Bug#1037346: Lost all emails during update

2023-07-01 Thread Phil Dibowitz
OK I've updated my copy of the script to properly handle both 
underscores and spaces:


Hope that helps others!

On 7/1/23 18:32, Phil Dibowitz wrote:

Aha, I figured out the issue.

Your script does:

   ln -f ${OLDPATH//_/\\ }/\* $NEWPATH

But the substitution there is incorrect - the folders with `_` in them, 
actually have that in their file path.

On 7/1/23 15:24, Phil Dibowitz wrote:


I noticed that no emails in nested folders were recovered. Is that 

Phil Dibowitz p...@ipom.com
Open Source software and tech docsInsanity Palace of Metallica
http://www.phildev.net/   http://www.ipom.com/

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't
 matter and those who matter don't mind."
 - Dr. Seuss

Bug#1037346: Lost all emails during update

2023-07-01 Thread Phil Dibowitz

Aha, I figured out the issue.

Your script does:

  ln -f ${OLDPATH//_/\\ }/\* $NEWPATH

But the substitution there is incorrect - the folders with `_` in them, 
actually have that in their file path.

On 7/1/23 15:24, Phil Dibowitz wrote:


I noticed that no emails in nested folders were recovered. Is that 

Phil Dibowitz p...@ipom.com
Open Source software and tech docsInsanity Palace of Metallica
http://www.phildev.net/   http://www.ipom.com/

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't
 matter and those who matter don't mind."
 - Dr. Seuss

Bug#1037346: Lost all emails during update

2023-07-01 Thread Phil Dibowitz


I noticed that no emails in nested folders were recovered. Is that expected?

Phil Dibowitz p...@ipom.com
Open Source software and tech docsInsanity Palace of Metallica
http://www.phildev.net/   http://www.ipom.com/

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't
 matter and those who matter don't mind."
 - Dr. Seuss

Bug#1037346: Lost all emails during update

2023-06-14 Thread Kai Lindenberg
Dear Michael,

On Tue, 13 Jun 2023 21:43:34 +1000 Michael Stockenhuber 

> Thank you very much for this report and a possible solution. Exactly the
> same happened to me on upgrade to bookworm. Can you please elaborate how
> you did this in detail? I really would be in trouble if I lose the emails.
> I know this is a big ask but I would really appreciate your help.

Sure, I created a small quick'n'dirty helper script to automate some things 
(see below), I added the comments for this post. The script was created 
iteratively while figuring out how the recovering might work. I worked on the 
live system and relied on my backup. I did not spent any time to make the 
script fail-safe or even readable, sorry. (Be sure to backup the spool 


# the cyrus spool dir
# first argument is relative spool dir of user e.g.: $ scriptname k/user/kai
# extract user and reformat for cm command of cyadmin
# k/user/kai -> user.kai
USER=$(echo $1|cut -d/ -f 2,3|tr "/" ".")
# find all mailboxes of user and reformat for cm
MBXLIST=$(find $SPOOLDIR$1 -type d|cut -d/ -f 1-8 --complement|tr "/ " "._")
# generate a script for cyradm to create new mailboxes
for MBX in $MBXLIST; do
echo cm $USER.$MBX
done > creatembx.cyradm
echo starting shell to examine the situation
echo creatembx.cyradm created to feed cyradm \(please review\)
echo continue with exit
# start a shell to check cyradmin script and general situation
# you need to feed the cyradmin script to cyadmin with
# $ cat creatembx.cyradm | cyradm --user cyrus localhost
# generate a script to hard-link to the new location
for MBX in $MBXLIST; do
# get path of created mailbox
NEWPATH=$(/usr/lib/cyrus/bin/mbpath $USER.$MBX)
# get original path of mailbox
# link it
echo ln -f ${OLDPATH//_/\\ }/\* $NEWPATH
done | tee linkmbx.bash
echo linkmbx.bash created, please review before executing
echo manual work:
echo 1. might be too many argument, review output
echo 2. main inbox not linked, create inbox_recovered


(be sure you understand each step of the script and be sure that it fits to 
your configuration.)

You need to apply this script for all users on your systems (~20 users on my 
system). Then you should see all sub-mailboxes filled with mails.

I treated the INBOX differently because the server was already receiving new 
mail and out them into the INBOX. To avoid any interferences I created a 
mailbox inbox_recovered for each user with cyradm:

$ cyradm --user cyrus localhost
xxx.xxx> cm user.kai.inbox_recovered

and hard-linked the mails with

$ cd `mbpath user.kai.inbox_recovered`
$ ln -f /var/spool/cyrus/mail/k/user/kai/* .

(these are the commands from by bash history)

some final thoughts:
- I did all the operations as the user cyrus
- I used hard-linking to avoid copying 10s of Gigs of mails
- it fails with unusual characters because of not escaping them
- new mailbox use underscore instead of blank (did not want to escape too)

Total time for my system: 6 hours with analysis, learnings, and recovering

Feel free to ask, if anything was too unclear, of if you want to know why I 
did sth this way (sometime there might be a reason, sometimes I did not know 

Good luck

Bug#1037346: Lost all emails during update

2023-06-13 Thread Michael Stockenhuber
Dear Kai,
Thank you very much for this report and a possible solution. Exactly the
same happened to me on upgrade to bookworm. Can you please elaborate how
you did this in detail? I really would be in trouble if I lose the emails.
I know this is a big ask but I would really appreciate your help.
Best regards

PS. I may have a delay answering, I am down under.