I just deployed updates to a small fleet of mostly-identical machines and this 
issue (pg_ scripts enter a recursive loop and consume all available memory) 
happened on just one of them. Went through the usual remove & purge and 
reinstall and the issue persisted. Turned out that I had an old Postgres 
directory in /usr/lib/postgresql (/usr/lib/postgresql/9.4-bak). Once I removed 
this and reinstalled (removed, purged, installed) all the postgresql packages, 
no problems! I was then able to recreate the cluster, reload data, everything 
works normally. Seems something in PgCommon.pm's get_versions function didn't 
like /usr/lib/postgresql/9.4-bak existing.

Maybe this helps you, Andrej.

Bryce Chidester
Calyptix Security

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