Package: rust-tendril
Version: 0.4.0-1
Severity: normal

Dear Maintainer,

please consider updating rust-tendril to 0.4.3. It fixes a build
problem in 0.4.0 when built with rustc 1.70.0:

error[E0793]: reference to packed field is unaligned
   --> src/
241 |                 if (*header).refcount.decrement() == 1 {
    |                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: fields of packed structs are not properly aligned, and
creating a misaligned reference is undefined behavior (even if that
reference is never dereferenced)
    = help: copy the field contents to a local variable, or replace
the reference with a raw pointer and use
`read_unaligned`/`write_unaligned` (loads and stores via `*p` must be
properly aligned even when using raw pointers)

These were in 0.4.3. Note that 0.4.3 also requires a version update
for rust-futf, and maybe others (I stopped checking at rust-futf).

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