Bug#1031745: gdb: breaks rustc gdb debuginfo tests

2023-02-22 Thread Fabian Grünbichler

I extracted one of the failing tests and the corresponding gdb commands
so that you can more easily (and quicker) reproduce the issue:


instructions are contained within as well. changing the triggering
function (multiple_arguments) to either just have the tuple as argument,
or making the signature

 fn multiple_arguments((oo, pp): (isize, isize), (qq, rr): (isize, isize)) { 

(and adapting the call accordingly) makes the problem go away.

just having multiple_arguments with the call as standalone test case
also doesn't trigger the issue.

Bug#1031745: gdb: breaks rustc gdb debuginfo tests

2023-02-21 Thread Fabian Grünbichler
Package: gdb
Version: 13.1-1
Severity: serious
Control: affects -1 src:rustc
Justification: breaks unrelated software

While preparing an update to rustc 1.65 for experimental, we noticed
that the recent gdb update in sid makes rustc FTBFS by causing 5 of its
gdb-integration test cases fail.

test [debuginfo-gdb] src/test/debuginfo/destructured-fn-argument.rs ... FAILED
test [debuginfo-gdb] src/test/debuginfo/function-arguments.rs ... FAILED
test [debuginfo-gdb] src/test/debuginfo/lexical-scope-in-stack-closure.rs ... 
test [debuginfo-gdb] src/test/debuginfo/lexical-scope-in-unique-closure.rs ... 
test [debuginfo-gdb] src/test/debuginfo/unsized.rs ... FAILED
command did not execute successfully: 
"/<>/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib" "--run-lib-path" 
"/<>/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/bin/rustc" "--src-base" 
"/<>/src/test/debuginfo" "--build-base" 
"/<>/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/test/debuginfo" "--stage-id" 
"stage2-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" "--suite" "debuginfo" "--mode" "debuginfo" 
"--target" "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" "--host" "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" 
"--llvm-filecheck" "/usr/lib/llvm-15/bin/FileCheck" "--optimize-tests" 
"--linker" "x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc" "--host-rustcflags" "-Crpath -Cdebuginfo=0  
 "--target-rustcflags" "-Crpath -Cdebuginfo=0  
 "--python" "/usr/bin/python3" "--gdb" "/usr/bin/gdb" "--skip" "src/tools/tidy" 
"--verbose" "--llvm-version" "15.0.7" "--llvm-components" "aarch64 
aarch64asmparser aarch64codegen aarch64desc aarch64disassembler aarch64info 
aarch64utils aggressiveinstcombine all all-targets amdgpu amdgpuasmparser 
amdgpucodegen amdgpudesc amdgpudisassembler amdgpuinfo amdgputargetmca 
amdgpuutils analysis arm armasmparser armcodegen armdesc armdisassembler 
arminfo armutils asmparser asmprinter avr avrasmparser avrcodegen avrdesc 
avrdisassembler avrinfo binaryformat bitreader bitstreamreader bitwriter bpf 
bpfasmparser bpfcodegen bpfdesc bpfdisassembler bpfinfo cfguard codegen core 
coroutines coverage debuginfocodeview debuginfodwarf debuginfogsym debuginfomsf 
debuginfopdb demangle dlltooldriver dwarflinker dwp engine executionengine 
extensions filecheck frontendopenacc frontendopenmp fuzzercli fuzzmutate 
globalisel hexagon hexagonasmparser hexagoncodegen hexagondesc 
hexagondisassembler hexagoninfo instcombine instrumentation interfacestub 
interpreter ipo irreader jitlink lanai lanaiasmparser lanaicodegen lanaidesc 
lanaidisassembler lanaiinfo libdriver lineeditor linker lto m68k m68kasmparser 
m68kcodegen m68kdesc m68kdisassembler m68kinfo mc mca mcdisassembler mcjit 
mcparser mips mipsasmparser mipscodegen mipsdesc mipsdisassembler mipsinfo 
mirparser msp430 msp430asmparser msp430codegen msp430desc msp430disassembler 
msp430info native nativecodegen nvptx nvptxcodegen nvptxdesc nvptxinfo 
objcarcopts objcopy object objectyaml option orcjit orcshared orctargetprocess 
passes perfjitevents powerpc powerpcasmparser powerpccodegen powerpcdesc 
powerpcdisassembler powerpcinfo profiledata remarks riscv riscvasmparser 
riscvcodegen riscvdesc riscvdisassembler riscvinfo runtimedyld scalaropts 
selectiondag sparc sparcasmparser sparccodegen sparcdesc sparcdisassembler 
sparcinfo support symbolize systemz systemzasmparser systemzcodegen systemzdesc 
systemzdisassembler systemzinfo tablegen target textapi transformutils ve 
veasmparser vecodegen vectorize vedesc vedisassembler veinfo webassembly 
webassemblyasmparser webassemblycodegen webassemblydesc webassemblydisassembler 
webassemblyinfo webassemblyutils windowsdriver windowsmanifest x86 x86asmparser 
x86codegen x86desc x86disassembler x86info x86targetmca xcore xcorecodegen 
xcoredesc xcoredisassembler xcoreinfo xray" "--system-llvm" "--cc" "" "--cxx" 
"" "--cflags" "" "--cxxflags" "" "--adb-path" "adb" "--adb-test-dir" 
"/data/tmp/work" "--android-cross-path" "" "--channel" "stable"

our rustc build uses an (arch-dependent) cut-off for the number of "allowed to
fail" tests - for amd64 it is 8, the current version of rustc in testing/sid
(1.63.0+dfsg1-2) had 2 such failing tests when it was initially built, a
rebuild with gdb from unstable causes the fail count to go to 8 - while not
failing the build itself, the errors look problematic enough to me that it
should likely be looked at more closely *before* gdb ends up in
testing/bookworm. it does also prevent us from getting through the backlog of
rustc upstream releases in experimental, since the baseline for rustc 1.65 test
failures is 4, and the 6 additional ones caused by gdb push it over the

the same tests are failing for
- rustc 1.65 (not yet uploaded, MR on salsa[0] which successfully