Originally I've written:
“—When Libreoffice is ideling in its document selection launch (where you can 
select previously used documents from a screen) without a document being opened 
in one of its components, this issue doesn't happen at all.”

This is not true as I found out meanwhile. True is instead:
—When Libreoffice is ideling in its document selection launch (where you can 
select previously used documents from a screen) without a document being opened 
in one of its components, it happens also. But then it is enough to give the 
Libreoffice window focus by either activating, restoring or maximising it. When 
minimising it, or put it in background, immediately after it has got focus for 
a short time (a second is fine already), without any further action, the CPU 
load from soffice.bin will stay normal for some time again, without need of 
saving something (which wouldn't be possible from this window anyway).

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