Package: xscreensaver
Version: 6.02+dfsg1-2
Severity: normal
X-Debbugs-Cc: none, Francesco Potortì <>

After a reboot, Xscreensaver does not power off the screen as it used
to, even if no change was done to the configuration.

This is an always-running box, so after reboot presumably Xscreensaver,
the kernel and libraries had different running versions.

For the sake of logging, I have set timeouts to small numbers.  Here are
the configuration file and the log.  In the log you see that, after
3 minutes from start, the screen fades out and a screen saver is
started.  After 4' from start the screen should have gone to sleep,
and after 5' from start it should have shut down, but none of this
happened and instead, after 6' from start anohter screen saver was
selected and started.

================ start of ~/.xscreensaver 
# XScreenSaver Preferences File
# Written by xscreensaver-demo 6.02 for pot on Mon Mar 21 13:56:12 2022.

timeout:        0:03:00
cycle:          0:03:00
lock:           False
lockTimeout:    0:00:00
passwdTimeout:  0:00:30
visualID:       default
installColormap:    True
verbose:        False
splash:         True
splashDuration: 0:00:05
demoCommand:    xscreensaver-demo
nice:           10
fade:           True
unfade:         False
fadeSeconds:    0:00:09
font:           *-medium-r-*-140-*-m-*
dpmsEnabled:    True
dpmsQuickOff:   False
dpmsStandby:    0:03:00
dpmsSuspend:    0:04:00
dpmsOff:        0:05:00
grabDesktopImages:  True
grabVideoFrames:    False
chooseRandomImages: True
imageDirectory: /home/pot/Pictures/foto

mode:           random
selected:       -1

textMode:       url
textLiteral:    XScreenSaver
textProgram:    fortune
dialogTheme:    default

programs:                                                                     \
-                               maze -root                                  \n\
- GL:                           superquadrics -root                         \n\
                                attraction -root                            \n\
                                blitspin -root                              \n\
                                greynetic -root                             \n\
                                helix -root                                 \n\
                                hopalong -root                              \n\
                                imsmap -root                                \n\
-                               noseguy -root                               \n\
-                               pyro -root                                  \n\
                                qix -root                                   \n\
-                               rocks -root                                 \n\
                                rorschach -root                             \n\
                                decayscreen -root                           \n\
                                flame -root                                 \n\
                                halo -root                                  \n\
                                slidescreen -root                           \n\
                                pedal -root                                 \n\
                                bouboule -root                              \n\
                                braid -root                                 \n\
                                coral -root                                 \n\
                                deco -root                                  \n\
                                drift -root                                 \n\
                                fadeplot -root                              \n\
                                galaxy -root                                \n\
                                goop -root                                  \n\
                                grav -root                                  \n\
                                ifs -root                                   \n\
                                unicode -root                               \n\
- GL:                           jigsaw -root                                \n\
                                julia -root                                 \n\
                                kaleidescope -root                          \n\
- GL:                           moebius -root                               \n\
                                moire -root                                 \n\
  GL:                           morph3d -root                               \n\
-                               mountain -root                              \n\
                                munch -root                                 \n\
                                penrose -root                               \n\
- GL:                           pipes -root                                 \n\
                                rd-bomb -root                               \n\
- GL:                           rubik -root                                 \n\
                                sierpinski -root                            \n\
                                slip -root                                  \n\
- GL:                           sproingies -root                            \n\
                                starfish -root                              \n\
                                strange -root                               \n\
                                swirl -root                                 \n\
-                               triangle -root                              \n\
-                               xjack -root                                 \n\
                                xlyap -root                                 \n\
- GL:                           atlantis -root                              \n\
-                               bsod -root                                  \n\
  GL:                           bubble3d -root                              \n\
- GL:                           cage -root                                  \n\
-                               crystal -root                               \n\
                                cynosure -root                              \n\
                                discrete -root                              \n\
                                distort -root                               \n\
                                epicycle -root                              \n\
                                flow -root                                  \n\
  GL:                           glplanet -root                              \n\
                                interference -root                          \n\
                                kumppa -root                                \n\
  GL:                           lament -root                                \n\
                                moire2 -root                                \n\
- GL:                           sonar -root                                 \n\
- GL:                           stairs -root                                \n\
                                truchet -root                               \n\
-                               vidwhacker -root                            \n\
-                               blaster -root                               \n\
                                bumps -root                                 \n\
                                ccurve -root                                \n\
-                               compass -root                               \n\
                                deluxe -root                                \n\
                                demon -root                                 \n\
- GL:                           extrusion -root                             \n\
-                               loop -root                                  \n\
-                               penetrate -root                             \n\
                                petri -root                                 \n\
-                               phosphor -root                              \n\
  GL:                           pulsar -root                                \n\
                                ripples -root                               \n\
                                shadebobs -root                             \n\
  GL:                           sierpinski3d -root                          \n\
                                spotlight -root                             \n\
                                squiral -root                               \n\
                                wander -root                                \n\
-                               webcollage -root                            \n\
-                               xflame -root                                \n\
                                xmatrix -root                               \n\
- GL:                           gflux -root                                 \n\
                                nerverot -root                              \n\
                                xrayswarm -root                             \n\
                                xspirograph -root                           \n\
- GL:                           circuit -root                               \n\
- GL:                           dangerball -root                            \n\
- GL:                           engine -root                                \n\
- GL:                           flipscreen3d -root                          \n\
- GL:                           gltext -root                                \n\
  GL:                           menger -root                                \n\
  GL:                           molecule -root                              \n\
                                rotzoomer -root                             \n\
-                               speedmine -root                             \n\
- GL:                           starwars -root                              \n\
  GL:                           stonerview -root                            \n\
                                vermiculate -root                           \n\
                                whirlwindwarp -root                         \n\
-                               zoom -root                                  \n\
                                anemone -root                               \n\
                                apollonian -root                            \n\
  GL:                           boxed -root                                 \n\
- GL:                           cubenetic -root                             \n\
- GL:                           endgame -root                               \n\
                                euler2d -root                               \n\
                                fluidballs -root                            \n\
  GL:                           flurry -root                                \n\
- GL:                           glblur -root                                \n\
  GL:                           glsnake -root                               \n\
                                halftone -root                              \n\
- GL:                           juggler3d -root                             \n\
- GL:                           lavalite -root                              \n\
                                polyominoes -root                           \n\
- GL:                           queens -root                                \n\
- GL:                           sballs -root                                \n\
- GL:                           spheremonics -root                          \n\
                                thornbird -root                             \n\
                                twang -root                                 \n\
- GL:                           antspotlight -root                          \n\
-                               apple2 -root                                \n\
- GL:                           atunnel -root                               \n\
-                               barcode -root                               \n\
- GL:                           blinkbox -root                              \n\
- GL:                           blocktube -root                             \n\
- GL:                           bouncingcow -root                           \n\
                                cloudlife -root                             \n\
  GL:                           cubestorm -root                             \n\
                                eruption -root                              \n\
- GL:                           flipflop -root                              \n\
- GL:                           flyingtoasters -root                        \n\
-                               fontglide -root                             \n\
- GL:                           gleidescope -root                           \n\
  GL:                           glknots -root                               \n\
  GL:                           glmatrix -root                              \n\
- GL:                           glslideshow -root                           \n\
  GL:                           hypertorus -root                            \n\
  GL:                           jigglypuff -root                            \n\
                                metaballs -root                             \n\
  GL:                           mirrorblob -root                            \n\
                                piecewise -root                             \n\
  GL:                           polytopes -root                             \n\
-                               pong -root                                  \n\
                                popsquares -root                            \n\
  GL:                           surfaces -root                              \n\
-                               xanalogtv -root                             \n\
                                abstractile -root                           \n\
                                anemotaxis -root                            \n\
- GL:                           antinspect -root                            \n\
                                fireworkx -root                             \n\
                                fuzzyflakes -root                           \n\
                                interaggregate -root                        \n\
                                intermomentary -root                        \n\
-                               memscroller -root                           \n\
  GL:                           noof -root                                  \n\
-                               pacman -root                                \n\
  GL:                           pinion -root                                \n\
  GL:                           polyhedra -root                             \n\
- GL:                           providence -root                            \n\
                                substrate -root                             \n\
                                wormhole -root                              \n\
- GL:                           antmaze -root                               \n\
- GL:                           boing -root                                 \n\
                                boxfit -root                                \n\
- GL:                           carousel -root                              \n\
                                celtic -root                                \n\
- GL:                           crackberg -root                             \n\
- GL:                           cube21 -root                                \n\
                                fiberlamp -root                             \n\
- GL:                           fliptext -root                              \n\
- GL:                           glhanoi -root                               \n\
  GL:                           tangram -root                               \n\
- GL:                           timetunnel -root                            \n\
- GL:                           glschool -root                              \n\
- GL:                           topblock -root                              \n\
  GL:                           cubicgrid -root                             \n\
                                cwaves -root                                \n\
- GL:                           gears -root                                 \n\
  GL:                           glcells -root                               \n\
  GL:                           lockward -root                              \n\
-                               m6502 -root                                 \n\
  GL:                           moebiusgears -root                          \n\
- GL:                           voronoi -root                               \n\
  GL:                           hypnowheel -root                            \n\
  GL:                           klein -root                                 \n\
-                               lcdscrub -root                              \n\
  GL:                           photopile -root                             \n\
- GL:                           skytentacles -root                          \n\
- GL:                           rubikblocks -root                           \n\
- GL:                           companioncube -root                         \n\
  GL:                           hilbert -root                               \n\
  GL:                           tronbit -root                               \n\
  GL:                           geodesic -root                              \n\
                                hexadrop -root                              \n\
  GL:                           kaleidocycle -root                          \n\
  GL:                           quasicrystal -root                          \n\
- GL:                           unknownpleasures -root                      \n\
                                binaryring -root                            \n\
  GL:                           cityflow -root                              \n\
  GL:                           geodesicgears -root                         \n\
  GL:                           projectiveplane -root                       \n\
  GL:                           romanboy -root                              \n\
                                tessellimage -root                          \n\
- GL:                           winduprobot -root                           \n\
- GL:                           splitflap -root                             \n\
- GL:                           cubestack -root                             \n\
  GL:                           cubetwist -root                             \n\
- GL:                           discoball -root                             \n\
  GL:                           dymaxionmap -root                           \n\
  GL:                           energystream -root                          \n\
  GL:                           hexstrut -root                              \n\
- GL:                           hydrostat -root                             \n\
  GL:                           raverhoop -root                             \n\
  GL:                           splodesic -root                             \n\
  GL:                           unicrud -root                               \n\
- GL:                           esper -root                                 \n\
- GL:                           vigilance -root                             \n\
  GL:                           crumbler -root                              \n\
-                               filmleader -root                            \n\
                                glitchpeg -root                             \n\
- GL:                           handsy -root                                \n\
- GL:                           maze3d -root                                \n\
- GL:                           peepers -root                               \n\
- GL:                           razzledazzle -root                          \n\
-                               vfeedback -root                             \n\
                                scooter -root                               \n\
  GL:                           deepstars -root                             \n\
  GL:                           gravitywell -root                           \n\
  GL:                           etruscanvenus -root                         \n\
  GL:                           gibson -root                                \n\
  GL:                           beats -root                                 \n\
- GL:                           covid19 -root                               \n\
- GL:                           headroom -root                              \n\
  GL:                           sphereeversion -root                        \n\
                                binaryhorizon -root                         \n\
                                marbling -root                              \n\

pointerHysteresis:  10
authWarningSlack:   20
================ end of ~/.xscreensaver 

=== start of xscreensaver-no-blank.log ======================
xscreensaver: 13:46:48: logging to "xscreensaver-no-blank.log"

        XScreenSaver 6.02, released Oct 2021 -- 5 months ago
        Copyright © 1991-2021 by Jamie Zawinski <>

xscreensaver: 13:46:48: running in process 4009038
xscreensaver: 13:46:48: XInput version 2.2
xscreensaver: 13:46:48:   device  2/3: MP: Virtual core pointer
xscreensaver: 13:46:48:   device  3/2: MK: Virtual core keyboard
xscreensaver: 13:46:48:   device  4/2: SP: Virtual core XTEST pointer
xscreensaver: 13:46:48:   device  5/3: SK: Virtual core XTEST keyboard
xscreensaver: 13:46:48:   device  6/3: SK: Power Button
xscreensaver: 13:46:48:   device  7/3: SK: Video Bus
xscreensaver: 13:46:48:   device  8/3: SK: Power Button
xscreensaver: 13:46:48:   device  9/3: SK: Sleep Button
xscreensaver: 13:46:48:   device 10/3: SK: E-Signal USB Gaming Keyboard
xscreensaver: 13:46:48:   device 11/2: SP: E-Signal USB Gaming Keyboard Mouse
xscreensaver: 13:46:48:   device 12/3: SK: E-Signal USB Gaming Keyboard System 
xscreensaver: 13:46:48:   device 13/2: SP: E-Signal USB Gaming Keyboard 
Consumer Control
xscreensaver: 13:46:48:   device 15/2: SP: MOSART Semi. Trust Wireless Mouse
xscreensaver: 13:46:48:   device 16/2: SP: Cooler Master Technology Inc. MM710 
Gaming Mouse
xscreensaver: 13:46:48:   device 17/3: SK: Cooler Master Technology Inc. MM710 
Gaming Mouse Keyboard
xscreensaver: 13:46:48:   device 18/3: SK: Cooler Master Technology Inc. MM710 
Gaming Mouse System Control
xscreensaver: 13:46:48:   device 19/3: SK: Cooler Master Technology Inc. MM710 
Gaming Mouse Consumer Control
xscreensaver: 13:46:48:   device 20/2: SP: ITE8708 CIR transceiver
xscreensaver: 13:46:48:   device 21/3: SK: E-Signal USB Gaming Keyboard 
Consumer Control
xscreensaver: 13:46:48:   device 22/3: SK: ITE8708 CIR transceiver
xscreensaver: 13:46:48:   device 14/3: SK: CameraA: CameraA
xscreensaver: 13:46:48: pid 4009039: launched xscreensaver-auth --splash 
xscreensaver: 13:46:48: pid 4009040: launched xscreensaver-systemd --verbose
xscreensaver-auth: 13:46:48: OOM: /proc/4009038/oom_score_adj: Permission denied
xscreensaver-auth: 13:46:48:   To prevent the kernel from randomly unlocking
xscreensaver-auth: 13:46:48:   your screen via the out-of-memory killer,
xscreensaver-auth: 13:46:48:   "xscreensaver-auth" must be setuid root.
xscreensaver-auth: 13:46:48: running as user "pot"
xscreensaver-systemd: 13:46:48: connected
xscreensaver-auth: 13:46:48: mouse is at 283,878 on monitor 0 1280x1024+0+0 
xscreensaver-auth: 13:46:48: theme: default
xscreensaver-auth: 13:46:48: kbd layout: English (intl., with AltGr dead keys)
xscreensaver-auth: 13:46:48: re-creating window: size changed
xscreensaver-auth: 13:46:53: splash timed out
xscreensaver: 13:46:53: pid 4009039: xscreensaver-auth exited normally
xscreensaver: 13:49:48: checking init file
xscreensaver: 13:49:48: blanking
xscreensaver: 13:49:48: grabbing keyboard on 0x759: GrabSuccess
xscreensaver: 13:49:48: grabbing mouse on 0x759... GrabSuccess
xscreensaver: 13:49:48: pid 4011170: launched xscreensaver-gfx --init --verbose
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:49:49: running on display ":0"
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:49:49: vendor is The X.Org Foundation, 12101003
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:49:49: useful extensions:
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:49:49:   Shared Memory (1.2)
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:49:49:   Double-Buffering (1.0)
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:49:49:   Power Management (1.2)
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:49:49:   GLX
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:49:49:   XF86 Video-Mode (2.2)
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:49:49:   Xinerama (1.1)
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:49:49:   Resize-and-Rotate (1.6)
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:49:49:   Composite
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:49:49:   XKeyboard
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:49:49:   XInput (2.4)
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:49:49:   libsystemd
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:49:49: selecting RANDR events
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:49:49: RANDR and Xinerama report different screen layouts
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:49:49: screens in use: 1
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:49:49:    0/0: 1280x1024+0+0 (DP-1)
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:49:49: rejected screens: 2
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:49:49:    1/0: 1280x1024+0+0 (DP-2) -- output disabled
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:49:49:    2/0: 1280x1024+0+0 (HDMI-1) -- output disabled
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:49:49: blanking
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:49:49: fading...
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:49:58: fading done
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:49:58: 0: forked "xscreensaver-gl-visual" in pid 4011273
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:49:58: 0: xscreensaver-gl-visual: GL visual is 0x21 
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:49:58: 0: forked "substrate -root" in pid 4011281 on 
window 0x8c0000a
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:49:58: 0: next cycle in 180 sec at 13:52:58
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:52:58: 0: killing pid 4011281 (substrate)
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:52:58: 0: forked "rorschach -root" in pid 4013366 on 
window 0x8c0000c
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:52:58: 0: next cycle in 180 sec at 13:55:58
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:52:58: 0: child pid 4011281 (substrate) exited normally 
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:52:58: 0: CPU used: 6.0u, 1.2s
xscreensaver: 13:53:43: X11 KeyPress  
xscreensaver: 13:53:43: checking init file
xscreensaver: 13:53:43: unblanking
xscreensaver: 13:53:43: pid 4011170: killing xscreensaver-gfx
xscreensaver: 13:53:43: ungrabbing mouse
xscreensaver: 13:53:43: ungrabbing keyboard
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:53:43: SIGTERM: unblanking
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:53:43: 0: killing pid 4013366 (rorschach)
xscreensaver-gfx: 13:53:43: SIGTERM: exiting
xscreensaver: 13:53:43: pid 4011170: xscreensaver-gfx exited with SIGTERM
xscreensaver: 13:53:48: XI RawKeyPress  
xscreensaver: 13:53:49: SIGINT received: exiting
xscreensaver: 13:53:49: pid 4009040: killing xscreensaver-systemd
=== end of xscreensaver-no-blank.log ======================

-- System Information:
Debian Release: bookworm/sid
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (990, 'testing'), (500, 'testing-proposed-updates'), (500, 
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)
Foreign Architectures: i386

Kernel: Linux 5.16.0-4-amd64 (SMP w/8 CPU threads; PREEMPT)
Locale: LANG=C.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=C.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8), LANGUAGE not set
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /usr/bin/dash
Init: systemd (via /run/systemd/system)
LSM: AppArmor: enabled

Versions of packages xscreensaver depends on:
ii  init-system-helpers  1.62
ii  libatk1.0-0          2.36.0-3
ii  libc6                2.33-7
ii  libcrypt1            1:4.4.27-1.1
ii  libglib2.0-0         2.70.4-1
ii  libgtk2.0-0          2.24.33-2
ii  libpam0g             1.4.0-11
ii  libpango-1.0-0       1.50.4+ds-1
ii  libsystemd0          250.4-1
ii  libx11-6             2:1.7.2-2+b1
ii  libxext6             2:1.3.4-1
ii  libxft2              2.3.2-2
ii  libxi6               2:1.8-1
ii  libxinerama1         2:1.1.4-3
ii  libxml2              2.9.13+dfsg-1
ii  libxrandr2           2:1.5.2-1
ii  libxt6               1:1.2.1-1
ii  libxxf86vm1          1:1.1.4-1+b2
ii  xscreensaver-data    6.02+dfsg1-2

Versions of packages xscreensaver recommends:
ii  gsfonts-x11           0.28
ii  libjpeg-turbo-progs   1:2.1.2-1
ii  perl                  5.34.0-3
ii  wamerican [wordlist]  2020.12.07-2
ii  xfonts-100dpi         1:1.0.4+nmu1.1

Versions of packages xscreensaver suggests:
ii  chromium [www-browser]   99.0.4844.74-1
ii  elinks [www-browser]     0.13.2-1+b3
ii  firefox [www-browser]    98.0-2
pn  fortune                  <none>
pn  gdm3 | kdm-gdmcompat     <none>
ii  lynx [www-browser]       2.9.0dev.10-1
pn  qcam | streamer          <none>
pn  xdaliclock               <none>
pn  xfishtank                <none>
ii  xscreensaver-data-extra  6.02+dfsg1-2
ii  xscreensaver-gl          6.02+dfsg1-2
ii  xscreensaver-gl-extra    6.02+dfsg1-2

-- no debconf information

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