Bug#1031420: Acknowledgement (libgoogle-glog-dev: CMake config doesn't work out of the box)

2023-02-16 Thread Dima Kogan
Sorry for the repeated emails. I figured out the problem and fixed it.
This is a bug introduced by usrmerge. The necessary module path was
already being set, but it was trying to find /usr/share/. by a
relative traversal from /lib/. It was expecting /usr/lib, not /lib,
so the relative path had the wrong number of ../ in it. The attached
patch fixes the issue for us: Debian can just use the correct absolute
path. Upstream would presumably need to do something else, but they can
figure it out. Thanks.

--- a/CMakeLists.txt.original	2023-02-16 16:14:41.891485974 -0800
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt	2023-02-16 16:15:57.970855143 -0800
@@ -1034,24 +1034,14 @@
 get_filename_component (_PREFIX "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" ABSOLUTE)
-# Directory containing the find modules relative to the config install
-# directory.
-  ${_PREFIX}/${_glog_CMake_INSTALLDIR}
-  ${_PREFIX}/${_glog_CMake_DATADIR}/glog-modules.cmake)
-get_filename_component (glog_REL_CMake_DATADIR ${glog_REL_CMake_MODULES}
-set (glog_FULL_CMake_DATADIR
+set (glog_FULL_CMake_DATADIR /usr/share/glog/cmake)
 configure_file (glog-modules.cmake.in
   ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/glog-modules.cmake @ONLY)
 install (CODE
-set (glog_FULL_CMake_DATADIR \"\\\${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/${glog_REL_CMake_DATADIR}\")
+set (glog_FULL_CMake_DATADIR \"/usr/share/glog/cmake\")

Bug#1031420: Acknowledgement (libgoogle-glog-dev: CMake config doesn't work out of the box)

2023-02-16 Thread Dima Kogan
I can "fix" this by adding to the top of

set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} /usr/share/glog/cmake/)

But this doesn't sound right. Maybe we should be shipping
/usr/share/glog/cmake/* someplace else?