Package: debhelper
Version: 13.7.1
Severity: wishlist

Dear Maintainer,

The roundcube packages ships a temporary directory which is cleaned via
cronjobs and which I'd like to define via tmpfiles.d(5) instead.
debhelper 13.7.1 adds the following snippet to the postinst script:

    # Automatically added by dh_installtmpfiles/13.7.1
    if [ "$1" = "configure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-upgrade" ] || [ "$1" = 
"abort-deconfigure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-remove" ] ; then
        # In case this system is running systemd, we need to ensure that all
        # necessary tmpfiles (if any) are created before starting.
        if [ -z "${DPKG_ROOT:-}" ] && [ -d /run/systemd/system ] ; then
                systemd-tmpfiles --create roundcube.conf >/dev/null || true
    # End automatically added section

So this is a no-op unless PID1 is systemd, which is indeed documented in

        […] Note that the "tmpfiles.d" mechanism is currently only used by 

I personally don't really mind the ‘Depends: systemd’, but this breaks
DEP-8 tests in shallow isolation levels.

It seems the snippet guard could be relaxed somewhat: systemd ≥249.3-2
provides systemd-standalone-tmpfiles which ships /bin/systemd-tmpfiles,
and with ‘Depends: systemd-standalone-tmpfiles | systemd’ I was able to
fix the autopkgtest by unconditionally calling `systemd-tmpfiles --create 
roundcube.conf >/dev/null || true`
in the postinst.

Wouldn't it make sense to replace the guard with `command -v systemd-tmpfiles`
so the command is run whenever systemd-tmpfiles(8) exists?  This appears
to work regardless of whether it's shipped by systemd or 
even when /run/systemd/system doesn't exist (such as in a minimal chroot).

Thanks for maintaining debhelper!

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