Package: opensysusers
Version: 0.7.3-2
Severity: important
Tags: upstream

opensysusers' usage function describes `--replaces` as this:

| --replace=PATH Don't run check in the package
+---[ opensysusers ]

It is only used in a conditional:

| if [ "$#" -eq 0 ] || [ -n "${replace}" ]; then

I have no idea what the description wants to say and the
implementation doesn't seem related to it. Both ways also don't match
systemd-sysusers behavior as described in man:systemd-sysusers(8):

| --replace=PATH
| When this option is given, one or more positional arguments must be
| specified. All configuration files found in the directories listed
| in sysusers.d(5) will be read, and the configuration given on the
| command line will be handled instead of and with the same priority
| as the configuration file PATH.
+---[ man:systemd-sysusers(8) ]


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