Bug#431923: depends on package not in repositories

2007-07-05 Thread david downie

Package: pokerth
Version: 0.4-1
Severity: serious

pokerth depends on package libboost-thread1.33.1 which is no longer in the
repositories can you please
make it depend on libboost-thread1.34.0 instead which is in.


System Information
Debian Release: unstable
Architecture: i686
Kernel:  2.6.21-2-k7

my logical illogic is more logical then others illogical logic

Bug#431801: New upstream version

2007-07-04 Thread david downie

Package: pokerth
Version: 0.4-1


There is a new upstream version 0.5 available at

It would be great if you could package it

System Information
Debian Release: unstable
Architecture:  i686
Kernel: 2.6.21-2-k7
my logical illogic is more logical then others illogical logic

Bug#418722: democracy player crashes on startup

2007-04-11 Thread david downie

Package: democracyplayer

the following was printed out when ran from terminal

/usr/bin/democracyplayer:81: DeprecationWarning: The dbus_bindings module is
dep recated and will go away soon.

dbus-python 0.80 provides only a partial emulation of the old
dbus_bindings, which was never meant to be public API.

Most uses of dbus_bindings are applications catching the exception
dbus.dbus_bindings.DBusException. You should use dbus.DBusException
instead (this is compatible with all dbus-python versions since 0.40.2).

If you need additional public API, please contact the maintainers via

 import dbus_bindings
/var/lib/python-support/python2.4/dbus_bindings.py:5: DeprecationWarning:
The db us_bindings module is deprecated and will go away soon.

dbus-python 0.80 provides only a partial emulation of the old
dbus_bindings, which was never meant to be public API.

Most uses of dbus_bindings are applications catching the exception
dbus.dbus_bindings.DBusException. You should use dbus.DBusException
instead (this is compatible with all dbus-python versions since 0.40.2).

If you need additional public API, please contact the maintainers via

 from dbus.dbus_bindings import *
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/usr/bin/democracyplayer", line 89, in ?
 File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.4/democracy/onetime.py", line 105,
in __ init__
   bus_name = BusNameFlags('org.participatoryculture.dtv.onetime', bus=bus,
fla gs=dbus.dbus_bindings.NAME_FLAG_DO_NOT_QUEUE)
 File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.4/democracy/onetime.py", line 53, in
__n ew__
   retval = dbus.dbus_bindings.bus_request_name(bus.get_connection(), name,
fla gs=flags)
TypeError: request_name() takes no keyword arguments

System Information
Debian Release: unstable
Architecture: i386
Kernel: 2.6.18-4-k7

my logical illogic is more logical then others illogical logic