Package: cfengine3
Version: 3.21.0-2

Dear Maintainer,

In the shipped masterfiles in cfe_internal/update/ cfengine does its own search for a python executeable in $PATH to create a symlink with its preferred interpreter. But $(sys.bindir) is excluded from the search and therefor cfengine will fail to find /usr/bin/python3 or other python interpreters residing in /usr/bin.
In turn package promises will fail as they are based on python.

The issue was reported upstream:

A patch to fix this behaviour is attached.

Best regards,
diff --git a/cfe_internal/update/ b/cfe_internal/update/
index e71532b4..bba105da 100644
--- cfe_internal/update/
+++ cfe_internal/update/
@@ -90,9 +90,7 @@ bundle agent cfe_internal_setup_python_symlink(symlink_path)
       "path" string => getenv("PATH", 1024);
-      "path_folders" slist => filter("$(sys.bindir)",
-                                     splitstring("$(path)", ":", 128),
-                                     false, true, 128);
+      "path_folders" slist => splitstring("$(path)", ":", 128);
       "abs_path_folders" -> {"CFE-2309"}

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