Package: aggregate
Version: 1.6-7
MD5: f997a857d65d21bbf877320588a8a99c

When using aggregate to simplify an CIDR list, aggregate tries to understand
the submitted subnets; unfortunately it doesn't do well.

For example:
curl -s
ce=16276' | jq -r '.data.prefixes.v4.originating' | sed
'1d;$d;s/"//g;s/,//g;s/ //g' | aggregate

This fetches the ipv4 addresses from OVH and outputs them as needed to
When piping this to aggregate, well see the errors yourself...

At first i thought, i was too stupid to "sed" the list, but then i realized:
176.31.188/22 becomes
which is false.

Consider this as a bug, since 176.31.188/22 is a valid CIDR.

Using the latest Debian Jessie, bug is FIXED in Debian Stretch.

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