Dear Colleagues,

I have done my fair share of tests regarding this, please see my remarks below.

Used system:

root@asgard ~ # more /etc/debian_version

dhcpcd & dhcpcd-gtk version

root@asgard ~ # apt show dhcpcd5
Package: dhcpcd5
Version: 9.4.1-4

root@asgard ~ # apt show dhcpcd-gtk
Package: dhcpcd-gtk
Version: 0.7.8-1

dhcpcd has been started without the chroot fix, a.k.a. with the current debian systemd unit

root@asgard ~ # systemctl revert dhcpcd.service
Removed "/etc/systemd/system/dhcpcd.service".

root@asgard ~ # systemctl daemon-reload dhcpcd.service

root@asgard ~ # systemctl restart dhcpcd.service

dhcpcd-gtk has been started from a terminal

pasja@asgard ~ % dhcpcd-gtk

(dhcpcd-gtk:16980): Gtk-WARNING **: 18:34:48.939: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:1214:18: Not using units is deprecated. Assuming 'px'.
** Message: 18:34:48.956: Connecting ...
** Message: 18:34:48.956: Status changed to down
** Message: 18:34:48.956: Status changed to opened
** Message: 18:34:48.956: Connected to dhcpcd-9.4.1
** Message: 18:34:48.956: Status changed to connected
** Message: 18:34:48.956: eno1: CARRIER
** Message: 18:34:48.956: eno1: Configured
** Message: 18:34:48.956: eno1: Configured 2001:4c4e:1e94:xxxx:yyyy:1580:cf90:77bb/64
** Message: 18:34:48.956: eno1: Configured 2001:4c4e:1e94:xxxx::yyyy/128

Looks great for me, which means that I was not able to reproduce the issue what martintxo reported.

A couple of differences are there, namely:
- Version: 9.4.1-4 vs. 9.4.1-9
- I am using wpa_supplicant differently on this machine (started from an interface specific systemd unit vs. starting from a dhcpcd hook)

Based on that I think that my chroot patch from bug #1029437 does not matter in this case :(

In order to get a better picture about this it would be great if martintxo could: - having a strace output from dhcpcd-gtk ('strace -ff -y dhcpcd-gtk' in a console, be careful this might produce a huge output!) when the issue occures so that we can see the connection attemps from dhcpcd-gtk - pinpoint the exact systemd hardening which causes this problem, a.k.a. adding the lines back one-by-one until the issue occures

Besides that when I chased through the linked issues, I have found an upstream commit which was linked to this issue ( It just missed 9.4.1 and the upstream author used the expression 'might be' which does not mean 100% resolution for me... Still it might worth a shot to compile a new version with that commit and see whether the issue occures or not.

I will try to have a second round of repro, where I reconfigure my machine to get closer to martintxo's setup and see what happens.

János Pásztor

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