Bug#1005376: kill(1) with negative PIDs kills the current process group

2022-02-12 Thread Felix Dreissig
Package: procps
Version: 2:3.3.17-5
Severity: serious

Dear maintainer,

calling kill(1) with negative PIDs always delivers the signal to the
current process group, instead of the one with the specified PID. That
is because the binary always calls kill(2) with 0 as first argument.

This is known and has been fixed upstream:

This bug affects both Debian stable (Bullseye) and testing/unstable.


Bug#1004149: python3-pip: Build isolation breaks editable system-wide installs

2022-01-21 Thread Felix Dreissig
Package: python3-pip
Version: 20.3.4-4
Severity: normal

Dear maintainers,

consider the following minimal Python project with setuptools packaging
and a "pyproject.toml" file (see PEP 518 and [1]):

> tree myproject
|-- myproject
|   `-- __init__.py
|-- pyproject.toml
|-- setup.cfg
`-- setup.py

Performing an editable system-wide install of this (i.e. running
`pip install -e` outside a venv) results in a successful pip invocation,
but a non-importable module:

> python3
>>> import myproject
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'myproject'

Everything works fine when a venv *or* a non-editable install is used

The reason for this is that the target files end up in
"/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages", which is not part of the default
Debian Python module paths [2]:

> ls /usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages
easy-install.pth  myproject.egg-link

Having a PEP 518 package enables pip build isolation by default, which
appears to cause the issue.
One can work around it by using `pip install --no-build-isolation -e`.

In that case, the target files are created in
"/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages" instead.


[1] https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/build_meta.html

Bug#951056: Please backport Prometheus for Buster

2020-02-10 Thread Felix Dreissig
Package: prometheus
Version: 2.7.1+ds-3+b11
Severity: wishlist

Dear maintainers,

due to the rapid upstream development, the Prometheus version in Buster is 
already quite outdated.
Could you please backport the version from Bullseye?

Thanks and Regards,

Bug#810546: openssh-client: hostkey verification fails checking/matching HostKeyAlgorithm; misreports offending HostKey

2017-08-16 Thread Felix Dreissig
I can confirm this for openssh-client 1:7.4p1-10+deb9u1 on Stretch.
It also affects OpenSSH 7.4p1 on macOS, so I guess it really is an upstream

Furthermore, the ssh_config manpage says about `HostKeyAlgorithms`:

> If hostkeys are known for the destination host then this default is
> modified to prefer their algorithms.

Reading this strictly, I assume "this default" only refers to the default value
stated before and the sentence does not apply with custom `HostKeyAlgorithms`.
There appears to be no option to also get the described behavior in that case.

Best regards,

Bug#858798: Wrong debug line numbers from g++ with varargs function

2017-03-26 Thread Felix Dreissig
Package: g++
Version: 4:6.3.0-1
Severity: normal

Dear maintainers,

I observed some unexpected behavior with g++ (4:6.3.0-1) and GDB (7.12-6) on 

Please have a look at the attached source file, which is the minimal example I
could come up with to demonstrate the issue.

We compile it (I tested on AMD64 with and without `-m32`, which made no

  g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-but-set-variable 
-Wno-unused-parameter -O0 -g -o demo demo.cc

… and execute it with GDB. Now we set a breakpoint on `func()`:

  (gdb) b func
  Breakpoint 1 at 0xa63: file demo.cc, line 20.

This already seems strange, as line 20 clearly is the `return` statement of
`func()` and not its begin!
But let's see what actually is at address 0xa63:

  (gdb) disassemble func
  Dump of assembler code for function func(int, ...):
 0x0a00 <+0>:   push   %rbp
 0x0a01 <+1>:   mov%rsp,%rbp
 0x0a04 <+4>:   push   %r13
 0x0a06 <+6>:   push   %r12
 0x0a08 <+8>:   push   %rbx
 0x0a09 <+9>:   sub$0x108,%rsp
 0x0a10 <+16>:  mov%edi,-0x114(%rbp)
 0x0a16 <+22>:  mov%rsi,-0xc8(%rbp)
 0x0a1d <+29>:  mov%rdx,-0xc0(%rbp)
 0x0a24 <+36>:  mov%rcx,-0xb8(%rbp)
 0x0a2b <+43>:  mov%r8,-0xb0(%rbp)
 0x0a32 <+50>:  mov%r9,-0xa8(%rbp)
 0x0a39 <+57>:  test   %al,%al
 0x0a3b <+59>:  je 0xa63 
 0x0a3d <+61>:  movaps %xmm0,-0xa0(%rbp)
 0x0a44 <+68>:  movaps %xmm1,-0x90(%rbp)
 0x0a4b <+75>:  movaps %xmm2,-0x80(%rbp)
 0x0a4f <+79>:  movaps %xmm3,-0x70(%rbp)
 0x0a53 <+83>:  movaps %xmm4,-0x60(%rbp)
 0x0a57 <+87>:  movaps %xmm5,-0x50(%rbp)
 0x0a5b <+91>:  movaps %xmm6,-0x40(%rbp)
 0x0a5f <+95>:  movaps %xmm7,-0x30(%rbp)
 0x0a63 <+99>:  mov%rsp,%rax
 0x0a66 <+102>: mov%rax,%rbx

This clearly is not the `return` statement from line 20, but the end of the
prologue. So the breakpoint appears to be set at the right location and only
displayed wrongly.
Let's confirm:

  (gdb) r
  Starting program: /home/felix/demo

  Breakpoint 1, func (a=1) at demo.cc:20
  20return 0;
  (gdb) p $pc
  $1 = (void (*)(void)) 0x4a63 
  (gdb) s
  5 size_t arg_num = 2;
  (gdb) p $pc
  $2 = (void (*)(void)) 0x4a69 
  (gdb) s
  7 int arg_vals[arg_num];
  (gdb) finish
  Run till exit from #0  func (a=1) at demo.cc:7
  a is: 1
  main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffe348) at demo.cc:25
  Value returned is $3 = 0

If I'd have to guess, I'd say the wrong line number ended up in the debug
Note that this also happens when explicitly trying to set a breakpoint
on the `return` statement:

  (gdb) b demo.cc:20
  Breakpoint 1 at 0xa63: file demo.cc, line 20.
  (gdb) r
  Starting program: /home/felix/demo

  Breakpoint 1, func (a=1) at demo.cc:20
  20return 0;
  (gdb) s
  5 size_t arg_num = 2;
  (gdb) finish
  Run till exit from #0  func (a=1) at demo.cc:5
  a is: 1
  main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffe348) at demo.cc:25
  Value returned is $1 = 0

I have also checked the behavior on Jessie with (g++ 4:4.9.2-2,
GDB 7.7.1+dfsg-5) and everything seems alright there.
However, if I copy the binary from Strech over to Jessie, the error still
occurs, so I believe this is a bug in g++ rather than in GDB.

Best regards,

Description: Binary data

Bug#839184: zkCli.sh unusable as packaged

2016-10-07 Thread Felix Dreissig
Tags: patch


sorry, I broke this with the patch from #830222: In commit 8c69d33, I moved
the "JAVA" environment variable to the init script, as it cannot not be used
in the systemd unit file (that requires absolute executable paths).

However, other ZooKeeper tools rely on it being set in zkEnv.sh, which is
symlinked to /etc/zookeeper/conf/environment on Debian.
This not only affects zkCli.sh, but also zkCleanup.sh and zkServer.sh. Another
similar situation occurs for zkServer.sh, which relies on "$ZOOCFGDIR". Even
though that script is not used by the init files from zookeeperd, it is still
part of the zookeeper package and should probably be working as well.

I think the easiest solution is to just re-add the variables to the
environment file, the attached patch does that.

An alternative would be changing the scripts to not use "$JAVA" and
"$ZOOCFGDIR", but that would required patching the upstream files. Or remove
the symlink and use another zkEnv.sh (like the one from upstream), but I can't
comprehend the implications of that.

Best regards,

Description: Binary data

Bug#831302: Vagrant box allows root login with insecure default key

2016-07-14 Thread Felix Dreissig
On 14 Jul 2016, at 15:16, Emmanuel Kasper  wrote:
> A fix for this issue has been committed yesterday, see
> http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/cloud/debian-vm-templates.git/commit/

Whoa, that's good timing I guess.

Thanks and regards,

Bug#831302: Vagrant box allows root login with insecure default key

2016-07-14 Thread Felix Dreissig
Package: cloud.debian.org
Severity: normal
Tags: security

Dear Debian cloud maintainers,

in the "jessie64" Vagrant box (and presumably the other Vagrant boxes as
well), the insecure Vagrant default SSH key is installed as authorized key for
the root user and root login using SSH keys is permitted.

Since Vagrant 1.7, the insecure default key is not used anymore by default.
Instead, a random key is generated for the "vagrant" user on `vagrant up`. [1]
This increases security when Vagrant machines are exposed outside their host,
see [2] for the complete motivation. The Debian boxes, however, still allow
root login using the insecure default key.

From my understanding of Vagrant box creation [3], root login is not actually
required and sudo is used.
Otherwise, I'd suggest to use the temporary key for root as well (if that's
possible) or remove the insecure default key after initial provisioning.

Best regards,

[1] https://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant/pull/4707
[2] https://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant/issues/2608
[3] https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/boxes/base.html#default-user-settings

Bug#830222: systemd unit file for zookeeperd

2016-07-07 Thread Felix Dreissig
Package: zookeeperd
Version: 3.4.8-1
Severity: normal
Tags: patch

Dear maintainers,

the attached patches (in git-format-patch format) add a systemd unit file for
ZooKeeper to the zookeeperd package.

Due to the way systemd works and an issue with dh-systemd (#830208), some
changes were necessary to package files (see the individual commit messages
for details). I tried to keep them as clean and compatible as possible.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know.

Best regards,

Description: Binary data

Bug#830216: Build depends on dh-python, but it is not in Build-Depends

2016-07-07 Thread Felix Dreissig
Source: zookeeper
Version: 3.4.8-1
Severity: minor
Tags: patch

Dear maintainers,

the package build for zookeeper uses dh-python, but is not mentioned in the 
Build-Depends list of debian/control so far.
The attached patch fixes that.


Description: Binary data

Bug#830208: dh_systemd_enable and dh_installinit both install unit files

2016-07-07 Thread Felix Dreissig
Package: dh-systemd
Version: 1.36
Severity: normal

Dear dh-systemd developers,

at the moment, systemd unit files get installed by both dh_installinit and
dh_systemd_enable. There is a comment in dh_systemd_enable regarding this:

> XXX: This is duplicated in dh_installinit, which is unfortunate.  We do need
> the service files before running dh_installinit though, every other solution
> makes things much worse for all the maintainers.

However, I could not find a corresponding bug report, so I decided to open
this one. If you see no way to improve the situation, feel free to close it.

I just encountered a case where this behavior led to practical problems:

In the particular package, dh_installinit is called using `-d`, so that the
'd' suffix gets stripped from the unit file name. dh-systemd does not do that
(and also has no such option), so it installs the same file with the 'd'
suffix and both unit files end up in /lib/systemd/system.

In this case, I was able to fix the issue by switching to `--name`, which is
supported by dh_systemd_enable as well.
But the underlying issue that both programs install the same files with
potentially different configurations remains.

Best regards,

Bug#827455: cups-browsed unit file requires CUPS, but it is not a package dependency

2016-06-16 Thread Felix Dreissig
Package: cups-browsed
Version: 1.9.0-1
Severity: important

Dear maintainers,

the cups-browsed.service unit file specifies 'Requires', 'After' and 'Wants'
directives on cups.service. However, the CUPS daemon is not a dependency
of the cups-browsed package.

Including the same unit in both 'Requires' and 'Wants' is needless anyway, as
'Wants' is a "weaker version" of 'Requires':

This seems related to #812326.

Thanks and regards,

-- System Information:
Debian Release: stretch/sid
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (500, 'testing')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)

Kernel: Linux 4.6.0-1-amd64 (SMP w/4 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
Init: systemd (via /run/systemd/system)

Versions of packages cups-browsed depends on:
ii  init-system-helpers  1.34
ii  libavahi-client3 0.6.32~rc+dfsg-1
ii  libavahi-common3 0.6.32~rc+dfsg-1
ii  libavahi-glib1   0.6.32~rc+dfsg-1
ii  libc62.22-11
ii  libcups2 2.1.3-6
ii  libglib2.0-0 2.48.1-1
ii  libldap-2.4-22.4.42+dfsg-2+b2

Versions of packages cups-browsed recommends:
ii  avahi-daemon  0.6.32~rc+dfsg-1

cups-browsed suggests no packages.

-- no debconf information

Bug#758035: libapache2-mod-wsgi: WSGIDaemonProcess python-path and home fails

2015-07-06 Thread Felix Dreissig
This appears to have been fixed upstream in 4.4.1:


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Bug#672232: isc-dhcp-client: client requests (and applies) properties, though removed from the request int the config

2014-03-30 Thread Felix Dreissig
I can confirm such behaviour, but I don’t think it’s a bug:
The `request` setting really only specifies what options the client’s request 
contains. The server then replies with some arbitrary options, which may or may 
not match the requested. The client applies whatever options that response 
I verified using Wireshark that the protocol is being followed and options 
missing from the config really aren’t requested.

I don’t think „rogue DHCP server“ is part of the threat model at this point: 
The client just trusts the server and if it’s a rogue one, the network admin is 
supposed to get rid of it and in the meantime, you’re also in trouble for the 
options you actually requested.

However, there appears to be no way to just ignore certain options from the 
request: You can use `supersede`, but it only allows to force a specific value 
and not to remove the option entirely. See my Unix & Linux Stack Exchange 
question [1] on that.
I filed a feature request for that with ISC, but unfortunately, they don’t have 
a public bugtracker.


[1] http://unix.stackexchange.com/q/120009

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Bug#736548: monkeysign: Reports "key is expired, cannot sign" on non-expired key

2014-03-20 Thread Felix Dreissig
I can confirm this as well. However, in my case it looks like it’s the key I’m 
signing with (my key) which has the expired subkeys.

On 2.x, the error message looks different, but the error appears to be the same:

cannot sign: [GNUPG:] KEYEXPIRED 


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Bug#738731: build_slides fails of two reasons

2014-02-16 Thread Felix Dreissig
On 16 Feb 2014, at 03:34, Felix Dreissig  wrote:
> You should probably send stdout to '/dev/null' as well.

Gna. I meant stderr, of course.


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Bug#738731: build_slides fails of two reasons

2014-02-15 Thread Felix Dreissig
On 14 Feb 2014, at 17:13, Antoine Beaupré  wrote:
> i have added a predicate so this doesn't fail if rst2s5 is missing, can
> you try the 2.x branch again?

The approach generally works, however I still see a "rst2s5: command not found" 
error message.
It now just doesn’t emerge from the actual slides build, but from the 
has_rst2s5() check. You should probably send stdout to '/dev/null' as well.

Thanks for the quick fixes!


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Bug#738732: build_trans fails if called seperately

2014-02-12 Thread Felix Dreissig
Package: monkeysign
Version: 2.x
Severity: minor

If the build_trans() function is not called during the normal build or 
installation process, but via `setup.py build_trans`, it fails with:

> distutils.errors.DistutilsGetoptError: invalid short option 'po/': must a 
> single character or None

This is because of:

> ('po-dir', 'po/', 'directory where .po files are stored, relative to the 
> current directory’)

in ‘translation.py'. 'po/' is probably intended to be a default value here, but 
that’s not how `user_options` works.
It looks like it really should be a short option token, see 


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Bug#738731: build_slides fails of two reasons

2014-02-12 Thread Felix Dreissig
Package: monkeysign
Version: 2.x
Severity: minor

There are two minor issues with the build_slides() function, which attempts to 
build 'presentation.html' from 'presentation.rst':

1. It is always part of the build, but `rst2s5` might not always be present.
Thus it should either be removed from the standard build, or 'python-docutils' 
may be listed as a dependency on the website and not only in 'debian/control'.

2. Even if `rst2s5` is available, the command fails because ‘presentation.rst' 
is not in the top directory.
Simly changing `file=` to `doc/presentation.rst` in 'setup.cfg' unfortunately 
breaks the way the output path is determined, but that is probably easily 


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Bug#738730: build_manpage only works because of PyGTK encoding changes

2014-02-12 Thread Felix Dreissig
Package: monkeysign
Version: 2.x
Severity: normal

I wanted to build the manpage only for Monkeysign’s CLI version, so I removed 
`monkeyscan:monkeysign.gtkui:MonkeysignScanUi.parser` from ‘setup.cfg' and ran 
`setup.py build_manpage`.
That failed with:

> UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 55: 
> ordinal not in range(128)

An encoding problem didn’t make any sense to me, so I tried to track the issue 
down. Turns out it doesn’t occur when PyGTK is imported into the build process, 
either directly through 'gtkui.py' or via 'msg_exception.py'.
The explanation for this behaviour is that PyGTK sets Python’s default encoding 
to UTF-8. This is GNOME bug 132040 from back in 2004: 

So what exactly causes the above error?
It is the accent in your surname, anarcat, that causes manpage writing to fail 
with ASCII encoding ;-). The best way to fix this would in my opinion be using 
an unicode string for `author` in 'setup.py', but Disutils seem not to respect 
I used the following patch, which works:

> --- a/monkeysign/documentation.py
> +++ b/monkeysign/documentation.py
> @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class build_manpage(Command):
>  def _write_footer(self, parser):
>  ret = []
>  appname = self.distribution.get_name()
> -author = '%s <%s>' % (self.distribution.get_author(),
> +author = '%s <%s>' % (self.distribution.get_author().decode('utf-8'),
>  ret.append(('.SH AUTHORS\n.B %s\nwas written by %s.\n'
>  % (self._markup(appname), self._markup(author
> @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class build_manpage(Command):
>  path = os.path.join(self.output, parser.prog + '.1')
>  self.announce('writing man page to %s' % path, 2)
>  stream = open(path, 'w')
> -stream.write(''.join(manpage))
> +stream.write(''.join(manpage).encode('utf-8'))
>  stream.close()

It might, however, not be the most comprehensive way to deal with the issue: 
The whole process of generating manpages uses a mixture of ordinary and unicode 
strings and might need some review with respect to encoding issues.

Best regards,

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Bug#706766: arpspoof doesn't work without specifying target

2013-05-04 Thread Felix Dreissig
Package: dsniff
Version: 2.4b1+debian-22
Severity: important

If the '-t' argument is missing, arpspoof should, according to its
manpage, posion "all hosts on the LAN".
However, as of dsniff_2.4b1+debian-22, that does no longer work.
arpspoof will start just fine, but never actually send out any ARP
replies and also don't log anything to the console.

Everything works alright with dsniff_2.4b1+debian-21.1. (I'm unable to
find that version in the Debian archives, however it is available from
This might be related to #650751, which was fixed in the respective
version and concerns the target handling.


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