Control: tags -1 + confirmed
Control: clone -1 -2
Control: reassign -2 pd-pdstring
Control: retitle -2 pd-pdstring: pd can't find help patches

On 05/29/2017 09:46 PM, Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:
> The help patch to be opened.  It seems to have been installed in
> /usr/lib/pd/doc/5.reference/

indeed this is the problem.
the Debian package "puredata" uses /usr/lib/puredata/doc/5.reference/,
rather than /usr/lib/pd/...
so the bug could arguably be in puredata (rather than pd-flite)
however, i'd rather have it fixed in the pd-libraries (so they install
everything into a single directory, following the pd-libdir standard)


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