Bug#361715: Debian bug 361715 followup

2006-06-02 Thread Raphael Manfredi
Same as Thomas.  I don't use DailySet1, but my config was heavily inspired
by that template.

Also, things ran perfectly in 2.4.x until I upgraded to 2.5.x -- the only
thing that does not seem to work now is this email in case of problems.

Also, cron,log contains nothing unusual, just (CR is mine):

May 30 21:00:01 lyon /USR/SBIN/CRON[2397]:
(backup) CMD (/usr/sbin/amcheck -mcw normal)

I have updated to the latest amanda-server in unstable.  We'll see tonight
whether it works.

Thanks for working on this issue,

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#361715: Debian bug 361715 followup

2006-06-02 Thread Thomas Krennwallner

Bdale Garbee wrote:
> First, have any of you tried the 2.5.0p2-1 amanda-server package yet?  I

Version: 1:2.5.0p2-1

> Second, are the cron entries being run as the right user, most likely
> user 'backup' if you're using a near-stock config?

Also true:
0 16 * * 0-6backup  /usr/sbin/amcheck -m DailySet1

> Third, is anyone seeing anything "interesting or unusual" in the logs
> from cron?  A 'grep -i cron /var/log/*' is worth perusing.

Nothing unusual. I just want to mention that running amcheck myself leads to
following output:

# su backup -c "/usr/sbin/amcheck  DailySet1"
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /tmp: 9156028 KB disk space available, using 9053628 KB
tape_rdlabel: tape open: /dev/nst0: Input/output error

   (expecting tape VOL-1 or a new tape)
Server check took 120.633 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

Client check: 2 hosts checked in 0.098 seconds, 0 problems found

(brought to you by Amanda 2.5.0p2)

In 2.4.x version of amcheck, I got "1 problems found" if I forgot to put
in the right tape and ran amcheck on the command line. And the server check
was considerably faster to detect a missing tape, say 30 to 40 secs.

> Fourth, you do have a 'mailto' defined in your amanda.conf if you're
> using the -m option to amcheck, right?

Yes. I attached a stripped down version of my amanda.conf.

> Thanks for reporting the problem, and in advance for your help solving
> it!

As usual, just reply if you need further information.

Best regards,

 .''`.  Obviously we do not want to leave zombies around. - W. R. Stevens
: :'  : Thomas Krennwallner 
`. `'`  1024D/67A1DA7B 9484 D99D 2E1E 4E02 5446  DAD9 FF58 4E59 67A1 DA7B
org "DailySet1"
mailto "root"
dumpuser "backup"
inparallel 4
dumporder "sssS"
taperalgo first
displayunit "k"
netusage  10 Kbps
dumpcycle 5 days
runspercycle  0
tapecycle 5 tapes
bumpsize 20 Mb
bumppercent 20
bumpdays 1
bumpmult 4
etimeout 300
dtimeout 1800
ctimeout 30
tapebufs 20
runtapes 1
tapedev "/dev/nst0"
maxdumpsize -1
tapetype SEAGATE-STD224000N
labelstr "^VOL-[0-9]$"
amrecover_do_fsf yes
amrecover_check_label yes
holdingdisk hd1 {
comment "main holding disk"
directory "/tmp"
use -100 Mb
chunksize 1Gb
autoflush no
infofile "/etc/amanda/DailySet1/curinfo"
logdir   "/etc/amanda/DailySet1"
indexdir "/etc/amanda/DailySet1/index"
define tapetype SEAGATE-STD224000N {
length 11576 mbytes
filemark 0 kbytes
speed 1077 kbytes
define tapetype QIC-60 {
comment "Archive Viper"
length 60 mbytes
filemark 100 kbytes
speed 100 kbytes
define tapetype DEC-DLT2000 {
comment "DEC Differential Digital Linear Tape 2000"
length 15000 mbytes
filemark 8 kbytes
speed 1250 kbytes
define tapetype DLT {
comment "DLT tape drives"
length 2 mbytes
filemark 2000 kbytes
speed 1536 kbytes
define tapetype SURESTORE-1200E {
comment "HP AutoLoader"
length 3900 mbytes
filemark 100 kbytes
speed 500 kbytes
define tapetype EXB-8500 {
comment "Exabyte EXB-8500 drive on decent machine"
length 4200 mbytes
filemark 48 kbytes
speed 474 kbytes
define tapetype EXB-8200 {
comment "Exabyte EXB-8200 drive on decent machine"
length 2200 mbytes
filemark 2130 kbytes
speed 240 kbytes
define tapetype HP-DAT {
comment "DAT tape drives"
length 1930 mbytes
filemark 111 kbytes
speed 468 kbytes
define tapetype DAT {
comment "DAT tape drives"
length 1000 mbytes
filemark 100 kbytes
speed 100 kbytes
define tapetype MIMSY-MEGATAPE {
comment "Megatape (Exabyte based) drive through Emulex on Vax 8600"
length 2200 mbytes
filemark 2130 kbytes
speed 170 kbytes
define dumptype global {
comment "Global definitions"
define dumptype always-full {
comment "Full dump of this filesystem always"
compress none
priority high
dumpcycle 0
define dumptype root-tar {
program "GNUTAR"
comment "root partitions dumped with tar"
compress none
exclude list "/etc/amanda/exclude.gtar"
priority low
define dumptype user-tar {
comment "user partitions dumped with tar"
priority medium
define dumptype user-tar-span {
tape_splitsize 3 Gb
comment "tape-spanning user partitions dumped with tar"
priority medium
define dumptype high-tar {
comment "partitions dumped with tar"
priority high
define dumptype comp-root-tar {
comment "Root partitions with compression"
compress client fast
define dumptype comp-user-tar {
compress client fast
define dumptype comp-user-tar-span {
compress client fast
define dumptype holding-disk {
comment "The master-host holding disk itself"
holdingdisk n

Bug#361715: Debian bug 361715 followup

2006-06-01 Thread Bdale Garbee
I have several questions for those of you seeing this problem, to try
and get to the root cause.  I don't use amcheck in cron myself, so could
use your help chasing down the problem.

First, have any of you tried the 2.5.0p2-1 amanda-server package yet?  I
don't see anything in the upstream changelog that looks promising, but
let's make sure the problem is still there in the latest bits.

Second, are the cron entries being run as the right user, most likely
user 'backup' if you're using a near-stock config?

Third, is anyone seeing anything "interesting or unusual" in the logs
from cron?  A 'grep -i cron /var/log/*' is worth perusing.

Fourth, you do have a 'mailto' defined in your amanda.conf if you're
using the -m option to amcheck, right?

Thanks for reporting the problem, and in advance for your help solving


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]