Re: Preparing UTFPR for the video team

2018-08-17 Thread Kyle Robbertze
On 17/08/2018 22:42, wrote:
> On 16/08/18 23:42, Rodrigo Siqueira wrote:
>> we have the following hardware with us:
>> * Opsis
>> * minipc
>> * Splitter HDMI
>> * Cameras (borrowed from the university)
> I hope that the cameras have SDI or HDMI outputs.  Take the output from
> the Camera(s) into your PC running Voctomix.  We have used Black Magic
> capture cards.
> However you probably want to think about sound as well :-)
> The room that you are using may not need mics and a PA system for the
> speakers to be heard by the audience in the room (then again it might)
> However you *will* need microphones (and almost certainly a sound mixer)
> so that you can capture the audio from the talk for the recording (and /
> or stream).
> Take the sound mixer output and feed that into the audio input of one of
> the camera(s).  - if the room needs a PA system as well the feed a 2nd
> output from the mixing desk (foldback / fx loop if available) into the
> room PA system.
> Typically you need one microphone for each person presenting a talk -
> head worn mics tend to be the best for this because your talk speakers
> are probably not that used to being recorded.  if you give them a
> headset mic it doesn't matter which way the are facing the microphone
> always remains in the same relative position to their mouth
> Hand held mics are OK (We tend to use these for Audience questions) they
> can also be used for talks with more people than you have headset mics.
> it is important that whoever is seeking uses a microphone otherwise they
> will not be heard on the video.  Q can be hard.  Questions from the
> audience should be asked using a microphone for that purpose (but if
> they are simply shouted out from in the room then get the speaker to
> repeat the question for the benefit of the video stream / recording).
> Finally we tend to use a pair of general all purpose mics to pic up the
> ambient noise in the room (clapping, laughter and possibly the
> occasional comment shouted out if the mic is close enough).  Whist these
> are NOT essential they can be greatly beneficial if you have enough mics
> available (and a big enough mixing desk)

A good breakdown of audio equipment we use and how we lay it out can be
found on the video-team docs site [1][2]



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Re: Preparing UTFPR for the video team

2018-08-17 Thread rattusrattus
On 16/08/18 23:42, Rodrigo Siqueira wrote:

> we have the following hardware with us:
> * Opsis
> * minipc
> * Splitter HDMI
> * Cameras (borrowed from the university)

I hope that the cameras have SDI or HDMI outputs.  Take the output from
the Camera(s) into your PC running Voctomix.  We have used Black Magic
capture cards.

However you probably want to think about sound as well :-)

The room that you are using may not need mics and a PA system for the
speakers to be heard by the audience in the room (then again it might)

However you *will* need microphones (and almost certainly a sound mixer)
so that you can capture the audio from the talk for the recording (and /
or stream).

Take the sound mixer output and feed that into the audio input of one of
the camera(s).  - if the room needs a PA system as well the feed a 2nd
output from the mixing desk (foldback / fx loop if available) into the
room PA system.

Typically you need one microphone for each person presenting a talk -
head worn mics tend to be the best for this because your talk speakers
are probably not that used to being recorded.  if you give them a
headset mic it doesn't matter which way the are facing the microphone
always remains in the same relative position to their mouth

Hand held mics are OK (We tend to use these for Audience questions) they
can also be used for talks with more people than you have headset mics.

it is important that whoever is seeking uses a microphone otherwise they
will not be heard on the video.  Q can be hard.  Questions from the
audience should be asked using a microphone for that purpose (but if
they are simply shouted out from in the room then get the speaker to
repeat the question for the benefit of the video stream / recording).

Finally we tend to use a pair of general all purpose mics to pic up the
ambient noise in the room (clapping, laughter and possibly the
occasional comment shouted out if the mic is close enough).  Whist these
are NOT essential they can be greatly beneficial if you have enough mics
available (and a big enough mixing desk)

Sorry for the large reply


> We don't have the capture board yet; we will try to borrow or buy it. Do
> we need more equipment than that? Does someone have any advice on this
> first attempt?
> Finally, we want to use the opportunity to produce a small report for
> the video team about the equipment/structure in the UTFPR. In this
> sense, could anyone list all the information that we should get?
> Thanks
> Best Regards

Re: Preparing UTFPR for the video team

2018-08-17 Thread Carl Karsten
On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 12:51 PM Louis-Philippe Véronneau
> >>> * minipc
> >>> Specs?
> >>> i3 2gig of ram is acceptable. 10gig of disk per hour of recording.
> >>> pci-e slot for the capture card.
> >>
> >> In our recent tests, a 2015 i5 was not sufficient to run voctomix
> >> properly. I would highly recommend you get a machine with a recent i7 CPU.
> >
> > What tests?
> >
> > I just used a 2009 i3 to record 2 days of PyOhio.
> >
> > I have it running now with 2 gst videotestsrc/audiotestsrc which are
> > more cpu bound than reading from the BM or network card.
> >
> > core, gui, 2 sources, 2 file sync.
> > htop shows all 4 cores around 60%
> We used a 2015 i5 at DebConf18 and we had a lot of trouble.
> We had to
> reduce the preview quality a lot since we were loosing frame and were
> experiencing audio desync because of a high CPU usage.

2015 - there have been some significant performance improvements in
Voctomix.  I think this invalidates your tests.

> I think the main difference between our setups is we have a 2nd camera
> and thus 3 sources.

voctocore - 60%
voctogui - 10 processes at 5% = 50%
ffmpeg file sink 30%
each source = 20%

3 sources - no cores maxed:

juser@cnt1:~$ sudo mpstat 5 1
Linux 4.9.0-7-amd64 (cnt1) 08/17/2018 _x86_64_(4 CPU)
01:40:05 PM  CPU%usr   %nice%sys %iowait%irq   %soft
%steal  %guest  %gnice   %idle
01:40:10 PM  all   53.140.00   13.780.160.000.69   32.23
juser@cnt1:~$ uptime
 13:56:19 up 16 days, 55 min, 11 users,  load average: 5.04, 7.09, 8.67

load swings between 4 and 8 about every minute.  seems odd.

4 sources seems doable on this box - 10% idle.
5 sources ... seems to be working, but no:

Average: CPU%usr   %nice%sys %iowait%irq   %soft
%steal  %guest  %gnice   %idle
Average: all   76.480.00   21.560.050.000.95
Average:   0   80.560.00   18.440.000.000.60
Average:   1   74.100.00   23.490.000.001.20
Average:   2   72.800.00   24.800.200.001.40
Average:   3   78.310.00   19.480.000.001.00
juser@cnt1:~$ uptime
 14:45:02 up 16 days,  1:44, 11 users,  load average: 31.60, 25.00, 16.68

> From our tests the linux kernel patches for Specter (KPTI) also has a
> large impact.

I was thinking video stuff might be impacted.  current kernels are patch, right?

juser@cnt1:~$ uname -a
Linux cnt1 4.9.0-7-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.110-1 (2018-07-05) x86_64 GNU/Linux

> >>> * Cameras (borrowed from the university
> >>> What model?
> >>> they should have balanced audio in, and SDI or HDMI output.
> >>
> >> SDI is preferable to HDMI, since you'll have to use HDMI extenders if
> >> you go with HDMI.
> >
> > I use HDMI, and I don't use extenders.
> But you don't have an audience camera that is 50+ meters away from the
> mixing PC :P

Ah right.

If no one has done video before, I would start small.  1 camera, 1
Opsis, no streaming, no tally lights, no bgloop,   basically what I
did for PyOhio.  this will be about as educational as trying to run
the full stack of features.

My crystal ball predicts:
If someone can get possession of all the equipment 2 weeks before and
spend 4-8 hours setting it up with help from IRC, 80% chance of
success at the event.

If all that has to be done a day or two before, it drops to 40%.

If they try and do everything DC does...  20%.

I would much rather the crew have done an event successfully than
failed.  There are pros n cons to both, but understanding how much
work it is to achieve results is more valuable than collecting
problems that need to be fixed next time.  Because there are never
enough next times.

> --
>   ,''`.
>  : :'  : Louis-Philippe Véronneau
>  `. `'` /

Carl K

Re: Preparing UTFPR for the video team

2018-08-17 Thread Carl Karsten
On Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 7:27 PM Louis-Philippe Véronneau
> On 2018-08-16 19:30, Carl Karsten wrote:
> > * Opsis
> > This will need a small computer, really anything with usb2 and gig
> > eathernet that can run linux.
> The opsis board we gave them has a Minnowboard Turbot inside its case.
> > * minipc
> > Specs?
> > i3 2gig of ram is acceptable. 10gig of disk per hour of recording.
> > pci-e slot for the capture card.
> In our recent tests, a 2015 i5 was not sufficient to run voctomix
> properly. I would highly recommend you get a machine with a recent i7 CPU.

What tests?

I just used a 2009 i3 to record 2 days of PyOhio.

I have it running now with 2 gst videotestsrc/audiotestsrc which are
more cpu bound than reading from the BM or network card.

core, gui, 2 sources, 2 file sync.
htop shows all 4 cores around 60%

model name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2120 CPU @ 3.30GHz
load average: 6.44, 6.33, 5.84
juser@cnt2:~$ free -h
  totalusedfree  shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:   1.8G888M151M254M798M487M

juser@cnt1:~$ ps auxw --sort -pcpu
juser22156 78.9  5.4 2278132 100580 ?  Rl   00:39  27:03
/usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/voctogui
juser22047 58.4  6.4 2713532 120364 ?  Ssl  00:38  20:21
/usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/voctocore -v
juser22111 27.9  4.1 669180 76600 ?Sl   00:38   9:44
ffmpeg -nostdin -i tcp://localhost:11000 -ac 2 -channel_layout 2c -
juser22128 18.2  1.6 529620 31624 pts/2Sl+  00:38   6:21
/usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/voctomix-ingest
juser22142 17.4  1.7 529628 31672 pts/3Sl+  00:38   6:03
/usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/voctomix-ingest --port 10001
root   590  0.8  3.3 319148 61888 tty7 Ssl+ Aug01 188:39
/usr/lib/xorg/Xorg :0 -seat seat0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -n
juser  961  0.5  0.9 838392 17692 ?Ssl  Aug01 116:35 /usr/bin/conky

> > * Splitter HDMI
> > not needed.
> >
> > * Cameras (borrowed from the university
> > What model?
> > they should have balanced audio in, and SDI or HDMI output.
> SDI is preferable to HDMI, since you'll have to use HDMI extenders if
> you go with HDMI.

I use HDMI, and I don't use extenders.

> The camera should be able to do 720p.
> > You should have the talk schedule figured out a week or so in advance,
> > and put together the title and footer svg files.   you can do this
> > after the event, but it is much less likely it will get done.
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 5:42 PM Rodrigo Siqueira
> >  wrote:
> >>
> >> We don't have the capture board yet; we will try to borrow or buy it. Do
> >> we need more equipment than that? Does someone have any advice on this
> >> first attempt?
> If you buy capture cards, please try to get the same cards we have. Ours
> are Blackmagic Decklink Mini Recorder and cost around 150USD/card.
> It might also be a good idea to think about getting tally lights [1]. We
> bought serial PCI-e cards for our mixing computers and pair those with
> serial to ethernet adapters and a serial led at the end.
> In theory, the 'Hardware' section of our documentation [2] lists
> everything you need.
> [1]
> [2]
> --
>   ,''`.
>  : :'  : Louis-Philippe Véronneau
>  `. `'` /

Carl K