reassign 277134 gst-plugins-base0.10
close 277134 0.10.0-1


On lun, oct 18, 2004, Brian Nelson wrote:
> Currently, gstreamer0.8-plugins depends on *every* plugin, including all
> "output" plugins.  So, if a user installs the package, they get a ton of
> stuff they most likely don't want, including esound, jackd, etc.  Most
> users aren't interested in all this junk.  Most likely, they are only
> interested in "input" plugins like -vorbis, -mad, and others.
> Please that make it possible to install all "input" plugins without
> having to install all "output" plugins as well.

 This was addressed in GStreamer 0.10 in the following ways:
 - the default audiosink is autodetected at run-time from the list of
   available audiosinks
 - all codecs, decoders, demuxers have been merged in common packages
   since these are usually always desirable
 - esound is split in a separate package, jack disappeared, alsa is
   standard (and expected to work) in all Debian kernels and is shipped
   by default, and artsd/artsc (arts) are no more

 Hence, I'm closing this bug.


Current Earth status:   NOT DESTROYED

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