Hello world,

Andrew Shadura dijo [Thu, Jan 04, 2018 at 06:16:12PM +0100]:
> I'm not sure you understood it well. I want to be bidding, but
> unfortunately I do realise Brasil is prepared much better, and they
> have a much bigger team (mine is at the moment just myself plus a few
> people who promised to help but haven't really helped yet)


There is one thing I learnt for my whole life when I organized
DebConf6. Those that were around back then will surely back me on
this: Don't push a bid if you are not _CERTAIN_ you have a good team
with whom you can _really_ share the load.

It is not impossible to put up a DebConf mostly by yourself. But,
believe me, you don't want to do it. Do you really want to end up
with a face as mine?

A good place to hold the conferences and to have hacklabs is very
important. Good accomodation is quite important. Nice good food cannot
be overlooked. But... If you don't have a good team that shares a
vision and can work together, you won't get anywhere. Work on that
before anything else.

> and even though I probably might have managed to do it if Bratislava
> was the only bid, I don't want to pretend my bid is better at the
> moment. I still want to have DebConf in Bratislava, I just am
> realistic that it won't happen in 2019. I still want feedback so
> that I can improve my bid before the next year's bidding process so
> that we can actually host DebConf in 2020.

We should go back to Europe soon, it makes sense in so many ways. But
Brazil does indeed have a mature, strong bid. So, I hope you can do it
in 2020. Talk with people from nearby cities, even if not from your
"local" team. Talk with us (debconf-team). We will provide comments
and help along the way even if you are not a formal bid, and even if
it's mid-year.

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