Bug#925561: xfce4-weather-plugin: API Outdated

2021-04-24 Thread Ian Laurie

The fix for this kindly posted by Marcel above no longer works (0.10.1-1), 
presumably because the API has shifted yet again. However this does work in 
Debian Testing (0.11.0-1 in bullseye).

Since we're less that half way through buster's life cycle, would it be 
possible to backport the fixes to buster?

Bug#959536: Synaptic does not run from XFCE desktop menu

2020-06-22 Thread Ian Laurie
Looking at an older Debian Buster install with only Xfce, it looks like 
Buster's Xfce installed a Policy Agent from the GNOME desktop and it is enabled 
by default.

On Buster's Xfce the Policy Agent is polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1.

So I would say the issue here has nothing to do with Synaptic Package Manager 
as such, but with the Xfce install that leaves out a Policy Agent.  Of course 
this means there is potentially more stuff broken than just Synaptic.

Bug#959536: Synaptic does not run from XFCE desktop menu

2020-06-22 Thread Ian Laurie
I have a system running both the Xfce and MATE GUIs.  Synaptic won't run from 
the Xfce menu but it will from MATE.

In Xfce, if I go into Settings->Session and Startup, then click on the 
"Application Autostart" tab, I see an entry:

PolicyKit Authentication Agent (PolicyKit Authentication Agent for the MATE 

If I tick this to enable it in Xfce, then log out and back in again, I can run 
Synaptic from Xfce's menus.

I have no clue if this is present in a pure Xfce installation however.

However the issue seems to be quite clearly that by default Xfce is not running 
the required Authentication Agent.

Bug#959536: Synaptic does not run from XFCE desktop menu

2020-06-21 Thread Ian Laurie

If you execute that same command at the command line that is in the /usr/share/applications/synapic.desktop file you get the following results:



bullseye$ synaptic-pkexec
 AUTHENTICATING FOR com.ubuntu.pkexec.synaptic ===
Authentication is required to run the Synaptic Package Manager
Authenticating as: Ian,,, (ian)
polkit-agent-helper-1: error response to PolicyKit daemon: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: No session for cookie
Error executing command as another user: Not authorized

This incident has been reported.