> This package is not redistributable due to patented game design in Japan
> (and maybe others) and should remove from Debian. Please read the
> comments at the ITP[0] of mog from several other Debian members for more
> information.

I have read them and I still disagree to you. Youo claim it is patented,
however a search of my side on the following places didn't yield any results:

- http://www.patents.ibm.com/
- http://www.uspto.gov
- http://www.european-patent-office.org
- http://www.jpo.go.jp/

Please tell me which patents these are.

> * The title screen in "start.pcx" which includes the trademark "Konami"
> and a derived game logo.  Compare the layout and font of the words; they
> look like a near-exact match, with just a color change and an increased
> size.  Creating an original logo design, and avoiding the trademarked
> company name would solve this issue.  For reference, BTW, a quick search
> on the USPTO website indicates that there are no trademarks on the game
> name itself, only on "Konami"; on the other hand, choosing an original
> game name would avoid some extra trouble, and make it easier to claim
> the logo image is original.

No more words of Konami can be found in the package in sid. Should
there be any problems with the name of the game, I can change it, any
suggestions? Pac Man and Bomber Man clones are called what they are too,
not different names.

> * The Konami logo in konami.pcx; trademarked and copyrighted by Konami.
> This should be removed entirely, as should any and all references to
> the word "konami" in the entire work.

This was also fixed with: http://bugs.debian.org/341501

> * It is possible, given these issues, that some of the other graphics
> were not drawn from scratch, and may be modified versions of the
> original graphics.  Most look original to me, but to be certain, it
> would be a good idea to contact the original author of the graphics set.
> Any non-original graphics need to be replaced by original graphics.

I can not really check that, however I have forwarded your concerns to
upstream but haven't gotten a reply yet. Feel free to send me a more
detailed report on which graphics exactly and I can try to work out to
replace them.


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