Bug#1016719: dask: test_query_with_meta fails on 32 bit arches

2022-08-06 Thread Diane Trout
On Sat, 2022-08-06 at 03:15 +0200, Drew Parsons wrote:
> Source: dask
> Version: 2022.02.0+dfsg-1
> Severity: normal
> Control: forwarded -1 https://github.com/dask/dask/issues/8620
> dask 2022.02.0 is failing two CI tests on 32 bit arches (armhf,
> i386), 
> one in test_query_with_meta, the other in test_categorize_info
> The test_query_with_meta error is reported upstream at
> https://github.com/dask/dask/issues/8620
> The test_categorize_info error was dealt with upsteam with your patch
> applied in https://github.com/dask/dask/pull/8851 which should be
> applied in the 2022.04.0 release.

Those seem reasonable things to backport, I'll try to get to it soon.

> Since we've got the pyarrow dependency getting in the way of
> upgrading
> to the more recent dask releases as noted in Bug#1013080, should we
> pull
> in the PR#8851 patch to debian/patches to fix test_categorize_info ?

I did learn someone started packaging arrow and looks like they got
somewhere, but I'm not sure how much more is needed to get it into NEW.



Bug#1016719: dask: test_query_with_meta fails on 32 bit arches

2022-08-05 Thread Drew Parsons
Source: dask
Version: 2022.02.0+dfsg-1
Severity: normal
Control: forwarded -1 https://github.com/dask/dask/issues/8620

dask 2022.02.0 is failing two CI tests on 32 bit arches (armhf, i386), 
one in test_query_with_meta, the other in test_categorize_info

The test_query_with_meta error is reported upstream at

The test_categorize_info error was dealt with upsteam with your patch
applied in https://github.com/dask/dask/pull/8851 which should be
applied in the 2022.04.0 release.

Since we've got the pyarrow dependency getting in the way of upgrading
to the more recent dask releases as noted in Bug#1013080, should we pull
in the PR#8851 patch to debian/patches to fix test_categorize_info ?

_ test_query_with_meta _

db = 'sqlite:tmp/tmp61ugakdn.'

def test_query_with_meta(db):
from sqlalchemy import sql

data = {
"name": pd.Series([], name="name", dtype="str"),
"age": pd.Series([], name="age", dtype="int"),
index = pd.Index([], name="number", dtype="int")
meta = pd.DataFrame(data, index=index)

s1 = sql.select(
[sql.column("number"), sql.column("name"), sql.column("age")]
out = read_sql_query(s1, db, npartitions=2, index_col="number", 
# Don't check dtype for windows https://github.com/dask/dask/issues/8620
>   assert_eq(out, df[["name", "age"]], check_dtype=sys.platform != "win32")

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

a =name  age
0 Alice   33
1   Bob   40
2 Chris   22
3  Dora   16
4 Edith   53
5   Francis   30
6   Garreth   20
b =name  age
0 Alice   33
1   Bob   40
2 Chris   22
3  Dora   16
4 Edith   53
5   Francis   30
6   Garreth   20
check_names = True, check_dtype = True, check_divisions = True
check_index = True, scheduler = 'sync', kwargs = {}

def assert_eq(
if check_divisions:
assert_divisions(a, scheduler=scheduler)
assert_divisions(b, scheduler=scheduler)
if hasattr(a, "divisions") and hasattr(b, "divisions"):
at = type(np.asarray(a.divisions).tolist()[0])  # numpy to 
bt = type(np.asarray(b.divisions).tolist()[0])  # scalar 
assert at == bt, (at, bt)
a = _check_dask(
a, check_names=check_names, check_dtypes=check_dtype, 
b = _check_dask(
b, check_names=check_names, check_dtypes=check_dtype, 
if hasattr(a, "to_pandas"):
a = a.to_pandas()
if hasattr(b, "to_pandas"):
b = b.to_pandas()
if isinstance(a, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)):
a = _maybe_sort(a, check_index)
b = _maybe_sort(b, check_index)
if not check_index:
a = a.reset_index(drop=True)
b = b.reset_index(drop=True)
if isinstance(a, pd.DataFrame):
>   tm.assert_frame_equal(
a, b, check_names=check_names, check_dtype=check_dtype, **kwargs
E   AssertionError: Attributes of DataFrame.iloc[:, 1] (column 
name="age") are different
E   Attribute "dtype" are different
E   [left]:  int32
E   [right]: int64

/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dask/dataframe/utils.py:562: AssertionError
_ test_categorize_info _

@pytest.mark.skipif(not PANDAS_GT_120, reason="need newer version of 
def test_categorize_info():
# assert that we can call info after categorize
# workaround for: https://github.com/pydata/pandas/issues/14368
from io import StringIO

pandas_format._put_lines = put_lines

df = pd.DataFrame(
{"x": [1, 2, 3, 4], "y": pd.Series(list("aabc")), "z": 
index=[0, 1, 2, 3],
ddf = dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions=4).categorize(["y"])

# Verbose=False
buf = StringIO()
ddf.info(buf=buf, verbose=True)
expected = (
"Int64Index: 4 entries, 0 to 3\n"
"Data columns (total 3 columns):\n"
" #   Column  Non-Null Count  Dtype\n"
"---  --  --  -\n"
" 0   x   4