barth, Sorina Sandu and myself positioned ourselves
> on the basketball field near the ping pong tables, which worked well (we
> saw about ten meteors in approximately 30 minutes); but obviously the
> further away you can move from any closeby lights, the better.

My recommendation for that would be going close to the Mutrux

Why? Because this is the closest place where there is a nice view of
the Mont-Blanc (anf of course also the entire panorama of Swiss Alps,
from Eiger to Grand Combin). Contrary to what I said to a few of you,
one *cannot* see the Mont-Blanc from Le Camp.

So, if you go there to see the meteor shower, you might also want to
see either sunrise (6:30 am!) or sunset (20:45). Of course, it's hard
to see both mountains and meteors for obvious reasons..:-)

This is quite easy to do for those of you with bikes:

- find a way to reach the paved road *above* Le Camp, that leads to
Verneaz. You can do that either through the trail that starts at the
entrance of the wood, South-West of Le Camp then climbs above Le Camp
without entering the forestor just starting from Vaumarcus (if you
go by car) and climbing up the road leading to Verneaz

- In Verneaz, turn left (I guess signs says "Concise" or "Mutrux"

- After 1km or so, turn *right* on the road that climbs to the village
of Mutrux

- In the village, go down a small paved road on the right that leads
to the cemetery.

There are  shorter routes for walkers or moutain bikes. See OSM.

I just added the cemetery in OSM to help you in that.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Cheese and Wine team meeting: 19:30 Cheese Fridge

2013-08-11 Thread Christian PERRIER
(let's not abuse -announce for that...:-))

We will hold a meeting of the Cheese Team (all volunteers who want to
help for the C&W party setup) at 19:30 close to the Cheese Fridge (the
white trailer that's parked left of the Bâtiment Principal).

Please show up there if you want to participate to the C&W setup.

Please notice that the C&W volunteers, and only them, will benefit
from the special Bonus Cheese at the C&W (a promising Reblochon).

I'll also probably consider saving one of Jean-Baptiste's Bordeaux
bottles for the Cheese Team. You've been warned.


Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] Cheese and wine party: storage and cheese "registration"

2013-08-10 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Daniel Beyer (

> When will be the next meeting? I have some Swiss Gruyère cheese to be
> stored.

Try catching me at dinner time...

I'm currently in the orga team desk (above the volleyball field)

Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Maps at Frontdesk...

2013-08-10 Thread Christian PERRIER
This morning, the Le Camp staff gave us plenty of maps of the
Vaumarcus area, that feature all trails and roads in the
neighbourhood. These can be useful to people who would like to wander
around (by walking, running, biking, etc.) even up to the top of the
closest mountains such as Mont Aubert.

These maps will be included in attendees bags but you can get some at

A few other maps and "touristic" information flyers are also available
at FD.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Sunset over Alps...

2013-08-09 Thread Christian PERRIER
You may have enjoyed the end of the day, today, with clouds slowly
disappearing far away over Swiss Alps.

In case such a beautiful light remains for the next days, don't miss
the sunset over (from left to right), Eiger, Mönch, Jungfrau,
DufourSpitze (aka Mont-Rose), Matterhorn (aka Cervin) and last, but
not least, exactly South, Mont-Blanc (which can be seen from "Bâtiment
8" but unfortunately not from the so-called Scenic Hacklab).

(except Mont-Blanc, the visibility of each of these famous summits
remains to be confirmed: help of people with a good knowledge of Alps
might be appreciated)

Photographers with a tripod and tele lenses can probably make great pictures

For the record, sunset happens around 20:30-20:45.

Enjoy (hopefully)!


Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Debconf13 gallery

2013-08-09 Thread Christian PERRIER
Please remember that DebConf has its own gallery :

Of course, the standard recommendations wrt privacy should be used
when posting pictures in this gallery. See previous debconfs endless
discussions about that...:)

I posted a few pictures of mine there, mostly from my morning runs or
from walks in the venue.

For people interested in the "Sur la Roche" scenic view
please feel free to ask me about it. It's easy to go up there with a
car or a bike (and a bit hougher by walking...:))).

Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] The Return of the Assassins

2013-08-08 Thread Christian PERRIER
Hello fellow Debconf 13 attendees,

Debconf Assassins. Again.

In past Debconf, playing the Assassins game became a kind of
tradition. At least, it happened during DC6, DC7, DC8 and
DC9. Unfortunately, DC10 and DC11 didn't seeany game organised,
mostly because nobody took time to do so. But DC12 revived this tradition.

DC13 *will* have its Assassins game.

What is the game? The best way to explain it is pointing you to the
dedicated wiki page:

As you may see, despite the name, no  violence, no hate. Just fun.

The only action you have to do if you want to participate is checking
the "Participate in the Assassins game" checkbox in your personal page
in Penta :

Please also DON'T FORGET TO REGISTER at Frontdesk when arriving at
Debconf as Assassins referees will try to avoid "ghost targets"
(people assigned as target to someone but who never showed up). It is
not fun to seek for someone who is just not there.

Please feel free to ask for details in this mailing list.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Swiss power connector

2013-08-08 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting martin f krafft (

> So, quite differently from Microsoft OOXML, this is a better
> standard than the rest, but it has not been adopted outside of .ch
> and .br.

Ah, so that's like French Minitel in the 80's: technologically
advanced but noone else is using it..:-)

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Swiss power connector

2013-08-07 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Isaac Bennetch (

> I was able to find a set on Amazon[1], but I'm counting on my Type-C Europlug
> adapters fitting in the sockets as mentioned in the wiki, so I didn't

It will fit.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Swiss power connector

2013-08-07 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Joey Hess (

> Anyway, has there been a debconf in recent memory where each table in
> the hacklab didn't have at least 3 different varieties of power outlets? ;)

This is exactly how the two current biggest tables in Hacklab look

On the table I'm sitting at, we indeed have ONE swiss 4-splot powerbar

- ONE swiss laptop adapter
- 2 Europlug (type C) 2-pin laptop adapters (incl. mine)
- one type C-->type E converter (without grounding) where a
  double-socket type E adaptor is plugged. From here:
  - one 5-slot Type E powerbar with some french laptops plugged in
  - one 3-slot Type E/C powerbar with:
- 1 laptops with an E or C connecter (continental european geeks)
- another 3-plot type C/E powerbar with:
  - two continental european laptops plugged
  - Ben's E-->G British converter
- one 5-plot type C/E power bars for a few more continental
  european laptops

And we don't even have any US developer around, which will make the
setup even more funny.

The other large table is even funnier and I will not try to describe
it : it involves a few Chinese adapters, apparently, plugged through 2
or 3 various converters.

Up to now, we had no power outage. There are miracles.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Swiss power connector

2013-08-07 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Christian PERRIER (

> Schuko (type F) and French (type E) can fit with a converter to type C
> (2-pin Europlug). I already have one of those in use around here and
> two more to spare if someone needs them.

Of course, doing so, you lose grounding.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

2013-08-07 Thread Christian PERRIER
For those who care about the health of their roommates, cheese can be
stored in the large trailer that's close to the Batiment
Principal. Please coordinate with me to get access there.

Googling around will easily bring you with pics of bubulle. I'm
usually sitting close to Spongebob (by the way, please don't forget to
wish happy birthday to our Spongebob as, tomorrow, he'll be turning

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Swiss power connector

2013-08-07 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Geert Stappers (
> Hello,
> Today I learned the hardway that Switserland has it own powerplug standard.
> My assumption that the Swiss in Europe and that schuko will fit,
> was wrong.
> See 
> for more information. And to known what to bring to Vaumarcus.

Schuko (type F) and French (type E) can fit with a converter to type C
(2-pin Europlug). I already have one of those in use around here and
two more to spare if someone needs them.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Bicycle?

2013-07-24 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Andreas Tille (

> station to Le Camp and will try to find some nice tours.  However, I
> might even have a slight preference for swimming (so I'll do the remaining
> part of Triathlon that Christian is ignoring ...)

Well, when it comes at myself, I tend to ignore two parts in
Triathlon.. ;-)

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Bicycle?

2013-07-23 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Bruno Kleinert (
> Hi there,
> I consider taking my mountainbike with me to explore the area around
> Vaumarcus a bit. Does anybody else plan to take a bicycle to DC?

At least Andreas Tille, sure.

I'd definitely recommend doing that for people who enjoy moutain
bike. I will personnally explore the same area, but mostly by running
in the (very early) mornings, but the various paths and unpaved roads
that climb up to the Jura moutain heights are certainly worth it.

There are also plans for the DayTrip that might include hiking (a very
though one) or cycling (though too!) up to the "Creux du Van".

So, definitely bring your bike, sure!

Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Official launch of the Cheese and Wine party for DebConf 13, aka C&W9, aka "La fondue crée la bonne humeur"

2013-07-23 Thread Christian PERRIER
(recycling last year's mail, which was recylcing previous year's mail)

Do I need to explain what is the Cheese and Wine (C&W) party? Still,
if some of you need more information, please feel free to ask.

The C&W9 wiki page has just been created on DebConf wiki :

Information will come there until the day of the C&W, which is
probably scheduled for Monday August 12th (to be confirmed).

C&W orga details are currently very vague, but the most important
point is: start planning what YOU will be bringing for the
event. Remember that the event is only successful when many of us
manage to bring good stuff to share (preferrably cheese, wine...or
other ethanol-improved beverages). If you think about something
*else* than cheese, please feel free to bring it: just try to have it
representative of your part of the world...or a part of the world you

Of course, one of the big plans is to have a great swiss fondue, as
Fondue is the Swiss National Dish, according to the Swiss Cheese

"La fondue crée la bonne humeur" or "Figugegl" could then become DC13
subtitle just like Debian Wine became famous after DebConf 9.

So, if some of you (swiss) folks own caquelons, bring them! And, yes,
I mean you, Axel :-)

Any further questions can be asked in this mailing list or in #debconf
channel on

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Online maps of Switzerland?

2013-04-27 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Bruno Kleinert (

> You can also go to and select the SwissTopo "fond
> de carte". 
> Mmmh, I might bring my mountain bike :)

You definitely should, yes..:-). Tracks on "Mont Aubert" just above
Vaumarcus (with nearly 1000m height difference) of "La Chaille",
really seem quite promising.

Thanks for the hint with VTTrack. I need to check if it's possible to
draw a track oneself (which is what I usually do on
www.openrunner.combut that one only has French IGN).

Edit: yes, that's possible, though I didn't find a way to have the
track follow routes on the map (something you can do on OpenRunner).

Doh, I'll need to save time for hacking, it seems..:-)

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] pentabarf open?

2013-04-27 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Timo Juhani Lindfors (
> Hi,
> I just noticed that I can select "I want to attend this conference [X]"
> in pentabarf. Does this mean that
>   "Currently we are still evaluating some possible new conference
>management systems"
> --
> is simply out of date information?

Yes. But that doesn't mean that registration is opened..:-)

It is meant to open "soon" : from what I witness in the -team
mailing list, the orga team is mostly setting up last details. Stay tuned

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Online maps of Switzerland?

2013-04-27 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Christian PERRIER (
> Adieu,
> Are there online versions of high detail maps of Switzerland, similar
> to what we have in France on the "Geoportail" web site of Institut
> Géographique National (IGN) :

Turned out to be easy to find :

Yay, the place at Vaumarcus seems to be a heaven for trail

Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Online maps of Switzerland?

2013-04-27 Thread Christian PERRIER

Are there online versions of high detail maps of Switzerland, similar
to what we have in France on the "Geoportail" web site of Institut
Géographique National (IGN) :

I usually use these to prepare my runs and it would greatly help if
there are similar maps for Switzerland, particularly, of course, the
Vaumarcus area.

Admitedly, OSM has some bits that seem mapped but this doesn't seem,
yet, to be complete enough (of course, I highly suspect that, after
one week or more of Debconf, that could improve quite a lot).

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Volcano eruption in Nicaragua

2012-09-09 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Luis Alejandro Martínez Faneyth (
> Hi all,
> I was wondering if the recent eruption of the San Cristobal volcano
> in Nicaragua has affected some of our friends from DebConf12. If so,
> my best wishes to all of you and please take care.

As of now, it seems that about 3000 people evacuated the neighbourhood
of San Cristobal. For those who remember being in Leon during the day
trip, San Cristobal is the northmost volcano in the chain (leftmost
when looking at volcanos from Leon).

Leon itself is quite distant from the volcano. Chinandega is closer
(about 10km) and more likely to be directly affected.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] DebConf12 Mass OpenPGP Keysigning: 18:00 Thursday, July 12 in Roberto T erán

2012-07-22 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Hideki Yamane (
> On Sat, 21 Jul 2012 11:08:41 +0200
> Luca Capello  wrote:
> > THANK YOU for the above and for your efforts in keysigning procedures.
>  BTW, the number of replies for GPG keysigning results are less than I 
>  expected. If most of you're the same, maybe send a mail to annouce
>  "Don't forget to send signed mail to others, before you've done it, your 
>  DebCond12 tour doesn't end..." or so is good :)

Maybe some people, less experienced with GPG have done the same
"mistake" I did already in the past: uploading your own key with their
signature in it, to the keyservers.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] marvels of DebConf

2012-07-15 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Henning Sprang (

> See ya in the land of mountains, cheese, and watches!

Fetchez la watch!

Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Assassins: less than one day left....and less survivors...

2012-07-13 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Christian PERRIER (
> Let's unveil things to increase the pressure.
> We currently have 4 survivors in the Assassins game. It seems that

Not anymore. But there should still be some action. Tonight? Maybe?

Pool kill give bonus points, remember.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Assassins: rule amendment. 24-hour delay shortened to 2 hours up to Sat 14th 13:00

2012-07-13 Thread Christian PERRIER
Given that the end of the game is now less than 24h away, I hereby
introduce a rule change.

In case someone participating to the game (either dead or alive)
witnesses an attemped kill, the kill is invalid, as before, but the
killer will have to wait for only TWO HOURS and no longer 24h before
trying another kill.

This rule applies up to Sat July 14th, 13:00. Then, from 13:00 to
15:00, the delay will be shortened to only 1 minute (to leave the
victim some time to escape...:-)).

We might very well end up with a few people running after each other
tomorrow between 13:00 and 15:00.

And, of course, remember that, if we happen to end up with only one
survivor, ${DEITY} will call The Holy Hand Sock of Antioch on him|her
in a final apocalyse.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Assassins: only one day left....and a few survivors...

2012-07-13 Thread Christian PERRIER
Let's unveil things to increase the pressure.

We currently have 4 survivors in the Assassins game. It seems that
these people have trouble finding good ghostification opportunities
and are scared of being alone with about anybodyand very careful.

Hence nothing happened since yesterday night. No kill. No more ghost.

Will they make it to the end? We only have 24 hours left to learn
about this. The game will end tomorrow Saturday 14th of July
(TadaBastille la revolucion!) 15:00 local time.

So, you have only 24 hours left to catch your target in a black corner
of UCA, or in a hotel elevator.

Bonus point for killing your target IN the hotel pool.

And of course, in case there's only one survivor before the game
ends.Fear My Sock!


Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Assassins: the tension is increasing....

2012-07-12 Thread Christian PERRIER
Will somone survive this game? 

The number of assassins os strongly decreasing. Yesterday's day trip
has been the day of treatous kills and we saw several ghosts appearing
on the beach (none  wearing blank sheets, though). It has even been
reported that a ghost was found sleeping in a hamoc.

Unfortunately, beccause of unexpected circumstances, no kill could
happen on a volcano, which would have been a first time, for sure.

We now enter the final days of the game. Will we have only one

Even mor ethan before, don't believe anyone proposing you to "see
something". Beware of elevators at the hotel. Maybe better to use
staircasesbut there might be nasty blokes waiting for you there.

Maybe better to sleep in the hotel lobby, after all. Or hidden
somewhere in the university.

Good luck to all survivors and, once again, remember: the only person
you can trust is your assassins referee

Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Assassins: ghosts have eyes and can talk!

2012-07-10 Thread Christian PERRIER
It has been observed that an important rule seems to be ignored by
some game participants:


In short, if ANY game participant, including a person who is no longer
alive, witnesses a kill attempt, the kill is NOT valid.

In case of an invalid kill, also remember that once you failed to
sockify your victim, you need to wait for 24 hours before any further
kill attempt.

Your victim shouldn't feel safe, however : YOU can get killed in the
meantime and therefore, the "wait for 24 hours" rule doesn't apply to
the next person hunting you.

Really, remember, there is only one person who you are safe with, it's
Your Almighty ${DEITY}


Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Assassins during Cheese and Wine....

2012-07-09 Thread Christian PERRIER
...yes, C&W is a place where one can sockify one's victim.

Players will even be authorized to get in touch with me to report
"kills" and confirm them. There's no network at the C&W venue but I'll
have some..:-).

BTW, to make players even more uncomfortable about their safety: about
half of the players are now, the more time passes, the
more efficient sock handlers are. Watch your back.

As an additionnal rule, it has been observed that ${DEITY} shouldn't
witness violence. So, if the Assassins referee witnesses an attempt,
He will resurrect the victim by His Mighty Will.

It has however been observed that ${DEITY} is not insensitive to
ethanol and, therefore, His attention can lower over time tonight.


Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] mall run to purchase SIM cards

2012-07-09 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Martín Ferrari (

> As I am a complete ignoramus regarding mobile phone technologies...
> Would somebody tell me which provider should I choose to have decent
> data in an european phone?

Claro works well for me and I am a user of a random smartphone bought
in France. Even I have been able to  set it up, it that helps having a

To be honest, though: the 5 of us who bought such SIM card last
Tuesday were accompanied by a local volunteer to the Claro shop. But
that's mostly because none of us was a native Spanish speaker, which
is not a problem foryou at least, Tincho.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] Day Trip

2012-07-09 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Felix Delattre (

> Going early in the morning would be the best option, but this won't be
> possible because we have to leave in the morning from Managua and would
> be there not before 11am, which is practically as hot as in the
> afternoon. Please prepare yourself with a head and sun blocker (for all
> three options).

And water, I guess Lots of.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Cheese and Wine preparation

2012-07-08 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Hideki Yamane (
> On Sun, 8 Jul 2012 13:55:38 -0600
> Adolfo Fitoria  wrote:
> > You can get ice cubes on the UNO gas station in the roundabout corner
> > close to the C & W venue.
>  Good to hear, thanks!

Well, it still needs someone to be in the "ice team"..:-)

Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Assassins: two important rules

2012-07-08 Thread Christian PERRIER
If you are an Assassins player AND you witness another player
"sockifying" somebody, please tell them. The rules of the game clearly
say that no other participant in the game may witness a kill. And that
makes things more fun s, now, the victim knows about her hunter..:-)

PLEASE WEAR YOUR NAMETAGS. This is of course not only a request for
Assassins,  but it is unfair play to hide and not reveal the entire
world who you are. And, of course, it also makes the game more
interesting as someone who wanders around hacklabs by looking at
nametags is probably someone you don't want to turn your back to.

Apart from all this, the game is going on well. We already have ghosts
wandering around the placebut, of course, when you're a ghost,
don't tell others so that the tension increases over and over.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Cheese and Wine preparation

2012-07-08 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Hideki Yamane (
> Hi,
>  Do you have any ice for my Shochu on the rocks?
>  If you have it, it's nice...

Well, we might need to setup an "Ice collecting team" assomeone else
also asked me for ice.

How about doing it the good old way: find a glacier in the mountains
and bring back natural ice cubes?

On the other hand, it's quite likely the .ni moutains and volcanoes
are not high enough..:-)

So, seriously speaking, if some ppl want to get ice, it's up to them to
get it..:)...but we'll definitely welcome it.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Reminder: Cheese and Wine preparation meeting today at 20:00 localtime

2012-07-07 Thread Christian PERRIER
The 2nd Cheese and Wine Party preparation meeting will happen today at
8pm in front of the Roberto Teran talk room
( and will help you to find it in
the dark)

WE NEED MORE VOLUNTEERS. If you're ready to help, probably skip
Monday's dinner, but then enjoy the party and be happy to be part of
its success, please show up tonight 8pm.

See and
eventually  register as volunteer.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] First Cheese and Wine preparation meeting TODAY 16h Aula Magna

2012-07-06 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Holger Levsen (
> On Freitag, 6. Juli 2012, Christian PERRIER wrote:
> > For various reasons, I'd rather move that meeting at 16h, in Aula
> > Magna.
> I'm sorry but please find another place...

Meeting *in front* of Aula Magna and we'll move to another place.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Not yet registered as an "Assassin"? You still can...

2012-07-05 Thread Christian PERRIER
Hello again fellow Debconf 12 attendees,

You probably know we are reviving Debconf Assassins. Or maybe were you
living in a parallel world until now, not subscribed to
debconf-discuss nor debconf-announce.

DC12 *will* have its Assassins game.

What is the game? The best way to explain it is pointing you to the
dedicated wiki page:

As you may see, despite the name, no  violence, no hate. Just fun.
If your non-violent feelings are hurt, please think of the game as a
kind of way to "bless" your fellow Debconf pals  and make them  reach
the fourth dimension, the Nirvâna or whatever ${PARADISE} your beliefs
may find cool to be at (please note that some ${PARADISE} are known to
have sauna, rhum and wireless).

The only action you have to do if you want to participate is checking
the "Participate in the Assassins game" checkbox in your personal page
in Penta :

Please avoid registering for the game if you plan to arrive at DC12
after Sunday July 8th. Do not register if you plan to leave earlier
than Friday 13th either.

Please also DON'T FORGET TO REGISTER AT FRONT DESK when arriving at
Debconf as Assassins referees will try to avoid "ghost targets"
(people assigned as target to someone but who never showed up). It is
not fun to seek for someone who is just not there.

As a consequence, people who registered for Assassins but
haven't registered at FrontDesk by Sunday 8th 21:00 will be ghostified
by ${DEITY}, aka /me.

Please feel free to ask for details or send suggestions (this is my
first Assassins game as organizer) in this mailing list.

THE GAME WILL START on Saturday July 7th, 21:00 local time  and end on
Saturday 14th 15:00 (I extended this so that the Last Meal is included
in the game time). The winner will be announced during the closing

Remember: you can still register! The more participants, the more fun
we have!

PS: for participants who don't have any sock available, for instance
those of you who come from countries where one walks barefoot, the
Assassins referee can hire them one (payment can be made in rhum).

Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Running trip to "Intermezzo del Bosque" Thursday 5th (early) morning

2012-07-04 Thread Christian PERRIER
I plan to do a "running trip" towards a place named "Intermezzo del
Bosque",on top of a hill south of the city of Managua. There's
apparently a restaurant there

The plan is of course NOT eating at the restaurant but rather enjoy
the supposedly great view over Managua and its neighbourhood that one
can enjoy from there (as I've been told).

I plan to leave Seminole Hotel at about 6am tomorrow Thursday.

This is a *though* run: over 9 kilometers apparently constantly
upwards (I'm sure for the first five kilometers, definitely) : (green track)

I know at least about one person who will join, still..:-)

Please meet at 6am in the hotel lobby. Of course, you're also welcome
to go there by taxi, helicopter or whichever less tiring way to move.:-)


Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] Call for photographer

2012-07-04 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Wouter Verhelst (

> My camera's resolution is definitely not good enough, but I've done
> hugin pictures in the past, and I can do the multiple-stitched-together
> trick, no problem.

So, to masses: we now have the newly founded GroupPhotoTeam, namely
René Mayorga and Wouter Verhelst. Please hug them when you meet them
(we're currently out of Finns, so we can't do our traditional "Hug A
Finn" contest).

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] The Return of the Assassins

2012-07-02 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Sami Liedes (

> In 2009, I was killed after the game had already ended, so I did not
> confirm the kill. The organizers decided to confirm it without asking
> from me instead. This in fact changed the winner of the game (which
> wouldn't have been me either way). When I complained on the mailing
> list, I was told that the rules do not matter, because it's only a
> game.
> After that, I have not played.

Well, nobody has, as there has been to game at DC10 or 11.

The best I can pomise is that the game *will* get attention and I
commit myself to do the best for a fair game.

I keep standing with my answer to Wouter: sure, more "visible" persons
have harder times, that's part of the game but, from my own
experience, I can tell this is also part of the fun..:-)... And
seeking an unknown target while still trying him|her to not notice
that you're after him|her is also fun. Ask some of my targets to learn
how I managed to catch them.:-). One of them keeps offering me great
venezuelan Ron at every DebConf.

Really, the more players we have, the best is the game. Wouter, Sami,
(re)consider joining..:)

Description: Digital signature
Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] video team meeting tomorrow, 11:00 in the morning

2012-07-02 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Holger Levsen (

> - setup of everything (cables, cameras, computers, etc + test the software)
>   - tomorrow we will start preparing computers in the hacklab, from Wednesday
> Thursday on we can access the auditoriums during the day to actually set
> up things there.

Just to confirm: the beast named "R3DVSWITCH" is on its way along with
its power adapter and a bunch of firewire cables, along with me. The
laptop is in my carry-on bag while the rest travels with the chees^W^W
my main bag, already registered for MGA.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] Arriving at Managua airport

2012-07-02 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting gregor herrmann (

> Confirmed, it takes a few minutes but is completely problem- and
> painless.

Customs too? How about goods you bring (IIRC you mentioned you have
cheese)? Nothing specific?

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Announcing Day Trip

2012-06-29 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Ralf Treinen (

> >* Volcano "Cerro Negro" (Climb the youngest volcano in Nicaragua)
> >
> Wow ! Should people interested in climbing that volcano bring any
> particular gear? I guess at least hiking boots would be in order.

For reference, I'll bring my trail running shoes (actually those might
climb 4 volcanoes in .ni: Cerro Negro twice, Concepcion and Maderas).

You can even bike it down at 107mph: 

...but you need a really strong bike (and body) as you may see at the
end of the movie..:-)

My personal plans would be climbing (and going down!) Cerro Negro by
"running" (or fast walking), which seems possible. Anyone interested?

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] The Return of the Assassins

2012-06-28 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Giacomo Catenazzi (

> Could we require that assassins must have a public (and faithful)
> image on penta?

Agreed with Holger:no. It's part of the fun.

There are a few people in the Debian community who I now know very
well *just* because I had to "hunt" them for hours while they were
completely unknown to me..:-). So, this is also part of the game
improving Debian social aspects.

So, that remains the players call.

And, yes, it makes the game harder for people who are very
"visible". I know...:-)

What I'll try be as attentive as possible this year is players being
really people attending the conference, of course. Nothing as
demotivating as hunting a target that doesn't exist.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Announcing Day Trip

2012-06-28 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Felix Delattre (

> * City of Leon (Visit the historical city of Leon)
> * Juan Venado Island (Nature and wild live on the mangrove forest
> island)
> * Volcano "Cerro Negro" (Climb the youngest volcano in Nicaragua)

Doh. That makes a *very* busy schedule. Fro reference, during  my
post-Debconf travel, I plan to achieve about the samein 3 days!

WhateverI really really really recommend people to attend this. Be
prepared for a very long, tiring, hotbut marvelous day.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Welcome room at the airport

2012-06-28 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Felix Delattre (
> Hello.
> Our sponsor, the government of Nicaragua, offers us a special welcome
> room (Sala de protocolo) at the airport for the DebConf attendees. This

Should also go to -announce, imho.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] Remember : we need your cheese!

2012-06-27 Thread Christian PERRIER
We need you at Debconf.

But we also need your cheese to make a successful Cheese and Wine
party. The success of the party is made ofwhat participants bring
to it.

So, don't forget packing some pieces of cheese and|or wine from your
place (one less t-shirt, one more cheese).

More information at Or just
ask. But, bring cheese. Really. Every country in the world has good

(and every country in the world has good variants of ethanol-based
liquids, though wine if course course meant to be the basic material
for C&W)

Don't forget your cheese. And while at it, don't forget bringing at
least one sock to play Assassins. Yes, you can wrap the choose in the

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] The Return of the Assassins

2012-06-27 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Rodrigo Rodriguez (
> >
> > Please feel free to ask for details or send suggestions (this is my
> > first Assassins game as organizer) in this mailing list.
> >
> I'm not going to be in the whole DebConf. Actually, I'll be only for the
> nights and weekend, so I don't if it will be fair that I played, even I'll
> like to.

Tricky question. That makes you an harder to catch target, for
sure. So, not really fair for the person who has you as target.

Your call..:).  

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] The Return of the Assassins

2012-06-27 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Christian PERRIER (

> Do not register to the game if you plan to arrive at DC12 after Sunday
> July 15th. Do not register if you plan to leave earlier than Friday
> 20th either.


Please read:

"Do not register to the game if you plan to arrive at DC12 after Sunday
July 8th. Do not register if you plan to leave earlier than Friday
13th either."

Sorry for the confusion.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] The Return of the Assassins

2012-06-27 Thread Christian PERRIER
Hello fellow Debconf 12 attendees,

We are reviving Debconf Assassins.

In past Debconf, playing the Assassins game became a kind of
tradition. At least, it happened during DC6, DC7, DC8 and
DC9. Unfortunately, DC10 and DC11 didn't seeany game organised,
mostly because nobody took time to do so. I don't want this to happen.

DC12 *will* have its Assassins game.

What is the game? The best way to explain it is pointing you to the
dedicated wiki page:

As you may see, despite the name, no  violence, no hate. Just fun.

The only action you have to do if you want to participate is checking
the "Participate in the Assassins game" checkbox in your personal page
in Penta :

Do not register to the game if you plan to arrive at DC12 after Sunday
July 15th. Do not register if you plan to leave earlier than Friday
20th either.

Please also DON'T FORGET TO REGISTER when arriving at Debconf as
Assassins referees will try to avoid "ghost targets" (people  assigned
as target to  someone but who never showed up). It is not fun to seek
for someone who is just not there.

Please feel free to ask for details or send suggestions (this is my
first Assassins game as organizer) in this mailing list.


Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] shopping in Managua?

2012-06-23 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Steve Langasek (
> Hi folks,
> In preparing for my trip, I've reached the conclusion that my wardrobe
> probably doesn't contain clothing that's particularly appropriate for the
> Nicaraguan climate, and that finding suitable clothes in Portland will be
> non-trivial (and probably more expensive).  So instead, I thought it might
> be a good idea to do some clothes shopping after I arrive.  Can anyone local
> to Managua offer a suggestion on where to get some shopping done near the
> venue / hotel?
> Tourist compliance is not a prerequisite, I'm perfectly happy negotiating my
> purchases in Spanish.  Though if there are particular shops that are better
> choices for English-only attendees, I guess there may be others on the
> mailing list who would be interested in this information too.

Don't forget shopping for cheese, too..:-)

Debconf-discuss mailing list

2012-06-21 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting gregor herrmann (
> On Thu, 21 Jun 2012 22:41:16 +0200, Christian PERRIER wrote:
> > PS: don't ask me what are cheese import regulations in Nicaragua, I
> > have no idea ATM. I suspect they might be similar to what we had in
> > USA, Mexico, Argentina: avoid fresh cheese but focus more on cured
> > cheese (aka "hard" cheese).
> The customs declaration form at
> mentions "Live animals, plants or fresh food", so I assume that
> cheese that doesn't move doesn't need to be declared :)

This is also about the only information I could find.

I like the definition using "cheese that doesn't move"..:-)

And some could anyway say that cheese is indeed not "fresh" food as it

Debconf-discuss mailing list

2012-06-21 Thread Christian PERRIER
(recycling last year's mail)

Do I need to explain what is the Cheese and Wine (C&W) party? Still,
if some of you need more information, please feel free to ask.

The C&W8 wiki page has just been created on DebConf wiki :

Information will come there until the day of the C&W, which is
scheduled for Monday July 9th.

C&W orga details are currently very vague, but the most important
point is: start planning what YOU will be bringing for the
event. Remember that the event is only successful when many of us
manage to bring good stuff to share (preferrably cheese, wine...or
other ethanol-improved beverages). If you think about something
*else* than cheese, please feel free to bring it: just try to have it
representative of your part of the world...or a part of the world you

Any further questions can be asked in this mailing list or in #debconf
channel on

PS: don't ask me what are cheese import regulations in Nicaragua, I
have no idea ATM. I suspect they might be similar to what we had in
USA, Mexico, Argentina: avoid fresh cheese but focus more on cured
cheese (aka "hard" cheese).

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Anyone keen to hike up volcanos?

2012-06-10 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Wookey (
> I've booked my flights to arrive a few days early for debconf (evg of
> 4th). I intend to go hike up a couple of volcanos/take a look round
> generally before getting down to work. If I can find any info I might
> try to check out some lava tubes (apparently there are some, but no
> known significant 'proper' limestone caves). I can do that solo or
> with one or two others if anyone else is keen. If they knew some
> spanish that would no doubt make things
> (travel/directions/accomodation) easier :-)
> Lots of info here:

I will. Indeed, I will do that during the trip I'm doing with my wife
after DebConf (

Here is what I can share, learned from the tour operator who organizes
our trip:

- Momotombo (1258m) : might be the nicest but probably one of the
thoughest. Absolutely needs a guide because on a private property. We
were considering going to this one, but would be too difficult and
nearly enforce that I do the climb alone with the guide.

- Cerro Negro (728m): we'll hike this one together. It's one of the most
accessible ones.

- Concepcion (on Ometepe Island, 1600m). Climbing (or trying to climb) this
one will be my Nicaragua marathon..:-). I'll do that alone with a
guide while Elisabeth rests. I deeply hope that no clouds (which might
be tricky) nor volcanic activity will prevent me to reach the top.

- Maderas: we might go there, but that will be the day after

On most volcanos, hiring a local guide might be recommended. Also,
given the season, I guess that leaving VERY early is mandatory.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-team] C&W date

2012-05-08 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Gunnar Wolf (

> Just updating on this topic: We went yesterday to a place quite close
> to the main venue ("Los cipreses", or was it "El ciprés"? ~200m away,
> requires crossing one busy street), and it seems it can be
> perfect. The place is currently being refurbished and is to start
> working in mid-May.

That seems to be a great option! Thanks for your work finding it!

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] C&W date

2012-05-05 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Holger Levsen (

> I'd say we tell CCEN now we'll do it there on the 9th and _should_ a better 
> place magically pop up (this country has lots of seismic activities after 
> all), we still could changes plans... 

Agreed. Let's secure things..:-)

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] C&W date

2012-05-04 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Christian PERRIER (
> Quoting Holger Levsen (
> > Not shown on the fotos is a another rather big room we can also use, 200 
> > chairs and audio(+video) equipment. The only downside is that its 3km away 
> > from UCA, so we need to organize some busses, which the CCEN has experience 
> > with and offered to help us.
> Ouch, 3km away, that's a challenge. Will people still easily come if
> they're not free to go in and out back to the hacklabs or so? That's
> my concern.
> Also, how to organize the fact that participants are supposed to bring
> some stuff with them, which the "C&W staff" (made of those people I
> can gather in the days before) arrange together?
> The C&W has always been something suppsoed to be informal and closely
> related to the "hacklab life" so that people can choose to "just pop
> up" for some time, then move, then eventually come back, etc.
> So, my experience with it has early always been "a place not far from
> the HL". The only time it's been a different place was DC10, in
> another building of the Columbia university.
> So I kind of fear the fact of the location being really a different
> place. Are there other options closer to the HL place?

(adding -team)

My stance on this would be:

If there's nothing convenient close to the evening/night hacklabs
place, then go for the Spanish Cultural Center.

Convenient for me is:
- allows for the Cheese and Wine Team to go there the day before to
arrange things beforehand (at least the afternoon before)
- independent from the hacklabs
- can fit about 2/3 of the Debconf attendees
- has enough tables to arrange the stuff (about 5-10)
- no need for chairs if the place is not very very big
- has a fridge nearby, ideally a kitchen but that's not mandatory
- has no problem with evening noise
- leaves us the option of cleaning out late (so no closing at midnight
or something) or even in the morning after

As you see, the most important points are "close to HL, enough
space". Those who have been at previous Debconfs know:

- DC11 C&W was OK in that regard but the room were too small. Very
close to hacklabs, with a small kitchen. Only problem: too small.

- DC10 was fine with the room a little bit larger but not
accessible. However in a different building 200m away from the main

- DC9 (in the gardens of the place we were at) was perfect, the only
drawback being a quite small fridge

- DC8, in the hotel bar, was really good, but there were less
attendees so size was not a problem

- DC7 was a nightmare to organize..improvised place, very smal, nearly
not accessible, no fridge, nearly no tables

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] C&W date

2012-05-04 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Holger Levsen (

> Not shown on the fotos is a another rather big room we can also use, 200 
> chairs and audio(+video) equipment. The only downside is that its 3km away 
> from UCA, so we need to organize some busses, which the CCEN has experience 
> with and offered to help us.

Ouch, 3km away, that's a challenge. Will people still easily come if
they're not free to go in and out back to the hacklabs or so? That's
my concern.

Also, how to organize the fact that participants are supposed to bring
some stuff with them, which the "C&W staff" (made of those people I
can gather in the days before) arrange together?

The C&W has always been something suppsoed to be informal and closely
related to the "hacklab life" so that people can choose to "just pop
up" for some time, then move, then eventually come back, etc.

So, my experience with it has early always been "a place not far from
the HL". The only time it's been a different place was DC10, in
another building of the Columbia university.

So I kind of fear the fact of the location being really a different
place. Are there other options closer to the HL place?

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Going to Nicaragua from Europe: avoid Iberia

2012-04-20 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Piotr Ożarowski (

> there's a flight on from FRA to MGA (outband: 2012-07-05,
> return: 2012-07-14) for 978 EUR, the one from Berlin is for 1158 EUR

Jump on it, this is a *very good* price. Is that with a connection?

(I already booked my own flights but that may definitely interest a
few Germancontributors and I've been told there are a few people from
Germany in Debian.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Tipps for traveling through USA with a braille display?

2012-04-20 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Jimmy Kaplowitz (

> Sam Hartman has crossed the US border enough times and may have more directly
> relevant first-hand experiences to share.

However, Sam doesn't really use any specific device, contrary to
Mario, so maybe he had never been into potential trouble with this.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-team] are you going from paris to debcamp?

2012-04-16 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Holger Levsen (
> Hi,
> the video team is looking for trustworthy + friendly people who'll be going 
> to 
> DebCamp from Paris, to carry some video gear for us to Managua and back. 
> Please contact me if you qualify :-)

/me raises hand quietly. I would however be only a last option, as
my luggage will include stuff for DebConf plus stuff for two weeks
holidaysand also cheese..:-)

(please note that I'll be travelling through USA if that's something
that can be a problem)

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Going to Nicaragua from Europe: avoid Iberia

2012-04-06 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Jimmy Kaplowitz (

> The discount is available for most SkyTeam airlines, and it's their SkyTeam
> Global Meetings program. It applies to travel to and from the Managua airport
> (MGA) for the purpose of attending DebConf12 from June 27 to July 20. Here's
> the text provided by SkyTeam about it:


Do you think that the event period of time could be extended? As a
matter of fact, I personnally plan to travel from July 2nd up to July
31st and, it, of course, makes impossible to get the specific travel
fare as this extends outside the event time.

Of course, I would understand if this cannot be done and would like to
thank you for the work done to get this offer.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Going to Nicaragua from Europe: avoid Iberia

2012-04-05 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Jimmy Kaplowitz (

> "The airlines of SkyTeam, Official Alliance Network for our event, offer
> attractive airfares for participants.

Yay, these are the most convenient for me, from what I've found up to

Please note that, for Europeans, most combinations involving SkyTeam
for going to Nicaragua will involve a connection in USA (and thus an
Air France, Delta, KLM or Alitalia flight to USA). Often Atlanta
or Houston. This is the consequence of Delta having direct flights to

Contrary to appearances, connections involving flights to Mexico are
not so convenient, because of the apparent lack of direct SkyTeam
flights from Mexico to Managua.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] O/T Re: Debconf13 in Vaumarcus, Switzerland bid

2011-12-28 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Martin Bagge / brother (

> Municipality of Kiruna in north of Sweden houses about 1800 persons and


It is interesting to see where a geek discussion can go in just a few

So, to bring this back on topic: great work by the Swiss team. Even
though I already fear a Debconf in such a cheese-challenged country, I
think that could still be a fairly decent Debconf.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] debian-bus 2.0 ACCEPTED

2011-07-31 Thread Christian PERRIER
This release was nearly as smooth as the 1.0 release. However, our
last release critical bug was slightly harder to hunt and we are sorry
to admit that we released with a 3 minute delay (we do not hide
problems), so at 11:03.

The final shipping for the "airport" suite was done at 15:30, because
of an unexpected waiting time at $BORDER combined with $TOLL
(apparently half of Europe is travelling today, including Turkey).

We are awaiting for news from the "train" suite.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Passing through Zagreb on your way back on Sunday?

2011-07-31 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Dobrica Pavlinusic (
> On Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 02:16:56AM +0200, Dobrica Pavlinusic wrote:
> > If you need assistence in Zagreb, you can also contact us using:
> > 
> > ++385-91-5378-160 (Dobrica) or
> > ++385-98-7304-525 (Marijana)
> I made mistake writing Marijana's phone number :-( Correct one is
> ++385-99-7304-525
> sorry for confusion and please don't call wrong one too much :-)

Just in case: those who will head to ZAG train station are on their
way. Bus 2 made it first to ZAG airport as we were delayed at the
border with a quite big queue.

We're currently working on setting up a hacklab in the coffeeshop in
ZAG airport (before security).

Debconf-discuss mailing list

[Debconf-discuss] debian-bus 1.0 ACCEPTED

2011-07-30 Thread Christian PERRIER
Yes, Debian can release with a fixed schedule.

After a deep freeze that started at 05:30, debian-bus version 1.0 was
uploaded at 05:58 with no critical bugs. We expect the release to be
shipped in Zagreb at 10:00.

The freeze was completely smooth with about 90% of the RC bugs fixed
in the first minutes. The last RC bug was fixed at 05:55 (the
package name is to be kept private for security reasons).

We plan a second release (so, debian-bus version 2.0) at 11:00, with a
deep freeze starting at 10:30.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Passing through Zagreb on your way back on Sunday?

2011-07-30 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Dobrica Pavlinusic (
> First of all, thank you all for great DebConf!
> Several people expressed interest in visiting Zagreb or killing few
> hours between arriving in Zagreb and flights, so we will be waiting
> at bus station in Zagreb for following Banja Luka -> Zagreb busses:
> 08:45 -> 11:55
> 11:30 -> 14:55

Thanks a lot for organizing this. I won't be there but some people
might be interested.

However, please notice that we "ship" two special buses full of Debian
people. Bus 1 just left, at 06:00 and will go to the airport,
dropping people there and then to *the train station* (as most people
going to Center Zagreb have a train later on).

It is quite difficult to tell when this bus will arrive in Zagreb and
exactly *where* as this is not a regular bus (so not at Zagreb central
bus station). Hopefully, some people in this bus will have got your
email and may use your phone numbers to reach you.

The second bus will leave Banja Luka at 11:00 and will go first to
Zagreb train station, then to Zagreb airport. Again, we don't really
know when we'll arrive exactly. I'll be in that one but will leave at
the airport, so we can't meeet. Still, other ppl might be interested.

Again, thanks for being so welcoming. This is really appreciated by
the Debian community. I'm not sure how many people will be able to
benefit from your offer and I hope that some will.

Debconf-discuss mailing list

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